Skaha's dream is sad and lonely.

As far back as the time of the Divine Dynasty.

On an unknown continent, the sky and the earth are colorless, boundless, and everything is only black, white and gray, which is a symbol of the life of the earth.

Filled with illusory and mysterious gray fog, this world seems to be devouring all life, and outsiders who dare to break in at will will eventually disappear.

This is the Land of the Dead, the legendary Land of Shadows.

The girl who obtained the original Lune rune from the World Tree has long transformed into a powerful and mysterious queen, Skaha, the queen of the Shadow Country.

The mysterious Land of Shadows attracts countless brave people, and legend has it that this is a paradise for warriors, and as long as they are tested, they can enter the Land of Shadows and obtain unparalleled martial arts personally taught by the Queen of the Land of Shadows.

However, no one really impressed the fighting gaze of this king.

"Master, I'm leaving. I'll challenge you next time!"

a blue-haired young man with a red magic spear in his hand left the territory of the Shadow Country without looking back.

The queen only watched from a distance as the disciple who had satisfied her so much this year left, silently.

She could only watch him leave.

She knew that this disciple was going to break his word, he would not come back here, he would die.

She also knew that this was fate, and she could not stop this disciple's determination to leave.

However, she has long been accustomed to parting with life and death.

But loneliness still locked her firmly, she was tired of everything here, longing for someone to end her fate, her curse.

When will it be over? I don't know or know, she can only silently guard the country of shadows.

Until the gods retreated and died mysteriously.

Until the Land of Shadows drifted away from the world.


Is this Skaha's past

?" Sue suddenly sat up from the bed, supported her head with her hands, and muttered to herself.

The loneliness of the strong, especially the immortal existence like Skaha, as well as emotional people.

With the wisdom of the magic realm, I see the development of many things and even the future, but I can't change it, and the acquaintances leave one after another, and the double torture of time and memory is very terrifying.

Finally, there is no loss of humanity, loss of emotion, only absolute reason and divinity.

Immortality is also a curse,

which is why Skaha is so desperate for someone to free her from the Land of Shadows.

Thinking back to Skahah's past in the dream, Sue had the feeling of looking in the mirror, because he had been so ununderstood, similar to loneliness.

Su dressed and got up and went downstairs, and at a glance saw Skaha who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, today's Skaha is not wearing the tights of the battle, but local traditional casual clothing, calm and elegant, the look of the big sister who knows the heart is amazing Sue.

Seeing that Sue was staring at himself stunned, Skaha said flatly.

Would you like a cup? The tea is unexpectedly good.

"No thanks. Sue, who had returned to God, replied.

After washing up, Sue came to the living room and found that Sakura and Ma Tongyan had also gotten up.

"Good morning, Sakura.

Sakura smiled sweetly and said, "Good morning brother, what does my brother want to eat in the morning?


Su Gang, who was trying to help make breakfast together, blocked the words in his throat, and Su suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to know how to cook, and he had always asked someone to deliver food, or simple bread or something like that.

Sakura seemed to see that Su couldn't cook, so she covered her mouth and chuckled, "It's okay, brother, I can do it alone."

"Well, good. Sue responded awkwardly.

Sakura then walked into the kitchen and got busy.

Seeing Ma Tong Yanye walking over, Su also asked him: "Today I took Sakura out to play, what about you?

"I'm a little concerned about the church side, it's not normal, so I want to test it, and I shouldn't blatantly make a move during the day." In addition, Tong Yanye did not tell Su, he had other plans.

"Okay, remember to notify me immediately if something happens.

"Brother Su, Uncle Yanye

, it's time to eat!" Sakura's cooking skills are better than adults, like a professional chef, it's hard to imagine that a ten-year-old child is so superb in cooking that it makes someone embarrassed.

Su couldn't help but praise: "Sakura's craftsmanship is really good, if you are your partner in the future, it will be really fragrant."

Sakura also smiled shyly, her face a little crimson.

After the meal, Ma Tongyan hurriedly said goodbye and went out. Su immediately

understood, in addition to investigating the details of the church, there are probably unspeakable things in addition to investigating the details of the church, and it is not difficult to guess that it should be related to the Tosaka family, but what is the meaning and effect of confronting the Tosaka hour in this way?

After getting ready, Sue took Sakura and went out.

Raising children is a manual work, tired and happy thing. Along the way, I took Sakura to the playground, tasted food, and finally went around to a field of flowers and meadows in the park.

The blue sky is clear, the light wind blows through the layers of flowers, looking at this beautiful scenery, Sakura's mood clears, she can't wait to rush into the sea of flowers, race with the wind, play several back and forth, and run happily between the flowers and plants.

Sue looked at Sakura and the flowers and plants in front of her, and suddenly thought that there was something that was perfect for playing.

Looking at the lack of people around, Su stretched out his hand to the flower leaf bush next to him, wrapped a flower leaf with magic, and used alchemy to change the form and reconstruct it. After a while, a kite with pale pink green leaves took shape.

Use a kite as bait and you can catch the whole spring.

The sky is the sea upside down, and the kite is the flying fish.


Sakura ran over with small broken steps, and her eyes brightened when she saw the beautiful kite in Sue's hand.

Watching Sakura play happily, Sue was also very relieved, at least in this way to dilute some of the shadows in Sakura's heart.

Happy times are always short.

Sue and Sakura, who had been playing all day, were walking on their way back to Kirito's house.

Not far from home, an uninvited guest 'coincidentally' waited near the door.

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