Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 80: Gold River

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Speaking of which, on this day, the official Zhao’s family came to Houtao, and they met Yelu Dashi, the lord of Xiliao, Hebulhan, King of Eastern Mongul Khan, and Huer Zahusi, the leader of the Klie tribe, the largest tribe in central Mongul. I even saw an unexpected person—Bilege, King of Uighurs in Xizhou.

Considering that the western grassland is still under the control of Xiliao, and Wu Shu is the actual military executor of the Daikin ruling group, it can be said that, except for one Goryeo on the Northeast Asian continent, the heads of the main military entities are basically gathered in a small area. The back set above the plain. And even in Goryeo, there is also a faction representative who travels here.

These people were divided into two, forming two distinct and opposing camps. Specifically, the others were fighting the Jurchen family together.

This is not a coincidence. The Jurchen people’s performance in the previous twenty years was too strong and dangerous... But from another perspective, if Zhao Jiu does not come this time, the weakest and split Mengwu people are likely to be caught by women. The real person drew in, it was Yelu Dashi, even if Zhao Jiu provided him with sufficient logistics, it might collapse.

In that case, it is nothing more than the gains and losses of the latter set. The time to form a united front is missed, and the overall situation in the future is the most terrible.

Of course, as far as the big talk of the day is concerned, Zhao Jiu did not break his promise. He really wanted to have a game with the Jurchen in this superb terrain... If this is won, with this terrain surrounded by water. , Basically, the West Route Army was abolished, and the affairs of the world cannot be finalized. For the same reason, Yelu Dashi had no reason to let go of this opportunity, and he also showed great determination and execution ability in the subsequent deployment of troops.

Now that Zhao Jiu and Yelu Dashi have made up their minds, it seems impossible for the others to make up their minds.

Therefore, on the second day, under the arrangement of Yue Fei, the head of the Song Army, the Han, Khitan, Dangxiang, Mughu, Uighur, Xi, and some people who could not tell the race at all, all listened to the dispatch. east.

Among them, the supplies brought by the Emperor Song Dynasty supplied the entire army, and the inexplicable Dang Xiang Minfu was transformed into a qualified auxiliary soldier, not to mention the large but famous imperial heavy infantry group beside the official. , Undoubtedly brought a great sense of security to all comrades in arms.

Relatively speaking, although the armored cavalry force that has been eagerly expanded from this battle has become large, it has obviously not been sufficiently proven.

Therefore, this huge army was divided into two by Yue Fei, the infantry became the Chinese army in this march, and the cavalry became the general reserve team of the whole army.

At the same time, the Khitan people’s complex turbulence also came out. Except for the necessary staying in Wulaihaicheng, the rest of the army gathered on the north side of the Song Army formation and took on the mission of the left-wing troops. Will be responsible for the fatal flank attack after the battle.

As for the tens of thousands of Muddlers Qingqi, they all scattered to the southeast. Their task is to find, harass, stick and pursue.

Even the camels of the Uighurs were unified into the logistics column.

To be honest, this coalition really doesn't have 200,000, which is Zhao Jiu's bragging about 200,000, but there must be one hundred and sixty thousand. Moreover, the quality of this army is probably second only to the Jurchen cavalry in the world... This is not bragging, but to say that Jin Liao has fought for eleven years, and then Song Jin has fought seven more. Eighteen years of war has been enough for everyone to know each other.

From the beginning, the Jurchens were dissatisfied with ten thousand and ten thousand were invincible. Later, there were two hundred thousand households in the east and west; from the beginning, the army was defeated like a mountain, and later, the remnant soldiers were slowly picked up.

Now, who doesn’t know who?

What's the secret of war?

It is nothing more than fair rewards and punishments, adequate logistics, proper equipment, adequate depth, suitable terrain... and then courage, training, discipline, and so on.

There is nothing mysterious. Everyone’s conditions are the same. Anyone who can do this will do. Otherwise, why are Xiren, Khitan, Bohai, and Han people beaten on the front foot by the Jurchen, and the back foot is woven into Meng’an, Can Mok be able to hang his compatriots in turn?

