Shao Song

: Douren 16: Song Shuben Ji 24-Liaoyuan Fire

   Shizu Emperor Guangwu Taboo, with the word Deji, the ninth son of Huizong, and the mother is the Queen of Xianren, Webster. Otsumi was born in Ouchi, Tokyo's Ouchi in the first year of the Grand View in May. In August Ding Chou, gave a name, awarded the military military Jiedu envoy, inspected the school captain, and sealed the Shu Guogong. In the first month of the second year, Gengshen was appointed the king of Guangping County. In December of the third year of Xuanhe, Renzi was entrusted with the title of King Kang. He is intellect, erudite and memorized, recite more than a thousand words on a reading day, and he can fight his bow with one stone and five battles with one stone. In the four years of Xuanhe, he was the first to win the first place, and he went out to win the first place. ... In May Geng Yinshuo, the emperor was on the altar and was ordered to cry after the ceremony, and thanked the two emperors remotely, that is, located in Fuzhi. Change Yuan Jianyan. (Both the original texts of Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty) In July, I walked in Mingdao Palace and woke up after falling into the well for three days. The edict returned to Li Gang in charge, with Liu Yan and others traveling thousands of miles from Liaodong to righteousness, and ordered the formation of the Red Heart Team as a guard. Shikang relied on his power to isolate the inside and outside, and punish him.

  October, Sujiegou, Han Shizhong's army rebelled, killed Yushi Niigao, and persuaded him to cross the river to avoid it. The emperor Zhengse said: The world is chaotic like the end of Han Dynasty, I can be a filial piety, Ran Qing waits to think about Wuhou, don't learn from Dong Cheng. When Li Gang was on his side, he said anxiously: Even so, there is no minister or no ruler in the world, and Zhaolie is also in danger of Nagasaka. The emperor laughed: Does Zhaolie avoid Huanhou? It is an argument to ride a starry night into the village, shouting: Good minister, Han Shizhong is in chaos, I have nowhere to go, so I came to Benqing. Shi Shizhong was still asleep, and when he heard the news, he went naked to worship. He was afraid to respond, and the emperor stopped laughing. Ordered to quell the chaos, and Yang Yizhong is equal to Chinese food in the village. Xuan Zhan rebel general returned, bent back to his life, the emperor saw the majestic very strong, but ordered to stand in front of the army, personally untie the jade belt, and remonstrated: 赳絳武夫, don't bend your waist, the world is falling down, but General Lai supports his waist to do it. Guts

   In November, Ding Jin rebelled, blocked the road and moved to Shunchang. After hearing about the chaos on the East Road of Shandong, Jinan Liu Yu killed the defender Guan Sheng and rebelled, Zhao Mingcheng in Zizhou broke out, and Liu Hongdao in Qingzhou was defeated. The emperor visited Yingshui during the time when he was loyal to the village. He held his hand and asked: Qing and bluntly, can the golden man be the enemy? Shizhong stayed silent for a long time and replied: Cavalry uses military forces in the wilderness of the Central Plains; The emperor sighed and said: I also know it, but the people are so guilty. After returning home, he ordered Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi and others to settle in Huaisi and move to Shouzhou for preparation.

   When the army arrived in Shouzhou, Zhang Jun left the Yingdong Pavilion and remonstrated: Your Majesty bears the hope of the world. How can you live under the dangerous wall? Please be fortunate to Yangzhou for the time being to guard this place. If the division is 30,000, please break it for your majesty; if the soldiers of the country go south, you must fight to the death. The emperor said: Qing is also a loyal minister, but "Laozi" said: "Being affected by the dirt of the country is called the lord of the society; receiving the country's ominousness is the king of the world." I do my part! Fu said: Qing Congzhen was between the defeated army in Hebei, and now he will be in charge in times of crisis.

   In December, the fourth crown prince Wushu entered Jeju, and Liu Guangshi was terrified. Nai erroneously said that the Jinjun was great, and the soldiers abandoned Liuzhou, Fendukou isolated from Xia Cai, erroneously said that the guardian, and wanted to coerce on the left side of the Anan River. When the emperor was stationed in Xie Xuan to break the Hu place, he first got the revenge of the Shizhong Army, and he heard that the world had arrived. The emperor did not speak, waiting for the light to come, suddenly drew out his sword, slashing into the chaos army, like slaughtering a chicken. After punishing the Guangshi, the rest was in panic. Asked the question above the rate of calling the team. Either homesick, or ask for reward, or be injustice, all depend on the words to reward and punish, and the people will feel more at ease. Returning to the account and wearing armor, lead the squad on duty to cut down those who are afraid of fighting and want to fled south. The first biography said: Fame and fortune, homesickness and worry about hometown, human nature. Today, I am waiting for an appointment with you, and rewards and punishments are determined by the above. Zhang Yongzhen and others said: If officials are not afraid of war, how can we cherish our lives.

   Not long after, the Jin Army came to Huai, and hundreds of soldiers crossed first. When the emperor saw it in the distance, Fu Wangde said: Jin Jun is arrogant, and it is unknown whether the "Yaksha" is afraid of it? De stunned his eyes and said: Your Majesty, watch it. The dozens of the commanding troops drove straight forward, cutting the Titans Dobby, and the golden army did not dare to cross for a few days.

