Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 413: Benefits touch people's hearts

  Wen Xu stood at the door and said loudly to Wen Shijie who was going out: "Fourth brother, go slowly!"

  Wen Shijie didn't look back, he raised his hand towards Wen Xu behind him, and then walked lonely along the bricks and stones in the village to his home.

The fourth brother who has always been good-looking, because his son-in-law came to the village and lived in someone else's house instead of his own. This was a big blow to him. People of the older generation are very concerned about the reputation of their own family. , and when Li Changzheng lives outside like this, some ignorant people don’t know what to say. Of course, there must be some people who say that Li Changzheng is ignorant of etiquette, but once this person is shameless, he doesn’t care what you say Now, the only one who can be hurt now is Wen Shijie.

  Wen Xu turned back to the yard, Li Yumei asked Wen Xu, "Is this old man okay?"

   "It's not a big deal, it's just a trivial matter." Wen Wen smiled and said something to his aunt, glanced at the children's work situation, and immediately nodded approvingly.

   During the time I was talking, the little guys have already made two small baskets of jujubes. This work efficiency is really indescribable.

   "Well done everyone, I'll give you more wages later!" Wen Wen smiled and shouted at the children. Through this cry, Wen Xu seemed to want to drive out the stuffiness he heard from his body.

  As soon as they heard about the processing money, the children's enthusiasm for working immediately rose to another level, and the calves that were striding all over the yard were much happier.

Just when Wen Xu was about to say something, seeing Hang Chen slipping down from the big tree, the girl lifted up her T-shirt and wiped her face, and shouted while wiping, "I'm so hot, who will do it for me?" me!"

  As soon as Gu Fen heard this, he immediately ran over with a trot: "I'll come, I'll come!"

"Don't climb too high, just hit the date with a stick for me at the big branch, do you hear me?" Seeing that she was about to climb the tree, Wen Xu immediately said loudly, feeling that this girl is worse than her little cousin Reliable.

Just as Wen Xu was saying something, the voice of the scum appeared in the corner of his eyes. It was just a glance from the corner of the eye. Wen Xu realized that today's scum was a bit different. When he entered the yard, he didn't look like he was hanging around like before. Today As soon as I entered the yard, I was a bit sneaky, I lowered my head against the wall and went into the yard.

  Although Wen Xu felt that something was wrong in his heart, he subconsciously didn't look carefully. Anyway, he felt that the scum was quite unreliable, so he continued to look at Gu Fen.

   Who knew that Gu Fen was standing in a position where he could see the scum seriously, pointed at the scum and said, "Look, there is something in the scum's mouth!"

After hearing this, Wen Xu turned her head, and immediately saw the scum standing at the foot of the east wall, looking up at the crowd in the yard cautiously. She spread her feet and was about to flee the front yard, whining while running.

In this little time, Wen Xu understood that there was a **** pack dangling from the scum's mouth, which was a normal **** pack, but the color was quite eye-catching, with lemon yellow skirt and mint green color, I don't know if it was a **** pack. Whichever collocation, this kind of aesthetics has exploded.

   Not only Wen Xu, everyone in the yard saw the bag in the scum's mouth, even Li Yumei opened his mouth and said, "The dog has a bag in its mouth!"

   "Scum!" The curious baby Hang Chen immediately chased after the scum's ass, and waved at the scum while chasing: "Oh, darling, quickly put down the bag and let me see it!"

   Seeing that the scum ignored him and just kept running around, Hang Chen said again: "Don't be stingy!"

As soon as Hang Chen made a move, Gu Fen stopped climbing the tree, threw away the bamboo pole in his hand, and surrounded the scum with his own "big sister head", and the remaining three joined in after seeing it , even Wen Shengnan bowed his waist, spread his hands and followed the scum from time to time, saying don't run away.

Wen Xu looked at the scum running around in the yard, and the little cousin who was following him. A few black lines hung on their foreheads. Based on their speed and agility, they thought Catch the scum in the yard, and there's a few-word answer: wishful thinking!

Although the scum is a bit of a dick, he is always bullied by other dogs, but his running skills on four legs are practiced superbly. Let alone human beings, none of the dogs in the whole village can catch up to him except Dongliang. of.

  Of course, when Dongliang is mentioned, the main point of the matter comes!


  Wen Xu yelled at Dongliang who was lying in the corner of the wall under the shade of a tree, and then pointed at the scum: "Bring me the bag!"

  Dongliang saw Wen Xu pointing at the scum, and immediately jumped over, chasing the scum's tail and uttering a warning sound.

The scum can be regarded as sensible. Seeing Dong Liang chasing him, he was about to bite his own tail. He immediately threw the bag in his mouth to his feet, jumped aside, and then pointed at Dong Liang who was standing in front of the bag. He groaned twice as if aggrieved.

  Hang Chen and his group of girls hadn't caught up yet, seeing that the bag had already reached Dongliang's mouth, they were driven by curiosity to surround Dongliang again.

   "Hey, show the bag to my sister!" Hang Chen looks like a wolf grandmother outside the door.

  How does Dongliang recognize her? Even if Dongliang has three masters in his heart, it may not be Hang Chen's turn. Not to mention Shi Shangzhen, even Mr. Chi and his wife are lined up in front of her. So Dongliang's figure flickered like this, he got out of the surrounding of a few girls and ran to Wen Xu's feet, and put the bag down.

  Wen Xu squatted down, reached out and touched Dong Liang's head as a reward, and then picked up the bag on the ground.