But until now, the all-out war in the past two decades has basically wiped out the mystery of everyone. Yelv Dashi fled to Kedun City, gathered ten or twenty thousand remnants, and still can rise, Zhao Jiu was driven to the Huai River. Regained his morale a little bit, and now he has come to Yinshan. If there is any advantage to the Jurchens, it is nothing more than a wealth of war experience, psychological advantages, and a part of the hard-working spirit inherited from the deep mountains and old forests before the war.

The experience of war can be smoothed out. The spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work is the result of the Jurchen people who have survived in a few lifetimes. They can only be killed by time, but today, the psychological advantage must be broken!

"Officials, can you win?"

Under Longhu, who had already begun to travel eastward, while Zheng Zhichang had not yet returned, Lu Ben, who had put on a leather shoulder armor, asked a question immediately.

The problem is obviously out of date, but it makes sense.

Putting on the dazzling golden armor of Pujin that day, Zhao Guanjia rode in front. He didn't care about it. Instead, he turned around and smiled at the other attendant: "What does Renqing think?"

"The official **** soldier descends from the sky, if the minister is the Jurchen chief, he will inevitably abandon the ground." A full set of armor, with a bow and a horizontal spear, a refreshed Ninbo Tadawho immediately responded, with a loud voice. It seems to be ten years younger again.

"Not bad." Zhao Jiu also nodded slightly. "If I have a complete face, I will abandon the ground nine out of ten...not only to say that I have timely support and strong forces, but more importantly, under such a terrain, heavy cavalry and mixed forces will fight, if they lose, It's the end of the heavens and the earth... The Jurchens are no longer aggrieved, but as long as they have a bit of reason, they won't force us to fight against us in Hetao."

Lu Benzhong was relieved, but he was slightly suspicious.

"But there must be no fluke in the military strategy."

Although Zhao Jiu didn't look back, he seemed to have eyes long behind his head, and he could see through Lu Benzhong's thoughts at once. "Everyone thinks that the Jurchens will leave, but what if they don’t? The more this time, the more courage and preparation for a decisive battle will be. Wanyanwushu and Wanyanba Lisu really dare not leave. Press to die on the Hetao and take the opportunity to attack Hedong!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ninbaozhong puffed his cheeks and nodded, while Lu Benzhong nodded in a panic, but didn't know if he really understood it or if he heard that he might really be fighting a conference battle and lost his square inch.

"Of course, there is another advantage to being a foot gesture, that is, even if the two sides have never fought, it can make the two or three hundred thousand soldiers of the two armies and the people of the world think that the Jurchen really feared us and was driven out by us! Some things, if everyone in the world really believes it, it will be true if it is not true!" Zhao Jiu added at last, maybe this is what he really wants to achieve.

But it doesn't matter. On this day, the north and the south are surrounded by large rivers, especially the two rivers in the north and south are only a mere straight line distance of more than a hundred miles. In addition, there are docks and reinforcements. The coalition forces have marched for fifty miles before they stop. But the next morning, Zheng Zhichang, who went to find the camp of Jurchens, came back and brought back a simple news-Wanyan Wushu and Ba Lisu did not hesitate, and he went straight to the east, as if he was preparing to retreat to the east side of the Loop. In the Tiande Army of the Liao Kingdom (in the Baotou area of ​​later generations), he did not see the Jurchens at all.

Looking at this speed, it is likely that the Sentry Cavalry immediately abandoned the loop after Song Jun arrived.

In other words, the Jurchen really left.

The news spread, and the army was cheered up. On this day, it continued eastward without mentioning it. The chief general of Yelu Dashi also made a special trip to visit Zhao Guan's house during the march.

"Your Majesty, what my great king means is that if the Jurchens cross the river and the German army does not leave, we will lead the army to confront each other across the river... Our army is here to confront the Jurchens for half a month. It is very clear that the Jurchens are logistics. In fact, there are some problems. If we stand up here, we can survive the autumn, but they will not be able to." Xiao Wu Lisa said simply and directly.

But Zhao Jiu didn't respond directly. On the contrary, he just looked at the people and continued to say nothing, but continued to beat the horse slowly, seeming to turn a deaf ear to Xiao Wu Li's words.