   Twenty-eight, the emperor and his officials feasted at Bagong Mountain. Prime Minister Lu Hao asked slightly happily, and the emperor took his arms back to the account. When war is approaching, there are more uniforms. It's a good question to pretend to be drunk and admonish: Why do officials have narrow sleeves without ornaments and poor clothes? The emperor laughed and said: The prime minister is drunk, this is a matter in the army. Easy to ask and laugh: So, ministers are like Dasu Bachelor, full of outdated stomachs. After the banquet, he thought about the isolation of Cai, and the emperor wanted to go to Anzhi personally, and Jun asked him to take his place. The emperor replied: Qing is clear. However, if the world is overthrown, if you want everything, the overlord will break the cauldron and sink the boat, Guangwu and Kunyang will break the encirclement, Zhaolie and the people cross the river, Wuhou six out of the Qishan, Zhang Xun alone guards Suiyang, and when it comes to Jingkang, if the ice body falls into the enemy camp, it is all Willingly go his own way? The big man does something and doesn't do something! It is not for me to go in person today, and there is no way to calm the hearts of the people and settle down in the camp.

   is the wind and snow with Yang Yizhong, the lone boat crosses into Xia Cai at night, and presents Jun to a banquet in the duck, the first in the light, Liulizi. Shaking hands and saying farewell to each other and said: War defends and descends, Qing decides on his own, but if you read the covenant of Dongting, you should write to me first. Jun put his hands away and went back to his son-in-law Tian Shizhong and said: Guangwu face to face, push his heart to his belly, the state scholar treats me, after death, what else?

   Twenty-nine, Wu Shu sent the western army so Zhao Qiu persuaded him to surrender, Jun Xu and the snake, and said: I would like a thousand dollars and ten thousand silver before offering the city. Jun is greedy for money and everyone knows it, and the gold man does not doubt it. Jin and Yin Zhi, Jun Da summoned the generals, cut Zhao ball, suspended the world's head, and scattered the family wealth to the soldiers, and the whole army was shocked. Jun Xiran said: People who are greedy for money must gamble, and a certain is also a layman. Today, please be people-oriented, and devote your life to fight for prosperity and wealth with the monarchs, and guard this isolated city. Everyone felt his heroism, and all came out, and Jundu went home and cried to Liulizi. Thirty, Wu Shu heard that Emperor Xingye went to Cai Shi. He ordered people to write a book, and said that the two saints and clan affairs were very insulting. Emperor Guanzhi has been silent for a long time. In the evening, Shi Qunchen said: How is it different from the book of animals and animals? ! He ordered the Baizhao to write a book to Zhao Jiu in Cangzhou, Hebei, stamp the emperor's seal, spit on it, and toss it back.

   On the first day of the second year, Palgong Mountain made the world clear: 1. Song and Jin are not compatible. If you regard yourself as Song, you will have the responsibility of defending the soil and resisting the war. 2. If you do not return to the native land of the two rivers, you will welcome the two holy ones, and those who make peace will not be forgiven. 3. Anti-gold in the world is the first, and those who dare to fight in Lianghe, Xu temporarily occupy the military state and conduct himself in military affairs. Fourth, take Li Gang as the public minister and unify everything in the south of the Yangtze River. Traveling ends in Jiangbei, if you fail, you will die! 5. In case of any unexpected events, please ask the hero to rise up, restore the rivers and mountains to save the people, and be the lord of the world. After speaking, he drew his sword and sweared: Song can perish, and the world shall not perish! The edict is issued to remit the world, saying: The golden thieves are powerful, and they will fall in battle. Those who are unarmed and threatened to follow the thieves, if they can anyway, do not investigate the previous crimes and raise merits according to the routine. Those who make up their own friends and flee like Liu Guangshi in fear of war; those who frustrate the tigers and trap the soldiers and civilians like Liu Yu; those who make plans and are ruthless and treacherous, such as Wenbin, will never die. Wu Shu had to proclamation of fear, killing all the camps and demoting officials, only Wenbin was spared.

   On the sixth day of the sixth day, the Golden Army raised the floating bridge. The emperor ordered Wang De and others to resist, and led a hundred officials to watch the battle at Bagong Mountain. Shi Jun agreed to make an early decision, but when the audience saw that the Jin Jun was strong, there was a lot of discussion before driving. Or order the front army to defend along the coast, or ask Yujia to cheer. At the beginning of the emperor's wood, he became furious, and the halberd pointed out: I sit here and stay still. As the second victory, I can boost the morale of the three armies, especially the prisoners of Zhao Kuo! The ministers retired silently

   From day to noon, fierce battles were endless, and Zhang Yongzhen and other deadly battles (see the biography of ZTE's famous generals) and Shizhong soldiers arrived, breaking it. Zhang Yongzhen was so badly wounded that he died after seeing the emperor returning home three times. The emperor is guilty, and the three armies are weeping. When Liu Hongdao waited, the emperor Xuan ordered to rule the king of Jiangnanxilu. Difficult to understand, the emperor said: The only death in the age of hardship, the second holy north hunter, today is also lucky to the south. Although Hong Dao and others have been defeated and fought repeatedly, how can we ask for full blame. Only in the past, Li Ruoshui and Zhang Shuyezhong did not care about themselves, but now Zhang Yongzhen will not avoid death. Yi'an Jushi said, "Life is a master, and death is also a ghost. So far, thinking about Xiang Yu, he refuses to cross Jiangdong." Is it worthy to be a satire of you and me? Willing to encourage each other! Dujinren crossed the night at night, and it was the secret to make the Shizhongxu camp to respond, break it, and cover the three menacing peace.

   On the seventh day of the seventh day, Ma Shen Jin, Hubei, heard about the ambush, impeaching Shizhongwu, and planning to raise the army without going through the two governments, which violated the system. Zhang Jun and Lin Jing silently argued that fighting against gold should be based on knowing the soldiers, so as to protect the world's loyalty. Unable to hold on, Dudi laughed and said: Good! The country has long heard the theory of the door, and today we see the dispute between gentlemen.

   In February, Yang Weizhong, Yue Fei, Fu Xuan, Zhang Rong and others returned to Jeju and cut the gold clan Saili. The work is being discussed, and the crowd is rewarded, but the first work is undecided. Everyone contemptuous of Rong's background, and Du Jing said silently: "Only loyal to plan, fly elections and dare to fight, but if there is no Zhang Rong's advice and ambush, righteousness and courage to fight to death, why this victory? Therefore, we should take glory as the first merit. The emperor accepted his words, Fuyunzhou, Jinrong Town, Jiayue: Liangshan heroes serve the country in Shuntian. He also hand-recorded the "Song of the Heroes" and gave it.

