Sue followed Webb into the house and saw an old couple when she came in. Su also judged that the old man should be the original owner of this house, and now it was hinted by Weber using magic hypnosis.

"You're Webb's friend, please come in, you're welcome. The old couple said to Sue kindly.

"Then bother.

After entering Weber's room, the nervous Weber looked at Su nervously, and quickly asked: "Su, why did you come to Fuyuki City? Seeing Webb look so nervous, Suha laughed.

Hearing Sue's laughter, Weber said a little annoyed: "Hey, what's so funny about this, what I said is true, Fuyuki City will be very dangerous soon." Do you know?

"I know, isn't it the Holy Grail War." Sue chuckled and waved her hand, indicating that it didn't matter, I would make a move.

"You know... Hey? You know?" Webb looked at Sue in surprise.

"I naturally know, otherwise why am I here to play with you?" replied Sue.

"Okay Weber, don't say that some of these are gone, tell me what you think? Friendly reminder, it is said that your teacher Kenneth should be arriving soon. Hearing

Sue ask him why he did this, Weber's face was a little unnatural: "That guy embarrasses me everywhere, and uses what kind of blood and so on to belittle me." It's unreasonable, I see him as jealous of my talent, this time I must prove it to him and defeat him.

Looking at Weber, who looked indignant, Su didn't want to explain to him for the time being, explaining would only make things worse and not conducive to follow-up planning.

Su could only comfort him and say, "Then come on." For

Weber's words, Sue did not agree with it, in terms of Weber's strength and talent, this is no different from sending to death. However, it is also logical to form an ally with him, and using him can be regarded as protecting him a little.

So Su said bluntly: "My purpose this time is also the Holy Grail War, so Weber, it's better for us to form an alliance." My strength and character are generally clear to you.

Weber, who was already unsure, was a little excited to hear that someone was willing to form an alliance, after all, Weber thought that he still knew Sue better.

Weber was very happy in his heart: "No problem, let's win this war together." "

Although I don't know much about the strength of his friend, from the daily conversation, it is definitely much stronger than a third-rate magician like him, and the rest of the clock tower is also afraid of Su, and with a strong ally, victory is not easy to do.

Thinking of this, Webb felt very happy. Unite all the forces that can be united (the multitudes of people) is the truth.

It's just that Weber is wrong a little, this is not a clearance game, the Holy Grail War has only one winner in the end, both the war must be quite cruel, Webb, this half-hanger, if there is no help from Su in the follow-up, he may be killed.

But Webb inadvertently saw the back of Su's empty hand, and couldn't help asking: "Don't you have an order spell, so how do you participate in the Holy Grail War?"

This Holy Grail system doesn't give face at all, I'm also a magician with crown strength, and I used to be a man who was a god of law.

Forget it, it's okay, there are other ways, and it means that there is still a chance before it officially starts. Even if it has already begun, it is not impossible to directly seize the Ling Curse. There are always more solutions than difficulties.

And there are other ways to operate in the dark, Su is still very confident in his ability, Su, who was once a warrior, also wants to fight with the heroic spirits, thinking of this, Su's hidden warrior heart also trembled slightly.

Su could only explain: "It's okay, I have my own way." Webb was also a little relieved to hear him say this, I don't know what he did next, and I don't need to know, but I was very happy to have someone help me.

"By the way, you can summon the heroic spirit tonight, I'm a little uneasy, or you come with me." Weber pleaded with Sue, in fact, the main thing is that Webb is too poor to prepare suitable materials, otherwise he can only make do with others.

Su did not refuse, after all, he also wanted to meet these legendary heroes, this is also Su's small expectation to participate in the Holy Grail War, it is exciting to be able to communicate and fight with all the heroes!

Time is like a shuttle, Fuyuki City soon entered the night, the night in Fuyuki City is very beautiful and quiet, the night gradually engulfed the afterglow of the sunset, and the hazy night gradually shrouded this quiet city, at this time Fuyuki City was quiet and comfortable, and busy people lying at home slowly fell asleep.

If there were no Holy Grail War, Fuyuki City would be very suitable for ordinary people.

Under such a beautiful and quiet scene, but the dark tide is surging, tonight the magic of the earth vein of Dongmu City is surging, and the long-awaited Holy Grail War is finally about to begin.

In the suburban cemetery, Webb and Su, who had prepared the summoning materials, had completed the magic array for summoning heroic spirits, and the crimson magic array seemed to herald tonight's changes, and the magic power in the earth veins was also filled.

"I have a question, why do you have to summon the heroic spirit in a place like the cemetery?

Webb was stunned suddenly, yes, why did he have to run here. No, I can't admit that it was my mistake.

Weber replied with some embarrassment: "Cough, the location here is good, the scenery is good, and it is close to the earth's vein." Don't say this, you can summon the heroic spirit, right?" Looking

at Weber with a hard mouth, Sue didn't bother to refute him.

"OK, the preparation is complete, how is your holy relic prepared? Sue said to Webb.

Weber held a piece of crimson clothing, the heavy breath was an ancient relic good, Weber replied with confidence on his face: "No problem, after all, it was carefully selected by that guy." Su looked at Weber with interest, and his heart was a little excited.

"Whew—" Taking a deep breath, Webb closed his eyes and sank his mind.

"Full, full, full, full, full."

"It goes on and over five times, but it is abandoned when it is full.

"Declare, Ru body obeys my command, and my life is entrusted to Ru sword, and if you wish to dwell in the Holy Grail, follow this will, obey this reason, and should do so."

"Ru is the seven days of the three spirit of speech, from the wheel of suppression, the guardian of the balance. As

soon as the words fell, the magic power around him suddenly surged, and the wind and dust suddenly rose. A tall and burly figure appeared from the middle of the magic array, dressed in a different modern battle style costume, the red battle robe behind him was waving, the majestic momentum made people feel cold, and the momentum of a heroic spirit made people can't help but worship.

Weber on the side was shocked by the air wave and sat directly on the ground, but his face was extremely happy.

"Great. Webb clenched his fists excitedly and won.

Sue smiled and looked at the heroic spirit that appeared.

Suddenly, he received some kind of signal in his heart, and the familiar magic power flowed in the distance, Su Yuanzhi slightly sensed the source of the magic power, and the happy look on his face also became angry.

Very good, last time I didn't pick you up, let me catch it this time, I didn't expect that the first one to anger me was you!

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