Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Contact (on)

In September, when the sky was high, Zhao Jiu personally went out of the city for 20 li to send the Korean envoy Zheng Zhichang to the east, and hosted a banquet along the way, and accompanied the civil and military officials. For every mile, Zhao officials personally held a cup to respect each other, and let one have a poem. The entourage minister of literary fame came forward to write poems and lyrics.

After the final parting, Zhao Guan’s family took the hand of Zheng Xueshi and called them international friends...intersectors, also between each other, which means that Zhengshishi is enough to be the weight of the two countries and maintain the friendship for the country... Let’s say, before All kinds of courtesies have made Zheng Zhi always fascinated, and when he finally got the title, he kept crying and cried out for holy grace.

It can be said that this time, except for the fact that Zhao Guan's family has no poetry today, it is a regrettable thing. Zheng Xueshi's mission after the settlement of Song and Jin's situation is almost perfect.

After returning, it was enough to overwhelm Jin Fushi.

However, when the international friend Zheng Zhichang left accompanied by Wang Lun, the official companion of the museum, Zhao Guanjia turned around, but his face was scarcely black...The entourage of the ministers was also very worried.

Without him, everyone knows what's going on. Then Zheng Zhichang was given too much in the end, and he has already left. He actually came back and took the hand of the official, saying what he felt for the grace of the official. After returning to Korea, he must take his place. The officials inquired about the situation of the Five Kingdoms City, tried their best to redeem the noble species of the Song Dynasty and the noble girl, and tried their best to negotiate with the Jinren about the two saints...

Others don’t know it, but the Zhao Guan’s family at Yiyoumen Tuogu had already revealed their attitude towards the Taishang Taoist emperor. So although there is no way to say it on the face, no one of the main ministers knows what Zhao Guan’s thoughts are. :

The so-called Northern Hunter Second Sage, the attitude of the official Zhao family is not at all "let me share a piece of the pie" when facing enemy threats. That is an explanation from the outside. From the bottom of my heart, there is obviously a grievance! I can't say that I can't directly expect the other party to quickly give him a "share of the pie" in my heart.

Therefore, how can this official not be annoyed when he hears Zheng Zhichang's superfluous words?

However, after all, it was just an episode, only to say that Zhao Jiu returned to the city in anger, and it gradually subsided in two or three days. After all, the life is still going to be passed. And then Zhao Ding came from Huai Shang and Liu Ji came from Xiangyang, but they were almost the same.

For example, as soon as Liu Jifu arrived, he made a public letter stating that the situation in Tokyo does not have to be the past. The many missions led by Yin Chengui, a member of the Privy Council and the leader of the Ministry of War, were also made during the war. When imitating the southern envoy, they should be abolished... He also pointed out that the old rules have worked hard and made great achievements, and they have never missed the overall military logistics. The untimely affairs of the Privy Council of Tongzhi should be discarded and the deputy envoy should be added directly.

Of course, Chen Gui was pleased with this. He was born in Mingfa, and he also made troubles such as taking books from celebrities' homes. He was hopeless for his life and seriousness. He could only hang around so tightly. Now he can become a righteous man. The decent and righteous local ruler, he is willing to do anything.

And not only the stereotypes, Zhao Jiu also agreed almost immediately, even the Manchu civil and military has nothing to say...because everyone knows that he didn't promote the stereotypes long ago because he was worried about resistance. It's too big, it seems too bold, and it will be embarrassing if there are obstacles at that time.

In fact, this official has no grounds for objection to this matter. Even, in the heart of this official, the old rules have long been regarded as a pivot, only the official name is missing.

Therefore, it was almost effortless, and it was a matter of course. As soon as Liu Jifu, deputy minister of the province, took office, he pushed his short but no doubt old subordinates to the position of deputy envoy.

That's not even a big deal. After throwing away the posts of Kaifeng Fu Yin and Bingbu Shangshu, Chen Gui, who was ‘turned to regular’, immediately recommended Yan Xiaozhong, who knew Nanyang Fu, as Kaifeng Fu Yin, and he was immediately recognized by Zhao Jiu.

At this moment, many people looked at Liu Ji, the former ambassador to Beijing West, and the later Xiangyang ambassador...because Liu Ji's two personal suggestions were extremely clever.