   After Jeju is restored, the top and bottom will retreat as the golden men will retreat. Shizhong and Zhang Junyiwu have not broken their way after the operation, or there will be a battle. The emperor agrees. Zhongcheng Zhang Jun said: Although Wushu is expensive, there is no such thing as a deputy. In the next day, Hu Yin and Lin Jingmo impeach Sezhong and Jun jealous of Jeju's victory. The emperor thinks that it is difficult to sleep soundly, but he said in Yizhong: I am in the battle, so how can I fall into the general by guessing. Nai Cheng Ye Yinjun, Yin, and Jing Mo saw Shizhong, and shook his hand and said, "Being gall and letting go of doubts." Shizhong said: Since it is for the waist, what is the honor and disgrace? It is a straight waist, and the face does not change the color. Jun, Yin, Jing Mo, etc. are all served. The World Loyalty Golden Army will attack Gwangju, fearing loss, but hesitating to speak. The emperor explained his meaning, saying: To save Gwangju, you need to encircle Wei and save Zhao, cover Huai Shui tomorrow, and cross the daring to fight in secret, I will break thieves such as Cai Guanqing. The next time he came to the battle, the three armies said: There are special skills in the art, and the king is not in command. Before this battle, Han Liangchen, after the battle, Zhang Boying, the offender shall be cut. During the battle, the Jun Zhuan armies filed out in a clear order; Shizhong's subordinates broke the golden fence with one drum.

   At noon, Shizhong wants to chaos the golden formation, Naozan asks for help. Junyi is in safety, hesitating and hard to decide, the emperor holds his hand and exhorts: Today's victory or defeat depends on Qing, and let him do it. Jun said: But the minister is here, and the place is as stable as Mount Tai. The second department of Yang Yizhong, Liu Bao and Shizhong before the imperial transfer. The emperor was anxious and feared that the generals would squeeze his hands. He returned to his command and said: Military conditions are like fire and military orders are like mountains. There are hundreds of officials in the city who have deliberately argued about military opportunities. Mingjun and Yuan Xiacheng are on guard, please do not ask again. Yang Yizhong led the duty to come first, and Shi Zhong said: If the enemy abandons the village, he must be prepared. When the enemy is tempted, he will watch the battle. Yizhong promised, Shizhong quoted himself, and Liu Bao led the army to retreat.

   The golden army moved, Wang Sheng went north, Wu Shu's deputy Pu Luhunnai made all the cavalry. To the embankment, there were three people raising the flag in Yizhong as promised. Xie Yuanyin defeated its momentum, and Shi Zhongcheng was prominent in chaos, stab Puluhunma in the army. The re-introduction of the army attacked the village, cheering and thunderous, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo. Wu Shu was defeated, and injured his hip in the chaos, only to avoid him. Shi Wenbin died in the chaos. The emperor is at the head of the city, looking at the great victory from the distance, putting the crown on the seat, and calling for the victory. The Emperor Dan and the Junjun Agreement: After breaking the Jinying camp, and then drinking with all the monarchs. That night, Nai personally drank Dadan with more than a hundred people who had been in the battle before the battle, and it was embarrassing to beheaded less than the three. Set up the tomb of Zhonglie on Palgong Mountain to worship Zhang Yongzhen and other loyal souls, so people want to fight.

The emperor still has the strength of the Western Army, and Nanyang lives in the world. He left Li Gang to help the empress dowager and the emperor heirs to guard Yangzhou, and Han Shizhong feasted on Huaixi and escorted them. The letter king was the deputy commander of the world’s soldiers and horses, and Gama expanded into the North Dao. They are all in charge and control the Hebei Volunteers. Zhang Suo set up Jingdong two roads, and Zhang Jun went to Huaidong.

   February 25th, stationed in Nanfeikou, there are scholars and people entering oranges, and the emperor gives them all. Suddenly, I felt that I twisted the residual candle into the orange to make a lamp, and placed it in the Huai River, saying: The mere stream of light, in order to feast on the heroic soul. Up and down imitated in awe, the Huai River was shining brightly for a while, like the day of Bianjing's heyday, many people who feel weep from time to time.

   In March, I was stationed in Ruyang, sent envoys to the counties, and ordered Lin Yutang to accept Wuguan. Suddenly hearing about silver art, Wuguan had been lost, and the Liao Jiang commanded Yelvma to the army to commit the crime. Silver skills can capture Emperor Tianzuo, King Xi, and those who break Taiyuan. When Emperor Shi and Liu Ziyu played together, everyone in the hall was shocked, but Emperor alone sat as usual. He said: A strong city can be relied on, and a strong army is outside. I am not a barbarian king. Why should I be afraid to interfere with the military such as Qing and other ministers? Sui'an.

   Xiping, Cui Chong, Yan Xiaozhong and others introduced the king of military service, but they were uncertain. Regarding left or right or sin, Emperor Du said: "The country is chaotic and troubled, so how can you blame the righteous people?" Silver skills can be feared to retreat, Nanyang is peaceful. Regardless of other things, the court officials first discussed five things: Tujuan, Fanqiong, Sun Mo, Guanxi, and military marriage. Each has its own disposal, and the people's hearts are a little more peaceful. The four walls of Bianjing defended Fan Qiong, and when Jingkang forced the emperor to offer the city, he was defeated and followed the Xiangyang separatist regime. Emperor Du said: Withered bones in the mound.

