For an entire hour, Wen Xu didn't move a lot. It wasn't that Wen Xu didn't want to move, but that the old man around him, even the bodyguard and the secretary were all very interested in Zhong Erbao.

  After an hour of getting along, although none of the three were able to establish a closer relationship with Zhong Erbao, and the distance remained at the original distance, everyone no longer had the surprise, timidity and fear that they had when they first met.

Although they kept a certain distance, everyone could see that this second leopard was just playing, and it was the kind of self-entertainment. If it wasn't for its huge frame, it would be just like a little one who didn't grow up. cat.

   "Interesting!" Mr. Shi said with a smile, looking at Zhong Erbao who was rubbing his shoulder against the tree.

Wen Xu didn't say a word, the thing he wants to do the most now is to send this thing back to the space, don't let it out for a stroll, as it will end up like this, except for the zoo, Wen Xu can't think of any good way out for it .

  This is still the best ending. If it had encountered the poaching that the big leopard encountered last time, it would have become a piece of skin long ago.

  The secretary turned his head at this time, looked into the distance, and found a figure approaching on the horizon, so he said to everyone: "Someone is coming!"

  Wen Xu turned his head, looked in the direction of the secretary's finger, sighed and let out a hmm from his nostrils, thinking: I'm here to watch the fun again!

As soon as he saw these people, Wen Xu understood that the two fishermen who happened to pass by here just now passed the news back, they must have called friends first, and then almost everyone who got the news would come over up.

After looking around for less than ten seconds, Wen Xu found that the team was not small, and there were at least thirty or forty people by visual inspection. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, Wen Xu knew that most of them were tourists from Wenjia Village. It is also the favorite to watch the excitement. I heard that such a novelty of the second leopard appeared. How can I stay there?

  At this time, even the instinctive fear of beasts can't stop everyone's curiosity! Curiosity killed the cat!

  The young bodyguard looked at the crowd that was getting closer, and whispered a few words in the ear of the old man. Wen Nu didn't hear clearly, but he heard some crowd, danger and so on.

Master Shi waved his hand: "Then you pay attention, beware of it hurting people, but don't take drastic actions unless you have to. Although I don't know what this thing is, but with such a size and physical strength, it is absolutely It’s considered rare and protected by the country.”

"I see!"

  The bodyguard took two steps sideways, but still stood firmly in front of the old man on the left, using half of his body to seal the straight-line distance between Zhong Erbao and the old man.

What the bodyguard guy is most worried about now is not the second leopard. After such a short period of time together, the bodyguard found that this huge black beast seemed to have no vigilance towards people. The sense of intimacy, if it weren't for the fact that its size is too huge, it would shock people, and the bodyguard would want to go up to touch its forehead.

The bodyguard is afraid that someone in the crowd will startle him. This is not because the bodyguard thinks too much. Although he is not very old, he has been doing this job for five or six years. There are countless examples from comrades-in-arms. Some people are just stupid. They can do anything without brains. The more you don’t let them do it, the more they want to show you.

  Based on the experience of the bodyguards, if a **** really surprised this huge black beast, with the speed and strength shown by the beast just now, the bodyguards would not have the confidence to kill it before it attacked people.

Besides, even if this happens, the bodyguard has to weigh it. If he shoots, if he misses the vital point, will the furious beast rush towards him? He is not afraid of hurting himself, but he What I was afraid of was hurting the old chief who was sitting on the cow.

  So as the crowd got closer and closer, the young bodyguard directly left the Zhong Erbao who was playing, and paid full attention to the crowd.

I have to say that the quality of people who come to visit Wenjia Village is getting higher and higher now (the ones who are not high-level and those who play tricks have been cleared away by the director of the division, and two who think they can eat black and white are now locked up in the county detention center. did not come out). Thinking of this, Wen Xu felt that the travel business would be really hard to do without Shi Shangzhen sitting in front of him, and there would be too many ghosts and snakes wanting to reach out to make money.

   After this group of people arrived, they stood next to Wen Xu. After Wen Xu said to stop moving, everyone stopped. Everyone took out their mobile phones one after another, and took pictures and passed them on Moments of Moments.

  Although Wen Xu was satisfied with the quality of everyone's performance, apart from the sound of snapping pictures, there were occasional whispers in the whole scene.

However, Wen Xu is still a little bit off, because among these people he found a few stupid and bold parents with seven or eight-year-old children. Now Wen Xu has to admire these extremely courageous parents, who actually watch outdoor activities Bring your own baby when you are a beast?

  Looking at these two hundred and five parents, she said warmly: Are you preparing for the whole family to die?

  Seeing that there are more people watching him, the second leopard in the arena is playing even more crazy. It looks like he is crazy alone. The more people there are, the happier he is playing, and he has a desire to perform beyond the beast.

  Wen Xu can't wait to stuff his head into his chest now, because this middle-class one is starting to bounce now, it's the kind of game where you kick your limbs and then fly into the air.


There was an exclamation in the crowd, because this thing jumped very high, a full three meters high, and it was almost silent when it fell, except for a slap from the grass on the ground, it was like such a big jump. The body seemed to have no mass, and it hit the ground without making a sound.