Specifically, on the one hand, it has taken care of the officials’ wishes...because everyone knows that whether it is Chen Gui or Yan Xiaozhong, he is the official favorite; on the other hand, he used Nanyang’s accompaniment in this special period to serve him Liu Xianggong. Make the foundation.

You know, Liu Ji, Chen Gui, and Yan Xiaozhong, these three are the pillar ministers who were in exile in Nanyang by the imperial court, and they are all the original officials around Nanyang after moving to Nanyang. A so-called Nanyang faction was formed.

It can only be said that Liu Ji and Liu Xianggong are not talking, and they are a blockbuster. They quickly completed the layout in Tokyo before everyone's more promising Zhao Ding and Zhang Jun made their efforts, and laid a solid foundation for himself first.

But that was the end. One night, early the next morning, Zhao Ding and Zhang Jun, who responded, almost simultaneously proposed their respective candidates for the Ministry of War. Zhao Ding recommended Hu Shijiang who knows Zhenjiang Mansion. This person is because With regard to the transportation of materials and financial resources, he obviously had work contact with Zhao Ding, who has been in Huainan for a long time. According to Zhao Xianggong, this person is very good at military logistics; and Zhang Jun recommended Lu Zhi from Zhijiang Ningfu on the grounds that this person was in Yao. After Shan’s victory, he sent a booklet written by himself to the Privy Council. It was a comprehensive national strategy, from how to quell the Dongting Lake rebellion, to how to manage the entire south, to how to destroy the Kingdom of Jin step by step. It was so impressive that Zhang Jun, who had just taken over the Privy Council, determined that this man was a genius.

In this regard, Zhao Jiu immediately made a decision that Hu Shi would be the book of the Ministry of War.

Zhao Ding was relieved with satisfaction, but Zhang Jun immediately recommended Lu Zhi again as the vacant staff assistant. This time Zhao Jiu did not veto, and immediately promised, Zhang Jun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Besides, after the three new chief executives got together, they immediately started tossing about personnel. There was a lot of battle, but there were not too many waves in the middle of the country, inside and outside the capital...Of course, this does not mean that there are no waves. It doesn't mean everyone. I knew early on who Hu Shijiang and Lu Zhi were. It didn’t mean that everyone was not surprised by Liu Ji’s first mover, but that the fact that everyone recommended to the new bosses and used their own entrained people was a long time ago. Predictably, everyone knew that there would be such a personnel turmoil.

Still the same sentence, personnel is politics, politics is personnel. As the emperor, you, Zhao official family, once Yaoshan was overwhelmed and invincible, you still have to use trusted figures such as Zhao Ding, Zhang Jun, and Liu Ji to be the chief executive. In the past, the leaders of the people’s dignified officials and the politicians themselves also have to employ people, and why don’t you, the Zhao official family, respect the personnel power of the people’s politicians?

Especially the heavyweight personnel proposal put forward by the newly appointed or departed chief executive in a special period...If this kind of thing is negligible, then what did the chief executive do?

Don’t forget, of course Li Gang was in the southeast, and he still pushed Li Guang and Lin Qi as important ministers to the DPRK; Lu Haowen was so gentle at the time, but he still appointed Fan Zongyin and others after Nanyang; Lu Yihao used to go southeast alone, still before leaving. Zhu Shengfei was promoted as the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette; after Xu Jingheng chose to give in, he still cut off Lu Yihao's path... Don't think of others as eating rice!

The Zaizhi is the Zaizhi, the highest-level leader of the literati and officialdom in this era, and through this way of discussing politics, he shared with the Zhao Guanjia a certain top level of the highest power.

Given this position, it is necessary to give the corresponding political power, otherwise the political ecology will be destroyed.

Therefore, after the provincial minister Zhao Ding and the privy envoy Zhang Jun competed for the candidate of the Ministry of War, Zhao Jiu of course must respect the first personnel proposal of the provincial minister, and on this premise, he also respected the privy envoy's power to discuss political power.

This is called Ming Jun!

"Who is back?" The new Kaifeng Fu Yin and the Shangshu of the Ministry of War have not yet arrived. They are still accompanied by the old rules of the pivot. Zhao Jiu, who is watching the pottery and gunpowder pot experiment at Daxiangguo Temple, looks up in surprise. "Zheng what? It can't be Zheng Zhichang who is back again, right?"