   On April 18th, the Xiangyang Army rebelled. Qiong was frightened and killed his wife and daughter. His tribes, Han Li and Wang Jun, were frightened and restrained him from surrendering. The emperor ordered Qiong to be buried together with his wife and daughter, and summoned all the generals to observe it. Said: "The turbulent times are heavy, so it should be the crime of the person, and the Qing waits for it to do it." The military discipline is clear. The emperor has decided in the south, which is to wash away the shortcomings of Jingkang. It is forbidden to talk and focus on practical matters. The ministers are half-paid, and the ministers have different rules, division of labor, cooperation, and general management. For several months, they are going up and down in order and governing.

   Since the emperor feels Xining, the party has been fighting fiercely. The old party Sima Guang and other spirits have misled the country. Although the new party Cai Jingwang has used public for personal gain, Wang Jinggong’s policy has actually hit the current disadvantages and cannot be changed. The banquet was held at the Baihe Dyke, and the "Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties" were set. They were outstanding in the name of the scholar of Dongpo of the dynasty, and the most outstanding ones. Su Shi’s handwritten book "Former Chibi Fu" was presented to the emperor. The emperor was overjoyed, showing the ministers, giving Shi a beautiful posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous title. In reply to the public's comments on the merits and demerits of the old and new parties, the title "You Bao Chan Mountain" after the "Pre-Chibi Fu", said: "The former Soviet kings lead the coquettish, although they are all going, they still win." Return to Xixia, Wei Qing How many generations of "minions" are there? From now on, regardless of the party, I will do everything to abolish the ban of Yuanyou party members and use the politics of the new party."

   In May, the imperial camp was reorganized, Henan was ordered to defend, and Nanyang military resources were taken out to aid Li Yanxian. The gold master Wu buys a begging army, or fears that Henan will be rebellious, and proposes to dispatch the supervising army. The emperor said: "The big waves wash away the sand, the fire tests the gold, and when there is a crisis of survival, those who are inherently greedy for life and fear of death, there must be coordinators such as Li Boji, and the white-haired army is like Zong Rulin. Qing waits to sit behind and wait for victory. Okay, why are you suspicious?"

   In August, Kong Yanzhou rebelled, and the river defense opened. The Golden Puppet, as a refugee, broke Zhang Rong and fell into Nanjing. The Jingdong system set up Zhangsuo's palace and died, and Huaidian shook. Hearing that he died in the country, he was silent for a long time, and he was worried about it, or asked why. After hearing that Wushu led the army to Tokyo, Zongze stayed behind and suffered from severe illness. Shizhong urgently assisted him and was trapped in Changsha. The DPRK Council used Du Chong to replace Zongze's post and dominate Henan's military. On the ninth day of the ninth day, he brought Mrs. Wu to the Chongyang high school and ordered the people to choose poems. Hu Hongxiu ridiculed it by saying "Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the side, and I am drunk and dancing with the lotus." The emperor knows the two people's opinions, and said: "I am not shameful, but I am drunk with a lamp and watch the sword."

   In October, Du Chong had a fornication with the gold man, Wu Shu was a lazy staying in the Changsha, and he encircled Nanyang with fifty thousand troops. The letter to the letter said: Since the next Cai Yibie, I have missed Jun Yan for a long time. The emperor returned the book and said: Come on, the land of three miles! With the old rules of the presidential city defense, all from the self-assisted to the city. The golden army can't advance in several attacks, and the damage is very heavy. In November, the Volcano killed dozens of people below Chizhanhui and killed Jin Wanhu. The morale was greatly lost. Wu Shu sighed and said: "Three miles away, how different is the world?"

  On the eighth day of the new year, Chongzi rushed to tell the Yanling matter, and Yi Hao offered his policy and said: The officials don’t hear about the old things of Guangwu Kunyang? The emperor Duwushu was incompetent, but taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the gold man, he personally led the Red Heart Team 300 out of the city and went straight to Yanling. First look for Yue Fei, call Li Qiong again, and the second general will answer his orders, go straight into the city, call the generals, capture Du Chong, count his crimes with a jade axe, and punish him.

   In the first month of the third year, Yue Fei was the first to lead the three armies to attack laziness. The battle was unfavorable, and Xu Qing and others did not control the formation. The emperor crossed the river first, and ordered Wan Qian to lift the dragon dragon. The three armies marched forward. When Shi Zhong saw the dragon dragon also came out, Han Yue joined the flag, broke in a battle, and cut his son-in-law. Fulbaru. Eleven, Jing Mo admonishes: "When it is, it can be safe in the old world." The emperor thought it so, and ordered Han and Yue Gongwu to draw three thousand troops back to the old capital.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I returned to Tokyo, saw Zongze, asked about the affairs of the country, publicly vowed to the heavens, "If I do not revive the two rivers in this life, I will destroy the kingdom of gold, plow the courtyard and sweep the acupoints, and unite the world into one, and I will be unloved. , There is no dead body". "The Qingyu Case" was reproduced with "The public searched for him a thousand times. Suddenly looking back, the man was there, the lights were diminished." Comfortingly, Zong Ze left the song "Shier" and passed away three times when he passed the river. . Emperor Weeping: Turn the sky down, stop the turmoil, make every effort to do everything, do not make Wuhou specialize in beauty, and posthumously give loyalty to Wu.

   In February, Han and Yue attacked Wushu, Li Yanxian and Zhang Jun also led the army, broke it, and Nanyang Encirclement was resolved. Twenty-five, the emperor gathered Heyin, and the army was in the robes and ties of righteousness prevailed. However, his heart is to report to the country, to An Li Shun, why bother to be private? In front of the control hall, the justice was established, the seven commanders supervised it, and the system of control secrets was restored. The military sentiment was straight to the top, and it was cleared from the top and bottom, and the disadvantages of the five generations were eliminated. The Jin and Han Shizhong had little protection, and the two towns were added; Li Yanxian has made great achievements and hard work since Jingkang, which is in fact the "mainstay", and gave him the flag and encouragement. Transferred to Sichuan and Sichuan with Zhang Jun, and Chen Gui as the official book of the Ministry of War, he was dismissed as the capital of Nanyang and returned to Bianjing.