  Sweeping the corners of Wen Xu's eyes, he saw a few idiots stretching out their hands, and they almost turned red in a daze.

It seems that the applause of human beings made it more excited, and then this one seemed to be insane, and played all his favorite games, and this time he also brought in the scum to play together, what is the scum? goods? An out-and-out bastard, he doesn't recognize the sky and the earth when he plays!

  Wen Xu clutched his forehead, Shangzhong had an illusion of being in a circus, even in the circus, no one had ever seen such a second-hand performance.

"it is good!"

The cheers in the crowd became louder and louder, and Zhongergou and Zhongerbao also played more and more crazy. Finally, after half an hour, Zhongergou's tired tongue almost dragged to the ground, and Zhongerbao didn't Live gasping. The two goods are like toys that have run out of electricity, and now they are honestly lying on the grass, taking a rest.

  After resting for less than two minutes, Zhongergou stood up first, barked twice, Zhongerbao stood up, and the two walked towards the west side by side.

  The bustle of the crowd has not been fully enjoyed yet, everyone maintained a posture and held up their mobile phones to follow the two second-class goods all the way.

   "Let's go!" Mr. Shi also found this thing interesting, so he naturally wanted to follow and watch it.

So everyone followed the two guys all the time, they didn't go far, they came to the edge of a pond, they jumped into the water one after another, to cool off the heat, there were two of them, one big and one small, on the whole water surface. The head, and except for the sky-high nose and eyes, almost 90% of the head was submerged in water.

So the crowd just watched Zhong Er leopard taking a bath in boredom. Fortunately, there was a small forest beside the pond, and everyone had a place to enjoy the shade, or maybe it was because of such a place that the crowd was bored Holding up the mobile phone, I took a video of Erbao standing motionless in the sailor for nearly half an hour. Of course, the mobile phones that can take such pictures are all connected to power banks.

   "Dong times... Da times..."

  Maybe I feel that the atmosphere is a bit too quiet now, and I don’t know which cell phone in the crowd rang, but the ringtone of the cell phone that suddenly rang is particularly loud.

   "Look, look!"

  Before this guy answered the phone, he was grabbed by his companion and pointed at Zhong Erbao who had his head submerged in the water.

At this time, the two ears of the Zhong Erbao are making splashes on the water one after another. You don’t need to look carefully to find that the frequency of the Zhong Erbao’s ear beat is exactly the same as the frequency of the mobile phone’s ringtone, that is to say This middle-aged leopard will beat to the frequency of the music.

Not to mention the onlookers in the crowd, even Wen Xu was stunned, staring with his mouth open and staring in disbelief at the two middle leopards whose ears were shaking alternately, after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of how to describe what he was seeing. The vocabulary of these words, I have to use one word to sum up my current mood: Damn!

  The crowd was boiling, and everyone had smiles on their faces. The person holding the phone turned up the volume of the phone to the maximum, and everyone watched Zhong Erbao keep time with his ears and the ringtone of the phone.

So this time Wen Xu was sadly reminded, thinking about waiting for people to leave for a while, and find a chance to collect these two goods. Who knew that the crowd was too enthusiastic, and it was a good thing. Or the people who went out to play are now rushing over one after another, and finally in the afternoon, almost all the old and young men of Wenjia Village brought hundreds of tourists, and they all appeared near Zhong Erbao.

  Even the second leopard sleeping these people let go! It was a sigh in Wen Xu's heart. The leopard in the second grade was tired of playing and had enough. He was lying in the shade of a tree to sleep, and some people held up their mobile phones to take pictures.

I originally planned to take the old man around to have a good look. Who knew that after watching Erbao’s eating and drinking for a whole day, the Erbao performed swimming, hunting and cooking for everyone. Of course, the most popular It's still this guy's musical talent against the sky - the ears beat the beat!

   If it wasn't because of the approaching rainstorm, Wen Xu believed that some of these people would be able to stay here all night!

  Wen Xu returned to the village, and heard everyone talking about the Second Leopard, so she made up her mind to put it into the space immediately tomorrow morning.

However, when Wen Xu rushed to go early the next morning, he realized that there were at least forty people who were older than him, who had been waiting here for Zhong Erbao to appear, and these people came here today prepared, what? Deck chairs and parasols are all available, just like watching a dolphin show in the aquarium!

  Wen Xu's wish to accept the leopard was completely defeated, and the second leopard had become a big star in Wen's Village. Not only Wen's Village, but also thanks to the now-developed Internet, the social network has also become popular in an instant. Wenjiacun and Zhongerbao suddenly became one of Du Niang's top ten most searched words that day with such a lightning-fast momentum.

  Not only is it popular in China, but it is also popular abroad, especially the video of the ear beat immediately became popular on the Internet, and even made news in Europe and America.

What is more depressing than Wen Xu is Mr. Jia and the Japanese Harada team. Everyone lives a monkey-like life in the old forest. They want to take a clearer video of Bawangxiu. They even named this thing Jungle Shadow, Now there is a big one popping up in the village without doing anything, and it is not afraid of people at all, so you can take pictures at will!

   This made countless staff who were waiting day and night both happy and sad!

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