Let's fight again, saber!" The defeat just now did not affect Lancer's fighting spirit in the slightest.

Lancer lifted his two guns again and rushed over, and Saber also greeted him with a sword.

The two heroes began a new round of competition.

This time, Lancer's offensive became more fierce, and the blood and pain directly stimulated his fighting spirit, as if he had returned to his peak state.

The golden light shone for a moment, and the Eimiya Kiriji, who was far away in the castle, also saw this golden light.

Eimiya Kiriji's face was heavy, and he muttered, "Has Saber been forced to this point?" "

It seems that without using the Ling Spell, there is no way to quickly solve the battle.

As soon as he finished speaking, Weigong Kiriji immediately took action again, because the silk thread of the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid behind him had already extended, and Kenneth's pursuit was about to come.

Eimiya Kiriji himself is also in a dangerous situation.

There are many accidents, Kenneth is so strong, the person who secretly plots is afraid that it will also come. This accelerated Eimiya Kiriji's determination to use the Writ Spell.

And at the site of the battle between Saber and Lancer.

Lancer burst into flames, firing his bow from side to side.

Each blow was so precise and deadly that Saber's pressure skyrocketed.

Lancer's attacks became more and more fierce, and the frequency of attacks was relatively reduced, but the strength and lethal blows became heavier. The power is quite amazing.

This is the power of the heroic spirit, a power that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve!

Another short shot straight through Saber's face, Saber's backhand horizontal sword blocking.

Without waiting for Saber to react for a moment, a second attack followed, and the scarlet spear that seemed to be burning stabbed from the side at a very tricky angle.

Saber also reacted, quickly swinging his sword and slashing, wanting to solve two attacks at once.

However, it was too difficult to parry two attacks from different directions at the same time, and Lancer's blow directly knocked Saber out.

The two of them had just collapsed, and they were already scarred, and the nearby forest trees were all destroyed, and there were many cracks and potholes in the ground, and it was a mess.

Seeing all this, Skaha watched from the sidelines and remained silent.

It seems that Lancer has the upper hand and Saber is weak. However, the damage given to Saber by just one blow is really limited, it can be said that there is only a little physical exertion, and the actual damage is equivalent to skin trauma.

If there are bright blood bars on both sides, then the damage of the Wind King Hammer to Lancer is about 40%, and the attack of Lancer's skill can only barely deal 10% of the damage. That's how big the gap is.

Skaha couldn't help but feel sorry in his heart, if this was the final battle between the two knights. Then Lancer has already lost.

In terms of injuries, both of them are similar, Saber's left hand is paralyzed and unusable, and his strength is reduced, while Lancer, although he received a blow to the Wind King Hammer, the injury is actually not as serious as expected.

In terms of martial arts alone, the two are not much different, and even objectively speaking, Lancer is slightly better.

But all things considered, why Lancer must lose.

The reason is the gap between the effect of the spell and the treasure tool.

Lancer's treasure double gun, the demon-breaking red rose and the cursed yellow rose, are good and good, but they are limited to that, and there is a lack of winning blows that determine victory or defeat.

It can be said that most of Lancer's strength depends on its own combat experience.

Saber, on the other hand.

The Holy Sword has not been completely liberated until now, using its true power.

The name of the Holy Sword Envoy is not a joke, and the victory blow is the complete liberation of the Holy Sword Oath Victory Sword.

The gap immediately appeared, and Saber's treasure would lead to Lancer's complete failure.

If they continue to fight like this, the two will not divide the victory or defeat, unless Saber obtains the blessing of the spell to release the power of the holy sword.

Saber's unleashing a big move is inevitable.

Because the use of the saber spell is certain.

This attack was not only a battle between slaves, but also a battle between royal lords.

With Skaha's understanding of his own royal lord, Su's strength is definitely enough to solve other people, and Saber's royal lord cannot survive.

On the battlefield between the royal lords, it was long before he saw that Eimiya Kiriji was killed.

