Close combat is quite unfavorable to himself, Yan Feng Qili melee combat is too strong, crushed under the same conditions. Emiya Kiriji instantly thought about his own situation, one of the two guns was lost, and the other needed to be reloaded, but... He also has the Avalon scabbard.

An idea popped into his head.

Yan Feng Qili was also puzzled, why was this person still able to stand up? I can't quite understand the terrifying recovery ability that is so powerful that it can be instantly regenerated and restored even if the heart is destroyed....... Then only one hit to win, a real headshot.

Both sides fell into a wordless confrontation, both secretly calculating how to kill each other.

"Inherently timely! Triple speed! "Emiya Kiriji took the lead in taking action, regardless of the physical burden, and directly doubled the use of time magic to obtain faster body speed.

Rushing up directly is to give Yan Feng Qili a fierce shot, and the unloaded pistol is used as a stick.

Yan Feng Qili is also a ruthless person, knowing that he can't react to dodge, he directly chose to use his scrapped right hand to hard catch this heavy blow, and the originally seriously injured right hand was directly broken and shattered!

The painful Yan Feng Qili grinned, and took out the black key with his backhand and wanted to hack Weigong Kiriji to death.

Eimiya Kiriji took advantage of his speed advantage to retreat and dodge, quickly replacing the bullet.

As for Feng Qili, directly learn Dad's skills to throw out the black key to rotate, use it as a throwing knife, and quickly step forward by yourself to kill Eimiya Kiriji together!

Eimiya Kiriji did not hesitate in the slightest, waiting for this opportunity! Isn't this much faster than your people?


It is not a bullet or a black key that is one step ahead.

Rather, the outbreak of the Black Grail!

In just one night, the remaining heroic followers returned one after another, leaving only one Saber who was coming.

The Holy Grail has finally completed the summoning, and black mud pollution has begun to pour out wildly!

And the Holy Grail is above the Weigong Kiriji and Yanfeng Qili!

The strong corrosion and explosion of the black mud directly melted through the entire floor, and countless black mud gushed out directly, instantly engulfing the Eimiya Kiri.


For a long time, the Eimiya Kiriji, who had touched the black mud, seemed to have entered the interior of the Holy Grail of Truth.

Through a series of questions and tram-like puzzles in the Black Grail Illusion, Kiriji gives the answer, but instead fails to give the answer, the deepest scar in his heart is revealed. Eimiya Kiriji is too strong, psychologically and spiritually.

Emiya Kiriji still asked his wish, and sure enough, in fact, the final solution given by the Holy Grail was to kill everyone except Madame and Illya so that there would be no war for mankind.

To use a simple analogy, everyone finally gets the Holy Grail, and then makes a wish to become the richest person in the world, because of the pollution of the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail will not make you rich, and it will most likely kill people richer than you. Eimiya Kiriji wants to make the world peaceful, then the solution to this holy grail is that there is no strife, and there is no strife without human beings.

A saint with bloody hands, a naïve idealist, a consequentialist who acts dark and vile ways, a father who pits a son, a partner of justice.

For the first time, between the choice of the majority and the few, Emiya Kiriji could not bear to kill the mutated first love, and he chose to let the first love live, resulting in the death of the entire island. Since then, he has never chosen to be for the few, he has become absolutely utilitarian for the happiness of the majority. He was able to kill his adoptive mother in order to save most people, even to ensure absolute justice.

But did he really have no regrets? Perhaps only Emiya Kiriji himself knows.

Duh! The sound of bullets loading echoed in the empty room, and Emiya Kiriji raised his pistol and pointed it at Yan Fengqi, who fell to the ground.

Yan Feng Qili, who was lying in the black mud, slowly sat up, raised his hands in surrender, but his expression was playful, he was not afraid of death, but he still had something to say, and the questions in his heart wanted to be answered by Wei Gong Kiri.

"Hmph, it's really boring ending. Why did you reject it? Yan Feng Qili also saw the choice of Weigong Kiriji in the Holy Grail Illusion, and he never understood it very well.

"You abandoned everything to come here, and after paying so much to refuse, it's really stupid and ridiculous!"

"Because what the Grail brings, the things it needs to sacrifice are heavier, nothing more, and the Grail is not a universal wishing machine." Eimiya Kiriji gave his answer.

"Then give it to me! I wondered it must know, that must be interesting, right? "Yan Feng Qili is already going crazy, why don't you give me the Holy Grail, you don't want it anyway."

Bang! Only icy bullets answered him.

Eimiya Kiriji slowly withdrew the pistol, the Holy Grail is not important to me, but you do not have the Holy Grail, it is very important to me.


Feeling the outbreak of the Holy Grail and the complete summoning, Su immediately quickened his pace and reached the hall where the Holy Grail was located. Su glanced at the situation at the scene, shook his head and judged that even if he made a move now, this guild hall could not be saved, and some of the black mud had leaked out, burning the foundation of the guild hall, it seemed that it would not last long.

The entire hall is already filled with malice and curses! Croak!

The entire hall was covered with black mud, and the flames burned everything around, as if turning into a sea of black mud.

Sue's eyes were fixed on the very middle position.

A large golden shining cup is suspended in the air, undoubtedly the embodiment of the Holy Grail, and the small Holy Grail that Alice Phil's body has turned into is summoning in response to the Great Grail.

A steady stream of terrifying black mud gushed out at the mouth of the cup, constantly flowing down, flames burning, and countless black mud spread everywhere, as if to devour everything.

Su is about to start his fundamental purpose, to collect and use these black mud, although these are the will power of pollution, but the essence of its magic power is still there.

First of all, Sue was very concerned about what Angolan Newman said before his return, even if this little chalice was destroyed, it would not help, and the grail summoning ceremony had been initiated.

The Eye of Truth opened, and Su carefully examined the situation of the small chalice and the operation ceremony, analyzed the insight, directly saw through its essential content, and groped the situation inside the chalice.

Soon, Su understood everything as it was, and what Angolan Newman actually said was true!

This little chalice is just a façade, the real grail is still hidden behind, and the 'thread' on the small grail is connected to the sky above the guild hall, and the black mud is also derived from there. That is to say, destroying the Grail in front of you will only intensify the outbreak of the Grail, and the upper part will be directly revealed.

Sue looked up through the Eye of Truth and saw the real part hidden in the sky, the truth of the Holy Grail summoning.

It's one, big hole!


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