Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 346: sleep well

When it was time for dinner, Wen Xu yelled at Dong Liang, and followed the two bears out of the courtyard of Mr. Chi's house. I saw a group of bears still playing the game of riding a wild boar, and they didn't feel tired after playing all morning. , all of them looked like a well-growthed clockwork, so they said loudly: "You don't want to eat at this late?"

   After speaking, regardless of whether the children were enjoying themselves or not, he said directly to Ke Ke and Niu Niu, "Let's go, this morning's entertainment time is over, I will take you home!"

  Ke Ke and Niu Niu looked at each other, and then waved to the children of Daleizi: "Let's go home for dinner, shall we ride after dinner?"

  Da Lei said: "After dinner, everyone will go to the pond to take a bath, do you want to come together?"

In the afternoon, the village usually goes to the pond to take a bath. It is better to say that the whole village plays with water than taking a bath. Of course, there are not as many people as in the beginning. Adults can’t just soak in the pond like children every day. Now There are only a dozen or so adults every day, and most of them are idlers like Wen Xu, who used to be called lazy by others.

  Of course, the children are almost indispensable to play with water once a day. They are on summer vacation now, so what would they do if they don’t play with water.

  Niu Niu immediately said: "Then we will come this afternoon!"

   After speaking, Niu Niu walked to Wen Xu's side, stretched out his hand to hold Wen Xu, raised his head and said expectantly: "Uncle Wen, shall we go swimming this afternoon?"

  Wen Xu said with a smile: "Then you go home and ask your parents, they let you come before you can come."

Ke Ke also walked to Wen Xu's side at this time, grabbed the other hand, blinked her big eyes and looked pitiful: "Uncle Wen, you told my father that you should take us this afternoon, so I will You can go swimming."

  In the morning, Wen Nu let their sheep go all morning, letting the two little guys know what they were doing, and urged Wen Nu to take them.

  Wen Xu smiled and said, "You little girl has a good plan! You are happy and happy, let me resist the grievances of your parents, there is no way! Hurry up, take the piggy and go back."

When Niu Niu and Ke Ke heard this, they immediately pursed their lips, followed behind Wen Nu silently, and walked forward without saying a word. At this time, they didn't even ride the little pig, like two It was as listless as an eggplant beaten by frost.

  The two little guys didn't speak, and Wen Xu didn't speak. At this time, Wen Xu felt that if he wanted to speak, he would obviously lose for a while. If it was his own child, Wen Xu would be released as soon as he was sure, and he could play as he likes. The conditions in Wenjia Village are unique, and there will be no danger. There is nothing to be afraid of letting the children out, but the problem now is that the two children are warm and gentle, and it is their parents who make the decisions. So Wen Xu is not going to get too involved in other people's lives.

Without saying a word, Wen Xu brought the two children to the gate of the small courtyard they bought. Seeing that the gate was still closed and could not be pushed, she thought that they were still a habit in the city. I live my own life with the door closed, and I don't communicate with my neighbors.

   "Open the door, open the door!" Wen Xu stretched out and gently knocked on the door knocker.

  After a few clicks, there was still no movement inside.

  Wen Xu was about to knock again, when suddenly he heard two children, Niu Niu and Ke Ke, knocking on the door and shouting loudly: "Dad, Mom, we are back, open the door quickly!"

   After shouting several times in a row, a hurried voice came from the yard: "Come on, come on!"

   Waiting for the door to squeak open, Wen Xu saw Zhou Lifeng's appearance, and asked with a smile, "Did you wake up just now?"

  Seeing that his eyeballs are still hanging from the corners of his eyes, his hair looks like a chicken coop, and he is still in pajamas, Wen Xin feels that asking what he said is unnecessary!

  Zhou Lifeng smiled and wiped the corners of his eyes, watching his two little devils sneak into the yard through the crack of his armpit door, and the two little wild boars followed Niu Niu and Ke Ke into the yard.

   Stretching out her feet, Wen Xu stopped Da Hua and Er Hua: "What are you two little things getting into, aren't you going home?"

   After speaking, he stretched out his feet and pulled out the two lively cubs.