"What if the Jurchens continue to retreat after crossing the river?" Nibozhong and Lu Benzhong, who had been watching and watching for a long time, both agreed, but Lu Benzhong really didn't know how to intervene in the military, so it was Nibozhong who took the lead and confronted them boldly.

"If the Jurchen crosses the river, of course the coalition forces will also cross the river." While urging the horse to keep up, Xiao Yuli's heart was also a little frightened, but he didn't dare to see the official Zhao Song, so he could only be serious with his side. Dialogue between famous party and old man.

"But if you cross the river and pursue it, will you be lured into by the Jurchen people and counterattack back?"

"There is no danger until the Southwest Recruitment Division of Daliao (the later generation is near Hohhot)!"

"How to say?"

"East of the Hetao, although the terrain is no longer the so-called dead area of ​​the Jiahe River by the cavalry, but to the west of the Daliao Southwest Recruitment Division, the area of ​​the Daliao Tiande Army and Yunnei Prefecture is still between Yinshan and Dahe. It is a long and narrow land. The coalition forces are so powerful. , Enough to advance properly... Therefore, if the Jurchens retreat this time, if they abandon the confrontation across the river, they will have to retreat to the Southwest Recruitment Division (Hohhot) or simply retreat to Xijing (Datong)."

"General Xiao." Ninbaozhong secretly glanced at the back of the Zhao official's house, and then continued to fight his horses and march and face each other. "You have to remember one thing. The 200,000 troops depend on my Da Song for food and grass, and the main force here is also my Da Song soldiers and horses... Once crossing the river to the west, the supply line will be prolonged, and it will be your old Liao country that will be regained. But we want us to take out tangible military rations, is there such a cheap thing in the world?"

"My King has something to say..."

"If Big Shilinya wants to speak to my majesty, he should let him speak for himself." Seeing that Zhao Guanjia didn't respond, Ren Baozhong simply interrupted the other party. "Now it is General Xiao talking to me about some military thoughts... Why bother to lift up the big stone forest teeth to crush people?"

Xiao Yi Lila also glanced at the back of Zhao Guan's house, who did not respond, and then pulled down his face to face Nin Baozhong:

"General Rendo, of course we know that Dasong is the main force, but it is just marching into Yunnei Prefecture. The logistics line has not been stretched too much, and we are not going to go deeper. As for the benefits, if the army can arrive My Daliao Southwest Recruitment Department is in front of me. Not only did Daliao regain the core states and counties, but the Mungug also loosened the side shackles. Couldn't your country also sweep all the land outside the Yellow River?"

Ren Baozhong was about to say something, but Xiao Wu Lila suddenly sneered: "More importantly, once this happens, the Jurchen people will cringe in Hedong and Hebei, and can no longer easily touch the Xixia land that your country has laid down this time. You Song People no longer have to worry about those party items half-hearted!"

Ninbao Zhong was not angry when he heard the words, but Zhao Jiu finally turned his head at this time, shocked Xiao Wu Lila suddenly reined his horse, and then his horse neighed for a while, but soon he returned to normal and continued to beat his horse.

"General Xiao." Zhao Jiu immediately faced each other with a laugh. "Why didn't Dashi Linya come here in person for such a major event?"

"Your Majesty." Xiao Wu Lila explained earnestly, bowing his head. "It's not that my prince is deliberately negligent, it's really a bad clone in the army."

"I understand." Zhao Jiu Zhuangruo said indifferently. "What you just said, I will tell all three of Yue, Wu, and Qu, and listen to their assignments. I just ask about the specific battle. But you really don't want to take back Xijing?"

Xiao Wu Lili was silent for a moment before he answered, "Who doesn't want to? But it is the blessing of the ancestors to be able to march here this time. If you forcefully march into Xijing, if there is a mistake, I am afraid that the previous hard work will be wiped out."

Zhao Jiu turned his head and smiled and glanced at Lu Benzhong: "Just what I said, Da Shi Lin Ya is a big hero, and I won't let me worry about some messy things."

Without involving the military, Lu Benzhong reacted extremely quickly and immediately nodded.

"Thank your Majesty for your understanding." Xiao Wu Lila sighed in relief and hurriedly responded. It seemed that because he couldn't enter Xijing and was somewhat disappointed, he had to prepare to leave.