   In March, the Jiangnan army was in chaos, and Yue Fei was ordered to pacify it. In April, Emperor Siyao stopped Li Gang, and Jin Lu Yihao stayed southeast. Jin regards Liu Yu as the emperor, and sends envoys to cut the two rivers and return the two emperors to negotiate a peace. Queen Xing, the golden man also blessed the gods and the second princesses of the Buddha.

   In May, the quota for imperial troops and horses was established. Set up Kansai with Hu Yin's system, and use Qu Duan to make the phrase "do not go to Guanzhong, but come to the lake to go boating", seize the post and move to the deputy capital of the imperial camp. Fortunately, Shaolin gave the "Fist Out of Shaolin" plaque to help the army be successful. Will Lu Hao asked, Xing Yuanxue. The emperor was simple and cultivated fish and mulberry in the harem.

   In June, Li Cheng, the puppet marshal of Qi, invaded Yanggu, Yang Yizhong broke the water, and Fuyang Valley. Yue Fei captured and cut the false marshal Kong Yanzhou and returned to Yanzhou. Zhang Rong captured Liu Lin, the false Prince Qi, and sent to Bianjing. The emperor visited the Daxiangguo Temple to discuss the matter of the water park, commend him for his loyalty and love for the people, and promote his loyalty. In July, Enke was opened, and Yue Fei and Qu Duan were chartered for the Palace Examination. In November, everyone asked to set up a queen, and the emperor missed Queen Xing, not allowed. Yu Shi Li Guang intervened in the family affairs of Heaven, please cut Yang Yizhong. November 20th, tour the Yellow River.

   On the first day of December, I used Yu Yunwen to see the truth and futility of the North Shore Golden Water Army. Zhang Rong was ordered to lead Liang Shanshui Army into the river via Bian. Rong Quan's team came to the starry night endlessly, singing and fighting, saying, "Grandpa was born in Liangshanbo, and he was born to kill. There is no righteous man to cut through fire, and he has killed General Jinrenniao. Heroes can't read poetry, only in Liangshanbo. Live. As soon as you enter the Yellow River, you have to travel across the world." The emperor sighed and said: Daojun is frivolous, making heroes a thief. Give the flag and glory of "walking for the sky". Twenty-six, ask about politics and Taixue, apply for the theory of the great cause of anti-jin, and bear tolerance as the principle of the country. Edited and repaired the mansion report by Hu Quan, and issued national debt to raise military funds.

   On the first day of the first month of the fourth year, the Jinxi Road Army's Lou room broke through Tongguan. On the fifth day of the fifth day, Lu Haowen stayed behind, and the emperor led the class straight out of Beijing, and the seventh day of the seventh day would be the imperial army. He entered Luoyang on the tenth day, and assisted Shaanzhou with Li Qiong's 20,000 troops. Twenty-two, Shizhong stationed in Chang'an. In February, Lou Shi retired.

   March, return to Beijing. The golden man also declared the queen mother and the princesses. Twenty-one, Taihu clock is the opposite. On Twenty-five, the Lou room came back and broke Danzhou, and Wu Jie retreated to Juzhou. The emperor left Luoyang, and ordered the jinshi to accompany the army to preach the Dibao, and ask Gaozong to ask Lv to ask questions.

   In April, the Tongzhou was guarded by the world loyalty, Hu Yin was commanded by the military and administration of the northern Shaanxi three states, Wu Jie was the military commander of Jingyuan Road, Wu Lin Yanyan was the military supervisor, and Qu Duan was turned to Huanqing Road. On the fifth day, Wang Boyan lifted the dragon to stay in Luoyang. Eighteenth, the emperor secretly led the Chinese army to Chang'an, and secretly transferred Yue Fei, Zhang Jun and Zhang Xian, and Tian Shizhong. Summon the generals of the Western Army, add Liu Xixi three roads to control, Liu Qilizhou Road Jingli, Zhao Zhe Qinfeng Road Jingli. Lou Shi was trapped in Shuzhou, and Wu Jie retired to Fangzhou. On 22nd, Wu Jie and Xiao Qiao defeated Lou Shi’s pioneers to speed together, touched the helmet and measured the temperature, and broke the gold medal Lang Jun’s drink. The emperor heard about it and reported to the generals with his army. What is Jinqing who wins more than gold breakers?

   In May, Zhang Xian, Tian Shizhong led the army to the party, Li Yongqi, the party leader, read the emperor's grace for a long time, and Zi Shifu led the four thousand to return to the country to help fight, and cherish the loyalty. On the fifth day of the fifth day, the Jin Army broke the Changquan. When the military report arrived, Fang Jun discussed, the emperor was shocked and asked about the reason, pretending to be angrily: Ping Lu has been lost! All parties are safe. Ye Zhao Xuzhong, Jun, Ziyu, Jing Mo, Xian, etc. discuss it, or save Luoyang, or Baishui decisive battle. Shidi Dufei has crossed Hebei and divided the army of gold. Nai categorically said: the emperor and the Song Dynasty will rise and fall, the country and the family will hate, in one fell swoop. I would rather die and claim Zhaolie than sit back and enjoy Gaozong. Today 100,000 to 40,000, the advantage lies with me! Immediately there will be a decisive battle!

   On May 12, to Fuping, Qu Duanzhao Wu Jie. When Wu Jiezhi, the emperor learns to shoot, he laughed and said: "The state wars in Kansai, and the good ministers have another appointment. Today, a hundred thousand people are used to swallow the Lou room, can it be?" !" The next day, imitating the story of Han Gao worshiping generals, gathered the crowd to wait for it, and led the lord to occupy the lord, sitting side by side and instructing Wu Jieguan to control the West Sixth Road Capital, the imperial deputy capital to control the Taiwei, the Zhenxi Army Jiedu, and Han Shizhong to supervise Han Shizhong. , Li Yanxian and the military and civilians outside the Guanxi.

