"Great God.... Zeus! "

[Medusa was the first to widen her eyes].

[Somewhere from the roots of the divine nature sounds like an alarm].

[It's like conveying hatred and anger].

[Unforgiveness for the Olympian gods, fear of the infinite power of the Olympian gods].

[However, in the face of Medusa's gaze].

[Zeus always focused his attention on Moran].

[The original Mother God seemed to be unimportant to Him at all].

"—therefore, to receive this favor.

Wait, kneel! "

[Zeus's gaze is extremely calm].

[But the next situation is diametrically opposed to the attitude].

【Boom——!! 】

[It was like a natural phenomenon responding to Him].

[The invisible atmospheric pressure suddenly expanded to a thousand times, and everyone seemed to be under a weight comparable to a mountain].

“....... Not! "

[Medea and Atalante immediately sank down].

[The two women held on with pale faces].

[An invisible pressure that no one can see is exerting, and their knees are leaning towards the ground].


The same is true of Moran.

His bones made a clicking sound, even if they broke at any time, it would not be strange.

"This, the pressure.....!"

“.... My loyalty will only be dedicated to my emperor.... Wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be... To the pagan gods who are crusading against us.... Goo——!! "

"The weight of the Great God... How so....! "

[The Perasgian soldiers on the battlefield knelt down one after another].

[Even if they have an iron will].

[In the face of the mighty power of this great god is nothing but futile, and absolute divine authority is the manifestation of omnipotence.]

[In the end, even Medea and Atalanta couldn't stand it].

[The two of them could only kneel to Zeus].

[What is even more desperate is that Medusa was unable to intervene against Zeus' power to exert pressure].

[Medusa can only support the suppressed people].

[Only Moran is left standing].

[It seems that sensing the problem of taking too long, a hint of displeasure appeared in Zeus's eyes].

"Get on your knees!"

[Zeus shouted again].

[This is not the so-called coercion of God].

[It's a more brutal and brutal divine power].

"..... You great god.... Listening to others say it's tolerance... But in these strange places.... But be very careful with your eyes.....! "

[Your body seems to be bent into a bow].

[At this point, you are still resisting].

[As King of Perrasgi].

[Behind you are thousands of people watching].

[You understand that if you even kneel to Zeus, then the words against the gods at the beginning will be empty talk].

[Whoever kneels shall not kneel to Him].

When he saw that Moran's knees were about to touch the ground, his dark purple eyes flashed.

The movement that was supposed to kneel stopped immediately.

“....... Oh, that's it. "

Zeus's originally dissatisfied expression melted.

It was like seeing some amazing view.

The weight immediately dispersed from everyone.

Looking at Moran again, I saw that he still maintained a bent posture.

"Old bastard! How? Not continuing? "

Moran cursed unceremoniously.

Both of his knees had turned into hard stone.

Since he could not resist the pressure of the great god.

Then, let yourself have no way to bow down.

This is the answer given by Moran.

"Hmph, it's just a small trick of carving insects, if I really want you to kneel, there are hundreds of means..."

[Zeus's words are not false].

[This weight belongs to the artifact Kronos. The gravitational power of the crown, its heavy ion baptism is intolerable poison to humans].

[There is no shame in kneeling to it].

"But should it be said that this is fate? I can see your wife shrouded in the colors of my fathers, the titans. They are all my compatriots who have been solved by me, how is this not a fate? "

Zeus's gaze turned to the two women.

[Once the Titan fleet was also active in Greece].

[Until now, Greece still has traces of their legacy].

[Medea's teacher was Hekat, and Atalanta's ancestor was the Ochanos].

[Both are Titans].

[The Titan fleet was wiped out by Olympus very early].

[The Titan gods who live in all of Greece have lost their bodies and become conceptual gods who are weaker than the machine gods, endure humiliation as their fathers, and survive under the rule of Olympus].

"However, it is you who catches my attention the most. King of Perrasgi, the hero who defeated me and other people of Olympus. The almighty god Zeus asked, why did Ru not want to submit to us? "

"What else could it be! Again, my people will have no future under the rule of your Greek gods, and we are not lambs raised in greenhouses! Therefore, in order to achieve happiness, of course, we will choose to rebel against you and hold high the anti-flag! "

Moran lifted the petrification from his knees.

He straightened his back and looked Zeus in the eyes.

As he had done earlier in his answer to Hephaestus, he conveyed the reasons for the struggle to the Almighty God.

The rest wanted to get up from the ground.

"Huh—hahaha, hahahaha! Is Ru holding this tenacious heart to rebel against me and others? People can't help but praise, which is very in line with the human style. However, the assertion that mankind has no future is nothing more than fallacy. "

Zeus laughed and set off a shock.

Once again, bring people who wanted to stand up to their knees.

The aftermath of just talking and laughing was so terrifying that even he didn't realize it.

"I know the conversation between Ru and Hephaestus. In the divine generation where I wait for the divine king, the gods guide everything, and the gods decide everything.

Humanity does not need to open up the light of the darkness of ignorance. Because you will always live with different desires and sufferings, and these bodies are so small and fragile

Tell me, King of Perrasgi, ancestor of all demons, a human hero named Moran! You want me to be the Almighty God Zeus, how can I believe this word of yours! "

Zeus's loud drink was like thunder descending.

Thunder, like a rainstorm, descended from the sky one after another.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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