【The first year of the Common Era has crossed】

[You have been born in this world for nearly two thousand years, which is also your two thousand years as a true ancestor]

You left Israel in 931 B.C.

[A lot happened in the next thousand years]

[Elteruki follows you, and she also goes with you to the battlefield against the fallen true ancestor. It can be said that she is equivalent to your right arm]

【Not only that, but you also found one more thing】

[As the number of fallen true ancestors continues to increase, the number of dead disciples is also increasing in the world]

[Gradually, some Death Eaters grew up]

[They who were sucked by the blood of the true ancestor received a curse, and they became stronger and stronger to solve this curse]

[The purity of its blood has even become a poison that pollutes the world]

[Become the peculiarity of the world by yourself]

[The principle of these dead men, the blood ring, became prominent, and they also began to proclaim themselves kings in the world]

[This gradually made Zhenzu unable to ignore]

[Although it is impossible for the Dead Ancestors to shake the status of the True Ancestors, they have indeed grown to the point of value]

[Moreover, it is not a calamity like the fallen true ancestor]

[You make a decision as the True Ancestor royal family]

[Thoroughly implement the positioning of the top death disciple, and its name is the future that will make the world fearful - the twenty-seven ancestors of the death disciple]

[When you announced it to the public, the Death Cult world trembled]

[True ancestor confirmed that the twenty-seven ancestors were determined]

[This is undoubtedly something worth ecstasy for most of the Deaths]

[The Dead have always feared and feared the true ancestors]

[The original Death Seekers just fled from the true ancestors, and these Death Breakers sucked human blood to increase their dependents]

[No matter how strong they are]

[In the face of the true ancestor, you still have to hold your head and hide]

[Always worried about being attacked by the true ancestor]

[Now that they are affirmed by the True Ancestor royal family, it means that they have the possibility of being able to stand on their own]

"Although they are all failed products that I have created in the past, since Mo Lan has customized these twenty-seven ancestors, don't mind if I come to play, right?"

Zhu Yue said with a playful smile.

[She was originally not interested in the title of Twenty-Seven Ancestors of the Death Breaker]

[But, when I think you made it, you made it]

[Zhu Yue, who was a scoundrel with a hundred chats, immediately got into a playful mentality and set the second seat among the twenty-seven ancestors]

[No one dares to deny the king of this moon]

[You can't laugh or cry at her willfulness]

[The strongest and ultimate true ancestor came to fry fish to make fun, and Zhu Yue's addition shocked the dead disists again]

[No one dares to admit the gold content of the twenty-seven ancestors]

[Even this Moon King is on the list]

[Other capable Death Breakers naturally want to fight]

"If my mother is also there, then count me as one, and I don't want to be too tall~ Moran, just give me the top ten~!"

Elte Luki is also interested.

The mother and daughter were actually interested in the same thing.

[So, you threw out the ninth seat]

[Elteluki, as the princess of the royal family, entered the list without suspense and ranked the ninth seat of the twenty-seven ancestors]

"In the name of the royal family of Brunstad,

I'm Moran. Brunsstadt, the king of the true ancestors and the first lord of the Millennium City, established the name of the twenty-seven ancestors here. "

Moran is recognized by everyone as the king of the true ancestors.

After all, he had been in charge for too long.

Both the true ancestor and the death disciples were more familiar with him, and Zhu Yue's positioning was more like a creator.

The King of the Moon and the King of the True Ancestors.

The two kings lived together in the Millennium City.

"Yes! We are honored....."

[The dead man who was present knelt on one knee in front of the throne]

[There are Black Ji Elt Luqi and her entourage White Knight Brad, Black Knight Stulute, and Black Wing Duke, Mei Lian, and White Wing Duke who serve and believe in Zhu Yue]

[Although there were only six Death Breakers present]

[But, it doesn't hurt]

[Does not prevent the true ancestors from setting titles for the deadman]

[Anyway, even if there is a vacant seat in the twenty-seven ancestors, there will be enough capable death disciples to go up] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

[The twenty-seven ancestors will naturally hold each other's forces and fight each other with their own forces]

[These are what you expected]

[Your decision did make a difference]

[The dead disciples are constrained because of the existence of the twenty-seven ancestors, and from the management point of view, it is more convenient for the true ancestors]

【Time to 600 years of the Western calendar】

[Although the number of fallen true ancestors has increased over time, it is increasing more frequently than usual]

【Hunting true ancestors is not easy】

[Usually hunting a single one has to be based on decades as the bottom line, and the long term may be more than 100 years]

[The more the true ancestor is in the future, the stronger it will be]

[You have left Millennium City more and more, and you have discovered one thing yourself]

[It's not just that you leave more]

[The number of times Zhu Yue returns to the Millennium City is decreasing]

[In addition to hunting the fallen true ancestor, combined with the approaching six hundred years of the Western calendar, you have a sense of foreboding in your heart]

[You want to have a good chat with Zhu Yue]

[Anxious, you used thunder to wipe out your fallen companions in a recent hunting operation]

[Then, you hurried back to the Millennium City]

[You sit on your throne with fatigue and wait, when you think you will have to wait for decades]

【A warm breeze blows from outside the temple】

[Like a hand gently brushing your cheek, let you subconsciously open your eyes and see the foreground]

【——It's Zhu Yue】

[She bathes in moonlight as she once did]

[Although it is only by the window that is only ten meters away, you also rushed in front of her]

[However, there is a difference]

[Obviously she is in front of her eyes]

[But it feels like a gap that can never be reached with your hands, and you think this is the reason why you haven't seen it for too long]

[After looking at each other for a long time]

【You spoke】

"Zhu Yue....."

Moran's emotions were mixed. (too good to be good)

It has been a hundred years since they last met.

This should have been a situation that Zhu Yue would not want, and he didn't know how to talk about it for a while.

“..... There is really no way, I originally thought of leaving quietly alone, but in the end it was still like this, and I couldn't help but come to see you. "

Zhu Yue smiled gently.

This tenderness is greater than ever.

[You detect something unusual]

[Zhu Yue's frankness like this, and the meaning in these words, you can't ignore it]

[Not at all like the past solipsistic punishment]

[She's revealing her true thoughts]

"I'll later.... Won't be back. This return to Millennium City will also be my last return. "

“...... What do you mean? "

Moran seemed to have a guess in his heart.

However, the surging emotions are being forcibly suppressed.

Try to make your voice appear gentle.

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