Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 201: Play big?

Shi Shangzhen's explanation sounds very reasonable, and Wen Xu can also see a little bit of Shi Shangzhen's character from this explanation. As a woman, Shi Shangzhen is indeed more courageous than many men, and moreover Chuang Jiner, no matter what the background behind her is, Shi Shangzhen is a person with ideas, and a person with a firm personality who has been striving towards her goals.

And Wen Xu also understands that at this time, Shi Shang has not been evolved into a standard politician, has not learned to pass the buck, whitewash the peace, why do you say hello, I am good, everyone is harmonious, if it is such a politician, it means No such murderous words came out.

Wen Xu also understands that Wen Xu’s family village at this time, meeting Shi Shangzhen at this time, can be said to be a mutual fulfillment, Wen Jiacun can start a shining first stroke for Shi Shangzhen’s career, and Shi Shangzhen can also give Wen Jiacun Bring about big changes.

  Riding on the back of the white cow, letting her two legs hang on the sides of the white cow's belly, Wen Nu looked at the moon above her head while thinking about Shi Shangzhen's words before dinner. Although she agrees with Shi Shangzhen's point of view in her heart, Wen Xu feels ashamed when she thinks of the look on Old Master Chi's face at that time.

   This feeling can't be dispelled with just a few words from Shi Shangzhen, and Wen Nu is not the kind of person who can be easily persuaded.

The white cow is still the same as before, walking very steadily and easily, lowering its head from time to time, picking up a handful of fresh and tender grass from the ground, chewing it slowly in its mouth, walking while eating, strong There is almost no sense of ups and downs on the big white bull's back.

In front of the white cow, after sleeping for an afternoon, the scum who was full of blood and revived again is not acting a little cheerful, but as if he has been injected with chicken blood, running like a psychosis He rushed to the front of the white bull, not for chasing anything, it seemed to be for such a sudden sprint, and then made a 180-degree sprint like two hundred and fifty degrees, and then jumped back with his mouth open and a foolish expression on his face. Arriving at Bai Niu's side, I have finished countless times along the way, maybe because I was crazy and tired, and the madness in my body was exhausted, the turning speed became slower and slower, and the sound of panting became louder and louder.

Following behind Bai Niu, trotting for a while from time to time, and leaving his mark along the road, the pillars are still as calm as at home, and rarely let Bai Niu and his master out of sight, like a loyal guard, guarding Warm the master.

And beside Dongliang, Mr. Chi's little pup is running beside his father, imitating Dongliang's movements all the time, when Dongliang pees, and when Dongliang sniffs on the ground, the little guy will pout. Holding her chubby little butt, she stretched her head vigorously, sniffing where her father had sniffed.

With the bright moon in the sky, everything in the Gourd Valley where Wenjia Village is located seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of silver frost. It should have felt a poetic and artistic conception, but because Wen Xu was in a bad mood at the moment, it was natural that he couldn't speak of emotion, so he just Let Bai Niu walk leisurely forward step by step, and there is no goal. Anyway, wherever Bai Niu goes, Wen Xu will go there.

Wen Xu felt his body leaning back involuntarily as he walked, and when he looked up, he had unknowingly walked to the reserved fields of each house in the village, which is the so-called ration field. The entire mountain has passed through several generations The reclamation of the Wen family has formed terraces like contour lines. As for why they don’t reclaim other hills like this one, it’s because this hill is an earthen hill with thick soil, while the other hills are almost all stones. Even if there is soil, if you dig deeper, you will see stones. The unique composition of the mountain has created a hill of terraced fields.

In the past, everyone’s food in Wenjia Village came from here, and it was matched with the best irrigation system in Wenjia Village, with a circle of diversion channels, which can ensure that under the action of natural forces, all the terraced fields on the entire hill can be When water is poured, this aqueduct that has been repaired by generations of Wen family ancestors is now full of wormwood and has lost its former glory.

But because these ditches and ditches were poured with rammed stones through the sweat of several generations, I don’t know how many generations of ancestors there are in Wenjia Village. Braving the scorching sun and frost, father and son brothers went into battle shirtless, relying on manpower to pull three or four A hundred catties of rammed stones, following the chant, forced to use brute force one after another to build a source of rations for the descendants of a hundred years. Perhaps too much expectation and painstaking efforts of the ancestors have been immersed here, so now most of these diversion canals are deserted, and only a few places can be seen to be dilapidated.

The soil quality of the hill is not very good, especially in a land like Jiangnan, it is not considered a top-grade field, at best, it is only a low-grade field, but with this kind of field, the ancestors of the Wen family have always lived in the valley. She has escaped several times of dynasty changes, and has not experienced the pain of family ruin and national subjugation like the outsiders. Although life is a bit difficult, she has reproduced safely and steadily until now.

Looking up at the moonlight, winding along the mountain, there are small water diversion canals that can’t be seen on both sides. When you look up a little, you can also see the canals and terraces along the mountain layer by layer. dam.

  At this moment, there is no such little thing in Wen Xu's mind in the afternoon, and his whole mood is clear. As a descendant of the Wen family, how can he not feel the slightest feeling when he suddenly sees such a scene? Compared with this, what happened this afternoon?

At this time, Wen Nu was devout, rolled off the back of the bull, squatted down on the ground, stretched out his hand and gently patted the diversion channel under his feet, although there were grass on both sides, the channel was still firm to the touch, cold and hard The body of the canal is like a stone, only at this moment can I clearly understand how many ancestors' sweat and time have been soaked here.

