Seeing Saber's arrival, the final step was finally completed.

"Now that everything is ready, then, Saber, let me ask you one last word, it's okay to destroy the Holy Grail." Sue asked Saber slowly.

Saber thought about it, and finally said his inner confusion and unwillingness.

"I have no objection to destroying the Holy Grail, that is, if you don't say that I will not use such a Holy Grail again."

"However, I still have a problem."

"What problem?" Sue looked at Saber in amazement, what else could be wrong with this? Feel free to ask and tell you as long as I know.

"If this Holy Grail is not contaminated, will it be able to fulfill my wishes?" Saber is a little paranoid about his desires and is very firm in his ideas.

Su thought for a moment and said, "Hmm... From the result alone, it should be able to fulfill your wishes, which is not difficult for the third law or something deeper. "

Saber's desire is really not difficult for such a high-level existence. But the Holy Grail....

Seeing that Saber still had the momentum to pursue the Holy Grail, Su couldn't help but say: "Don't be happy too early, in fact, with the way the Holy Grail works to fulfill your wishes, your deeds have not changed."

Saber asked, "Why is that?" "She really doesn't quite understand how changing history is for a world.

Sue explains: "In short, the Grail probably can't change your history, but it can create a branch of time, the concept of parallel worlds, send you into it without interfering with the situation of the original world, let you change it yourself, and it can be regarded as fulfilling your wishes."

"It's just..." Sue didn't say any more.

After listening to Sue's explanation, Saber was silent for a moment, she understood what Sue meant, it was equivalent to creating a world she wanted, but the previous experience still existed, except for her, other things related to her would not change in any way, and indulging in her own world was just a self-deception.

This can be regarded as an evasion of responsibility and escapism from reality.

Looking at Saber's appearance, was it hit again? Why say again?

"Then there should be no problem now, right?"

"Hmm..." Saber's mood was a little low.

Eimiya Kiriji couldn't help but say: "In that case, then hurry up and destroy the Holy Grail."

Su looked at the device, a new core had appeared inside the element aggregation device, and there was plenty of energy to activate the silver-white space core, and the task was successfully completed. Sue nodded and signaled that it was no problem.

Su immediately beckoned and withdrew the Alchemy Array and the Elemental Aggregation Device.

Losing the suppression effect of the device and the alchemy array, the little chalice began to slowly spit out streams of black mud again, and before Su's next move, Weigong Kiriji made the first move.

I saw Eimiya Kiriji raise his hand to Saber, causing the red light of the spell to appear.

"In the name of the Ling Curse, Saber uses..." Without waiting for Wei Gong Kiriji to finish speaking, Su quickly stretched out his hand to stop Wei Gong Kiriji's movements.

"Huh! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Don't worry! "Su hurriedly interrupted Weigong Cheji, it really scared me, why do I want to do something big when I don't pay attention to you!"

If this let you directly split the little chalice, wouldn't it be doing so many things for nothing?

"What's wrong?" Emiya Kiriji and Saber looked puzzled.

"That's the little Holy Grail! It is useless for you to ruin this, but it will speed up the outbreak of pollution. Su hurriedly said, afraid that he would start directly if he was irrational.

"Ah?!!" Wei Gong Kiriji was stunned, and there was such a thing? Didn't I just almost achieve my dream in reverse? Fortunately, it almost made a big mistake.

"First wait for the hole where I trigger the Holy Grail to appear, and then you can do it, and I will solve the small Holy Grail first, so that the spell and the Holy Sword can solve the essence."

After speaking, Sue began to operate with his hands. Ah, sorry for the Civic Hall, I still couldn't save you!

A blue magic line was drawn from Sue's hand, and it was connected to the small chalice, and in an instant a ray rushed straight into the sky, and Emiya Kiriji and Saber looked along as if they were connected to something.

Solidify, connect, appear, get it!

Su directly rubbed out a small ball of light in his hand, the familiar beggar's version of the light of the end of all things! Immediately threw it over!

Bang! The light of the end of all things devoured the entire little chalice!

Immediately, a strong pillar of magic power rushed straight into the sky along the previous line! The white light triggered a burst of magic! A gray black-red glow flickered over Fuyuki City.

The magic beam that destroyed the Little Grail passed through the ceiling of the stage that had broken a big hole, almost splitting the entire Civic Hall in two. The building, which had already burned to pieces, could not withstand the blow, the superstructure was destroyed, and the roof that had lost its support fell like an avalanche into the auditorium.

Then, through the scattered debris fragments, Emiya Kiriji and Saber saw the original appearance of the Holy Grail together in the exposed night sky, the "hole"! It's like a black sun!

A huge void appeared in the sky, and the flames seen when the black sun came into contact with the black mud burned, as if it were a symbol of the end of this world.

Eimiya Kiriji failed to see the specifics, and its entity was actually a real "hole". It is hidden in the altar of the advent ceremony, and the space tunnel under the Enzo Mountain on the east side of the deep mountain town, connected to the "Great Grail" magic array, which has absorbed the energy of the earth vein for sixty years, and now it has obtained six heroic spirits or even more than one spirit core, and the inside of the Great Grail has been filled and turned into a huge magic vortex. This is the body of the black "hole".

The "device" taken from Alice Phil, the artificial human of Einz Belen, is just the key to open the hole, and it is also a control device to keep the hole in a stable state. Due to the loss of control of the "vessel", the black sun began to dissolve and the hole gradually decreased, but it was completely impossible to stop the black mud from flowing out of the inside of the hole until it was completely closed.

Unaware of the secret, Kiriji almost made the fatal mistake of not ordering Saber to destroy the Grail, but instead of ordering her to burn the holes in the sky using the Sword of Oath Victory.

Originally, the attributeless power that was only used to create a breakthrough to the outside of the world was stained with a pitch-black curse color due to the pollution of the previous Holy Grail.

Black mud filled with the curse of one of the "all the evils of the world". It has the power to burn all life, and at this moment, like a waterfall, a large number of people fall from above the civic hall.

This scene made Saber and Eimiya Kiriji's scalps numb, and you can imagine what a terrible disaster it would be if these black muds were continuously dumped down in large quantities!

"Okay, let's get started, lest the black mud spread out later!" Su reminded from the side.

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