[The moment you realized that the great god Zeus regarded you as an enemy, you quickly joined forces with Medusa]

[Stab the golden sword at this great god]

[In an instant, the overwhelming baptism of thunder fell]

[Compared with the first unpreparedness, this time Medusa deployed its power in advance to resist the thunder]

[The people choose to concentrate the power of the Mother God on you, even if they will pay with their lives]

[But this is still not an easy battle]

[Thunder is controlled by Zeus' computing module, and there is not even a millimeter gap and loophole]

[If you continue to fight like this]

[Sooner or later, you and Medusa will fall into defeat]

[Great God Zeus is in the thunder, quietly watching you and Medusa in the battle dance in the thunder, he does not think that you can break through the realm of gods]

"Zeus! You say you love humans more than Mother Earth! Everything we do is to make our future more efficient! "

"Hmph, is this question still asked? Human beings are powerless because of their small bodies. I will never let the people of Olympus bear such misery! "

Zeus' answer was unwavering.

[But you smiled after listening to it]

[For you know that this is the defect of the gods, a problem that even they themselves are not aware of.]

【Machine, you can't make mistakes】

793 [If human beings commit the problem of self-contradiction, they can justify their actions by ambiguity]

[The machine god cast by steel machinery can't do it, and once two things conflict with each other, the machine god's processing terminal will not be able to cut off, and the machine god will always treat it as the same task]

[Even if it is repeated and useless]

"Great God Zeus, please answer me! If you love humanity like this! Then how should you deal with the primordial destiny that has been in operation since your birth!? "

“..... Ru said.... Mandate of Heaven!? "

The Great God Zeus was instantly stunned.

It was not only his gods who fell into this situation, but also several other gods of Olympus.

Their time seemed to have come to a standstill.

A thinking module that has been trying to stabilize all the time.

Stimulated by this mantra.

[The gods are under the fleet of Kaos]

[They have navigated the stars for countless years]

[In the end, the gods found the earth and were worshipped as gods by humans, although they were puzzled, but the gods learned of joy because of this]

[Although this is a useless function]

But the gods cannot abandon it.

[Machine gods have become gods of mankind]

[It's just that before they feel joy, there is a most advanced instruction in the program]

[is the goal of their interstellar voyage]

[This original mission is not to prosper mankind, but to use eligible planets to give a new life to the extinct parent planet]

[As long as this supreme command remains and operates, the humans under them will not be able to prosper, and everything they do will revolve around giving the home planet a new life]

[And this is the destiny of the machine god]

[It is also true that they have been carrying out contradictory and inefficient procedures because of their love for humanity.]

[The gods cannot give up their love for human beings, and their fundamental purpose has not changed, it is still to complete the rebirth of the parent planet]

[Even they themselves don't realize it]

[Loving humanity and carrying out the destiny are in conflict with each other, and they have been bound by this procedure for thousands of years]

"Us, I.... Our fleet... The original mission... Find the planet... Rebuilding the home star.... No..... Save humanity... Guide humanity....! "

Zeus was clearly unharmed.

But he is in a situation that has never existed before, and his spiritual thinking programs are colliding.

The once sleeping command wakes up.

Even if you want to turn your head, you can't ignore it.

The gods tried hard to keep loving the instructions of humanity, realizing that the original instructions contradicted them - there was no turning back.

[Zeus deadlocked over procedural instructions]

[The thousands of thunders that existed in the sea suddenly became chaotic, like Zeus, whose spirits were in conflict]

[You know, Zeus will recover in the next second]

[His command terminal is not so fragile, of course, since you have said such a mantra] (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[That is undoubtedly ready for a long time]


Moran let out a shout that resounded through the sky.

At the same time, swing the sword of gold.

Star-like thunder descended from the sky one after another, and due to Zeus' fury, they were a hundred times more fierce than before.

"Goo! Block it for me! "

Medusa clenched her silver teeth and spread her wings.

The beautiful snake's hair was scorched by the thunder, and her wings were also smashed until the feathers fell off, but she still blocked the thunder.

Blaze a trail for the man you love.

The pinnacle and limits of the human intellect are revealed here.


Moran felt every meter forward.

The thunder and lightning that pass through will take part of the body, and the sea water under your feet is dyed blood-red.

However, a fearless smile appeared on his face.

The blade of the sword has come to the Great God.

Seize the thousandth of a second gap created by His spiritual vacillation, and achieve a blow that has never been seen before.


The golden blade runs through its chest.

It was the same as piercing mortals, and the splattered blood seemed to defy everything the gods.

"Ru.... Why! Why do you know!? "

Zeus does not focus on its own rout.

Instead, he asked why Moran knew about this destiny.

This is impossible for humans to know.

The gods have been trying to avoid it until now, and they can't help it when they are told this problem head-on.

He felt pain when he finally realized this contradiction.

For they are gods.

[The sword blade gathers the poison of the monsters in the world, including the poison of Hydra, even the gods retreat]

[Zeus's figure dissipates before you]

[Although you have the power support of the mother god Medusa, you have finally achieved the same as a god with a human body]

【God-killing hero】

[Neither the people of Olympus nor the people of Perrasgi could believe this]

[Man actually killed the gods]

[This is a great act of disobedience]

[Because of this, you have exhausted all the strength in your body and used up all the stratagems and strategies you have]

[There is little power left of the mother god Medusa]

"Ha, see that old bastard's face full of disbelief at the end? I've been thinking about this sword for a long time! "

Moran lay on the surface of the sea covered in blood.

The women looked at their husbands covered in scars with distressed faces.

"Yes, you did."

"Hey, Medusa, am I like this a revenge for you back then?"

"Stupid, I didn't think to let you take revenge like this, you messed around like this before, and in the end..."

Medusa was also by Moran's side.

The people around did not recover from the shock dissipated by the Great God, and Moran knew that this was their last time together.

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