Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 579: bump into

Marriage gives Wen Xu the feeling of being tired, not only because he is tired but also because he is tired. Even if he has outsourced most of his things, Wen Xu still has this kind of experience. It can be seen that if he gets married like an ordinary person, it is estimated that this guy is half The moon is slowing down. The young couple received the gift money when they got married, but they were still refreshed. The young couple didn't care much about the gift money at all. The only thing they did was to throw it all to the teacher and ask the old man to record it in the account book and wait for the next time. When someone has something to do, they will return the money they received.

But to outsiders, Wen Xu's wedding is lively. Not only is it lively, but it's high-end. Almost all the people living nearby who have attended the event are full of praise, except of course the members of the Chen family. Now these people are spreading the news everywhere. It's not good to be warm, but fortunately, no one listens to it. Most people just remember the joke that the family only pays two hundred yuan for three tables of people. This allowed Wen Xu's reputation to remain on the not-so-good side as before, and did not degenerate to a bad level.

Wen Xu didn't know that he had invisibly made a bad head for the people who held banquets in the county. Now if you want to hold a banquet, as long as you want to be high-end, you can afford it. If you don't put five or six on the table You are ashamed to say that you are serving Boston lobsters or Canadian lobsters that are more expensive than those in high-end hotels, and you are also embarrassed to praise the dishes you serve at home. In short, after Wen Xu got married, the level of banquets in the county increased gradually, and seafood was almost a must.

But once Wen Xu knew it, he wouldn't blame himself, and he was in no mood to bother other people's troubles. After the lively marriage, the couple's life returned to normal, the guests dispersed, and the peaceful and quiet Wen Xu The family village soon returned to its original tranquility, and both villagers and guests enjoyed this kind of life.

Less than two weeks after the wedding, the temperature in Wenjia Village began to drop dramatically. Not only in Wenjia Village, but in Guqiao County, or in the three provinces and two counties near Laolinzi, the temperature began to drop. When they arrived, everyone changed from long-sleeved shirts to thick vests, and probably even put on long johns for fear of the cold.

Today's weather is not good, the sky above the head is gray from the morning, and there is a feeling of coldness in the air, Wen Nu stood in the yard, looked at the sky with his hands in his cuffs, and let out a mouthful of white. Angrily, he murmured, "Can it still snow today?"

At this time, Shi Shangwu just came out of the house. At this time, she had already put on a coat and put on flat boots on her feet. When she came back, she thought it was cold when she went out, so she came back and put on thicker autumn clothes. After putting on the pants, I am going to continue to check the industry situation of each company.

When I walked into the courtyard, I heard what Wen Xu said, and immediately replied: "Anyway, it's either today or tomorrow. My brother said that it has already started snowing there, and the snow now is almost half as much as yesterday's snow every day." Today's snow fell before it melted, and many little soldiers were frostbitten."

"It can't be compared with your brother's side. It's estimated that it will fall before October. The weather here is like this. The old man just passed the light snow solar term the day before yesterday and it's going to snow!" Wen Nu felt a little Said depressed.

Wen Xu likes weather that is neither too hot nor too cold. Generally speaking, November in the south of the Yangtze River is not too cold. Now there is not much snow in the whole year, and it is still around the first month of the lunar calendar. It is not yet December, so the It was going to snow, which made Wen Xu a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, why don't you think about whether it's going to snow or not if you're just staying at home and wandering around! By the way, the notification from Grandpa, he won't come over for dinner today, and he's going to make rabbits with Grandpa Qiu. furnace!"

  After speaking, Shi Shangzhen stepped out of the door.

   "It's going to snow soon, and the two old men are still tossing around like this!" Wen Xu muttered as he watched his daughter-in-law go out.

After complaining, Wen Xu was going back to his studio to continue finishing the things he had prepared for his sons, such as small wooden horses, slides, etc. Although you can buy that kind of plastic in the world, Wen Xu can't. Don't worry, I'm afraid that I will buy inferior products. If there is something poisonous or something, I won't be able to cry at that time. After thinking about it, it's easier to do it yourself.

