Clock Tower

Speaking of the clock tower, it is actually the headquarters of the Magic Association.

The clock tower is divided into twelve departments, and the magic association divides the mystery into twelve fields; Take the necessary foundations as I., followed by individual foundations (II.), séances (III.), ores (IV.), animals (V.), inheritance (VI.), plants (VII.), celestial bodies (VIII.), creation (IX.), curses (X.), archaeology (XI.), and modern magic (XII.).

Twelve faculties were established, each administered by eleven lords.

The reason why Sue went to the Clock Tower is because one of his current identities is a member of the Creation Section. Speaking of the root cause, when he first came to this world, he was adopted by others, and the person who adopted him was one of the twelve monarchs of the creation section.

The current monarch of the creation section, Enolai Baruyereta Atolohom.

An old woman in her seventies, she is also the teacher of some famous figures in the Clock Tower, such as Aogasaki Orange, Araya Soren, and Kornelius Aruba. He is good at sand magic, and his handbag is said to be able to spew endless sand. Although it is an old man, his strength is good, and the most important thing is that he is very powerful.

Speaking of which, that's right, Aogasaki Orange is his senior sister, the crown puppeteer. Su had a headache when he thought of this beautiful and mature titular senior sister, and in terms of the few contacts he had had in the past ten years, his senses could be described as impressive, and it was difficult to say a word.

Su walked slowly to the creation department, came to an office, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Please come in." A gentle and familiar voice enters the ear first.

Just wanted to push the door in, Su only felt that a fist of a sandbag flew in front of him, yes, it was a sandbag big, because it was composed of pure sand.

Defenseless and scary.

"Sand solidification."

I saw the sand fist turn into a stone fist and fell to the ground stunned.

"Teacher, you won't welcome me like this, will you?"

Su walked in and saw the old woman sitting at her desk, this old man was Su's current guardian and teacher, the creator monarch Enolai Baruyereta Atolohom. He looks over seventy, and although his face is full of wrinkles, he gives the impression of being full of vitality. That silver hair was as noble as a moon wolf, and his temperament was extraordinary.

Enolai was burying his head in her affairs, and said without raising his head: "When you come, sit for a while, and wait for me to finish my official business first." Without explaining, as if the sandbag punch just now was not her doing.

Su was also unceremonious, skillfully took out the old man's treasured coffee from the cabinet on the side, brewed himself a cup, and sat quietly on the side, savoring the mellow aroma of special coffee.

Well, not bad, worthy of being a person of status. Unlike me, I can only drink fat boy happy water happily.

Half an hour later, Enolai, who had finished dealing with the matter, slowly raised his head to look at Su, and glared at Su angrily and said, "It's really not easy to let you come to Clock Tak." I don't say you don't come to see my wife, am I? In modern terms, you are completely a standard otaku. Hearing

this, Su suddenly had black lines all over his head. No, I don't seem to be as exaggerated as you say, right? No, in retrospect... Haven't come for months, maybe more than a year? Ahem, nothing wrong, don't care about these details.

"Okay, teacher, what did you go to the trouble to call me here yourself? Wouldn't it really be a reprimand? Su cried and laughed, and diverted from the topic.

Inolai said angrily: "Stinky boy! What do you mean? Can't call you over if you're okay, can you? When you grow up, your wings are hard, you don't have to listen to me, an old woman, right? I can't even ask now, can I? Watching

the old man's continuous lessons, Su knew that reasoning with her old man was the biggest unreasonable. Wrong, really I was wrong, I shouldn't have talked about this. Su helplessly apologized and said, "I'm sorry! I was wrong! Seeing

that he was still a little sincere, without too much calculation, Enolai let Su go and said to him: "This is still decent." "Calmed the mood.

Then Enolai slowly said to Sue: "Tell you about business, there is something you need to do." Su

looked at her a little surprised, her old man rarely asked him to deal with things in recent decades, which also led to Su spending most of these years either recovering his strength or studying magic and alchemy machinery.

