Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 729: Multiple minds

  Wen Xu heard the man say this, looked at him curiously, and asked, "How did you remember that?"

"I used to play with birds for a while. When Liyu Bay first opened, I also came to your Wenjia Village! I know that the environment here is good and there are many good birds." Wen Nu, lowered her head and fiddled with her hands.

Hearing what he said, Wen Xu became even more curious. At that time, people who came to Wenjia Village were quite rich. Of course, they also have money when they come to Wenjia Village now, but the average wealth of the people who came to Wenjia Village at that time was much better than it is now. few.

   "Then you must have some money on hand, how did you end up in this situation, come here to steal birds?" Wen Xu asked again.

The man replied, "Business has been difficult these past few years. I have lost money on several investments. I haven't made any money this year. The child in my family suddenly became seriously ill. I have no money for medical treatment..." .

  Wen Xu felt quite shocked when he heard it. It turned out that this person had encountered such a thing. Although she was moved by his words, she didn't show anything. Wen Xu knew that there were too many people in the world who could 'talk', and those who were good at gaining sympathy were even more impressive. It is not a rational behavior to immediately feel something when you hear someone else's mouth like this.

   "Then how did you get in now?" Wen Xu changed the subject.

Hearing Wen Xu's question, the man said: "I was the first group of guests who came with my friends when you opened the carp bend here. After I followed my friends a few times, they guaranteed me, and I often Come, and often bring your family over!"

   "Then you are still short of money? Besides, even if you are short of money, if your child is seriously ill, you still have two or three friends, right?" Wen Xu became more curious.

Almost all the people who came here as soon as Liyu Bay was built were worth tens of millions. This value does not count as real estate, but refers to the size of the company. Those people are not ordinary people. The family has been emptied, even if they encounter some hurdles that cannot be overcome, who among friends is only two or three million short of that? Even if he was really poor, with connections in this place, it would not be difficult to make a comeback. How did he end up in such a situation where he wanted to steal a bird.

And to be honest, how much money can you earn by stealing birds? It is estimated that the birds on the ground can bring him 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in income. 20,000 to 30,000 yuan is a lot for an ordinary family, but in the eyes of these people What's the matter, it's not enough to go to KTV for one night.

  Thinking of this, Wen Xu became even more skeptical of this man's words, and even less convinced of his words.

   "I have borrowed too much, and none of my friends want to talk to me," the man said.

Just when Wen Xu wanted to continue asking, people from the village arrived. Wen Guangcheng led the team, and the rest were mostly young men of the Guang character generation. They looked like they were in their twenties or thirties. The petrol car came to Wen Xu's side. The security team established in the village here is led by this kid Wen Guangcheng.

  As for the team members, there are Guanghong and Yuan Bin, who used to work in Xudong Pearl Company, but now they are all back, not only came back by themselves, but almost each of them brought a beautiful girlfriend. After staying in Mingzhu for two years, and once the freshness of the big city is over, these boys realize that no matter how good Mingzhu is, it is not their hometown. What's more, the life in Wenjia Village is completely well-off now, and it is no longer the poor and white mountain village it used to be. So they went back to the village one after another, and changed to another group of eighteen or nineteen-year-old boys who didn't want to read books in Mingzhulang.

Guang Hong was the first to jump out of the car, and seeing so many birds beside him, he couldn't help but raised his foot and kicked at the man: "You can do it, you actually caught so many birds one by one. !"

   "Okay, don't beat him, just take him back, what should I do?" Wen Xu stopped Wen Guanghong who was about to kick him a second time.

   "Is this his knife?" Wen Guangcheng looked at the knife kicked to the side by Qing and asked.

  Wen Xu nodded his head and hummed to indicate that the knife belonged to this person.

  Hearing Wen Xu's statement, Wen Guangcheng put on his gloves, picked up the knife and put it in a plastic bag in a very polite manner.

   "Okay, have you learned how to preserve physical evidence, kid?" Wen Xu said with a smile.

  Wen Guangcheng said: "Uncle, I have gone to the county bureau for training several times. I can't do it well even if it's so small. Then you underestimate me."

"Okay, okay, I know you are capable! And this person who has contributed to the development of our village, don't be too rough. If you want to be rough, let the gang of policemen rough it up." Wen Xu said jokingly.

  Wen Guangcheng said with a smile: "Okay, let's ensure civilized law enforcement!"

   "You guys are so stupid, take him back quickly," Wen Xu stretched out his hand and said.

   "Aren't you going with me?" Wen Guangcheng asked.

  Wen Xu just wanted to ask himself why he was going, but immediately remembered that this person was arrested by himself, and if he didn't sign something, he wouldn't do it!

  So he nodded and said, "Go first, I still have a child with me!"

  Wen Xu didn't want to bring his children to Wen Guangcheng's side, and didn't want these little guys to be exposed to these things. So I thought about sending the child back first, and then explaining the situation myself.

   "Okay, then I will take him away first!" Wen Guangcheng said.

   After speaking, he signaled that he had brought a few boys to work. The two little guys stretched out their hands, one of them put the man on the car, and the other picked up the coat that was on the ground.

   "Be careful, they are all our village's own birds! If one dies, it's considered a destruction of the ecology, you know that?"

  Wen Guangcheng frowned when he saw the boy handling his clothes so roughly, and raised his foot towards his ass.

   "Uncle, I'm already very careful!" The boy with the coat felt aggrieved.

   "Then be more careful, when I hugged Chen Fang, I didn't think you were so thick!" Wen Guangcheng was not forgiving, and he wanted to kick him as he said it.

  The kid took a look and ran two steps quickly with his coat in his hands.

