The young man was so embarrassed that he was so embarrassed.


"Anyway, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would have to die here today."

With a dry cough, the young man quickly recovered from the embarrassment and sat down on the ground to express his gratitude.

Su Chen waved his hand. "Nothing, my duty, I can only say that you are lucky. I just happened to pass by and heard the sound here, but the other two..."

He sighed.

Although he didn't see it, he heard what the two cultists said when he came, and two players had been killed.

Hearing this, the young man smiled bitterly. "Who would have thought that these guys didn't attack the night market, but took advantage of the end of the night market to attack the players who left."

As if the injury was triggered, the young man's face became paler and painful.

Seeing this, Su Chen stepped forward, squatted down and asked. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm injured, and it should be because of the talent of the guy incarnated as a venomous snake. The attack is also poisonous." The young man moved his hand covering his abdomen, revealing a black scar.

Su Chen frowned and said immediately. "Hold on for a while, I'll have someone come to take you to treatment."

After that, Su Chen took out his mobile phone, contacted Tang Wei, and quickly explained the situation here.

As for why he didn't call 120 directly, it was also because he considered that this was a toxin in the extraordinary game, and it might contain some extraordinary energy, which might not be treated in ordinary hospitals.

As an official department, the zoo must have a set of medical procedures for the injuries of members, and must have means to deal with it.

After learning about Su Chen's situation, Tang Wei confirmed the location and said that she would be there soon.

Then, Su Chen hung up the phone, signaled the young man to rest assured, and then walked to the location of the bodies of the two black-robed men.

Two streams of light entered the mark on the back of his hand, and the display box in front of him popped up immediately.

[You have obtained the player's relics. ]

[Your backpack grid increases by ten grids. ]

[Your backpack grid increases by ten grids. ]

[You randomly obtained items from the player's relics: diluted blood of the dark beast mother, a handwritten letter. ]

"Blood of the beast mother? Letter?"

Su Chen was a little surprised that the relics he got this time didn't seem to be useful.

But he still opened the backpack and checked it out.

[Diluted Dark Beast Mother Blood: A drop of diluted Dark Beast Mother's divine blood, although it has been diluted countless times and the divinity contained in it has been lost, it still has a trace of energy that allows the beast to grow and become more powerful, but it should be noted that it contains the dark and crazy will of the Beast Mother, which will pollute the living beings and turn them into the offspring of the Beast Mother...]

"Dark Beast Mother..."

Su Chen whispered, thinking of the appearance of the second-level beast that finally transformed into a humanoid monster. If nothing unexpected happens, that should be the appearance of the Beast Mother's offspring.

A drop of blood from a god, although diluted countless times, still has such terrible power, which is really terrifying.

This thing is useless to Su Chen, so he quickly moved his eyes away and looked at the letter.

Originally, he was a little curious about the content on it, but when Su Chen opened it and looked at the garbled code on the envelope, he couldn't help but frown.

Obviously, this is a letter written in unknown language. Su Chen couldn't understand it anyway. He could only give it to Tang Wei later and let her translate it. Maybe he could get some information about the actions of the Beast Mother Sect.

"It's a pity that I didn't get other good things."

Su Chen shook his head. Both relics were useless. He had to give them to Tang Wei later.

Fortunately, the backpack grid increased by 20 grids, so it was not that there was nothing to gain.

After collecting his mind, Su Chen came to the side of the young man and helped him up to go back to the roadside to prevent Tang Wei from going to the wrong place later.

During this period, Su Chen also learned the name of the young man, Qin Hai, who was transformed into a wild dog, but after several enhancements, his appearance tended to be a hound.

When he came to the roadside, Su Chen asked with a hint of curiosity. "Can I ask what your talent is?"

To be honest, because of the specialness of his talent, Su Chen was very curious about the talents of other players and wanted to see how other players' talents differed from his own.

However, Su Chen also knew that talent was a very private matter, so he explained. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm just curious."

Qin Hai smiled bitterly.

There's nothing wrong with that. My talent is enhanced sense of smell. The bonus to combat is very average, but it helps me a lot in the game. It allows me to smell the scent of some powerful beasts in advance and avoid danger. "

Hearing this, Su Chen nodded, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Enhanced sense of smell is indeed a very practical talent in the game. After all, most of the enemies in the game are wild beasts, and they can be distinguished by smell and thus avoided.

But compared with his own talent, Su Chen had to sigh at his luck.

Although his incarnation is a weak insect mantis, he has awakened a powerful talent.

Relying on his talent, he can catch up with some players who have transformed into wild beasts in just a few days, or even surpass them.


The night is getting darker.

After waiting for a while on the side of the road, a van drove over and stopped in front of the two.

The door opened, Tang Wei got out, followed by two members.

Waving her hand, Tang Wei glanced at Qin Hai's abdomen, checked it, and said. "Hello, I am from the Jiangcheng Zoo branch. My name is Tang Wei. You are indeed poisoned, or it is a natural poison. It is not easy to solve. You can only go back to the base with us, but you don't have to worry. There is no danger to your life for the time being. "

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

Qin Hai nodded and got on the van.

Then, the door closed.

Tang Wei looked at Su Chen and smiled. "Su Chen, I was right about you. The strength you showed tonight is really surprising."

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, just looking at Su Chen's record tonight, she knew how much Su Chen's strength shocked her.

Four cult members, several first-level beasts, and a contaminated second-level beast.

Ordinary players would have died long ago, let alone survived.

But Su Chen not only survived, but also solved all the enemies.

You have to know that this is when Su Chen's incarnation is an ordinary insect and he has been a player for less than a week.

Such a performance, let alone her, no matter who comes, will be shocked.

Su Chen smiled and said. "Okay, don't praise me, it will be embarrassing. But you came at the right time, I also have something to give you. "

Under Tang Wei's puzzled eyes, Su Chen took out the two relics he had just obtained.

After getting the things and just taking a look at the information, Tang Wei's face became solemn.

Seeing this, Su Chen thought about it and took out the black blood he had obtained from killing the big cat in the garbage dump.

"And this, this black blood was found in the corpse of a fierce beast in the garbage dump before. It feels similar to the blood of gods. You can also take it back for investigation and research."

Hearing this, Tang Wei nodded, took the black blood, and frowned more and more.

"You guessed right, this breath must be related to the evil god. Although I don't know which force it is, it is estimated that it is also heading for Lingxu, because Lingxu, all kinds of monsters and demons have come out. "

Su Chen had no words to comfort him, so he could only shrug and spread his hands. "Anyway, I have handed over all the things to you, and the rest is your official business. I'll leave first. "

Hearing this, Tang Wei glanced at the electric car not far away and asked with a smile. "Don't you need me to take you there?"

"Forget it, I'm just going home alone to enjoy the evening breeze."

Su Chen waved his hand without looking back.

Seeing this, Tang Wei shook her head and smiled, returned to the van, and asked her men to drive away.

Not long after, Su Chen also left here on the small electric car.

After blowing the night breeze for an hour, Su Chen finally returned home. After a day of continuous work, he also felt a little sleepy. After washing up, he hurried to sleep.

In a blink of an eye, a new day arrived.

The next day.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Su Chen woke up early, picked up his mobile phone and entered the bounty hunter app as soon as possible, and entered his own background.

When he saw the change in points, Su Chen suddenly woke up from the haze and smiled happily.

"Wuhu, the points have arrived, and you can exchange treasures!"

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