Then again.


the same time that Kenneth was chasing Emiya Kiriji, Sue also wanted to make a move, but something unexpected happened.

Su is fully capable of killing Weigong Kiriji from a distance, and only the escaped Alice Phil and Yanfeng Qili cannot threaten him.

Su, who had just taken out the enchanted longbow, was forced to stop before he could hold the bow and charge his power.

"Such a drama, watch it well, dare to make a move, be careful that the king lets you personally star." At

some point, Gilgamesh also came to the scene.

Su could only give up and look at Gilgamesh sitting on the Heavenly Ship Vimana.

The hero king is also interested in this play?"

Since the hero king did not make a move on Su, then there must be other reasons, Su suddenly thought of this, with his golden character, making him unhappy is equivalent to declaring war with him.

It seems that something interesting must have attracted Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh looked at Sue with his noble red eyes, with a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth, but his tone was still so arrogant.

"Hmph, this king is also something that his subordinates can speculate? After speaking, he looked at Yan Feng Qili on the ground.

Su was a little puzzled, what exactly is this golden flash paying attention to? Weigong Kiriji and Yan Feng Qili

? Wait, what did Jin Shanshan say just now

? Your Majesty

? When did I become his courtier?

Sue followed Gilgamesh's gaze and looked down.

Alice Phil used the silver magic thread to firmly trap Yan Feng Qili on the tree, and tightened the silk thread to control Yan Feng Qili.

But this posture is really a bit strange, the binding method does not know where to borrow, and the eyes are almost blind.


Maimi, please. "Alice Phil wants Kuyu Maiya, who has fallen to the side, to kill Yan Feng Qili.

I saw Yan Feng Qili spread his legs, leaned his butt back, and staged a scene of upside down and weeping willows in a strange look. The whole tree collapsed, and the bound silk thread was immediately torn off.

Alice Phil and Maiya Kuyu both looked stupid, are these normal people?

I originally thought that I would win steadily, but I didn't expect that the enemy's strength was not on the same level as them at all.

Yan Feng Qili shook his wrist and walked straight towards Alice Phil.

"You bastard, stay away from me!" Kuyu Maiya was anxious when she saw this scene. Dragging his aching body, he angrily rushed towards Yan Feng Qili.

However, Yan Feng Qili didn't put her in his eyes at all, didn't look at her, stretched out his legs, and directly kicked Jiuyu Maiya.

Kuyu Maiya's whole person flew out several meters away, suddenly hit the tree, plus the original injury, fell directly to the ground and fainted, losing consciousness.

Just one word, fierce!

Yan Feng Qili did not blink his eyes, and still walked straight towards Alice Phil with an expressionless face.

Looking at the approaching enemy, Alice Phil on the side sat on the ground stunned, having lost the will and ability to resist, and now she can only be slaughtered by others, and unspeakable fear inevitably arises in her heart.

Yan Feng Qili slowly walked to Alice Phil, stretched out his slender arm and directly pinched her neck, grabbed Alice Phil off the ground with one hand, and lifted her straight up.

Very exaggerated.

It is hard to imagine that this is the usually more amiable priest, who can lift an adult woman with one hand without difficulty.

Of course, strictly speaking, Alice Phil is actually only a few years old since she was born.

I only heard Yan Fengqili's slightly magnetic voice slowly speaking.

"Woman, it seems that both of you don't want me to approach Eimiya Kiriji. What gave you the courage to stop me?" "

You don't seem to have a spell, then you are not the true lord of Saber, then you are the artificial human of the Einz Belen family who served as the [Little Holy Grail], right?

"So, ask again. The

hand that pinched Alice Phil's neck suddenly tightened, increasing the force, and pressing her throat like steel.

Alice Phil's face was blue and red, and she was almost out of breath, tears slipped out, and her hands weakly resisted this iron hand.

Don't you look at the state of the person being questioned when asked

? Can Alice Phil speak like this?

This is very unscientific.

"Why did you have to stop me?"

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