"Of course it is not Zheng Zhichang, but Zheng Yinian, the son of Zheng Juzhong, the former ruler. Zheng Juzhong is the son-in-law of the prime minister, Wang Gui, and the family brother of the Queen Mother of Ningde (Queen Zheng)..." Yang Yizhong quickly explained in detail. The origin of the person. "In Jingkang, many of the eunuchs of the world were taken away together. Zheng Yinian is one of the children of the family and the relatives of the queen."

Zhao Jiu nodded, thoughtfully: "How did he come back?"

"According to him, after the victory of the official Yaoshan, for the Jin people, there were two outbursts, one is the direction of the Qi Qi, and the other is the Fan people around Yan'an. Many of them are unstable, so the Jin people lured the people to the north. My children, let them go to the Puppet Qi to be officials." Yang Yizhong kept explaining. "And this person claimed to have assumed an official position, but when he went south to cross the river, he directly followed the other fugitive Han officials to look for Zhang Taiwei's department on the river... Zhang Taiwei's department was also on the old road of the Yellow River east of the Daming Mansion. There was only one servant beside him who met him."

The ‘pottery grenade’ continued to plop in the distance, and Zhao Jiu looked at the place in a daze. He obviously did not put his mind on the new weapon, but he did not give any instructions to Yang Yizhong.

After a long time, just when the old rules on the side were ready to speak helplessly, the official laughed and turned his head back: "What things and words did he bring back here?"

"Official Mingjian." Yang Yizhong bit the bullet and replied. "He took the documents written by the two saints and the Queen Mother Ningde..."

"This can't be a fake, right?" Zhao Jiu laughed more and more. "Many veterans should recognize..."

Yang Yizhong also became more and more nervous. He could only be careful and then be careful: "The handwriting of the Emperor Taishang is easy to imitate, but the writings of the Empress Dowager Ningde are extremely difficult to fake..."

Zhao Jiu nodded, and suddenly looked straight at Yang Yizhong: "What did my father and brother say?"

There was a shudder in the Yangyi Center, and he could only endure the answer: "The general idea is similar, but the three-level meaning... One is the victory of the official family; the second is the suffering of the North; the third is the only one. Seek to live in the side hall."

Zhao Jiu nodded and continued to inquire seriously: "Does the Privy Council and the province know?"


"How do you think of several comrades and Master Lu?" Zhao Jiu couldn't ask.

"The time is in a hurry, the minister is not clear about it." Yang Yizhong reluctantly faced each other, but then looked at Chen Shuxiang, who was sitting on the sidelines.

Chen Gui bit his head and stood up, just about to speak, but Zhao Guanjia didn't even look at Chen Gui and sighed directly: "You don't have to ask, you should know, father is kind and respectful, brothers and friends are respectful... It is impossible for clinging to have other words, and it is also difficult for them!"

The stereotype, who had not had time to speak, lowered his head slightly aggrieved.

"That's all right." Zhao Jiu laughed and got up. "It's not difficult for me to be the masters, let's talk in the hall tomorrow... Quickly summon the attendant in the hall and wait in the palace." At this point, the Zhao official looked at the old rules again. "Chen Xianggong watched this hand grenades closely. It's a good thing. You don't need to mix anything else."

The stereotypes are almost relieved.

In this way, Zhao Guan's family left their old rules and walked out of Xiangguo Temple. They immediately turned black. When the imperial squad escorted him back to the palace on horseback, in front of the rushing Wan Tumao and Yang Yizhong, Liu Yan, and Lan Gui. Several people were close to the officials, but this Zhao Song official did not even want to cover up, and gritted his teeth in the empty and somewhat excessive wasteland shooting range in the harem:

"I know what's going on with my eyes closed!"

"The **** escaped! Obviously it was released from the north to explore the way!"

"What about a letter? If someone puts a knife around his neck, dare not to write it? On the other hand, if the golden people didn't let them write, where would they have the pen and paper and their mind to write these carefully?"

"Take the monarchs, fathers and sons, first press down, and then make a bait in northern Shaanxi and Jingdong, and then set the hostages in the north to negotiate a peace, right? I am discussing peace with them at this time?!"

Yang Yizhong looked at each other and didn't know what to say, and Wan Hao was even more pale.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Zhao Guanjia who had finished venting directly turned his head and said, "Wan Tuqing, I want you to be Dali Temple Secretary, can you share my worries for me?"

"The minister doesn't know how the officials want the ministers to share their worries?" Wan Tongmao's face was pale and bloodless, and even his legs trembled.