Su did not speak, quietly looked at Enolai, silently listened to her and said: "Do you know about the Holy Grail War? I want you to participate in this upcoming Holy Grail war in the Far East, directly or indirectly. "

The so-called Holy Grail War revolves around the battle for the Holy Grail, a universal wishing machine that can fulfill the wishes of the holder, and the participants in the Holy Grail War are the Master (Lord, Summoner, Direct Participant) and the Servant who fights with his partner. (Servant is Valhalla's various heroic figures, legendary epics.) It can be a person from the past, present, future. The

general Holy Grail War consists of seven pairs of royal lords and heroic spirits fighting each other, and the last survivor is eligible to receive the Holy Grail and make a wish.

Su subconsciously wanted to shirk: "Ah, so dangerous, I'm still so weak, I think it's better to change a reliable person to do it."

Enolai just squinted at Sue and didn't speak.

That look seems to say, what's going on with you kid? What level do you have, I don't know? Dare to refuse to have your kid good-looking.

Su, who grew up watching this old man, naturally could not hide her strength, the level of mana alone had exceeded the crown level, and the strength was never revealed, but it had never failed in the recorded information.

The ranks of magicians in the modern world are, from high to low: Grand, Brand, Pride, Fes, Cause, Count, and Frame.

However, generally speaking, the sacrificial throne is not a status that ordinary people can achieve, let alone a crown. It can be seen how deep Su's hidden strength is.

After staring at each other for a moment, seeing that the opposition was invalid, Su had to nod helplessly and said: "Well, okay, okay, I understand, I'll go."

Enolai withdrew his sharp gaze and let Sue go.

Originally, Su did not want to participate in this kind of boring thing, touching the fish is not fragrant, let's engage in research as scientific research personnel, is it not good to deal with our own problems?

However, this Holy Grail of War may be used to activate elemental polynucleation devices, and Su is also slightly interested in thinking about this.

Sue is skeptical about the Holy Grail War and the Almighty Wishing Machine Holy Grail.

What he can probably believe is that this kind of thing called the universal wishing machine should also have limited ability, and it is impossible to really fulfill any wish, which is not as exaggerated as the rumors.

According to Su's understanding, this big world has a world consciousness and the so-called gods are real. If there is such an outrageous thing as the almighty wishing machine, it will not be left alone.

But what is certain is that the Holy Grail War can be described as very tragic and cruel, so even if the Holy Grail does not have a universal effect, it must have a very amazing effect, and it may not be an exaggeration to say that it can create miracles.

This is how Sue sees this. Of course, it is only reasonable guessing before seeing it with your own eyes.

Well, it probably means, and it's slightly interesting.

Su then asked, "What is the reason that makes you interested in the Holy Grail War, I think you should know that the Holy Grail should not be so exaggerated, or is there some other reason?" "

Enolai is the Creation Section Monarch, logically speaking, she should know, as one of the twelve sovereigns, the ability means or other aspects must be in the line, by no means a weak old woman on the surface, after all, she is a bigwig-level figure in the Magic Association.

Enolai nodded and replied, "Yes, there are other reasons.

Enolai then explained the reason: "In recent years, we have had constant conflicts and conflicts between the Creation Section and the Ore Section and the Séance Section, and there have been many secret struggles for our own interests. Originally, the three parties were still in balance with each other, but now that the balance has been broken, Kenneth, the monarch of the Elmero faction, serves as a first-class lecturer in the séance department, and is engaged to Sola Nazelai Sophiali, the daughter of the minister of séance science. So now the situation is very dangerous for us to create a section.

I saw Enolai slowly said again: "According to secret intelligence, Kenneth will participate in this Holy Grail War, regardless of whether the Holy Grail can make a wish or not, if he is allowed to win this victory, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Genesis to survive in the future." That's why I wanted you to deal with it. After speaking, he quietly looked at Su to see what he thought

, Su was silent for a while, he didn't like trouble the most, especially this kind of thing, if it didn't concern him, but it was about his teacher, he could only agree.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll do my best to do this well."

"By the way, where did this Holy Grail War begin?"

"Far East Island Country, Fuyuki City."

It just so happened that Su was also a little interested in the Holy Grail War, wanting to see if this Holy Grail was really that magical, at least try to restart the core device, which would save Su a big trouble and skip the long study.

However, there is no need to rush, investigate before making specific plans.

Being prepared is the best policy, plan and then move, and be fully prepared.

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