   This group of boys came and passed quickly, and after walking for a while, they disappeared without a trace.

  Wen Xu turned to his son, and before he could speak, he saw his three boys looking at him with admiration. Seeing my father's father stretch out his hand and immediately hit the villain's knife to the ground, the shock in the hearts of the three little people is no longer mentioned.

   "Dad, you are awesome!" Guang Jing looked at Wen Nu, her two small eyes were full of little stars.

   "Dad, you're so rebellious!" Guang Heng also said.

  Guang Jue also yelled: "Teach us, teach us to beat bad guys!"

At this time, Wen Xu was very upset. Being worshiped by his son was a kind of happiness for his father, but it was really difficult for Wen Xu to teach them about it, because the old Taoist made an appointment when the full moon was over, so he squatted down. He came down and said to the three little things in his family: "When you grow up a bit, Grandpa Dao will teach you. Dad learned all this from Grandpa Dao, and Grandpa Dao is even more powerful!"


  Hearing that they couldn't imitate their father's powerful kung fu, the three little guys were very disappointed, but they felt a little better when they thought of learning from Grandpa Dao.

  Wen Xu took the three children to the kindergarten directly.

   "Shixu, what are you doing with your child?"

The gatekeeper at the gate of the kindergarten was Wen Shiqing's daughter-in-law, Zhang Wu's sister-in-law. When she saw her brother coming with her son, she immediately stuck her head out from the door of the reception room with a smile, first pinched the faces of the three little guys, and then Only then said with a smile to Wen Xu.

   "Hello, Auntie!"

   Before Wen Xu could speak, the three little people greeted Zhang Wu's sister-in-law in a childlike voice.

  Sister-in-law Zhang Wu's eyebrows almost flew up immediately: "These three little kids are really cute! They are more painful than our cowardly grandson!"

"Okay, don't brag. I'll send them here and ask Mr. Ma to take care of them for a while. I'm going to the village committee right away. I caught a bird thief just now. I'll go sign and explain the situation." Wen Wen Said a bit.

  Sister-in-law Zhang Wu said after hearing this: "Don't look for Director Ma, just put me here and wait until I get off work. If you don't come, come to our house to pick up the children!"

   "Then why bother you?" Wen Xu planned to be polite.

  Sister-in-law Zhang Wu said with a smile: "Why are you being polite to me? I forgot that you used to come to our house for a stroll. If you're done, let me go!"

  Sister-in-law Zhang Wu came out of the reception room after speaking, bent down and asked the three children: "Father has something to do, can you stay with Aunt Wu for a while?"

  Hearing what Aunt Zhang Wu said, the three little boys looked at their father in unison.

  Wen Xu also smiled and said: "Be good at Aunt Wu's place, and wait for Dad to pick you up."

  Guang Jue thought for a while and asked Wen Xu: "Father, is Dongdong and us together?"

   "The pillars will stay naturally!"

  Hearing what Wen Xu said, all three little guys nodded in agreement.

  Wen Xu suddenly felt that he was not as good as a pillar in the heart of the child.

  Aunt Zhang kept boasting from the side: "I'm only a little over one year old, and I can speak so fluently? The one in our family is two years old, and she still speaks ligatures!"

  Wen Xu has heard such praise not once or twice, and now he has no time to be polite to the old lady, so he opened his mouth and said: "Then fifth sister-in-law, the three little rascals in our family will trouble you, I will try to come back as soon as possible!"

   "It's okay, you can go about your business at ease, these three little people just happened to talk to me" Zhang Wu's sister-in-law took the children's little hands and motioned them to follow her to the reception room.

  Wen Xu saw that the children had made arrangements, and turned around to head to the defense team office at Libei Bay.

   Just got on the bridge, Wen Xu saw a Mercedes-Benz parked beside her, and an old passenger pressed the window to greet Wen Xu.

  Wen Xu was about to leave after saying a few words of politeness, but who knew that this person inquired about something.

   "Liu Shangjun was caught by your village when he was hunting birds?" The man got out of the car, held the car door with his hands and started chatting with Wen Xu.

   "Do you know him?" Wen Xu didn't expect that this man would know the man who stole the bird, and only after hearing his question, did he know that the man who stole the bird was called Liu Shangjun.

"I did business with him before!" The man sighed and said, "But after doing it once, I haven't contacted him again! Let me tell you, it's good to catch this person, and it's good for him if you catch him." ".

   "Why do you say that?" Wen Xu was quite curious.

   "This man was ruined by his current wife," said the man shaking his head.

   "?" Wen Xu looked suspicious.

"He married a beautiful twenty-year-old girl in his second marriage. Although this girl is beautiful, it is a pity that she is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She is addicted to gambling. Then Liu Shangjun was gradually led astray. The family The child sits on the mahjong table twenty-four hours a day, twenty hours a day, and wins or loses two to three hundred thousand a day, even Jinshan is gone.”

   Speaking of this, the man waved his hand: "We all guessed that he would come to this point!"

   "He said his daughter was sick, is that true?" Wen Xu asked.

"It's true that you are sick! But having said that, if you really want to treat the child's illness, who of his friends is short of the one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand? But after lending it to him, he went directly to the gambling table. Who will borrow again? Parents like them will be unlucky for eight lifetimes.”

  Hearing what this person said, Wen Xu couldn't help but cursed in his heart: Damn! Fortunately, I didn't get silly and kind.

  Hearing what the man said, Wen Nu was thinking about whether to let go of a group of birds to reduce his guilt or something, but now that he heard this, he felt that he didn't do good things badly.

   "Okay, let's stop talking, I still have something to do here!"

  After talking to this person, Wen Xu turned and walked towards the office of the defense team.

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