"Impossible! No way! How could the three-headed dog of hell appear in modern times! This is a divine beast that has been extinct for thousands of years after the divine generation has faded——!! "

Amrez sat down on the ground.

The terrifying sense of oppression made him forget to breathe for a while.

It is a creature that humans cannot understand.

That stormy chaotic eyes.

Sharp teeth like mountains.

All of this is being told in the unknown.

It is the watchdog of Hades and heralds the presence of death.

"Heh, there is nothing that cannot be understood, if there is, it is just that your cognition has not reached that level."

Moran walked over to the three-headed dog of hell.

It's like touching your pet's outstretched hand, and it's so natural that it makes people feel terrifying.

The problem is, the hell three-headed dog did not resist.

It even bent down.

"No, no—it's not true! This is not true! This is magic! It's fake! You're bluffing me! "

Amreth was so mad that he started babbling.

The powerful coercion from the divine beast made him unable to even think, and could only deny it in the most one-sided and direct way.

Instinct drove him out of here.

Just like the human beings who suffered disasters before the god generation, they can only hold their heads in front of the destiny of nature.

Looking at Amres, who was fleeing in a panic.

A teasing smile appeared on Moran's face:

"If it's true or not, please keep your eyes open and look carefully." Go, clean up. "


The three-headed dog of hell takes a straightforward four-legged step.

It chased in the direction Amreth left.

God's fantasy is flying through the streets of London, and no one will believe it.

But that's how it happened.

"Without the power blessing of Hades, the born Cerberus is really inferior to the divine beast. Although it has weakened a lot in terms of intensity, it can definitely be called a disaster in modern times. "

Moran looked in the direction where the hell three-headed dog left.

He wasn't worried about it at all.

No matter what, it is also the famous three-headed dog of hell.

Hunting magicians is easy.

As for whether the people in the clock tower would observe it, he didn't care about it at all. Even if they are found to be the three-headed dogs of hell themselves, can it be that they can still seal themselves?

Generating a hellish three-headed dog is not the limit of Moran.

His conservative point can instantly generate three upwards.

Moreover, these hell three-headed dogs can choose whether to remain in this world according to Moran's wishes.

Even if three hell three-headed dogs are not enough.

Moran can also prepare to cultivate a group of Warcraft armies in advance, and even blasting the clock tower will not be a problem.

Of course, he has always advocated friendly relations.

If someone blindly provoked him, Moran wouldn't mind inviting the army of god-generation monsters to fight.

"Moran-san, that hell three-headed dog..... No matter? "

"Don't worry, it'll disappear afterwards, and you don't have to worry about what riots it will cause in London." I'm not a terrorist, I'm the one who likes peace the most! "

Moran showed a smile like a spring breeze.

Wash away the worries that haunt Camus.

As a magician, she can guess what happened to Amres.

However, Camus believes Moran is not wrong.

The heroic posture that Moran blocked in front of her just now, she still thinks about it, and her heart throbs.

It's a pity that looking at Moran walking in front of him.

The originally good atmosphere was soured by Amres's intervention, and her idea of asking Moran to go to the café was also ruined.

However, this is not a problem.

Moran and she are both students in Ermeiro's classroom.

After that, I will definitely have a chance.


As Moran and Camus embark on their ambiguous homecoming, Amres presents a different picture.

Dashing through the streets of London in a panic.

All the magic is infused into the legs, bursting with incredible speed.

The internal organs wailed like tears.

Driving the flesh too much causes pain to spread throughout the body.

Even at this point, Amres desperately wanted to get away from the horror place just now.

"Whew.... Call! Fake! It must be fake! "

Amres bites the thought.

It's like that's the only way you can escape.

Staggering and running.

Run through this empty street.

How could that guy with inferior bloodlines make the divine beast control him, he must have used some means to mislead himself!

Whenever Amreth thinks like this.

The figure of a fierce monster as sharp as a mountain peak and hot and hideous flashed in his mind.

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

It's almost driving people crazy.

In the face of that horror, he lost his confidence to remain normal, and could only run like a dog who lost his family.

Abandon reason, self, dignity.

Keep running and running to survive.


Finally, it reached a point where even the physical functions could not be supported.

Fell heavily on the muddy grass.

Before I knew it, I had already run to the suburban border.

"- Haha, ahahaha, hahaha!"

Amrez fell to his knees and laughed loudly.

It's like releasing all the emotions that have accumulated in your heart.

Although it is not desirable to do so.

But if you don't, you'd be crazy.

After regaining his sanity and swallowing this bitterness and despair, Amres only laughed like this.

This laughter contains irreparable loss.

Because, the darkness is squirming.

Far hotter than the fireball he threw out, the deadly beasts from Hades were constantly approaching.

It's useless to escape wherever you go-

Wait until Amreth comes to his senses.

He heard rumbling footsteps and felt like something was coming out of the darkness.

Strange, it's all too weird.

The surroundings were unknowingly dyed a scalding crimson.

The intense pain made the whole body beat like a spring.

Whether it's the body, the consciousness, the vision, the world.

It's all spinning like an emergency indicator.

Eventually, Amrez found out.

Your body is burning like firewood!


The screams were engulfed in waves of flames.

The charred black thing that looked like a human fell to the ground.

I can't move my hands and feet.

They are twisted into immobile shapes.

Only pain fills the eyeballs.

The sound of fat bursting came from the field in the countryside.

In the end, the ignorant Amres did not realize that it was the end of the filth that flowed from his body.


PS: In order to apologize to all readers, the author has eight chapters today, and I hope that everyone will extinguish the fire.

The next chapter enters the simulation, and this second simulation is the protagonist making up for the regrets of the first simulation and the plot of the head-on confrontation with the machine god.

There will be no shortage of breaking plots.

Weakly say a word (humble kneeling plea), the author has apologized so sincerely, can you get some flowers and a monthly pass?

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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