As soon as I walked to the backyard, I found that the couple of fishing cats were playing in the backyard with a few kittens. Without their bodies, they saw Wen Xu's three little things pricking their heads, and immediately hid under the shelf in the backyard, stretching out their heads and looking at Wen Xu vigilantly. At the same time, the fishing cat's daughter-in-law was also hiding. The big orange cat is squatting on the side pitifully now, watching the family of five happily playing, and he can only stare beside him.

Wen Xu glanced at this guy, and didn't bother to talk about it. He walked to the door of his studio and was about to open the door. He felt a chill on the back of his head and neck. He stretched out his hand and felt a little coolness. Small snowflakes have begun to float in the sky.

  reached out to pick one up, the little snowflake was melted by the temperature of the hand before it fell to the palm of the hand, and Wen Xu didn't even come to see it clearly.

Anyway, nothing happened, Wen Xu just stood at the door, clasped his hands and quietly watched the snowflakes falling slowly in the gray sky, after watching for a while, he felt that the snowflakes were getting bigger and thicker. , I don’t know how long it took to feel eloquent.

Looking at the white snowflakes in the sky, swaying and rolling with the breeze under the gray sky, Wen Xu felt that the snow was very beautiful and soft, and suddenly a sentence popped into his mind : This is supposed to be Jiangnan's Cher! There is no strong wind, no angry howling, only this kind of poetic flavor that is gently swaying and swaying all over the sky.

   Just when Wen Xu wanted to express his feelings, a little guy shouted from behind the yard: "It's snowing, it's snowing!"

Snow is a good thing for children, they can do many things that they can't do normally, such as making snowmen, snowball fights, etc. It is obvious that the talking child is old enough to remember what he learned from the snow last year Only by the joy of the world can we make such a cheerful sound.

  Following this yell, cheers from other children soon resounded all around, and Wen Nu knew without even looking that a bunch of brats were getting together and trying to come up with some annoying tricks.

Wen Xu suddenly remembered the shotgun lying in his own space. When he thought of this thing, he felt as if grass had grown in his heart. He turned around and walked to the front yard, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his wife: Dong Liang went out for a while, and might come back later!

   Before putting down the phone, there was a reply from Shi Shangzhen: Understood, come back early!

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Wen Xu came to the front yard, called Dong Liang, and when he was about to go out, Da Hua and Er Hua rushed out, hugging Wen Wen's legs, and the two little things stared Looking at the warmth, he couldn't help humming.

"It's snowing, and the two of you guys have gained a lot of fat, why don't you go to hibernate?" Wen Xu moved her legs, and obviously realized that it was not the two of them when they were young, and she wanted to move her legs from here Breaking free from the arms of the two sisters is probably a miscalculation, especially at this time.

   After dialing twice, Wen Xu was very self-aware and complied with the public opinion: "Okay, just go if you want to go!"

   Seeing Wen Xu nod her head, Dahua Erhua immediately let go of Wen Xu's legs, and the two 'meatballs' ran out happily. It seemed that the snow had made the pair of Xiong sisters a lot more courageous.

After closing the courtyard gate, Wen Xu walked out of the village and 'found' Da Brown from the woods. He didn't have a saddle, so he just rode directly on its back, and then patted it on the neck, and Da Brown immediately Facing Xiaoxue, he rushed forward.

  The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the visibility reached about ten meters in a short time. Looking around, I saw snowflakes flying between the sky and the earth.

When Wen Xu rode Da Zong through the greenhouse, and walked two or three kilometers forward, Wen Xu arrived at the edge of the old forest, and rode Da Zong up the hillside. There are rut marks, and after just one glance, Wen Xu knew that this was a four-wheeled car made by him for the old man of the teacher's family, and now it is also his grandfather. There is no way, the characteristics of this car are too obvious.

   I don't know what the old man is doing here, and I'm afraid that something will happen to the old man. Although every time the old man goes out, there are always a few guards following him, but because it's snowing today, Wen Xu decided to take a look.

Walking up along the wheel marks, I have to say that Dabai's strength is first-class, pulling a car, and there are two old people sitting in the car, and some utensils on a **** of about 20 degrees I didn't skid at all, which is really a good job, as the idiom is as strong as a cow.

Following the ruts, he walked straight up for more than an hour, reached the top of the **** and then went down, and then reached the middle of a slope, Wen Xu found a small wooden house in front of him. Wen Xu knew that there was no such thing before. She knew when it appeared, and Wen Xu also knew that there should be a small hot spring at the location of this small wooden house, and the water coming out of the mouth is not too big, it is probably just a small pool.


