Tosaka House.

Gilgamesh, who was halfway through, spotted Yan Feng Qili, who was fleeing, and was about to go to find out.

"No need, Hero King, the church is no longer supported, my father is dead. Yan Feng Qili refused.

After listening to Yan Fengqi's words, Gilgamesh did not go to the church, but returned to Tosaka's house with Yanfeng Qili.

Tosaka Shichen was also the first to treat Yan Feng Qili.

Gilgamesh looked at Yan Feng Qili, who was being treated, with a embarrassed look, and couldn't help but joke: "Qili, I didn't think you would make it like this, it's really embarrassing, so disrespectful, it's really funny, hahaha." Yan

Feng Qili: "............." Yan Feng Qili

was indifferent to his father's death, his face was expressionless, still so plain, calm that people felt terrible.

After the treatment, Yan Fengqili's injuries were temporarily relieved.

Only then did Tosaka Shichen ask, "Qili, what happened?

Faced with the question of the hour of Tosaka, Yan Feng Qili explained everything that had just happened in the church. Yanfeng Lizheng's death, the ability of the caster royal lord and so on.

Tosaka thought for a moment, but felt that it was very strange and not normal.

But I have to say that the timing of the caster's royal lord is too good, and it happens that the force is empty, and he has seized a key time node.

"I don't know the identity of the caster, but this sudden attack on the church is very problematic, and he seems to be in a hurry, anxious to end the Holy Grail War. I'm afraid something has changed. "Normally, there is no need for such an urgent action.

Gilgamesh did not specify that he knew why Sue suddenly and quickly attacked, because of the Holy Grail mutation pollution.

But what does this have to do with him, the war situation is chaotic enough, the situation is bizarre enough, and things are interesting enough, it can only make his hero king happy, and it is not unforgivable to offend rudely.

"In this way, Qili, you first temporarily live in the Tosaka house, there is a hero king in them, they don't dare to do anything, I will send a letter to the Magic Association to investigate." Yan

Feng Qili nodded, and Tosaka Shichen immediately walked out of the room and entered the magic workshop.

Seeing Tosaka's departure, Gilgamesh said slowly: "Qili, then now, what choice will you make?"


that Yan Feng Qili was still in a daze, Gilgamesh said: "What do you want next? What kind of wish do you have for the Holy Grail?"

Gilgamesh was bewildered and said with a smile.

This is quite true, Eimiya Kiriji pursues peace and beauty, Kenneth and Tosaka Shichen pursue access to the root, Kenneth may not be for this reason, Ma Kiriyan Ye originally wanted to save Sakura, Webb was simply pursuing the honor of victory, and Sue just wanted to use the energy of the Holy Grail to activate his device.

Only Yan Feng Qili was an accident, he didn't know what to do at all, he just acted as requested.

Yan Feng Qili is born with its own defects, can not feel normal happiness, the pain of others will make him happy, he can also recognize this different behavior, try to change but can't do it, but say evil is completely impossible, just want to feel happy to live.

And now, under the demagoguery of Gilgamesh, the desire in his heart is becoming more and more obvious, and the sleeping beast in his heart is about to awaken.

"Most of them are just a bunch of mortals who pursue my treasures because of some boring desires, huh!" Gilgamesh picked up his wine glass again.

"Ah, but it's not without gains, you and Assassin are still deep in my heart." Gilgamesh smiled strangely.

"Are you being sarcastic about me? Yan Feng Qili was a little dissatisfied.

The more this happens, the more Gilgamesh appreciates the words and ceremonies, and in other words, Tosaka Shichen is afraid that he will only apologize, which is interesting.

"Hahaha, you can always make actions that make me happy, forget the meaning, do not feel pain in vain, feel pleasure for the pain of others. Qili, I'm glad that you finally understand what pleasure is!" "

How is it possible? This kind of sin..." Yan Feng Qili just wanted to retort, but suddenly felt a burning pain in his hand.

"What is going on?......"

Yan Feng Qili looked down and saw that the Ling Curse appeared on his hand again!

"Sure enough, as I expected, congratulations on becoming the royal lord again.

There are obviously no extra followers, why would the Grail choose the Imperial Lord again?. Yan Feng Qili was puzzled by this.

Gilgamesh on the side scoffed: "It seems that the Grail has a great affection for you, Qili, there is no doubt that you have a reason to pursue the Grail in your heart."

"I....... If I also have the desire to pursue the Grail, then I will be at odds with my teacher.

"Since you want to be my enemy, let's try to find a strong follower first, provided that you must seize a slave who has signed a contract." Otherwise, simply... Forget it, I don't want to say more, you decide for yourself" Gilgamesh stopped talking.

"I.............," Yan Feng Qili looked at the spell in his hand, his eyes were full of inexplicable longing, and the shackles of the beast were finally broken!


Ma Tong family.

"Brother, welcome back!"

As soon as Su returned home, she was warmly greeted by Sakura, who was like a small pendant, hanging on Sue's body and refusing to come down.

This scene made Tongyan Ye very envious, hateful, why not me!"

"Okay Sakura, go back to your room and sleep." Sue said in an unquestioning tone, forcing Sakura to go back to her room to rest, really, it's early in the morning, and she hasn't gone to sleep yet, how can a child develop and grow.

Whether Sakura liked it or not, Sue asked Skaha to take her back.

After taking Sakura, Sue talks to Ma Kiriyan again, and also summons Lancelot.

"Although we now know that Berserker is Lancelot, it takes the blessing of the spell to stay sane, but I only have one spell left now. "Ma Tong Yanye showed the only spell in his hand, and the previous spell was used by him.

"It's okay, I still have a lot of Ling Curse, so thank you so much. Su took out a mechanical prosthetic leg, which was engraved with dense incendiaries, numbering more than two dozen strokes.

"The overseers steal from themselves. Su explained as she looked at Ma Tong Yanye who wanted to ask.

"Assassin has already withdrawn, then we have a big chance to win, we can..." Ma Tong Yan's eyebrows danced in the night, imagining a bright future.

The corners of Su's mouth couldn't help twitching, and his eyes widened, how come you don't have any self-awareness in the night of Tong Yan?

Then Su said his plan, which made Tongyan Ye stiffen like five thunders.

"Goose Night, you can quit the Holy Grail War. "

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