"I usually have a little insomnia, and I usually sleep lightly. Under normal circumstances, I can sleep five or six hours a day. One day, if I am lucky, I may be able to sleep for about seven hours. The last time I was in Sleeping on the bed for ten or so hours without getting up, I don’t know when it will happen. Now, this is simply a luxury for me, but today’s sleep is nothing to say, eleven hours , This sleeper is like when I was in college in my twenties, once I lay down on the bed and slept with my head covered, it was so comfortable."

   Zhou Lifeng seemed very satisfied with this sleep, and Wen Xu and Wen Xu started chatting, one in the courtyard and the other outside the courtyard.

   This matter can be heard from time to time now. People are under a lot of work pressure, and there are really not one or two people who suffer from insomnia. Especially when people are middle-aged, many people have a little problem with insomnia. But I don’t know what’s going on, when we come to Wen’s Village, especially now, many insomniacs are like Zhou Lifeng, who lie on the bed and listen to the insects and birds outside the window, and fall asleep after a while, and I slept very soundly and there was not a ten or so hours that I didn't think about.

   "Then you can stay for two more days. Anyway, you are the boss, so you can give yourself a few more days off. Firstly, you can sleep more, and secondly, you can spend more time with your two children." Wen Xu followed his advice.

  Zhou Lifeng nodded immediately and said, "That's for sure. If I can still sleep so well tonight, I'm going to stay here for a week. It's a vacation."

   After finishing speaking, she said to Wen Xu politely: "Wen Xu, let's stop talking at the door, come in and sit down!"

"It's getting late, it's time to cook at home!" Wen Xu pointed at the watch on his wrist, smiled and asked, "What are you going to have for lunch? Do you cook it yourself, or go to the restaurant to order it directly. If you If you want to eat at a restaurant, you have to call them now, the restaurant here is too late, and you have to call early to order what to eat, especially if you want to eat Buddha Jumping Wall, then you have to One day in advance, there is no need to eat a lot of dishes now! These chefs are acting up!"

   "I know this. We don't have much choice when it comes to food. Home cooking is fine. Thank you for reminding me. I'll call the restaurant to order food right away," Zhou Lifeng said.

The two of them were about to end the exchange of greetings when they heard voices coming from the steps leading to the parking lot at the entrance of the courtyard. These people still had accents, not like people from Linjiang, but more like northern accents .

After a while, these people appeared in the sight of Wen Wen and Zhou Lifeng, five or six, each carrying a camera bag, carrying a tripod, wearing sunglasses and wearing a khaki hat on his head, no need to look , I knew it was the photographers from the village.

   "Are you guys here to play too?" One of the middle-aged men in their forties looked at the two of them, and greeted them with familiar smiles.

   Zhou Lifeng said: "I am, he is not, he is from this village!"

   "Oh, then your surname must be Wen?" The middle-aged man said with a smile, looked at Wen Xu and nodded, and then proudly said to his companions: "Look, I guess it's not bad!"

   "There's no need to guess? A fool can guess that this is Wenjia Village. How can a big man like him have a different surname!" The companion teased him.

   After finishing speaking, the companion looked at Wen Xu and said, "Young man, let me give you a suggestion!"

   "Tell me!" He said warmly and politely, all the guests here are guests, and it's a good thing if people want to give advice, and you can only improve if you know what you don't have enough.

The man said: "It's not a big problem. It's just that you are here. The place is good, but it's really expensive. Not only is it expensive to live, but also expensive to eat! Can you suggest some ordinary rooms? If you are so particular, it’s fine like a business hotel. The photos you took for a few days are more than five-star scenic spots for food and accommodation.”

   Wen Xu listened and asked with a smile: "Our place is no worse than a five-star scenic spot, and there are fewer people!"

"I didn't say that this place is bad. To be honest, if you talk about the natural scenery, this place is not unique, but I think it is second to none. We are engaged in photography, have been to many places, and the environment is maintained so well. , and there is such a rich bird resource, it is completely comparable to a nature reserve, but the price of this accommodation is really expensive! But having said that, we really took pictures, do you know what we took pictures today?"

  Wen Xu smiled and didn't answer, but Zhou Lifeng asked curiously: "What did you capture?"

