"Wei Gong Kiri, use the Ling Spell, strengthen it over there, it's a little not good."

After the feedback just now, Saber and Lancelot actually fell into a disadvantage, and it was still very difficult to take Gilgamesh in a short time, but at least drag it out for a while, don't let Gilgamesh come back soon.

Regardless of the reaction of Weigong Kiri, Su directly used the Ling Spell first.

"In the name of the Wrath, bring out your strongest strength, Lancelot. Use treasure tools when necessary. Su was still a little uneasy, so she added a few more spells.

Wei Gong Kiriji did not hesitate, after all, there was a spell glove given by Su, and it could be used without worrying about wasting.

If there are many spells, it is arrogant!

Therefore, Emiya Kiriji also used the Writ Charm to give Saber similar orders to allow the use of treasure tools.

If this can't be beaten, it can only drag out time, and wait for Su's side to solve it first before supporting them.

After giving the order, Su and Eimiya Kiriji finally came to the guild hall.

Sure enough, Angolan Newman was waiting for them here.

It's just that the black shadow of Newman in Angola is not the same as when it appeared yesterday. The increase in strength can be seen from the momentum alone, but it is very difficult to say what ability it has, except for the relevant abilities of black mud, there is no other display.

"Su, you go first, I'll deal with them." Skaha returned to his purple spirit suit, and the magic gun was already in his hand.

Su Gang wanted to nod and agree, he and Weigong Cheji went in and packed up a Yanfeng gift, isn't that still a matter between hands and hands? Took it!

"Think about me, it's not so simple, you miscellaneous things that disturb my plans!" The black shadow man said suddenly.

This opening startled Sue, when did you learn to talk with this thing? It seems to have evolved, but how does the tone of the black shadow man have a familiar feeling, and Jin Shuang has not withdrawn now, how can there be a taste of golden speech?

Turning the magic gun, Skaha stepped forward and responded to the challenge of Angolan Newman, I'll give it a try first! The battle has not yet begun, so why talk first.

If there is Skaha, then ignore him, and just when Su and Eimiya Kiriji are about to leave together,

Angora Newman also showed his unwarranted ability! Directly dispelled the idea of Su leaving together.

"Want to go? Did you ask if I didn't? "

Truly!!" Angora Newman let out a strange laugh, as if possessed by an evil god.

Angolan Newman's black shadow body emitted a large amount of black qi, black fog quickly filled the air, and the magic on his body was also extraordinary, both strange and malicious.

Without saying a word, Skaha shot shot straight out.

Clang! A metallic sound suddenly appeared!

At some point, the tentacle took out a short dagger, and there is more than one tentacle of the Black Shadow Man, at least five tentacles, and all of them hold short swords or short daggers.

Su looked at the tentacles of the black shadow man, and guessed in his heart, this thing can actually physically condense items now, and this weapon looks a little familiar?

Su suddenly woke up, these weapons, isn't this the short dagger and short sword used by Assassin?!! As Sue, who often deals with Assassin, he can see through it at a glance.

Could it be that Angolan Newman could still use this ability to be a little more perverted?

"Wouldn't you?"

For! The Raven Mouth Curse is triggered immediately!

The black shadow body of Angolan Newman twisted, even twisted, and the black fog that originally emanated from the body was now more substantial, and a trace of strange magic was conveyed. The body of the black shadow man seemed to be torn by something, and was dragging to both sides, and the twisted body was squirming wildly!

Quickly formed a black shadow human form on each side! And it's rapidly condensing entities!

"I knew it wasn't that simple." Sue smiled bitterly.

But the movement of the hand did not stop, and when Angolan Newman was repelled by Skaha, a huge fireball smashed over!

Bang! The fireball passed directly through the wall behind the black shadow, and the flames splashed everywhere.

The black shadow has not yet taken shape, ignoring the general damage? Su only felt that his scalp was numb, because two black shadows had already formed!

The two black shadows still can't see the details on the body, and the whole body is full of black mud-like fluctuations, but they have the feeling of a physical entity and have become a physical object.

This is? Sue felt a hint of shock and danger. This black shadow doppelganger is a little familiar.

However, in a few seconds, the embodied black shadow verified that Su's conjecture was not false.

A black shadow gradually became clear, and two spears condensed behind him and held in his hand, as if he could see its color in it, and the magic power of one red and one yellow flowed, mixed with a thick black fog that could not be dissipated.

And the other black shadow body was also clear, becoming burly and tall, like a small giant, wearing a black robe behind him, and there was a big sword familiar to Su in his hand, which was also full of black qi.

Su's eyes were about to come out. These two black shadow forms, Sue is sure that he is not dazzled, isn't this Lancer Dilumudo and Rider Conquer King? The double gun plus the big sword Su are very familiar. It seems that it is not without limits, and the three black shadow bodies are already the largest doppelganger form of Angolan Newman.

It's just that the two of them are now completely made of dark magic, which is the creation of Angolan Newman, no wonder Angolan Newman can take out the weapon of Assassin, or too conservative.

Where did the many spirit cores steal from, Su didn't know, the existing spirit cores had long been beyond Su's cognition, the existing spirit plus the need to summon the Holy Grail, and the three black shadows in front of him Angora Newman. The spirit core has long exceeded the standard! Stolen from the Grail?

Su felt that such a situation was what Angolan Newman wanted to see, but Gilgamesh and Yan Feng Qili could not have imagined that this thing had such a perverted ability. If he could, Sue really wanted to break it down and see the essence and principle in it.

"Hey! Conquer the King! lancer? Su shouted loudly, but there was no reaction, it seemed that Angolan Newman only controlled this heroic body, there was no autonomous consciousness, just an empty shell.

Wait a minute! Sue suddenly thought that the double gun is Lancer's treasure, so the rider's treasure Angora Newman is afraid that it can also be used, right?

Angolan Newman answered Sue's question, the rider black shadow body raised his sword, a black thunder slashed down, and from the thunder was born, the Heavenly Ox Chariot!

This combination, seeing that Su and Weigong Cheji were stunned in place, Su felt that this rider might still use the king's military power, right? Now it's not surprising at all, now what happens Su can understand, because there are already too many things that cannot be understood!

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