Seeing her daughter-in-law's happy appearance, Wen Xu had no choice but to pretend that she was also very happy, but the expression on her face was awkward, but fortunately, Shi Shangzhen was in a very good mood now, so she didn't notice her husband's face and affection at all. It's almost twisted together.

   "Look, these two little tigers are not cute, my heart melted when I saw them." Shi Shangzhen directly placed the cardboard box on the floor of the living room.

   At this time, Dahua and Erhua also stretched their heads and approached. When they saw the little tiger, their eyes softened, and they stretched out their noses to smell the two little tigers.

  Only Wen Xu responded casually: "Cute, cute!"

   He said so, but the expression on his face was uglier than crying.

  Good old man Chi, you actually cheated on me! Wen Xu thought angrily in her heart.

   "Where did these two little tigers come from?" Wen Xu wanted to ask how the old man slandered her.

Shi Shangzhen happily replied: "Professor Chi brought these two cubs when he was about to leave work. He said that he found these two cubs in the woods, and that the mother tiger had gone somewhere, so he took these two cubs. The two cubs were brought back. They were sent to the village office in order to find a family to raise them first. I saw that there was no other suitable home in the village. After all, our family had raised Erhua, a big flower, so... ".

  Hearing what my daughter-in-law said, the expression on Wen Xu's face became even more bitter, and she thought to herself: "Hey, my silly daughter-in-law, they made a trick just waiting for you to drill into it." Where is the usual quick-wittedness?

  Wen Xu thought so in his heart, but he didn't say so. Now Shi Shang really looks at the little tiger like a mother looking at her child.

  Here, Wen Xu has to admit that most people, whether they are men or women, will inevitably love and cherish cute things. Are the two little tigers cute? That is naturally cute, except that it looks a little thinner, the rest is simply extremely cute.

   "Aww, aww!"

Just when Wen Xu was thinking about the problem, the two little things barked twice, the voice was not too loud, but it directly made Shi Shangzhen's eyes widen: "Hey, they are barking, barking It looks like a kitten!"

   "Aren't you stupid? You're a cat, so what a difference you can make!" Wen Xu despised his daughter-in-law in his heart.

   Then he said immediately: "I think it's better to send these two cubs back, or call someone from the Forestry Bureau to pick them up. These animals belong to the state's protected animals, and it is illegal for us to raise them!"

  Originally, Wen Xu planned to use this statement to ask Shi Shangzhen to send the two little tigers away, but who knew that before his words were finished, his wife's explanation came.

"What kind of law did we violate? Now these two little tigers are the public property of our Wenjia Village. Even if you are in prison, you will sit with our Wenjia Village. I, the village director, are not afraid. What are you afraid of?" Shi Shangzhen Don't care at all.

  Wen Xin said in his heart: I am not afraid of trouble, I am afraid of trouble!

   If you don’t care about raising two bears, then someone will care about raising two tigers at home?

Surely not, as long as the old man is in good health, and as long as there are no major problems with the teacher's family, whoever dares to come over to trouble Wen Xu and his wife after eating a leopard, the people below don't have the guts to reach out, there are enough people who reach out And he won't touch Wen Xu, a couple living in a mountain village, because if he does this, he will have to weigh himself whether he is alone and has no relatives or friends.

Therefore, whether it is illegal or not is another matter. The most important thing is that Wen Xu doesn't want to raise these two little tigers at all. Although Shi Shangzhen said that she raises them, she stays in the village office all day, and when she comes back, she probably watches TV at night. After a few teases from time to time, the final burden must not fall on Wen Xu's shoulders?

   "I'm not afraid of things, this little tiger is too small after all, and our conditions here are average, don't you think?" Wen Xu persuaded again.

After hearing this, Shi Shangzhen turned to look at Wen Xu and asked curiously: "No way, how did you raise the big two flowers? I remember they were not much bigger than two little tigers at that time, right? Aren't you breastfeeding?"

