"It seems that the time is just right, I haven't come late, how are you guys, are you okay?"

Su, who ended the battle, came out for the first time and saw the little loli she had seen at Tosaka's house before, and the overly frightened Makiri Sakura (Tosaka Sakura).

Sakura saw the person coming, cried and pounced and said, "Wow, big brother!" The high level of shock made Sakura cry out loud. Ma Tong Yanye finally couldn't support his spirit and fainted.

Hours passed.


shouted Ma Tong Yanye who suddenly woke up from the bed, sat up, and looked at the familiar room, his personal room, Ma Tong Yan Ye was a little confused, and it seemed that he hadn't slowed down yet.

As he walked to the living room, he heard Sakura's chuckle outside the door, and he slowly walked to the door, raised his trembling hand and slowly opened the door.

Sakura was sitting at a table eating with the strange young man who suddenly appeared, and seeing Sakura's smiling face, Ma Kiriyan couldn't help but cry. That old bug will never come back, the nightmare of the Ma Kirito family is over, it's all over!"

"Uncle Yanye, do you want dinner? And oh, Sakura and her brother made a lot of good food. Sakura asked softly to Ma Kirito. Actually, it was all Sakura who did it. Because Sue can't cook.

"Good!" said Ma Tongyan Ye choking.

After eating, the three of them came to the living room, and Ma Tong Yanye looked at this young man who was called his brother by Sakura, although he didn't know where he came from, but just because he saved himself and Sakura and liberated the Ma Kirito family, it was enough to make him grateful to Dade.

Sue understood what he wanted to ask, so he explained.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Sue White, Clock Tower magician, as for why I appeared at your house, the direct reason is because Sakura's bracelet was made by me, and I can sense the trigger technique. Of course, although I don't like to be nosy, this old bug is really disgusting to me, so I came, and that's probably it.

Sue didn't want to reveal the reason too much.

It turned out that Sakura's bracelet passively triggered the protective magic, causing Su to sense and observe Sakura's situation from a distance, so there was something behind.

Ma Tong Yanye is not a stupid person, and he understands that Su has not explained everything, but he knows that the gap in strength is too large, and he can't ask everything.

Then Su said: "By the way, there is something I need to explain to you, your body is too badly eroded by the engraving worm, and the engraving insect will take your life when it dies, so I gave you my alchemy mechanical transformation, and you have to replace the alchemy mechanical components regularly, so you may have to follow me in the future." "

The regular replacement of components is fake, with the level of Su Alchemy Machinery Master, there is no such problem at all, and it is true to control the Tongyan Night.

I felt that my body was indeed different from before, and even the magic circuit was completed.

Ma Tong Yanye also did not doubt too much, and said: "No problem, no matter what, you have saved us, and also saved the Matong family, as long as you need it, my Ma Tong family is willing to do our best to serve you as the main family." "The tone is very sincere.

What I want is this sentence, very good, good, this person can handle it.

Sue continued, "Then move on to your unfinished business. Ma

Tongyan Ye was stunned for a moment, and then he knew what Su was talking about, because he also had a spell engraving mark on his hand.

After a while, the basement.

Ma Tong Yanye looked at the follower who had just been summoned a little confused, this time he did not use an additional spell, but he still summoned a follower with the rank of Berserker (berserker).

Ah this, how is it a berserker, is it possible that I have a relationship with Berserker??? (yes, generally speaking, there is a good relationship between the summoned follower and the royal lord, and there is a certain commonality.

The next day's day in Fuyuki City was as calm as usual, as if nothing had happened last night, compared to ordinary people.

According to the information transmitted by the church, only the rank of Caster (Warlock) of the seven followers has not yet been summoned.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Su decided to look for this imperial lord who had not yet appeared in Fuyuki City, after all, there was still the last follower who had not been summoned, as long as it had not yet appeared, there was still a chance.

It's just that so far, after looking for a long time, it seems that nothing has been found....

It's really hell, I've almost searched for most of Dongmu City, not to mention the royal lord, I haven't even found a trace of magic, it's really not so simple, if I don't find out, I'm going to give up!

The envoy sent to investigate found a person who was highly similar to a murderous criminal who had recently appeared in Fuyuki City, and could be said to be a madman who took pleasure in blood. If nothing else, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to this kind of thing when it is discovered by Su. I'm a good young man in society, right, I have no purpose in seeing righteousness.