"It's okay." Zhao Jiu nodded, and then, just when Xiao Ye Lisa had turned his horse's head, he suddenly spoke again. "General Xiao just called Dashilinya the great king?"

Xiao Wu Lila's discoloration changed slightly, but he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately turned back to face each other: "It is...before this expedition to Hexi, the envoy sent by your majesty informed the death of the first emperor. In order to gather the hearts of the people, our king made a sacrifice to the world. Temporarily called King Khan."

"Oh!" Zhao Jiu immediately raised his head in response to the bumps, feeling thoughtful.

However, Xiao Yeli went up and down and followed for a long time. Seeing that Zhao Jiu didn't mean to continue speaking, he pressed down with complicated emotions and turned back to the Khitan army.

In this way, don’t mention any gossip. In the next few days, the coalition forces marched eastward, and the Jurchens, as Yelv Dashi had judged, realized that they could not fight the coalition forces in the narrow passage between Yinshan Mountain and the Yellow River. He withdrew to Xijing (Datong).

In this regard, Yelv Dashi, Yue Fei, Wu Jie and others judged unanimously, that the Jurchens did this deliberately, and they wanted to lure the coalition forces to pursue the pursuit. Once the coalition forces were counted and crossed Yunnei Prefecture and lost the protection of Yinshan Mountain, it was very likely that they would Will usher in the encirclement of Jurchen.

These people made a judgment. Of course, Zhao Jiu would not go beyond the thunder pond. He directly ordered the army to reach Yunnei Prefecture and Dongsheng Prefecture, and the main force of the army was not allowed to cross the Jinhe flowing through Yunnei, Dongsheng and other places. Half a step.

However, even so, as the army continued to leave Yinshan, and the main force of Jurchen retreated to Datong Mansion, the entire Hewai and Hedong were also shaken. Especially in the Hewai area, where the Jurchen forces could no longer reach, they had long sent a large army to secretly echo and cooperate with the Song army. The three states of Fengzhou, Fuzhou, and Linzhou directly hung the banner of the Song Dynasty; He Qingjun, The three prefectures and counties of Jin Sujun and Ningbian prefecture originally belonged to the old areas of the Liao Dynasty. There were also Khitan relics, but they were directly attacked by the Zhe’s soldiers and horses who were anxious to make contributions; as for the defenders of Yunnei prefecture and Dongsheng prefecture, the so-called face-to-face The greatness of the army's Yunnei made Yelu Nu Ge even open the door without waiting for the army to arrive.

At this time, as the traffic of the Yellow River was opened up, Zhao Jiu knew that as early as the end of May when he marched to Hetao, Wanyan Living Girl and Wanyan Sali Drink took the initiative to get through. The Yellow River returned to Hedong. At the end of May, Han Shizhong formally recovered Yan'an, Suide, and Jinning, and sent a large army north to respond.

The time came to the second day of June. Thanks to the strong suppression of Zhao Jiu and Yelv Dashi, the coalition troops stopped at the Jinhe Po at the intersection of the Jinhe and the Yellow River under the rule of Dongsheng Prefecture. After all, they did not cross the Yinshan Safety Zone for half a step.

So far, everyone knows that the chaos in the northwest caused by Yeluyu's rush to the Northwest, after a short half a year, with the current victory and success of the march, it is time to draw an end.

In fact, seeing that the coalition forces were no longer moving forward, the Jurchen and the coalition forces, who were somewhat unable to support each other, soon had a tacit understanding and tentative dissolution and separation of small units in order to alleviate the logistical pressure.

But at the same time, as the so-called military goes to the military, politics goes to politics, after the victory of the military, before the army is disbanded, some things should be done, especially these things can only be high-end matters that the Song official can do. .

On the sixth day of June, this is the date of the Song-Liao-Mengwu League appointed by the Zhao official’s family. The location is on the bank of the Jin River between Yinshan Mountain and the Yellow River. According to the agreement, the three parties will worship the heaven and the earth here, and then, under the witness of the 200,000 army, they will form a formal and all-round anti-golden alliance including military, economic, and diplomatic all-round.

