Rider laughed heartily: "Hahaha, let's talk about this later, now getting the body is the most important thing, I must fight for all the Holy Grails!"

Gilgamesh glanced at him: "Miscellaneous cultivation, are you going to challenge me for such a boring thing?"

Saber was also curious about what the rider would say.

Rider explains: "Although we were here because of the rituals of the Holy Grail War, we are still only followers. Involuntarily

, he stretched out his thick palm and looked at it.

Then he said, "This feeling is not real, I want to be reborn into this world and live in this world as a real life." Challenge the world with your true strength.

"This is the process and wish of my conquest, and it is only complete to fulfill it myself." It's like this to start, to advance, and to end. This is my royal way, the way of the overlord!"

Gilgamesh said with a faint smile: "I decided to be a rider, and I will personally kill you." Sue

understood that Gilgamesh was the king who recognized the rider and decided to take the conqueror king seriously and defeat him.

Speaking in the face of the threat of Gilgamesh.

Rider laughed heartily and said happily, "I don't need to remind you now, archer." Be careful, I also want to snatch all the treasures in your treasury." Hahaha!" about

the king, Rider asked Skaha again.

"Casper, what kind of wish and meaning do you have?"

Skaha put down his glass and said softly, "There is no wish, I just answered the call by accident, and my essence is still in the Land of Shadows." As for the meaning, I think it's probably done. The eyes subconsciously looked in Sue's direction.

This matter can be asked by the wrong person, although Skaha is the queen of the country of shadows, it is not a country of ordinary creatures, and it cannot be regarded by common sense.

Moreover, Skaha can be said to have not managed the Kingdom of Shadows much, as long as she obeys her agreement, as long as she can pass her trials, no matter who she is, she will give it to her.

Therefore, in Skaha's reputation, the teacher's name is much higher than that of the Queen of the Shadow Country.

Being able to accept two extremely talented disciples and compete with all the heroic spirits, Skaha was already very satisfied.


Far away in Tosaka's house, Tosaka Shichen and Yanfeng Qili are watching this wine banquet.

Archer left without warning, could Tosaka Shichen not go to take a look, not very sure that Gilgamesh would make some strange moves again.

"It's actually to attend a wine banquet, four heroic spirits and three royal lords, hehe." "

Is it really good to let Archer leave it alone?" came Yan Fengqi's voice from the microphone.

"No way, as a hero king, he will not escape the problems of others. Let him go, it's good to be wanton.

"By the way, Qili, what do you think

of the comparison between the strength of the rider and the archer?" "Then it depends on whether the rider still has a treasure that surpasses the Kamui wheel (the rider's Tianniu chariot)."

His deep eyes exuded a devouring cold aura, and he said coldly: "Then it's just a good time to try it, now that their imperial lords are gathered together, it's a good time to sneak attack."

Can this be won? Can I eat Tang Monk meat with me and Assassin?

Who knows that Tosaka Shichen explained: "In this case, it is not a big question whether there is a chance of victory."???? "

Assassin:...... Really, I don't want to die like that. Sometimes assassins are assassinated.

"Even if the assassin fails, it doesn't matter, as long as you know the gap between the strength of the enemy and us, test the rider." Of course, if you can kill one or two royal lords by the way, that is the best news.

"Just act like that, Kiri. Although it was a big gamble, fortunately, we didn't lose much either. Kill with the order, no matter the cost, attack with all your might.

"Got it. "

Yan Feng Qili, not far from Einz Belen Castle, received the news and immediately summoned all the assassins and prepared to attack.

Assassin: That is, we have to give away people's heads, does that mean? If you can call the police, Assassin will definitely call the police.


In the back garden.

Saber, who had been silent, finally spoke. The royal way of the rider just now made her think for a long time, and she never understood.

"Rider, this of yours... Not really the way of kings. "The tone is a bit serious.

Sue listened, and couldn't help shaking her head, Saber's emotional intelligence is really helpless. Not to mention how high it is, but this is not even the level of ordinary people.

In Sue's view, Saber's words are undoubtedly denying the glory of the conquering king, and the beliefs and styles will be different in different eras and regions.

Unfortunately, Saber's knighthood is like this, integrity and perfection are her greatest strengths, and too much integrity and perfection are also her serious shortcomings.

Artoria was a knight before a king, and Arthur was a knight before a queen, but the two had very different personalities.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences is the most suitable way, and Saber's words are somewhat one-sided and subjective.

The bad words hurt June, but fortunately, the rider didn't care about these things at all.

Rider responded, "Oh?

Then Saber uttered this naïve remark that made her laugh n times.

"My wish is to save my country. Make a wish with the Grail to change the fate of Britain's destruction!" After

listening to Saber's wish, everyone was silent, but they did not expect that Saber's wish turned out to be this.

Rider slowly put down the wine glass in his hand and said very seriously: "Saber, you just said that you want to change the fate of the country's demise, do you mean to overturn the original history?" Saber said

firmly: "Yes, if the Holy Grail is a universal wishing machine, it must be..."

"Hahaha!!" Gilgamesh couldn't help but laugh, which showed how interesting this was for Gilgamesh.

It's never been so fun, and the golden flash is trying to reconnect to the server....

The laughter was so harsh in Saber's ears that it seemed, no, it was indeed mocking her words and wishes.

Just as Saber was about to question Kim Sparkle, Rider spoke.

"Saber, let me confirm that the nation called Britain perished in your time, did it perish under your rule?"

Before Rider could speak, Gilgamesh burst out laughing again, his shoulders shaking, already trying not to laugh.


Archer, what's so funny?" said Saber.

Gilgamesh said jokingly: "Hahaha, laugh at what? It's almost laughing me to death, are you laughing at me and inheriting my king's treasure?"

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