   This man reached out and took off his backpack, took out the camera from it, put the bag at his feet, turned on the camera, and showed Zhou Lifeng the photos he had taken one by one.

   I don’t know if these photographers are self-acquainted or what, just said a few words, and they get along like old friends.

   "Is this a red-crowned crane?" Zhou Lifeng said in surprise when he saw the photo.

  Hearing the three words red-crowned cranes, Wen Xu immediately stretched his head over, and leaned over to take a look. Sure enough, the photo showed two red-crowned cranes with red crowns, flying from the lake.

   "Where was it filmed?"

  Wen Xu himself has to look for cranes every time he sees them. So far, he hasn't found any traces of red-crowned cranes. He didn't expect to be photographed by this person today.

   "We only discovered it today, and we didn't find any more besides these two. Maybe they passed by during the migration," the man said with a smile.

   "Even passing by is a great discovery, not to mention there are many rare birds here, we have photographed three kinds of cranes alone"

  Maybe for these photographers, taking pictures of these things is the greatest happiness, but for Wen Xu, the happiest thing right now is to have dinner on time.

  Seeing that Zhou Lifeng was chatting with these people as if he had beaten chicken blood, Wen Nu could only smile and say to everyone: "I'm sorry, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first!"

   "Um, uh, ok, ok!"

   It's not difficult for these people to find that Wen Xu wasn't very interested, so they didn't say anything to persuade him to stay. They just smiled at Wen Xu and continued the discussion.

Wen Xu returned to the residence, and started to get the vegetables to be eaten today out of the space, and then washed them, peeled the skins, washed them, and cooked them at home after they were done, and then carried them with them. The food box goes to the restaurant to cook by itself.

  It’s hot now, and people don’t really want to eat too oily food. Wen Xu’s cooking is simple, a tomato scrambled egg, a cucumber shredded pork, and then a brine prawn, three simple dishes. When it comes to the scum, the pillars, Dahuaerhua, etc., I scooped up some broth in the kitchen and left it for them to make a meal. They are not afraid of greasy.

   Be on time, Shi Shangzhen came back to eat, and after eating, the director wanted to leave, and completely used Wen Xu's place as a restaurant.

   "By the way, the village plans to publicize the kindergarten plan. If you have time, go and have a look and give your opinion!"

  Recalling this matter, Shi Shangzhen sat down again, turned around and took out a few pieces of paper from his carry-on bag, and handed them to Wen Xu's eyes.

   Wen Xu took a look: "This is too sloppy! Xu Daxin is really stingy, so he can't make a rendering. Who can tell whether the hand-painted things are good or not, it's not real."

"You are content. The architectural style needs to be unified. This kindergarten is almost fixed. Guan Jian, you have to look inside. Here, there are about ten children in each class. We have two floors, connected to the activity room, plus There are a lot of lounges, music rooms, and dance rooms, and we have to think about the baby boom in our village in the future. There are no three or four classrooms in each class of large, medium and small schools!..." Shi Shangzhen said.

   "Ouch, ouch!" Wen Xu said while covering her head.

  Shi Shangzhen was startled immediately, sat down and asked with concern: "What's the matter, what's the matter!" While asking, he reached out to take Wen Nu's hand away to see what happened to his forehead.

  Wen Xu said: "Headache, don't tell me about this matter, your village committee will decide it yourself, and the most important thing is to implement all the accounts and be strict."

  Shi Shangzhen looked at him, and he didn't know that he thought this matter was annoying, so he said angrily, "How lazy!"

   "By the way, don't you want to go swimming?" Wen Xu asked immediately when he saw that Shi Shang was really angry and about to leave.

   "You pig!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and went out the door.

  Wen Xu was stunned for a while, and then he wanted to understand what she meant, so he said with a smile: "Isn't it just a relative at home! As for me, I'm a pig?!"

   After packing up her things, Wen Xu carried her tire liner, put on slippers, shorts, and a vest, and walked towards the pond in the village.

   Arriving at the edge of the pond, Wen Xu found that Zhou Lifeng was already stuck on the bank like a pole. Needless to say, the two children, Ke Ke and Niu Niu, won when they saw him. Zhou Lifeng took the task and came over to watch the children play in the water.

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