   Twenty-first, Wu Jie lined up the enemy Lou's room in Yaoshan, and the emperor was stationed in the mountain to watch the formation. Wu Shu falls in Luoyang, Wang Boyan's death day, posthumously gift Zhongmu. Twenty-seven, Wen Fei led forty thousand troops into Hebei, and the third crown prince Yu Liduo hurriedly sent forty thousand to rescue him. Wu Shu and Han Chang abandoned his equipment and crossed the Longmen to aid Lou's room. Twenty-eight, Chu Li Duo attacked Lu, but Li Yanxian refused, Shi Zhong stayed in his headquarters and guarded Pujindu, and led the back and three thousand eagerly to Yaoshan.

   Twenty-nine, Lou Shi first attacked Jinsu Mountain with Wan Yan and cautious thinking. Qin Feng Road and Qiao Ze lost to Qin Feng Lu and retreated. Lou Shi was combined to attack the north of the camp, and Liu Qi was the enemy. Following the deputy commander-in-chief, Lisu led the fifth division of Yelvma and the Han'er Army attacked the Dongpo Plain. When Wang Yan and Li Qiong defended the plateau, they were aided by Wang De, Zhang Jing, Qiao Zhongfu, and Xin Qizong. At noon, Jin gradually stopped. Wu Shu suddenly drew troops to the left and right to persuade him to retreat, and the emperor lifted the dragon to respond. The generals were excited and fought to the death. Seeing the dragon in the Lou room, he pro-induced the Tiefutu in a burst of seven thousand, and those who blocked it were invincible. Li Yongqi, Li Yanqi, Murong Wei, Qiao Ze, and Jiao Wentong were all killed. Wu Jie cuts the escaped general Zhao Zhe and is injured by Lou. When the emperor saw Lou Shi approaching, he went straight down the mountain with his foreman, Han Shizhong and Qu Duan also arrived, but Lou Shi was brave and even hurt Yi in the middle. Before the imperial court, the emperor missed the bow, Shizhong again shot his left arm, Lou Shi fell off the horse, the head Hou Dan beheaded his head to death, from riding to death, Jin defeated. When the Jin army used the Haidongqing to see the army, the emperor ordered the people to go down to the plateau to congratulate him. Thirty, catching Han Chang and other generals, Wushu driftwood is only to avoid oneself, because Song Jin's offensive and defensive momentum is also different.

   June, Discussing merits, the book "Don't Dare To Forget It" Presents Shizhong, adds a young teacher, three counties Jiedu, titled the king of Yan'an, and praises the military for its merits. Chasing Li Yongqi, Nanyang Jun Gong, the son of the second generation to succeed the Jue. The system of the Tang Dynasty was restored, and the field was awarded to those who had made merits in this battle. He returned from Hebei and went to the "Ping Jin Ce", saying: Ping Jin should first level the south to the inner peace, restore Shaanxi and Beijing to the big river in the east, recuperate for three years, take the Taiyuan in the east of the province to sweep Hebei, and the Mongolia to divide the Gaoli to take advantage of it, then When the Han Dynasty was thriving, the Huanglong was coming, the emperor commended him, and ordered to move his teacher to Ping Zhongxiang.

  October, Lu Haowen was old and wanted the truth in the original learning, begging to retire. The emperor didn't allow it, and the Jiapingzhang military state had important matters to prepare for consultation, and Zhao Ding was the successor. Goryeo Japan came to Korea and ordered to open shore for business. When Zheng Yinian returned to the south, the emperor doubted it was a time, and he wanted nothing to blame. Yushi Wanzuo said without a crown and said: Why can't there be any way to subdue the world? No need to rule the world? Emperor Xie said: Feiqing should be mistaken. Twenty-two, with the victory of Yaoshan, Concubine Pan gave birth to a daughter, and those who are not the Jinren as Song traitors are forgiven. On the first day of the fourth year of Jianyan, Lu Haowen, Lu Benzhong and his son were ordered to announce the "Yuanxue" to the world.

   In February, Huguang impeached Yue Fei to play a thief with self-respect. In a few days, he flew seven days to flat the clock and Xiang Yang Yao, to woo his people, no longer rebellious, and the people were persevering. Twenty-first, Ma Shen's remonstrance is suspected of isolating civil and military inside and outside, please cut Yang Yizhong, the emperor smiled and said nothing. Twenty-three, the iron ball experiment in Beijing, the lack of Zheng Daoxue, the emperor established the original school as an official school, and the original school was prosperous. Wang Shu Wang returned to worship, and pardoned the old and new party members, the official examination and learning as usual, the world was shaken.

   March, kick-off city, Zhao Zhang Jun and Wu Jie joined the team and opened a military academy. On the eighth day of the eighth day, I watched the drama with the imperial concubine and the prime minister in Jingfu Palace. On the tenth day of the tenth day, he ordered to sort out the old affairs of Jingkang, reward and posthumously reward the officials and ministers who had functions, and make up for the half salary since Jianyan, depriving him of indiscriminate favors and shades. Eighteenth, the gold lord Wu Qibu had a stroke, and the ruling Nianhan sent an envoy to make peace. The emperor said: "Yanshan is the boundary, kill the seven people including Jingkang's culprit Nianhan and Wushu, Fang Xuhe". The Jin ambassador accused Song of breaking the agreement first, and the emperor said: "Weak strength to break the promise, and self-inflicted shame. For the people I hold today, blood is flowing, and enmity is difficult to resolve." The Jin ambassador went away furiously. Asking the officials, don’t dare to say, the emperor will serve as a feast of the unreliable, shut down the house and turn off the lights, and the left and right are invisible, and he said: "Why do Jingkang and Qing wait? The two sages are absurd, and the six thieves have missed the country. , The one who wants to fight is right." The only person is on the right, the emperor’s order is reset, and the replied "So, return to the old land of the two rivers and Xuhe left", the number of four to one; if it is three, to "return to the second sage, Jingdong, northern Shaanxi" "The three states of Hewai, who bind Liu Yu, and those who can ask for peace" are mixed. The emperor said: "Knowledge, but return to the throne." Dengming, the emperor has returned to the harem. The crowd was stunned, and Du Huquan shouted angrily: "Those who are on the left, the national thieves, and Tianzhu!" Twenty-six, Wushu brothers killed Nianhan, supported Agu and beat the eldest grandson, and the three kings were in power, and Wu Qimai abdicated too much. .

