As for the source of this thing, it is really not what the world should be.

Elemental wine brewing is a by-product of Su's most proud elemental polynucleus device, although there is no way to condense the elemental core now, but the use of low-power magic is still possible.

If you can use it, you can use it, and it is a waste to use it empty.

The crystal clear liquid flows in the wine glass, exuding an intoxicating magic. The crowd carefully tasted this elemental wine.

Saber and Rider couldn't help but exclaim, "What an astound!" though it's not real wine.

At this time, Gilgamesh said flatly: "In this way, the king's pattern is higher or lower, and who is better has already been determined, right?"

Hearing this, Sue knew that tonight's theme had only officially begun now.

The next moment, Rider really disagreed with Gilgamesh.

Rider stopped, "Archer, your finest wine truly deserves these most precious glasses." However, the Grail is not the same as the wine glass, and you must first tell us what kind of wish you want to make to the Grail.

Gilgamesh said lightly: "You are not qualified to order me." Miscellaneous!"

then Gilgamesh proudly announced to everyone present.

"Hmph, just from the premise of competing for the Holy Grail, you are foolish. Gilgamesh didn't want to open his eyes and took a slow sip of wine.

Rider also scratched his head and asked, "Well, why is that, where did I say something wrong?"

Sue had vaguely guessed what Gilgamesh was going to say, and then Gilgamesh slowly told the truth.

"Because, that was originally the king's thing. The origin of all the treasures of the world can be traced back to the treasure of my king. Although

the words were arrogant, Sue could be sure that Gilgamesh was absolutely right, and he did not and did not disdain to lie. King's Treasure is

a collection of all the treasures of all mankind and their prototypes included in the King's Treasury. A good name for the original canon of human wisdom. Newly created treasures and prototypes will also be automatically included in the treasure trove. It can be said that there are unimaginable things in the king's treasury, and they are growing at a super high rate every moment.

Rider still didn't understand what this meant, and continued to ask, "So you once owned the Grail, and you know what the Grail is?"

The number of treasures in my treasury has long exceeded my understanding. But as long as this thing is a treasure, it must be my treasure. "

Holy Grail? Isn't that just a drinking cup? It's just pretty. Gilgamesh didn't have to remember such trivial things. Isn't the wine glass used for drinking?"

"You even want to steal it from my treasury, you miscellaneous cultivator! Gilgamesh finally slowly opened his eyes and looked at the rider with contempt.

Saber was disgusted by Gilgamesh's remarks: "What you say is no different from the crazy talk of a madman. Are you just as mad as Berserker, Archer. "

On how one sentence can offend two people, this is a good demonstration. (There's something about Berserker's identity.)

This whole Gilgamesh is speechless, to tell the truth and be sprayed, where did this keyboard warrior of the old era come from.

Rider also quipped: "Oops, so what is the truth?"

In fact, Rider just wanted to get out of the way.

However, Weber was dissatisfied with the rider first and whispered to Sue.

"What, when did the Grail become his, hasn't it always been here?

Su listened with a look of shame, and it was right if she didn't understand, young man.

If you understand it, you won't talk like that.

Su quietly explained: "Weber, is there a possibility that Archer has no need to lie, does he really have the Holy Grail?" Weber

looked incredulous: "Really fake?

"Sue, you know?" Sue

couldn't help but want to taunt Weber, and suddenly thought that Archer's true identity was really not well understood, and only a limited number of people knew.

Gilgamesh glanced at Su and said lightly: "It doesn't matter, if you want to say, you can say that the name of this king should be admired by everyone."

Rider also wondered: "I have a clue about the golden real name of Archer, boy, you can talk about it first." Rider

was smarter than Saber to tell the truth, and most of the lords and spirits had no clue, he vaguely guessed.

Seeing that everyone focused their eyes on themselves, Su had no reason not to say, anyway, the people themselves agreed.

Sue explained: "Archer's real name is Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, the oldest heroic king of mankind!"

Isn't it too big? Is it still fun?

Saber and rider are silent.

Su said again: "The oldest hero king and the treasure house of kings. Now I can understand a little, because Gilgamesh really has the Holy Grail! There may be more than one, and it is not a joke to say that the wine glass is really not a joke.

Gilgamesh was very satisfied to hear it. Good, very good.

"Miscellaneous, what else do you want to say

?" Rider suddenly asked, "So archer, what you just said means that if you want the Holy Grail, you must get your consent, right?"

Gilgamesh retorted, "Oh, but I have no reason to reward you with these miscellaneous monks!"

Rider was not to be outdone: "Arcer, are you a stingy?"

Gilgamesh didn't care: "Joke! So rider.

"If you are willing to surrender to me, just a cup or two, I can always reward you with a few to play." Rider

laughed, "Hahaha, I can't accept this proposal, I'm a conqueror king, how can I submit to anyone else?"

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