  After opening the bag, Wen Xin found that it was a box inside, and it was still transparent. It contained several rows of needle-like things, but the tail still had gorgeous tail hair.

Wen Nuan recognized this thing, it was an anesthetic, and it was an anesthetic for an anesthesia gun, and the thing in his hand was packaged, and the packaging was all in foreign languages, which looked like European characters, but Wen Nuan didn't recognize it, This thing can be seen at a glance that it is not made in China.

   Hang Chen walked over with his head outstretched, surrounded Wen Xu and asked, "What is it?"

   "Narcotic" Wen Xu said something, then stood up and waved the bag in Li Yumei's hand: "I'll go to the village committee and give this thing to them, we probably have poachers again in our village."

   "Oh, then go quickly," Li Yumei said.

  Da Lei on the tree stretched his head and shouted at Wen Xu: "Uncle, what is it?"



  Wen Xu changed the phrase: "Bullets from an anesthesia gun!"

   "Ah!" Da Lei's face changed when he heard it: "I have to go home quickly, don't steal the dog!" He slid down the tree while talking.

  Wen Xu said: "Dog stealers? Your dogs are too expensive, and dog thieves in the countryside can't use them!" Wen Xu shook the bag in his hand as he spoke.

  The one who stole the dog is capable, using imported anesthetics, and even using an anesthesia gun! A few dog thieves are willing to pay such a big investment, maybe the dogs sold are not worth the price of this box of anesthetics.

The children in the yard, big and small, heard that they were stealing dogs, and immediately put down their small baskets and started running home. The children took their own dogs very seriously, because to them, a dog is not just a dog. Still a playmate.

Wen Xu saw that Niu Niu and Ke Ke also threw off their calves and ran towards the gate of the yard, followed by two little wild boars who hadn't swallowed all the jujubes in their mouths, so he asked: " What are you two doing running back? Do you have a dog at home too?"

  Wen Xu's question immediately stopped the two idiots. The brothers and sisters looked at me and I looked at you, and then shook their heads at Wen Xu: "No!"

   "If you don't have one, don't go!" After Wen Xu finished speaking, she took the bag out of the yard and walked towards the village committee.

  Out of the door, Wen Xu walked less than a hundred meters, crossed the small bridge and walked not far, and met Mr. Chi head-on.

  Mr. Chi first saw a group of children running around, and then saw Wen Xu head-on, so he asked strangely, "What are you doing in the morning? Like a swarm?"

   "The scum didn't know where he picked it up!" Wen Xu waved the bag in his hand to Mr. Chi.


   "It looks like an anesthetic to me, and the packaging is all in foreign languages, and I don't know where it is made in China." Wen Wen said and handed the bag to the old man.

Bao Wenxu didn't close it either, the old man took the box and looked at it carefully, then frowned and said: "This is an anesthetic, and it's quite advanced, one injection of this thing would make an Asian elephant faint! "

"not good!"

   Wen Xu heard the old man's bad voice, and immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

  Old Master Chi pointed his finger at the box, and immediately said, "What do you think we can use in this forest?"

Think about the size of the elephant, and think again that Lao Linzi has never heard of elephants, and there is no news about Asian elephants in China except Yunnan. of. Then here comes the problem, counting down from the elephant, there are only two things, the **** leopard created by Wen Xu, and the South China tiger, whose name has only been heard but never seen.

   After careful consideration, it is estimated that the **** leopard is the most suitable. The South China tiger has a reference, and it seems that such a large dose is not needed to catch them. The most reasonable explanation is that these people came here for the **** leopard.

   "Are you all crazy?" Wen Xu said with a bitter face.

Mr. Chi sighed: "You are not in the business of animals and plants. If you are in this business, you will know how rampant the underground black market is. There are always buyers for things like tiger skins, tiger bones, and ivory. The wealthy people prefer specimens of this kind of beast, and the price of this thing has always been high on the black market. Therefore, for some people, this business will not open for three years, but it will be eaten for three years after opening! A piece of forest is about to form an indissoluble bond with poachers, to be clear, the benefits are still touching!"

Wen Xu thought for a while, and felt that he could understand it. If there were not too many black leopards in the space, Wen Xu felt that he would also want to own a wild animal specimen like a **** leopard. It's also majestic, otherwise why so many mature male lions are hunted and killed by humans every year, isn't it because of their mighty looks.

   "Okay, stop talking, I have to hand this over to the village committee as soon as possible, and let them respond to the county forestry bureau and the police," Wen Wen said.

  Old Master Chi said: "Those who can use this thing are either rich or experienced. Forget it, I'll go with you."

  The two came to the village committee, told the matter like this, and handed things over to Shi Shangzhen, Shi Shangzhen immediately dialed the phone.

   "These people!" Shi Shangzhen put down the phone with a snap.

   "What did the Forest Service say?"

   "What else can they say? I know it!" Mr. Chi wrinkled his nose: "A cup of tea, a cigarette, and a newspaper for half a day, too many people!"

"Is this brought by the scum? That is to say, these poachers probably came into the old forest from our village. Even if they didn't come from our village, it probably has something to do with it. Let's go, let's take the bag Ask around to see if anyone has seen this bag." Shi Shangzhen looked at the bag on his desk, thought carefully and said.

  Mr. Chi and Wen Xu immediately nodded in agreement when they heard this, "Yes, yes!"

  The three of them left the house, went to the B&B and asked the waiter to see who had seen this bag.

   It was a coincidence that the three of them had just asked two or three people, when Shen Qi, who was coming towards her, recognized the **** pack in Wen Xu's hand.

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