   In April, the emperor ordered Qu Duan to write "Officials on the Essence of the Golden Thief Coup". Set up a group of herdsmen, governing horses, and discussing taking Xixia. All provinces may think that the national insurance is attached to the people. Since Taizong has been conquering for many years, it is anxious to get down. The emperor said: "The land is narrow and the people are hopeless. With a hundred years of time, millions of people, hundreds of millions of military resources, and countless efforts, is Di Wuxiang's wine bag and rice bag? All history is Wuxiang's descendants and grandchildren?" All Han Fan children, set the envoy Wuxiang to use martial arts, how can Xixia survive?!" The emperor sighed and said: "One Yanyun, two Xixia, three Nanyue, four Dali, a hundred years of misfortune, embarrassing!" Mo dared to respond. On the eighth day of the eighth day, the Jinshi came back and returned to Jing Kanggui to show his sincerity. If the agreement is reached, Liu Yu can be abolished and the two sages can be abolished. As in the story of Liao, the kingdom of brothers will never invade. Many officials have persuaders. The emperor summoned Lu Haowen, Zhao Ding, Zhang Jun, Liu Ji, Chen Gui, and Li Guang. Seven people asked: "Anti-golden cannot be changed. If people's minds are not belonged to, I should regain the eighth man." Mountain, Qing, etc. follow? The emperor said: "I know, Song can discuss peace in the future, I swear not to make peace!" Nai ordered the two sages to cross the river for a period of time, and returned to the five prefectures of Qi. The matter is secret, and the Tai students heard the story of Jingkang and besieged the province and Taiwan.

   In May, I watched the "Yu Ji Tu" and "Hua Yi Tu", and ordered it to be redrawn for its distortion. After Wei returned, the emperor hosted a banquet. Later, I saw that the banquet was simple, with a few candles, meat was only chicken and fish, and he sighed: "The nine brothers are tired, and the family is precious in the past. A feast of a hundred sheep, light as day." The emperor mocked and said: "Never night is like day. Feasting a hundred sheep, why is it a five-nation city". Queen Zheng turned around and said: "Only the nine brothers are simple and simple." The emperor sighed solemnly and said: "When Zhao Lieyan is wronged, things will become ears, and my heart will be afflicted." The crowd was terrified, and Wei Hou was stunned.

   In June, call Han Shizhong and Wu Jie. Flew back to the army Jingdong, attacked the puppet Qi Marshal Li Cheng. Twenty-six, the golden man occupied Jinan and returned the two sages and ancestors in the white horse. The emperor welcomed the ceremony and said: "This generation of father is guarding the country, and now my father and brother have returned. It is time to go and let the virtuous person." On the ground, plain clothes are ready to go. The squad straight followed, the province was shocked, and Shizhong was anxiously ordered to hug the horse to stop him. The emperor calmly said: "The Han thieves do not stand in harmony, and the big country is not partial. Today, those who want to fight can follow me to Nanjing and take Jingdong; those who want peace can go from the two sages and go to the kingdom of the brothers of Jin, between the two, There is nothing wrong with it." Hao asked: "The two sages in the district, why the country is divided." Jun said: "The officials want to fight, why is this?" The emperor immediately replied: "It is not for the two sages, but for the officials. "The official secretary Liu Dazhong resisted and said: "The world is a family and country. The emperor replied that Fang La was against the south of the Yangtze River, and asked the six thieves for literary criticism, and asked: "So father and brother, how can it be? "Dazhong can't answer. The emperor said: "The lessons of the past, so the old Song cannot be restored, and Fenghengyu is not to be sought. When reborn and reborn, and then guided, continue the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and the emperor will guard the country and die. Shao Song Kehu? "Liu Dazhong, Zhu Shengfei, etc. Dawu resigned. Seventy-four people who left their posts on that day did not know the two saints. The story of the white horse was tortured by Han Gao, and the white horse was changed to Shaoxing. Jiangnan.

   In July, Fei Zhan Li Cheng Yu Lung Shui, resuming the four counties of Jingdong. With the merit of flying, the emperor gave the title "Fine and Loyalty and Serve the Country". Yu Fei said: "A good minister is unparalleled in the world, and he has the courage to rely on; Shaoyan isolates things from the extraordinary, but whoever is the generals and my comrades, is it not a Pengju? Today, I will pay Yuqing in the land of Qingyan, and I will go straight to Huanglong in the future. "Fei bowed his head and said to each other: "Don't hesitate to die!"