It's just a bit of a bonus, this person is actually the last royal lord!?

After understanding the situation, Su rushed without saying a word, this murderous ghost is absolutely unforgivable. How can this be called robbery? How can a magician's thing be robbery? This is called seeing righteousness and courage! Good citizens.

"I may be a little presumptuous." "

Watch this man named Yusheng Ryunosuke.

Watching the news about the murderer on the TV with a dissatisfied face, he turned off the TV without care, as if it was not him who killed the murderer.

Yusheng Ryunosuke turned to the little boy who was bound to the side and asked, "Do you think demons really exist? These news and magazines always call me a demon. But if demons really exist, that's exciting. Can you be eaten when you see a demon?" Is

this a distortion of human nature or a moral decay?

"Woo! Woo!" The little boy's eyes widened, so frightened that he couldn't speak.

This man was undoubtedly a demon in his eyes.

Dimly lit rooms, struggling children, dead corpses, and a terrifying perverted demon. This combination can definitely make ordinary people tremble, it is simply a living Hades.

"Ah, can this strange book and this spell really summon demons?" said Yusheng Ryunosuke, holding a very old nameless book.

While he was still thinking about whether he could summon a demon, a long sword pierced his chest directly, ending his life.

"Huh, why?" Yusheng Ryunosuke collapsed completely unaware of what was happening.

What a perverted murderer, such an anti-human person will most likely summon a reversed heroic spirit.

"It's too cheap for you to free yourself like this, I really can't understand why someone like you who is not a magician can be chosen, is it blind in the Holy Grail or is there no rule to randomly select people?

Su looked at the chaotic scene here, and there was a frightened child, it was really helpless.

"What a headache, and I have to deal with the aftermath, trouble." "Successfully took away the spell, dealt with the matter, erased the little boy's memory and left quickly, how can this kind of thing be discovered, right?

Do good deeds without leaving a name, or leave it to professionals to deal with follow-up problems.

With a "boom", everything that had just happened dissipated in the fireworks, erasing all evidence as if it were just an accident.

I've done my best, and the rest can only be dealt with by themselves, and it won't be another rotten reason like a gas explosion, right?

"Brother, you're back. Sakura saw Sue coming in from the entrance and greeted her happily.

"Hmm" Sue gently touched Sakura's hair, and Sakura lowered her head like a kitten, enjoying this hard-won beauty.

Since the death of Ma Tong Yan, Ma Tong Yanye, with the help of Su, quickly integrated all the resources of the Matong family in only one day, and under the old bug's Huo Huo, the assets of the Matong family shrank a lot.

Although it is not much, after all, it is a former magic family, the thin camel is larger than the horse, and there are still a lot of available resources.

Now Ma Tong Yanye is very respectful and loyal to Su, because Su not only saved his life, but also saved Ma Tong Ying and the entire Ma Tong family.

The most important thing is that Su did not want to change the entire Matong family, the purpose of coming here is only the Holy Grail, and the Matong family only needs to provide all help during this period.

For the Tong Yan Night, it is undoubtedly the best choice. It can be said that the current Matong family can be regarded as a subordinate family of Su.

"Do you want to perform the Spirit Summoning?" Mr. White. (Sue's real name is Sue White, don't care about this, that's not the point!) "

Okay, also, just call me Sue, there are not so many rules.

Tongyan Ye's eyes saw that a spell appeared on Su's hand, which he didn't have when he went out in the morning. Sakura followed suit, tilting her head and looking at the back of Sue's hand.

"Well, today I was lucky enough to get this final spell by accident, so let's summon the heroic spirit here. Su said with a smile, without explaining much, there was no point.

Without asking, Ma Tong Yanye went down to prepare the materials when she heard this, and Sakura stared at Su with shining eyes, also very interested in the mysterious things of magic. Because it was for this reason that she was sent to the Ma Tong house.

Now he is strongly opposed to returning to the Tosaka family. Psychological trauma is often more severe than physical injury.


"Servant, caster, Skahaha has come at Ru's call, are you the Lord who summoned me this time?" asked Caster in an unquestioning tone, a very attractive seductive female voice.

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