Stepping up slowly, Bai Niu followed his master gently, and Dong Liang followed behind Bai Niu quietly with his own children. Even the scum, who was always out of tune, seemed to feel the master's attention at this moment. The kind of endless surge contained in the tranquility and stability in the heart.

It took nearly an hour to walk step by step, and it was almost midnight before Wen Xu stood on the top of the hill, the source of the entire terraced fields, and the root of countless generations of Wenjia Village’s upper ration fields. Next to the pond.

The small pond is not big. It is estimated that the deepest part of the water is only more than two meters deep, and the widest part is about ten meters deep. But who would have thought that such a small pond has been in Wenjia Village for hundreds of years? The source of staple food has irrigated this terraced field for hundreds of years.

Wen Xu stood on the edge of the pond, staring at the pond for a long time, but Wen Xu never saw the pond full of water, and now only the elderly over 60 in the whole village have seen it, it is full, and the water flowing out The cool spring water flows silently along the diversion channel to the terraced fields.

As a member of the Wen family who has never seen its fullness, Wen Xu can't imagine what it looks like, but it doesn't prevent Wen Xu from thinking about it, and Wen Xu is not an ordinary person, he has abnormal things that ordinary people don't have. It is space! Moreover, Wen Xu also wanted to see the things grown in this ration field brought to the tables of the people of Wen's village again.

Walking to the middle of the pond, scooped out a ladle of space water from the space, and then poured it on the lowest part of the pond. After the ladle of water went down, Wen Xu felt that he should see the water staying at the bottom of the pond, but Wen Xu was surprised. Yes, I went down with a ladle of water, and the water was 'sucked' dry by the pond almost instantly.

  Out of curiosity, Wen Xu scooped up another ladle and poured it on the original place. Observe carefully, only to see that as soon as the water touched the bottom of the pond, it was as if it had been poured on a sponge. It didn't look like it had been watered at all.

After pouring a dozen or so ladles in a row, Wen Xu still didn't see any signs of the bottom of the pond being full. Now Wen Xu was a little dissatisfied. He had never seen water in space so weak, so he threw the ladle back into the space. Then I changed to a big bucket, started to get a bucket of water and poured it directly to the bottom of the pond.

   The bucket of water disappeared quickly, leaving only wet marks on warm feet!

  Wen Xu directly carried the pond with him, rolled up his sleeves, and said to himself, "Damn, I won't believe it today, so I won't be able to fill you up!"

   After speaking, Lightning drew a bucket full of water from the space, stretched out his hand and pushed the bucket of water and poured it into the pond again! There was still no water, Wen Xu immediately poured another bucket without saying a word!

After three barrels in a row, just as Wen Xu was about to pour the fourth barrel, he felt the ground shaking faintly under his feet. At this time, no matter whether it was the scum, or Bai Niu and Dongliang and his son, they all fell to the ground immediately. Dong Liang and Bai Niu couldn't stop yelling at Wen Xu, and even the scum seemed to have the heart to protect the Lord at this time, yelling at Wen Xu in a low voice, fully showing a space-trained attitude Dogs should have a sense of hierarchy.

  Wen Xu's reaction here is not as quick as that of an animal. When he was stunned, he felt the ground under his feet shake! Then followed by another flash!

   "I'm going! There's an earthquake!" Wen Xu yelled subconsciously, and then he was about to lie down on the ground.

   Who knew that after shaking it twice, the ground stopped shaking, instead there was a rumbling sound, which seemed to spread from the ground all the way to the place where I lay on my stomach.

  Speaking very slowly, but this sound came like lightning, and Wen Nu's little reaction didn't come out too quickly. In the middle, a jet of water that was as bright as a silver chain sprayed out from the bottom of the pond.

It can't be called a water column, it's like pieces of "water flakes" gushing out from the cracks at the bottom of the pond. This scene is a bit like a fountain in a city square. The height is three to four meters, and the area of ​​the bottom of the pond where the water is sprayed is not very large, about a circular area with a diameter of about 1.5 meters.

  Although the area sprayed out is small, but Wen Xu is so close, he didn't even have the time to run for Wen Xu, so the moment the fountain came out, Wen Xu was drenched in water.

   Scum, the white cows are really clever, one by one let go of their feet and ran to the edge of the pond. When they turned their heads and saw their master again, Wen Xu had already soaked in the spring water.


  Wen Xu himself is happy here, the spring water is not cool at all, not only is it not cool, but also has a little warmth, which makes Wen Xu feel very comfortable soaking in it!

   Almost in a few breaths, the spring water filled the pond, and then began to flow down the mountain along the diversion channel. The pond, which had not been seen for many years, was filled with spring water again.


   Just as Wen Xu stretched out his hand and splashed water on the scum, there was a sudden thunder in the sky!

  Wen Xu looked up, and found that the sky that was still full of moonlight just now was already covered with cloudy clouds, and it seemed that the cloudy clouds were pressing on top of his head.

  The sky is so dark that you can't see any light, and you can't even see your fingers on the ground. Even the scum, the pillars and white cows who are so far away from Wen Xu, there is only a faint shadow now.


  The thunder in the sky came one after another, almost as if it was knocking on the top of Wen Xu's head!

   I made a fork!

  Wen Xu looked at the sky above his head, wiped the spring water on his head and said to himself: "It seems that this time, buddies are playing big!"

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