On the outskirts of Fuyuki City, Sue sees Webb again.

"Hahaha, boy, do you want to join my army and conquer the world with me!" said a rough voice loudly.

That's right, this heroic momentum, Weber's heroic spirit is the rider (cavalry), conquering king, Iskandar who wants to conquer the world.

"Hey, there's no mistake, who comes up and asks others if they want to conquer the world, stupid." Weber on the side complained to Iskandar dissatisfied.

"Don't care about this, conquering the world is a good man's dream." Iskandar said with a proud look.

Weber covered his forehead to indicate that he didn't know this person, which was too shameful.

"Forgive me for refusing, conquering the king, conquering the world or whatever is not my desire. However, seeing you living in harmony is really good.

"Hahaha, yes, we want to dominate the strongest combination in the world. The conqueror took Weber by the hand and gave him a thumbs up.

Weber's weak body and the burly body of the conqueror king can be described as a great contrast, one big and small, one strong and one thin.


but Weber's feeble resistance could not break free from Iskander's embrace.

After some conversation, Sue and Webb eventually reached a series of agreements and alliances.

Sue also saw some of the attributes of the rider conqueror Iskandar.

Rider: Iskandar

Master: Weber Velvet

Attributes: Neutral Good

[Ability Value

] Strength: B


: A Agility: D Mana: C Lucky: A +

Treasure: A++

[Rank Skill]

Pair Mana

: D

Iskandar's 'against mana' is relatively weak, only equivalent to the level of magic amulet that avoids magic.

Riding: The talent of A+ riding

, if it is a beast, even the level of phantom beasts and mythical beasts can be controlled, but it is not suitable for dragon species.

【Retention Skills】Leadership:


The ability to command and command the Grand Army.

Military strategy: B

is not a one-on-one battle, but a tactic in a group battle with a keen sense of touch, which has an additional effect on our use of military treasures and the opponent's ability to defend military treasures.

Divinity: C

Many legends say he was the son of Zeus, the head of the Greek gods.

[Treasure Tool] ???

have to say that it is worthy of being the conqueror king Iskander, this ability value is very powerful, and the strength is definitely a top follower.

Back at Ma Tong's house, Sue continued to learn the Lune runes from Skaha, and the Lune runes circulating in the modern magic world are mutilated and mostly supplemented by modern magic.

And Skaha is the original Lune rune, which is the original rune of the God Dynasty period, and the mystery and effect are definitely much stronger than the modern Lune rune.

After having dinner with Sakura, Sue concentrated on learning the Lune rune, although the power system of his original world was very powerful, but the original Lune rune system was definitely one of the top forces in this world, each with its own characteristics and advantages, and the integration was the effect that Su wanted.

Su was originally best at alchemy mechanical creation, followed by elemental magic, and martial arts were also masters. (The martial arts are proficient, but not as powerful as those who focus on this path, after all, the protagonist is a mage, and the martial arts are enough.)

Under the tutelage of Skaha, who has the caster rank, Sue learns the runes of Lune very efficiently. Perhaps in the future, the combined effect of the two world power systems may be extraordinary.

Suddenly, Su raised his head and looked in one direction, feeling the same information, and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that someone is not willing to be lonely so soon, and he is a rather confident magician who takes the initiative to provoke a war." Turning

his head to meet Skahana's warlike eyes, Sue was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't look at me like that, I know that your thoughts will naturally not stop you, I want to say, or else, let's go and see together."

Skaha looked at his confident royal lord, Rao is Skaha, who has a state of mind beyond divinity, and also feels the difference of the royal lord, it turns out that he is also a warrior born to fight.

"That's natural, as my lord, you should fight with me, otherwise you are not worthy to be my Skaha's lord."

"Hahaha, let's go and see it together. Who dares to challenge on day one. "


In the dock warehouse area of Fuyuki City, fierce battles are going on that are difficult for ordinary people to touch.

The sound of sword flashes and the sound of metal clashing with swords filling the empty warehouse area, and just listening to the sound is enough to know how fierce the battle between the two sides is, and the martial arts are comparable.

One of them is none other than Alice Phil and Saber, whom Sue met during the day.

Saber now entered a state of heroic combat, dressed in exquisite armor, and the invisible weapon in Saber's hand?

"Enchantment? It's not a warrior's style.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, it's just an innate curse, please forgive me for not being able to do anything." "

A handsome male heroic spirit with a tear mole in the corner of his eye, then swung a long and a short two guns, stabbed closely, and directly cut off Saber, looking at this fighting style, there is no doubt that this heroic spirit is the lancer!

"Bang! Bang!" Without

saying much, the two famous historical heroes faced each other with guns and swords, and each slash was beyond the limit of ordinary human cognitive power.

The ground at the battle site was cracked because of the battle, and the battle of the heroic spirit was not at all something that ordinary magicians could intervene in.

"Dear master, let's just watch like this, don't go down and play?" asked Sue on the side.

Su looked at the warlike Skaha and said helplessly: "Don't worry, the people who come should not only us, please wait patiently for a while."

"Hmph, okay then.


shook his head: "Judging from the current situation, I will not easily lose in martial arts alone, but I will definitely lose in a long battle." "

The two heroes on this side of the battlefield are comparable in terms of martial arts, and it is difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat.

Lancer: "What a powerful warrior, I have to be admirable."

Saber also responded: "Don't be modest, it's also my honor to fight a warrior like you."

At this time, the lord of Lancer, who had been hiding at the beginning, was also impatient, and a voice came out: "Let's play the game here, Lancer, don't delay time, end the battle as soon as possible, I allow you to use treasures, quickly kill her." "

I didn't see the shadow of the royal master, obviously it was done by some kind of magic, I have to say that this lancer's royal lord is quite careful."

"Understood, my lord. Hearing

this, after putting down the short gun, Lancer released his magic power to unseal the long gun in his hand, and the bandage around it completely faded, and a dark red magic gun appeared at this moment.

Lancer said solemnly: "Then I will go all out next, Saber, are you still going to use wind magic to hide your sword?"

"Oh, it seems that your sword can recognize your real name, so let me have a good look at the true face of this sword."

Lancer's figure moved quickly, the Crimson Demon Spear stabbed straight out without the slightest concealment, and Saber also reacted quickly and swung his sword to meet the attack.

However, this time the situation of the gun-sword confrontation was different, and the magic gun directly broke the wind magic of the hidden sword, and immediately saw the golden sword body of Saber, emitting divine golden light.

Suddenly feeling that something was wrong in his heart, Saber immediately swung his sword, cut Lancer and retreated, and the lightsaber immediately hid again.

Saber's face was solemn, and his heart sank, the wind king enchantment, actually failed? (Wind King Enchantment: Magic that hides the sword body by changing the refractive index of air.) Without

waiting for Saber's reaction, Lancer attacked again, and Saber did not dare to engage the blades for a long time, and the attack reversed, and could only be beaten backwards continuously, and one turned around to open the distance first.

In each confrontation, the magic gun broke through the hidden magic, and the golden light of Saber's sword body overflowed, and the hiding also lost its meaning at the confrontation.

This is very tricky for Saber, this magic gun is not easy to deal with!

Immediately, Lancer attacked again, and the magic gun quickly stabbed at Saber like red lightning.

This time, Saber decided to win the blow under the judgment of intuition, and the intuition made Saber seem to see the result of her judgment.

The sword was directly greeted, using the defense of the armor, a slight sideways, plus a diagonal slash, a sword can defeat lancer?

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