"Big Hua Erhua was much bigger than these two little things at that time. Didn't you see that these two little things couldn't walk stably? They were born for about half a month at most! Think about it, our children are all persistent. Breastfeeding, not to mention this little tiger? Without the mother's milk, how can the physical development of these two little things be guaranteed?..." Wen Xu said nonsense.

Shi Shangzhen was a little confused by Wen Xu, but Director Shi's IQ is very online, and he quickly found an example to refute: "It was said on TV that the zoo used dogs to feed the cubs abandoned by the tigress. Mom, why can't we do it here? Besides, our family doesn't have dog milk, does it have goat milk, fresh goat milk is hard for you?"

Hearing this, Wen Xu couldn't help covering her face, knowing that the matter of going around was transferred to herself again, her daughter-in-law had been completely defeated by the cute appearance of two little tigers, now someone probably told her Husband is the same as Tiger Liu, Wen Xu thinks she might choose Tiger.

   "Hey!" Wen Xu could only sigh.

  I just wanted to open my mouth and say that you raise them yourself, I won’t raise these two little things.

   Who knew that before he could speak, the door opened, and the old man returned home with his warm three sons.

   When Shi Shangzhen saw his son coming back, he immediately waved to the three little things and said, "Come here quickly, and see what mom brought back!"

When the three little guys heard this, they immediately let go of the old man's hand, swung their arms and ran to the side of the cardboard box. When the six pairs of black eyes saw the two little tigers in the box, they immediately seemed to be plugged in. Like a light bulb, the whole thing lights up.

   "Tiger, tiger!"

   "It's a little tiger!"

   "Dad, why is the tiger so small?"

   A milky voice exploded in Wen Xu's ears.

   Wen Xu felt that his brain hurt a little.

  The old man walked to the side of the cardboard box, stretched his head to look at it, and said with a smile: "You two, don't you have enough things at home? Where did you get the two little milk tigers?"

   "You think I want to raise them? I want to call someone from the Forestry Bureau to come over and take these two little things away!" Wen Xu said.

  As soon as they heard that Wen Xu was going to send the little tiger away, the three little children immediately became unhappy, and Guangheng who was beside Wen Xu grabbed his father's hand.

   "Dad, don't send the little tiger away!"

  Guang Jue immediately came over and grabbed Wen Xu's arm, saying repeatedly: "Dad, I want a little tiger!"

This kid Guang Jing also wanted to come over and hug Wen Xu, but who knew that he was tripped by Guang Heng's feet and fell directly to the ground, even if such a small thing didn't cry, he climbed two steps and hugged Wen Xu's trousers and said repeatedly: "Dad, please Please, don’t send the little tiger away, I won’t eat meat anymore.”

   "I don't want to eat either," Guangheng nodded immediately.

  Guang Jue hummed and said: "I don't eat it either, let the little tiger eat it!"

  Wen Xu was left speechless by her own children.

  At this time, Shi Shangzhen covered his mouth and was happy, not only Shi Shangzhen, but also the old man looked at Wen Xu with great interest.

The three children kept begging. As a father, although Wen Xu is very strict with his children, as long as it is about the rules, he is never ambiguous, not only Wen Xu, but also Shi Shangzhen, the couple should always be hurt When it hurts, train when it's time to train. But the love for their children is the same as that of other parents, no one's baby is as beautiful as their own.

Raising cubs is obviously not something that can be put online in Wen Xu's opinion. After thinking about it for a while, Wen Xu thinks it might be a good thing, so that the three children can learn how to take care of these two little milk tigers, so he nodded. One sound.

   "Thank you Dad!"

  The three little guys immediately became happy when they heard it. The three little guys pouted and kissed Wen Xu all over his face.

   "Ouch, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough! Look at the saliva in your mouths." With a warm smile, he gently pushed his three eldest sons away, and then wiped his face.

  The old Taoist said at this time: "Okay, I'm going back!"

