Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 430: Standing in line is so confusing.

  Li Yumei was cleaning up the dishes on the table, when she saw Wen Xu coming to help, she immediately reached out and patted Wen Xu on the shoulder: "Why are you so dull, kid!"

   "What's the matter?" Wen Xu was a little puzzled by his aunt's training, and asked with a puzzled expression.

  Li Yumei immediately woke up Wen Xu with a loud voice: "It's obvious that Shang Zhen is in a bad mood, and you don't ask for concern!"

   "I asked, and she said it's all right!" Wen Xu said.

   "Okay, okay, you go, you're stupid! Others say it's okay, it's okay, just a girlfriend like you who doesn't know how to find it" Li Yumei snatched the bowl from Wen Xu's hand and said.

  Wen Xu thought for a while, and decided to listen to her aunt: "Then I'm going!"

   Seeing Li Yumei nod her head slightly, Wen Xu took off her apron and went out. As soon as I arrived in the yard, I saw a few girls moving their barbecue stalls outside the yard.

   "What kind of demons are you doing?" Wen Xu asked curiously.

Holding a basket of charcoal in his hands, Gu Fen looked as if he had fished it out of a mine, and replied: "Our eldest sister said that these children can only eat and don't give opinions, so we put the charcoal on the table. Go to the village at the entrance of the village, so that you can invite passing customers to taste it, and then give some suggestions, and by the way, accompany some basic customers, and strive for more repeat customers when it opens."

  Wen Xu nodded and said, "Well, the idea is pretty good!"

  He said this in his mouth, but he said in his heart: It is indeed a good idea! Although the words are the same, the meaning is completely opposite.

   Now Wen Xu doesn't care about how these girls are going about, and chases after Shi Shangzhen when he leaves the yard.

  When he arrived at the gate of Mr. Chi's house, Wen Xu heard Mr. Jia's voice from the courtyard. He stood curiously at the gate of the courtyard and found that it was Mr. Jia.

   "Wen Xu, come in, come in!" Mr. Jia saw Wen Xu standing at the door, and immediately waved warmly to Wen Xu, signaling him to come in and talk.

  Wen Xu walked in with a smile, but the smile on his face was a bit unnatural, because besides Mr. Jia, there were two second Japanese, a man and a woman, in the courtyard.

   "Why are you willing to come out of the woods today?" Wen Xu focused his eyes on Mr. Jia and said with a smile.

  At this time, Mr. Jia found that he was getting thinner and thinner, but he was in good spirits, and his eyes were very energetic and even sharper than before. With something worth investing in, Mr. Jia suddenly seemed to be rejuvenated.

   "Professor Harada is here today, I'll come out to greet you." At this point, Mr. Jia looked at his watch: "Look at the time, they are almost in the city at this time!"

  When I heard that Professor Harada, who was going to worship the ancestors, was coming, I gave a warm voice.

   "Shall we pick it up together?"

   "Forget it, I still have things to do here!" How can Wen Xu be interested in this, this so-called Professor Harada can't bring money to Wen Xu, let alone have any friendship, let Wen Xu pick him up? How can Xiao Wen have such elegance.

   "Is something really wrong?" Mr. Jia is an old scholar, and in his heart, those who are advanced come first, and Harada's academic level is higher than him, so he welcomes Harada's arrival very much.

  Wen Xu's consideration of this matter is naturally not out of academics. Wen Xu simply doesn't want to pick up people, and he doesn't know him. What's more, once Harada arrives, will the Agricultural University have less accompanying people? For some people, it is a matter of face to get close to foreigners, but Wen Xu doesn't have this kind of thought.

After leaving Mr. Chi's house, Wen Xu went to the village committee, but Shi Shangzhen was not found there. He heard that he had gone to a B&B. Wen Xu called, but found that the phone didn't work, so he had to go to the B&B himself. Quan'er still couldn't see anyone, and when Wen Xu came out of the B&B, the little cousin and the gang had already set up a stall under the old tree at the entrance of the village and started baking.

Not to mention, there are quite a few people around the stall. What's more, there are a group of people squatting under the shade of the tree next to it, all of them old and young. You can tell they are tourists at a glance. These people are almost full of people. Two or three mutton skewers, some people still hold a bottle of cold beer in their hands, just blowing the mouth of the bottle to their mouth, pouring a cold beer and putting two skewers on it, don't look too carefree.

   "I said big cousin, you are discriminating, why can't we eat more?"

Hearing someone talking, Wen Xu turned his head to look, and found that several boys in their twenties in the village were arguing with Hang Chen in front of the barbecue booth. The skewers in their hands were only two skewers each, while the others were Everyone has four or five strings in their hands, so these young people are naturally unhappy.

   "You have plenty of time to eat in the future! Let the guests taste it first, besides, you patronize the food, you have come two or three times, and you have not given a suggestion!" Hang Chen immediately said with his hands on his hips.

  Gu Fen and the others also glared at the young people: "What's the matter, are you trying to make trouble?"

   "Dare not, dare not!"

Although they are all older and stronger than the girls, they really dare not fight with Hang Chen. They are not afraid of Hang Chen, but Wen Xu. They are only a few years younger than Wen Xu, and Wen Xu beats people up. They were lucky enough to witness it, and they knew that their uncle was not a soft persimmon, and they had no problem at all with attacking him.

   "If you don't dare, get out of the way! Tell the people behind to come and line up!" Gu Fen patted the boy at the front with the fan in his hand.

  So these boys had no choice but to walk away with the two skewers in their hands.

   "Brother, what are you doing?" Hang Chen looked up at Wen Xu and asked loudly.

   "I'm looking for Shi Shangzhen, and I don't know where I went," Wen Xu said.

  Hang Chen heard the direction of the village committee: "Go back!"

