Su, who was eating breakfast, heard information from Ma Tong Yanye.

Although Su and Skaha couldn't fight for a short time last night, they were still okay with Tong Yanye, and he didn't contribute much.

Just last night, Kenneth's hotel was bombed, speaking of this, Su immediately guessed that the person behind the scenes, it must be Eimiya Kiriji, which is very in line with his style of action and likes to use thermal weapons.

It has to be said that the power of modern thermal weapons is rarely a magician who can retreat from the whole body.

After all, if it is a terrorist attack, who will evacuate the passers-by in advance, and only with the heart of a magician can he ignore these things.

Sue investigates Kenneth, and if Kenneth is still alive, then he will definitely take revenge and return.

This is not true, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Although it is in the form of telephone communication.

"Hey, who?"

Sue took the phone and looked at the unfamiliar number.

"It's me. "The language is concise, don't want to say more than a word.

Su knew that it was Director Ken, there must be something she wanted to find him, but she couldn't pull it off, and Kenneth's expression must be very interesting now.

Su deliberately teased: "Oh, it's Director Ken, you're still alive, what's the matter?" Su

couldn't help but be a little stoic when she thought of Kenneth's current way of begging him to do things.

Sure enough, Kenneth said in a strange tone: "Boy, let's cooperate to solve the Saber group." You must know about me, you don't want to be attacked by him, right? How? cooperate?"

Kenneth was probably gritting his teeth, this is not the same as when he was asking for Sue's support, he was still-for-tat before, and now he has something to ask for, and his face is really not good.

Su did not immediately agree to the request to besiege Saber together, although Sue also wanted to kill the team of Eimiya Kiriji first, but after all, it was Kenneth who found him, not Sue who cooperated with Kenneth. There are no interests that can impress Su, and Su will not let go easily.

Su Man said nonchalantly: "Oh, but what does this have to do with me, it is you who are attacked, not me, why should I do such a thankless thing?"

Kenneth on the other side was angry and itched his teeth, but he was asking for someone, and there was really no way.

Sue thought and thought, conditions? Wouldn't it mean not saying that he had withdrawn from the Holy Grail War? Who could agree to such conditions?

After thinking for a moment, Sue had to say: "My conditions are very simple, and then let Lancer act with me once." "I originally wanted to say that Lancer and Saber would play fairly, and then pick up the leaks, but this is no different from Kenneth going to fight Einz Beren alone.

Can't be so blunt.

"No problem. Kenneth agreed without hesitation, for him, it was the most important thing to eliminate the Saber group now, and the rest was being considered later.

"Then sign the contract. "

In case Kenneth regrets it, it is necessary to sign the contract. After that, you can use Lancer as a tool man once and let him go on an 'adventure'.

"Let me come to you, where are you?"

, I'm at the police station. "

Sue: .

. Su: "Forget it, you still come to me, Matong's family." "

Kenneth: !!

the Tong family, telecom fraud, are you trying to trick me into killing me first?

Su has no other ideas, the reason why he told him about his relationship with the Ma Tong family is because he can't hide it, and everyone knows that Su is in the Ma Tong family, it's just a matter of time. Then the relationship of cooperation and alliance is naturally self-evident.

After all, even the little rookie Weber knew about it, and just came to question Su, so he almost ran to the Tong family to ask in person. Yesterday I really hit a little hard.

An hour later, Kenneth arrived at Ma Tong's house.

Sue watched Kenneth come to Ma Tong's house alone, so she subconsciously asked: "Just you, what about your fiancée

?" "..."Kenneth listened to the black lines, do you want to listen to what you are saying

?" "

Sorry, just curious, your fiancée didn't enter the game with you?"

Can you speak? If you can't speak, say two words less.

"Okay, less nonsense. Hurry up and sign the deed. Kenneth was a little impatient, he didn't want to talk nonsense to Sudo anymore.

Okay, Sue quickly drew up the contract, Kenneth took the contract, read it and signed his name.

The contract has been made.

"Do you want to stay and have a glass of water?" Sue wanted to say something.

"Hmph!" Kenneth walked away darkfaced.

"Did I say something wrong?⊙_⊙," Su asked Ma Tong Yanye on the side.

Night of the Wild Goose: ... How should I say, this person is already considered to have a good temper without making a move.

Your words are also quite explosive in the eyes of the world.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, did you investigate the church yesterday and found anything?" "

Yes, I didn't go directly into the church, but I found Assassin and Tosaka Shichen who came to the church, and I have reason to suspect that Assassin's royal lord is Yanfeng Lizheng or Yanfeng Qili, and Yanfeng Qili is still a disciple of Tosaka Shichen." Hearing

the report of the night of the Tong Yan, Su thought for a moment.

The royal lord of Assassin is probably Yan Feng Qili, because Yan Feng Lizheng does not match well in terms of strength and age, but it is Yan Feng Qili, and the identity of the agent has a strength basis.

"Whatever is impossible, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth.

"I really didn't expect that the church, which is the overseer, personally participated in the Holy Grail War, secretly laid the black hand, and even opened the back door for himself." Guarding himself, he doesn't want his face. Ma

Tongyan Ye couldn't help but ask: "Then what should we do?" Even Ma Tongyan Ye himself did not realize that he was already led by Su.

"Isn't this someone to work with? "

Ma Tong Yan Ye is a little puzzled, can Lancer do it?

Church basement.

Yan Feng Qili, who had finished the day's work report, pushed the door in with an expressionless face, Yan Feng Qili was thinking about what to do, to eat a Mapo tofu?

Yan Feng Qili, who pushed the door in, just wanted to take a break, and found that there was an uninvited guest lying on the sofa in the basement, holding Yan Feng Qili's Tibetan wine in his hand to taste.


"It's a little less, but there's a lot more good wine than in the hourly room, and you're such a bad boy." "

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