  Shi Shangzhen stood up when he heard this: "Master, should we leave after dinner at home?"

   "No, I asked a few old guys to have a drink together! I guess they are waiting for me now." After finishing speaking, the old man waved his hands and turned to walk towards the door.

  Hearing that the old Taoist was leaving, the three little guys immediately sweetly shouted at the old Taoist's back: "Goodbye, Grandpa Tao!"

  The old man turned his head and smiled and nodded at the three little guys.

  Seeing the old Taoist out, Shi Shangzhen squatted back beside the cardboard box, and then heaved a long sigh: "Hey!"

  Wen Xu glanced at her, but ignored her.

   After waiting for a while, Shi Shangzhen heaved a long sigh when he saw that Wen Xu didn't speak.

  Wen Xu heard his daughter-in-law came again, and knew that if she didn't ask, she might have a third time, so she could only ask, "Tell me, why are you sighing?"

   "It doesn't matter after a woman gives birth to a son. I wasted half a day of saliva, which is not as effective as your son's words!" Shi Shangzhen finally waited for the opportunity and turned warm.

   "If you want to be important, work hard to have a daughter at night!" Wen Xu said.

  After hearing this, Shi Shangzhen rolled his eyes at Wen Xu: "Go and dream about your big head!"

  Wen Xu smiled and said to her three sons, "Do you want a little sister?"

  Guang Jue blinked his eyes when he heard it, turned his head to look at his two younger brothers, stretched out his hand and said, "Can I exchange it with my younger brother?"

  Hearing what Guang Jue said, Wen Xu and Shi Shangzhen couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  Guang Jing and Guang Heng stared blankly at their elder brother, not understanding why his elder brother traded himself for his younger sister, and when they came to their senses, they quit immediately: "I'll trade you, I'll trade you!"

   "Okay, stop arguing, no one will change, the little sister is in mother's belly" Wen Wen smiled and pulled away the three sons who were about to quarrel.

  Hearing what Wen Xu said, the eyes of the three little things all focused on Shi Shangzhen's stomach with a swish. Guang Jing also ran over on her calf, stretched out her hand and rubbed Shi Shangzhen's stomach twice.

   "Sister, sister, I am brother!"

  Guang Jing has always been yearning to be an older brother, so he is very eager for his younger sister, because both older brothers are older brothers, but he has always been a younger brother.

   "No sister!" Shi Shangzhen blocked his son's little hand.

   "I want a younger sister!" Guang Jing hugged her mother's arm and said expectantly.

   "My sister wants to play with your toys, and my sister wants to eat your beef jerky, do you want more?" Shi Shangzhen asked.

  Hearing this, Guang Jing's small face wrinkled, obviously thinking about this question, but in the end, the desire to be an older brother surpassed the beef jerky, and she nodded firmly and said, "Give it to my sister, I won't eat it!"

  Shi Shangzhen touched his son's head and praised: "Our Guangjing will definitely be a good brother!"

   Now Wen Xu's attention is not on the child, but on the little tiger in the cardboard box. These two little things keep barking and staggering towards the person, they seem to be hungry.

   "These little creatures are hungry, we need to find something to eat for them!" Wen Wen said, stood up, went to the kitchen and started rummaging through things.

After searching for a while, I quickly found the baby bottle used by Dahua Erhua. With the baby bottle, the rest is milk. Wen Xu’s family has a lot of milk, so I made a little goat milk powder and tried to get the temperature to be about the same. Got it next to the cardboard box.

   "Come on, which one of you will feed the little tiger?"

  Before Wen Xu finished speaking, the three little hands all raised up with a bang.

   "Then take turns!" Wen Xu gave the two milk bottles in his hand to Guang Heng and Guang Jing.

  Guang Jue also wanted to feed him, but he knew that he was the elder brother, so he should let the two younger brothers come first at this time, so he stayed honestly by the side, holding the cardboard box and looking at the little tiger sucking the bottle inside.

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