"Naturally, the salary is drawn from the bottom of the tank, so don't let Zheng Yinian make a fuss from the beginning..." Zhao Jiu stared at the other side coldly. "In my opinion, this person must be a spy of the Golden Army! He was sent by Nianhan! You are going to be Dali Temple Secretary, can you get a result for my trial?"

Don't say anything.

"Why don't you speak?" Zhao Jiu was indignant. "I use you, isn't it just to try your loyalty?"

"Officials, it's really because they want to be loyal to them, so it's not easy to reverse black and white..." Wan Tsui held his hands to face each other earnestly. "Zheng Yinian was taken abducted, and the only thing to worry about is that he received the post of the Puppet Qi, but he had fled before he arrived in the territory of the Puppet Qi, and his time on duty was much later than the official announcement on the Huai. Before the order...Officials, people with a little common sense can see that this person has not violated the official laws! On the contrary, he is a person who keeps the festival!"

"They did it on purpose!" Zhao Jiu was furious. "I just picked such a person to throw stones and ask for directions!"

"Officials, if they have such doubts, how can they say it?" Wan Hao became more sincere. "After all, no one in the north knows if there are any real loyal ministers and filial sons who are suffering..."

"Of course I know that I can't say it directly, so I want you to sit down and make sure that he is a golden spy." Zhao Jiu simply tore the last layer of skin.

"Officials." Wan Tusao directly knelt down with a plop. "The official's kindness to the minister is as heavy as a mountain. If the official wants the minister to do this, the minister is willing to share the worries for the official, but if this is the case, the minister must first remind the official... even if this person is really a golden spy, North and South After a few years, it is impossible to find the beginning and the end in a single time!"

Zhao Jiu stared at the other party and couldn't wait for a while, so he stomped slightly to remind: "This matter can always be'unnecessary'!"

Wan Chengmao directly knocked his head to the ground, and then raised his head solemnly and said: "Officials! Between us monarchs and ministers, there is no need, of course, there is no need. But if there is no need, why do you subdue the world? And why do you treat Wang Xianggong and Zhang Xueshi? Is the country's loyalty in order to see the officials fooling people around the world?"

Zhao Jiu was dumbfounded, looking at the person in front of him for a long time, unable to speak.

And Wan Chengmao knocked his head again, but he seemed to have some kind of heart, and he actually did not have a crown, and continued to persuade him non-stop: "Officials! Extraordinary things happen only when they are extraordinary, but extraordinary things are not for the country to stop. Is there an extraordinary time?"

"The minister wanted to persuade me before. Now that the country is gradually calming down, why can't the officials continue to be upright? It's nothing like the Korean envoy, but what do the officials think about the personnel disputes between the ministers?"

"First let Liu Xianggong recommend Chen Xianggong, and then let Chen Xianggong recommend Yan Dayin... What is the picture? It should be understood that all the courtiers in the world are the courtiers of the government. Why do you want to design with the courtiers in this way? The result is just futile. The tension between Zhao Xianggong and Zhang Xianggong, the trend of party controversy arose!"

"The official! The battle at Yaoshan was actually the fiercest battle since the establishment of the Emperor Song Dynasty, and it was also a battle for the re-establishment of the country! The official won by biting the teeth, and really telling the The official talent is the courage of the emperor Song, the emperor of the Song Dynasty... Under such circumstances, if you say that you are not arrogant and not anxious, you will appear to be hypocritical and like a demon... But as a minister, I have seen the official for several years. How can these deeds not have more expectations?"

"The ministers take the liberty to say that today's words are from the heart and soul, and they do not mean rebellious.... If the official wants the ministers to go'no need to have', the minister will go'no need to have', but the minister can be a generation of'no need to have'. , But I really don't want to see the officials for'unnecessary' things!"

At the end of the talk, Wan Tongmao put on the hard-winged head that was a little crooked when he first bowed his head, and bowed his head to face again, but he stopped talking.

The people around, such as Yang Yizhong, Liu Yan, Lan Gui, etc. had already listened dumbfounded. Liu Yan even had a vague tendency to shed tears, but Zhao Jiu still stared at this person in a daze, and then still couldn't speak.

I was actually given political and moral education by Wan Tao! And the depth of education seems to be deeper than what Lu Haowen taught before!

And it sounds really reasonable? !

PS: I recommend a good place to find books...Supplements...on wx, thank you for giving Shaosong a long review.

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