"Hey, hey, hey! What kind of eyes are you guys! I'm the one who can best use your strengths! Therefore, the biggest credit is of course Uncle Ben, right!? "

"Got it, got it, you're the best."

"Is it? Sure enough, Uncle Ben....! "

[Noisy frolic sounds on the deck].

[The heroes are chatting happily as usual, and you are alone in the stern of the ship bathing in the sea breeze and looking at the sea].

[Quietly, you detect someone coming].

[It's Atalanta].

"Really, those idiots, don't you know that after talking to Yi Song's idiot, that guy will be so proud that he can't touch his head?"

"Oh, he's just like that.

Atalanta, you are not interested in staying with those old men, interested in coming to me? "

"Can't you?"

[Atalanta is as elegant as a cat's step].

[She naturally sits next to you].

[As if thinking of something, she glanced at you, and a charming blush appeared on her cheeks].

[When the Kraken Sirens were attacked, Atalanta and half of the heroes were distracted by Siren's songs].

[You have a strong magic power to resist the magic sound].

[Atalanta opened her eyes, and the handsome face she saw was full of worry, she was held in your arms at that time].

[She remembered the events of that day again].

It seems that since that day, everything has changed.

Looking up at the perfect full moon on the sea, there is no longer just worship of the beloved gods.

In addition, there are strange feelings that keep pouring out.

There is no way to understand this feeling.

I don't know how to vent the accumulated bitterness in my chest.

She couldn't help but suspect that her chest was about to explode.

If you don't put your hand on your face, it feels like your cheek is going to burn.

But it's not annoying.

An indescribable glow filled the entire chest.

The constant backflow from the neck to the brain is like a sense of sufficiency. A completely unknown experience.

Rejoicing and fearful at the same time.

"I thought you were going to keep avoiding me, and when these fools on the ship found out that we were partners in disguise, then you would be harassed by a group of people again."

Moran said in a chatty tone.

When he dealt with Siren Siren that day, he was also surprised that the first thing he cared about was Atalanta.

The brain has not yet turned.

Just take her in your arms and protect her first.

He knew they were couples in disguise.

Respecting the virgin vow that Atalanta once made, he also remembered the Invisible Island.

I was actually worried about so many women.

Are you a little big-hearted?


Atalanta's tone seemed to become a little lower.

This detail was not noticed by Moran.

Even, she herself did not know.

"You always look at the sea like this..."

"Well, no matter where you are, the view of this sea is almost the same as when I looked at the island where I grew up. Don't laugh at me, just think I'm a little nostalgic..."

"Slay giants, fight banshees.

A hero like you who is unparalleled did not expect to show such a sad and sentimental appearance. "

Atalanta said as if he was joking.

In fact, she is constantly pressing her feelings in her heart.

[Never stopped, never dropped].

[You, who defeat all difficulties to achieve your goal, are as straight as an arrow off the string in her eyes].

[She thinks something must be wrong].

[That night, after finishing chatting with you, Atalanta privately clasped his hands together at the stern of the ship].

[She once again offered a prayer to the moon god].

[Since the Siren incident, Atalanta's prayers have become more frequent. It is far beyond the standard of ordinary believers

"Lord Artemis, please listen to my prayers and ask the great you to guide me and break through confusion.... What is the strange feeling in my heart at this moment..."

Atalanta clasped his hands together reverently.

She bowed her head to face the full moon.

I don't know how to face this unknown in my heart, and my confused self can only rely on the gods I believe in.

[Perhaps, too deep emotions].

[Or maybe it's just accident].

[The moon god reflected on the surface of the planet felt it, and she sensed this star-like brilliance].

[Even if it's just a little bit of light].

[But it looks particularly dazzling in the dark].

"Huh? It's the kid I adopted in Arcadia, ah! Pray so devotedly every day! Awesome! Among many believers, this child is at the top! "

Artemis said with great satisfaction.

Aware of the immense power of this prayer, she did not intend to simply skim it.

She looked closely.

Their own children prayed so hard.

Artemis, as a goddess so worshipped in this way, occasionally had to show the demeanor that a god should have.

However, this prayer is different from ordinary prayer.

It was an unknown that she could not explore.

"Huh? What what? This....."

Artemis thought it would be similar to regular prayer.

Human prayers are basically to ask her to do things.

And she saw that the believers she liked would also send down God's gifts.

It was the hunter who let it hunt rare monsters.

Ordinary people are blessed with a lifetime of illness and will not be plagued by illness.

It's not a problem to make people heroes.

She has the powers of hunting, nature, war, healing, etc., and naturally can bring down these blessings.

However, Artemis could not decide this time.

Even if it's flipping through the data of the machine god.

Listening to the prayers of believers wrapped in unknown emotions is also Artemis's blind spot.

Curious, confused, annoyed.

Feel all the emotions in Atalanta's heart.

I was surprised that it could be so strong.

Even as a god, she can't answer, and she won't give up easily if she wants to find out.

It was the man who caused all this.

With Atalanta is the crew of the Argo, a strange man named Moran.

"Since that child is confused because of this man, then you just need to understand him~!" Uh-huh, looking at the database can't give an answer, but I'll find out! "

Artemis nodded in satisfaction.

The goddess of the moon was drawn to Atalanta's prayer and finally focused on a man.

This is a wonderful cause.

It is estimated that Moran himself could not have imagined.

ps: Is someone watching, can you squeak, if it is too quiet, the author will write a little anxious.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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