   In August, the World Buddhism, Dao, Water and Land Meeting was held at Yuetai to worship the dead since Jingkang. Those who are virtuous enter the public cabinet for inquiries. Fifteen, sacrifice to Yuetai. Topped by the unnamed brand, the unnamed heroes and the famous courtiers died in re-sacrifice. The emperor Yudi newspaper issued a memorial saying: "Song and Jin Dynasty wars, we wait for the Song people to protect the country and the people, right and wrong, righteousness and violence! Self-proclaimed and seven years to Jin, where seven years, Song has no count of deaths and injuries, thousands of miles away. But the righteousness lies with me, so Song Shengjin is defeated, and I survive and perish! There are endless difficulties to prevent this and my heart will not change. If you don't beat Huanglong, you will not give up, and the world will encourage you!" The chief of Linggongge remains the same. Twenty-first, to help the army have merits, to pardon the real arhats, to observe the "green crop loans" with the Tianxia Temple, the official guarantees, the profit of the loan cannot exceed 10% per month, 20% per season, 50% over the age, the emperor said: "I am a true man, do not make false statements, Taoism and Buddhism are compassionate, how can it be evil and must be regulated." The world claims goodness.

   On the second day of October, Yelu Yu saw the betrayal of gold and reported the event of Yelu Stone in the West Liao Dynasty. The emperor used Hu Hongxiu as an ambassador to attack Xia with the stone. The emperor's book "In the past, the tiger came out of Liaodong, and all my generations lost their homes and lost the net. Today, the East dog is home again, and the West dog is homesick?" With Dashi, Naiqi said: "Let's ask Dashi, do you want to see the reed flowers in this life?"

   In six years, the emperor personally conquered Xixia. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I was stationed in Chang'an, and when I saw the Xia ambassador, he blamed Xixia for his lack of morality and the turbidity of the river. Sixteen, cited the generals to view Changling. Suddenly he asked Hu Yin: "Do I have a mausoleum?" Yin said: "The country is volatile, but there is no one." The emperor laughed: "Good, think forge ahead before you, and talk about the descendants behind you. What is the use of the mountain? Who forgot the twenty-four officials of Emperor Taizong? The cloud platform does not exist, and the twenty-eight places of Guangwu are still there. The three heroes have nowhere to find, and the clothes are all over the world. If the achievements of the Gaotangzong in the Han Dynasty can be restored, how can you worry about the history and namelessness?" The emperor used stories to encourage him to stand up for morality, and he knew his intentions, and he also faced the world with loyalty and favor and arrogance, arrogant and guilty.

   In February, I moved to Fangzhou, surrounded Yan'an, and used Wu Jie as a security guard. Jin used Wushu to attack Pujin to save Xia, but he was stationed in Tongzhou Xuqi to respond to Wushu and fly as his commander.

   In March, Hongxiu entered Feizhai and told Dashilian Mengwu that he had arrived. Xia was strong in the middle, but turned to Pingxia, stepping on Helan Mountain, along the Hulu River, and going straight to Xingqing. Breaking the army and killing the generals, the puppet emperor left the capital dryly and set Xingqing.

   On April 22, Wei Ming Cha Ge heard that he abandoned the city and walked away. Wu Jie returned to Hengshan, flew halfway to destroy Cha Ge Helan Mountain, and Lingxia was determined. When the dashi is blinded to the back sleeve, the enemy is the enemy. The emperor leads the army to meet, but retreats.

   On the sixth day of June, the emperor led the alliance, about to strike gold together, crowned the Liao emperor of the Western Regions in Dashi, and sealed Mengwu from the East and the West. Before long, Wu Shu retreated.

   In July, I will send Dashi to Fan. Zhe can get the head of the puppet Emperor Qianshun of Xixia and his son. The emperor rebels from the cities outside the river. The emperor pardons his relatives and gives to worship Yuetai and watch for the people on the way. , I was too ashamed to succumb to Xuande Building.

Zan said: The old Han Dynasty passed down for the eleventh generation and the new reigning thieves, Guangwu revived and prospered the Han Dynasty; Pictured in Nanjing: The Three Monarchs are all known as ZTE in history. When it was first established, the treacherous eunuchs were confounded inside, and the Jin army was forced outside. Once falling into the well, with the help of wisdom and martial arts, with the ambition to help the world and the people, clear the forbidden, gather the king of qin to become the imperial camp, tolerate the country, entrust the world to Zongze and Li Gang, kill the world on Huai, and kill Yanling. Du Chong is still in the old capital, Heyin gathers generals, and he will eventually recover half of the rivers and mountains. There is nothing better than this. When the world is in peace, the government and the people think that Fenghengyu can be expected, but the emperor will stop the two concubines, and the pavilions will be set outside, the mulberry fish ponds will be Mingzhi, the borrowings will be used to raise the army, the original study, the mathematics, the Chinese and foreign is a mixed knowledge The ambition of the world cannot be shifted, and the way of winning or losing is only virtue (material) theory. Ten years of gatherings, stop the old and new party disputes, punish Baima Shaoxing, ask Lv Haowen, use Lu Yihao, Zhao Ding, Zhang Jun, Yu Wen Xuzhong, Lin Jingmo, etc. to refresh politics, adjust the internal and external affairs, except for the evils of Jingkang, until there are martial arts disputes. The heart of the world; the lesson of ten years is that Han Liangchen is unparalleled in the world, Yue Peng is loyal to the country, Li Shaoyan is the mainstay, Wu Jinqing commands Ruo Ding, Zhang Boying crosses the world, pulls Zhang Rong to the water and replaces the sky, and believes in the horse to expand on the planetary fire. Yaoshan fell eagles, against the offensive and defensive momentum. The Lingxia was destroyed, the concubines of Liao and Mongolia, the two rivers captured the deer, and the Huanglong went straight to the Huanglong. After Guangwu returned to the Han Dynasty, it was difficult to control the tyrants; Suzong prospered the Tang Dynasty, and the treacherous eunuchs and the vassal towns were not settled, who? All inherit their old drawbacks, and those who can't succeed. The ancestor Wu made troubles and chaos, Wen Zhi Taiping, Shao Song three hundred years, great contributions. However, it is a good tiger and wolf sentence, a vulgar trip, counting the ancestors and forgetting the codes, prisoners in the second palace, and the soldiers are unavoidable from the blame of the next life. What a pity!

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