   "I just came out from there not long ago!" Wen Nu didn't believe it.

   "I just saw it two or three minutes ago!"

  Hearing what Hang Chen said, Wen Xu walked towards the village committee again. He was just about to go to the office when he looked up and saw the curtains in the window of Shi Shangzhen's dormitory move, obviously there were people in the room.

  So Wen Xu didn't ask anyone, and went directly to the back of the village committee, went into the yard, went upstairs, stood at the door of Shi Shangzhen's dormitory, and knocked on the door.

   After knocking a few times, there was no response in the room, and she said warmly, "Open the door, don't pretend, I know you're inside!"

   After Wen Xu finished speaking, the door opened with a click. Just as Wen Xu wanted to make fun of her, who knew that when he saw Shi Shang's real appearance, he immediately asked with concern: "What's the matter?"

  At this time, Shi Shangzhen's eyes were red and swollen like peaches, and he knew that he had just cried a lot.

Seeing Wen Xu standing at the door, Shi Shangzhen hugged Wen Xu's neck without saying a word, buried his head in Wen Xu's chest and cried loudly, if it wasn't because of Wen Xu's clothes, saying no The entire village committee could hear her cries.

   "What's the matter?" Wen Xu hugged her into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

  Shi Shangzhen didn't answer, just hugged Wen Xu tightly and cried loudly.

  After asking a few times, Wen Xu stopped asking, but sat on the sofa and hugged Shi Shangzhen on his lap, letting her cry against his chest.

   A few minutes later, Shi Shangzhi changed from howling to sobbing, and then gradually stopped talking.

  Wen Xu was quite frightened by her appearance. Seeing that she stopped crying, she couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? What happened, do you want to tell me?"

   "Several cousins ​​of mine have been imprisoned, one is likely to be sentenced to life, and two uncles have also been investigated and filed by the Commission for Discipline Inspection..."

Hearing what Shi Shangzhen said, Wen Xu subconsciously thought that as a political family, the Shi family was probably going to play tricks, or it would be impossible for so many people to be punished all at once, including the father and son, and the whole family was investigated Seven or eight of them were picked up, and they were taking advantage of the time when the country was worrying about the old.

"Don't worry, there is me. We will live in peace and life in the future. If the power is gone, it will be gone. In Wenjia Village, you will still be your teacher and village head. If there are still people who can beat you, even if they beat you , we can also pick you here." Wen Xu reached out and stroked his girlfriend's hair.

  Shi Shangzhen got up from Wen Xu's arms, looked at Wen Xu and said, "What do you think I am? Someone who can't bear power?"

"Look, look, that's all I said. Besides, I don't understand your family's affairs. I just want to comfort you. Be good, be good!" Leaning in his arms.

   "Who did it? Isn't your grandfather recovering pretty well now? Let's get rid of them. What are you waiting for! They've been bullied to the door!..."

  Finding that the consolation just now was wrong, Wen Xu immediately stood on the side of the teacher's family without principle, completely ignoring what kind of goods the prospective daughter-in-law's cousins ​​were, at least at this time he showed a side of helping relatives and not helping relatives.

   "My grandpa moved his hands!"

what! Shi Shangzhen's words immediately confused Wen Xu again. Based on his political experience, he could guess why the old master of the Shi family wanted to clean up his children and grandchildren, and he was still so heavy-handed. There is no shortage of pillars in the family, of course, the publicity to the outside world should be a big tiger.


   Now Wen Xu doesn't know how to comfort her, so she called out, okay, the one who was arrested was her girlfriend's blood relative, so the scolding was not a thing, and the one who did it was her girlfriend's own grandfather, this matter really made Wen Xu very troubled.

   After saying two sentences without beginning or end, Shi Shangzhen was silent again, just leaning on Wen Xu's chest, without saying a word.

  After Wen Xu said a few words, she didn't respond. She thought she was asleep, but when she looked down, Shi Shangzhen's eyes were wide open, as if she was thinking about something, but her eyes were a little confused anyway.

  Since Shi Shangzhen didn't talk, let alone pay attention to herself, Wen Xu closed her eyes, and looked down through the curtains of the large French windows of her dormitory when she was bored.

At this time, Mr. Jia and Mr. Chi happened to be standing at the entrance of the village, and parked a Toyota bread not far from them. It was the kind that leaders like to ride when they travel. Even small leaders who are not in the top class can sit on it if they talk about pomp.

Among the people who got off the car, the first few were people who were about the same age as Chi and Jia, and almost all of them had a 'Mediterranean' hairstyle. The so-called extremely smart ones, Wen Xu probably was the so-called Harada The professor is here.

   "That Harada is here!" Wen Xu said softly.

"Come here, I'm in a bad mood, I don't want to receive you!" Shi Shangzhen finally said something, twisted his body after speaking, and changed his position in Wen Xu's arms: "Don't talk, let's be quiet Stay a while!"

  Wen Xu nodded, and continued to look outside the house, watching this group of people performing the friendship between China and Japan, smiling at each other, shaking hands and greeting each other.

   "Let's turn up the air conditioner, I'm a little hot!" After a while, Wen Xu felt that his body was sweating.

Seeing Shi Shangzhen nodded, Wen Xu reached for the remote control and lowered the room temperature by two degrees. After that, taking advantage of the situation, he changed from sitting to lying down on the sofa, thus becoming He Shi Shangzhen Cuddle up on the sofa.

After maintaining this posture for a short time, Wen Xu felt tired, and then snored softly. Shi Shang really heard Wen Xu snoring, and looked up at Wen Xu, his eyes were full of inseparable tears Friendship, stretched out a hand to gently caress from Wen Nu's forehead to his chin, and finally moved his body so that his face was close to that of Wen Nu's tightly.

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