And this morning, before the noon sacrificial ceremony officially began, Yelv Dashi, Hebule, Huerzhahusi, and Bielege arrived at the Song Army Camp on the bank of the Jinhe... , Because Zhao Guan’s schedule is too rushed, and some more sensitive matters must be communicated before the covenant is concluded. Otherwise, the Zhao Guan’s who dominates the covenant will come to an overlord to bow, what should it do?

Break the contract?

In the large army camp where the Song Army has absolute advantage? In front of the Jurchen soldiers who are one or two hundred li away, still looking at them?

"Dashilinya wants all the prefectures and counties north of the Yellow River?" Zhao Jiu, who was sitting in the main seat, smiled and inquired in a banquet hurriedly set up beside the Golden River in the warm weather. "In addition, you want the three states of Heqing, Jinsu, and Ningbyon?"

"Your Majesty's remarks are interesting." Yelu Dashi, who was sitting first on the left hand, held the cup. "North of the Yellow River, it's just the three states of the rear set and the old place of the Liao Dynasty, Tiande Army, Yunnei Prefecture, and Dongsheng Prefecture. How come from your Majesty's mouth they seem to be talking about something terrific? And He Qing and Jin Su? The three places in Ningbian are also the former land of Liao. Therefore, what I said just now is nothing more than asking for a loophole. Or is it that your Majesty and our Khitan people clearly have a covenant first, but are planning to swallow the old land of Liao?"

After saying that, wearing a refreshing cloth, Yelu Dashi, who came solo, took a drink and laughed.

Let’s also say that for similar topics, although we had anticipated it during the dinner, as the Yelu Dashi started, the atmosphere was still a little tight, especially at this time after the other party interrogated and laughed wildly, which immediately attracted a group of arrogant soldiers on Zhao Jiu’s right hand. Will be unable to hold back.

Qu Duan sneered first: "Dashilinya, if according to your words, Da Song will command Hexi Six States, Northwest Fourth Army Division, connected to the Hetao, and Liao State's hometown six states, all with you... Da Song dare to give, Do you dare to have it?"

Yelu Dashi smiled again, but suddenly became serious again, and confronted Qu Duan boldly, "Why don't you dare?"

Qu Duan is a rare lag.

"Big Shilinya." Lu Benzhong also frowned. "If this is the case, Da Song sent one hundred thousand and provided so much food and grass to fetch you the Hetao and the six states of Liao have to pay something back?"

"Da Song fulfilled the contract properly and helped a lot. Of course I am grateful and I am willing to repay this kindness." Yelv Dashi immediately faced each other earnestly. "But at this time my Daliao Committee is really in trouble... That's it. It's better to ask Lu She to make a clear calculation, list a bill, or directly report a number, no matter how much, I will directly recognize it, and then our Daliao will sell iron. , And I will pay it back slowly in the future... Never be a bad guy!"

Lu Benzhong turned pale and embarrassed for a while.

At this time, Zhao Guanjia, who had been watching the dazzling shining on the lake beside him, finally turned around, held up his wine glass and said, "The big stone forest tooth...the golden lake is dazzling, the beautiful scenery is very beautiful, let's have a drink."

Yelü Dashi smiled, raised his glass, arched his hand, and drank it directly, Zhao Jiu also raised his glass and drank it directly. The rest of the people waited and saw the two eldest drank together, including the two Mongolian leaders who had been watching the show, everyone also toasted to accompany the drink together.

"Thousands of miles of Yinshan and Wanlisha, who will fight against the green temples?"

When everyone put down their glasses, Zhao Jiu chanted a little something that didn't know whether it was a poem or a word, and then he shook his head. "It's a pity that if the covenant is made right today, Dashilin Yaxi will return to Gaochang, four thousand miles apart, and thousands of miles away, but I don't know when we will see you next time? When I think of letting go, maybe this life will not be anymore. Seeing again, I am really reluctant to bear the big stone forest teeth."

Yelu Dashi was stunned when he heard the words, and after waiting for a while, he sneered, but he didn't know if it was self-deprecating or what it meant:

"I wonder what arrangements your Majesty has for this time? Dashi is willing to listen first."

PS: Thanks to Xiahou Ningyuan for the second cuteness, and thanks to the sniper Di Lie for the first cuteness. This is also the 143rd cuteness in this book.

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