Rider asked: "In that case, you might as well say your name, since you are also a king, you will not dare to report your name, right?"

The miscellaneous practitioners also dared to ask me questions.

In an angry tone, Archer said arrogantly: "Such foolish people who enjoy the glory of seeing me, but dare not know me, do not deserve to live." Before

the words fell, I saw several circular golden ripples appear out of thin air behind Archer, from which spears and swords stretched out, exuding golden light.

I have to say that Archer has a strong mark both in itself and in attack, that is, golden light!

"All of these are treasures?!" Webb was stunned.

The scene suddenly became so powerful, the atmosphere immediately became tense, ready to start the rhythm of the fight at any time.

Saber, sensing that something was wrong, immediately returned to Alice Phil.

On the side of the street lamp, a sudden spiral of black qi rose, and another heroic spirit arrived.


Looking at the black qi and wordless roar, the person who came was the heroic spirit of the berserker rank in the night of the tong Yan Ye.

Looking at this spoiler, Lancer smiled and quipped Rider: "Hey, King of Conquer, don't you invite this guy?"


his head and asking his royal master: "Boy, how powerful is this guy

?" I saw that his expression was slightly panicked, and Weber was sweating profusely, shaking his head vigorously and said: "I don't know, I can't see it at all." "

Ah, what's the matter, you boy, it's a good villain is also the royal lord, where the strong and where the weak basic ability these things should be able to see."

"I really can't see it, this black guy is undoubtedly a follower, but whether it is the ability state or something else, I can't see it at all."

Saber also looked at Alice Phil, who shook her head and said that she also saw no information.

"It seems that that the heroic spirit can hide his ability or curse, not only that, there are many heroic spirits present, and I can't act rashly. Saber judged in his heart.

"Kiriji, why would he be heroic in such a place?" came

the voice of Kuyu Maiya in the earphones, and in the distance, Emiya Kiriji clutched his sniper rifle and replied, "As long as it is a sane imperial lord, he will not deliberately involve the follower in such a meaningless and chaotic scene as now." Maimi, you continue to spy on Assassin, and I came to find the lord of Berserker. "

Yes. "

What's the situation when Tong Yan comes out at this time, your plan?" asked Sue in secret, Skaha also secretly.

Su shook his head helplessly, this matter Su really didn't know.

But it doesn't matter, if there is a spoiler, maybe more information can be obtained.

"I don't know, just leave him alone, just let him muddy the waters." The longer it dragged on, the better, and my little ones gathered a lot of intelligence. "

Long before departure, Su's alchemy creatures have already spread out, to be honest, as long as these little things do not come out, even the heroic spirit will find something peeping in secret.

Berserker, who was covered in black gas, stared intently at Archer, which was undoubtedly angering Archier, a heroic spirit with an extremely bad temper.

So Archer said with an unhappy look: "Who allowed you to look at me, you mad dog." At least please me with your dying misery, Miscellaneous!" The

unfolding golden ripples and weapons turned directly to where Berserker was, and several golden rays of light shot towards Berserker at the first time.

The place where Berserker was located exploded instantly, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

As we all know, there is no harm in smoke.

The heroic spirits also did not expect Archer to launch an attack without saying a word.

On the other hand, Berserker's martial arts also amaze him.

Lancer: "Is this guy really Berserker?" and

the rider on the side responded: "For a person who loses his rationality after madness, this kind of martial art is really powerful."

Webb looked confused, anyway, he didn't see anything, only saw the final explosion.

Sue explained to Webb: "Berserker first caught the first flying sword, used it as a weapon, and changed hands to shoot away several other flying swords.

But Archer was even more upset at this time: "Dare to touch my treasure with your dirty hands, and be so anxious to die? Let me see, with your little skill of carving insects, how long can you last, die, miscellaneous repair!" There

were many more golden ripples behind Archer, and the quality of the weapons revealed from them improved a lot.

Webb was already numb, and Sue also pouted and snorted.

Ah, what a local tycoon, I can't find a few people who use the treasure as an ordinary attack, and it is estimated that there are more outrageous things that have not been taken out.

That's right, the general heroic treasures are extremely limited, and most of them are used as the strongest attacks, and this archer's treasures are the same as not money, crazy projection, and there is no repetition.


of golden light, explosions kept going, and archer's treasury kept shooting treasures and flying towards Berserker.

Unfortunately, Berserker's martial arts are really superb, and he can not be injured at all under such dense firepower, and he can counterattack and defend against the flight loss of other attacks by relying on the two weapons he caught.

Such a move would only make the already angry archer even more angry.

As a result, more violent attacks followed.

"Boom!" A

thunder of Indra exploded directly with lightning.

A few seconds later, two swords flew out of the smoke of the explosion and faced Archer.

Archer also didn't expect the whole thing to come out, and then jumped up to dodge.

It's a pity that the street lamp under my feet was cut into three segments.

Archer was so angry that his body trembled slightly, which showed how angry he was.

"Fool, dare to let me, who should have been looked up to, stand on the same earth as

you!" "So disrespectful! What a crime deserves death

!" "The miscellaneous cultivators there, I will make you go to ashes!" More

quantities of treasures appeared, and the quality of treasures was even higher.

Tosaka Shichen, who was far away in the mansion, immediately received news that Archer wanted to further liberate the treasure tool, the King's Treasury. (That is, the ontological concept of the golden ripple of the projectile weapon.)

Now that the Holy Grail War has only begun its first day, the heroes have basically not revealed their respective treasures, except for Lancer, but they do not rule out the possibility of other abilities. Now Archer is going all out to release the king's treasury.

Archer's appearance to kill Assassin and now such a high-profile appearance make it very likely that Tosaka's side will become the first target of other lords.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Although he knows that Archer is very strong, in the face of multiple attacks, Tosaka Shichen has no bottom in his heart, in case of an accident, he is likely to be the first to exit.

Weigh the pros and cons and think twice. Tosaka still planned to let the archer withdraw first to avoid attracting hatred.

Thus, the countdown to Tosaka's life officially began.

Sitting in the basement, Tosaka slowly stretched out his hand engraved with the spell.

"Curse it.

"O Hero King, please stop your anger and retreat. Archer

, who was about to open the King's Treasury, was furious when he received the information.

"By your advice, you want me to retreat? But

due to the effect of the spell, Archer had to put away all his weapons and close the outer King's Treasury.

Archer looked coldly at Berserker and said, "You picked up a life, Mad Dog." "

Look around at everyone.

"Miscellaneous cultivators, before the next meeting, you can continue this boring fight, and the only people who can meet me are real heroes. Hmph!" turned

into golden particles, and the spirit turned away.

After Armature left, Weber breathed a sigh of relief, and Rider Iskandar was the first to mock: "It seems that the royal lord of that guy is not as tough as Archer."

Skaha praised Su and said: "It seems that you are the most daring of these royal lords, and you have a bit of a warrior's demeanor. "

Undoubtedly a satirical lord who is hiding in secret. There are words in the words, because this Alice Phil is not the true lord of Saber.

Su Wu smiled helplessly and said: "It's just that you have confidence in yourself, but this archer, if it's really that king, then it's a big trouble." I'm afraid that the ability of the Ling Spell is not enough to command him at all, which is interesting. "

Archer ranks all have the ability to act alone, and this archer is the king, this spell is actually the same as not, and using it like this will only anger him.

Skahamei's eyes shone, he didn't expect Sue to get this kind of information so quickly, it seems that tonight's harvest is not small.

Sue and Skaha's conversation was abruptly interrupted.

Su only heard a voice coming from Tongyan at night.

"Sue, something is wrong, Berserker is out of control!"

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