   Before Wen Xu arrived, he heard the sound of a gun being loaded, and a young voice asked, "Who is it?"

   "Don't be nervous, Xiao Zhu, it's me!" Wen Xu said quickly.

   "Wen Xu!" The soldier heard Wen Xu's voice, but he didn't let down his vigilance, watching Wen Xu riding Da Zong into sight.

   "Why did the doctor let grandpa come out in such heavy snow?" Wen Xu went to the front of the room and fell off Da Brown's back.

   Before the guard Xiao Zhu could speak, the voice of Mr. Shi came from inside the room: "Why did you touch it?"

   "I followed Che Yinzi in such a heavy snow, and besides, I didn't plan to follow you, but I happened to meet you when I passed by the mountain!..." Wen Xu walked towards the door of the house while talking.

After walking into Wenxu, I found that the house was made of local materials. The walls were made of wood about 40 centimeters long and the two sides were flattened so that they fit together. The walls were still rough with bark, and the roof seemed to be still A layer of waterproof felt was covered, and blue tiles were used on it, but now it is covered tightly by a thick layer of snow.

"come in!"

Hearing the sound inside, Wen Xu directly opened the thick cloth curtain at the door and walked in. At first, he thought that the inside was quite elegant, but after entering, he realized that the things inside were very simple, only the floor was covered with wooden boards , the board seems to have been painted with a layer of varnish, a small table, and four small round stools beside the table, or the kind that are common on the street, fifteen yuan a piece, the table is also very ordinary, Other than that there is no other furniture.

   There is a large stove in the middle of the room, and a tin chimney stretches out of the house. The fire in the stove is burning vigorously, making it feel warm as soon as you enter the door.

Two old men sat facing each other, each wearing only a thing like thermal underwear, and on the table in the middle was a bubbling and steaming pot. There is a spicy taste in it.

Mr. Qiu doesn't seem to like Wen Xu very much. Maybe he always thinks that Shi Shangzhen and his grandson are a good couple. Anyway, Wen Xu thinks that Mr. Qiu doesn't treat him very much, but Wen Xu doesn't care about it. The old man is so old You can't tell when you will just go like this, and what kind of anger you have with him.

"Your boy's legs are long enough!" Old Man Qiu said, picked up the wine glass in front of him, drank it with a sip, then let out a beautiful sound, wiped his mouth at last and continued to hold the chopsticks in his hand into the pot.

   "I can't eat something as spicy as yours," Wen Xin said with a smile.

   "Then what are you doing here?" Mr. Qiu asked again.

   "I guess they came here to hunt. Why can't I resist taking out the things Shangwu gave me to play with?" Mr. Shi smiled and picked up a chopstick of rabbit meat and put it in his mouth while chewing while looking at Wen Nu with a smile.

  Wen Xu directly refused to admit it: "Grandpa, why can't I understand what you are talking about? What did Brother Shang Wu give me? Oh, you said machete...".

"Stop talking about those useless things to me! Pay attention to the influence, don't show off!" Mr. Shi gave a direct look at Wen Nu: "If you want to take a hot spring, go to the backyard, if you don't, get out of here quickly, don't bother our brothers interest!"

   Upon hearing this, Wen Xu immediately said, "Then I'll be leaving, you two take it easy!"

   After finishing speaking, he pulled out the curtain and left the room. After chatting with Xiao Zhu, he got on the big palm again and continued walking towards the depths of the forest with the pillars and big flowers.

At this time, Wen Xu took out the shotgun and held it directly in his hand. The bullet was loaded and he was walking in the snow. Suddenly Wen Xu felt that he seemed to have a bit of Yang Zirong's posture, piercing through the forest and the snowfield, rushing into the sky. !

   It was beautiful, Wen Xu ran to the side after hearing Dong Liang barking. Urging Da Zong to follow and take a look, Wen Xu couldn't help being happy, a series of footprints were placed in front of her eyes, Wen Wen instantly concluded that there are two big pigs with a few little pigs, and the little pigs are not too small anymore , It is estimated that there are several catties, and it is obvious that it has just passed.

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