"Hmph, that's it..."

Alicia was forced back by Elteruki's momentum.

Originally, she didn't have to give in to Elteluki like this, but she had to do the current situation.

Look at the silver bracelet on your wrist.

The engraved technique is ~ working.

Even if Alicia wants to strike at ordinary people, even scheduling magic is - a difficult task.

However, there is a way to crack it.

She believed that the knowledge accumulated in more than a dozen rebirths was enough to break the spell imposed by this bracelet.

Although the caster's skills are very superb.

But just give her some time.

Then, there can be a way to deal with it.

"Black Vampire Ji, just hand over Princess Zhenzu to you for safekeeping for the time being. At present, the ceremony still needs to be prepared, as long as I wait for that moment to come, I have a long-cherished wish for more than a dozen rebirths..."

Alicia smiled brightly.

She turned and walked towards the pile of corpses in the square.

Extracting them little by little, the blood flowed along the lines in the square as if consciously.

It gradually forms a weird magic formation.


Alicia looked at the living in the pile.

She wanted to raise her hand to wipe it out.

As a result, just as soon as the procedure was running, the bracelet worn on the right wrist released electricity.

It was as if she was not allowed to commit a killing.

"That damn priest actually instigated this vessel so much, even the steps to make me sacrifice are so cumbersome!"

Alicia showed a look of disgust.

Integrating this container personality, she wants to do things efficiently, and generally fulfills the container's last wish.

And the will of the container itself will bind her.

Now that Roya's consciousness is rising, there are only two things that Alicia longs for. That is not to discard the bracelet given by Moran, and to prevent Roa from mutilating others as much as possible.

Now, her ceremony is not going well.

The number of sacrifices required is far from adequate.

"Eltelukie, do you have memories of him too? I remember, when I was in that sea of flowers, you too..."

Alquit looked at Elteruki.

The two women did not take the complaining Alicia seriously.

"Hmm! Shut up....."

Sorrow and indignation welled up in Elteruqi's heart.

Looking at Elquit's beautiful and flawless face, there was an irrepressible complex feeling in his heart.

There are vague memories of impressions since thousands of years ago.

It contains jealousy, envy, anger, and love.

"You're always so willful! If you're not so embarrassing, do a little more as a princess! He won't be that fast either—"

Elteluki paused halfway through speaking.

[I don't know why I suddenly said it like this]

[It's like I can't suppress my inner emotions]

[The feelings contained in that vague memory are too complicated]

[She decided to follow someone's instructions to take care of Alquit, but there was an unavoidable resentment in her heart]

[Even if you want to ignore it as hard as you can]

[Still jealous of this favored sister]

[It is undeniable that Elteruki inherits the feelings of vague memories and also has affection for Alquit]

[However, that resentment is also inherited]

[Superimposed on her own hatred of Alquet]

[This negative emotion and love in the heart have long been unbalanced, and the vicious side overwhelms love on the scales]

[That's exactly it]

[She will choose to help Alicia deal with Alquit]

[Teach this hateful sister a lesson]


Elte Luki didn't know what to say.

Because, she can't remember who the third person mentioned in the words was.

I don't know who told me.

This is what makes Elteruki sad and indignant.

It is clear that the feelings accumulated in my heart are so strong, but I can't think of anyone who can connect with these feelings.

"Elte Luki..."

Alquit showed a guilty expression.

For her, that vague memory was like a dream.

However, it is very true.

In the dream, I feel guilty about Elte Luki, as if I know that I have received too much love.

She felt guilty about it.

"Hmm.... It's tiresome..."

Elteluki clenched her silver teeth and stretched out her hand.

Her fingertips seemed to turn into razors in an instant, cutting through the air towards Elquit.

After a few brushes, no blood was seen.

The beautiful hair like gold flutters and scatters.

She cut off Elquit's beautiful blonde hair with her claws.

This is something that no one expected.

"Hey! Even if you cut me with a knife! Cut my hair like this! What is it——! "

"Hmph! I wanted to do it a long time ago! "

"Uh-huh.... Hum... You'd better not get a chance to be retaliated by me..."

Alquit bowed his head in humiliation.

Subconsciously, I always want to maintain this posture.

It's like trying to cling to something.

When someone returns to that castle, he sees himself who he still knows best.

Now, her hair is cut off.

Alquit felt an unprecedented shame.

"Oh, I'm in a much better mood."

Elteruki smiled comfortably.

The inner restlessness seemed to subside a lot in an instant.

It's not at all like a so-called enemy.

Even if it is, there are some too many children's plays.

Maybe even Elte Luki doesn't know what to do with Alquit, and she wants to teach a lesson but doesn't want to teach it too badly.

If you don't deal with it seriously, you can't beat her girl.

Forget it, I don't want to think so much.

Elte Lucy didn't think much about it.

She chose to take a step-by-step approach.

Roya's ritual seemed uninteresting to her.

It's just a means she used to capture Elquit, and when she gets tired of playing, she will spoil the situation again.

【You rush to the center of the square in the town】

[As a result, a guy on the road blocked you]

[He grabbed a woman in the middle of the avenue, piercing his neck with white fangs and greedily sucking blood]

[Drained everything in an instant]

[Even the gurgling sound can be heard]

[After sucking this woman, the vampire abandoned her like garbage]

[A woman swaying like a dead tree]

[Just on the edge of death, he danced like a ballerina, and finally his waist was cut off by a knife light]

[Not even a little wail]


[The vampire seems to be relieved]

[In an instant, the temperature of the world was changed by him]

[Overflowing body temperature is like assimilating the world]

【Presents the film of flame that wraps the avenue】

[The blue fire is like a flood that breaks through the dike]

[If ordinary people are here, even their lungs will burn the moment they breathe]

"Oh? Embodied curse? No, this breath, so it is, is it your principle blood ring? "

Moran is an expert in bloodsucking species.

He observed the blue fire that filled the street and saw that it could not scorch things like a physical flame.

The building was not burned by it.

This is a deadly ghost fire only for living things.

Creatures will not be injured when they touch this flame, they will only feel phantom pain, and then they will be taken away from their life force.


[Vampires seem to notice you]

[As the source of the Yan River, whenever he gets closer, the air temperature rises]

"Another ancestor."

[You see through the demon eye of death]

[Vampires also have a dense rush of death in their bodies, and the scale of their existence is undoubtedly something that only Zu can have]

[It's just, you don't know this ancestor] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Even the church has not registered him]


[Only madness in the eyes of vampires]

[At first glance, it will give people an intuition, I am afraid that this guy completely gives reason to instinct]

[Very similar to Berserker]

[Establishing a conversation should be unlikely]


[Your prediction is exactly correct]

[The vampire raises his hand to summon a high-temperature fire]

[Unlike the blue flames that cover the streets at the moment, this is a real fire that can make things go to ashes]

【The high temperature of the flame is thousands of degrees or more】

[Black key canon is difficult to balance]

[In the face of a berserk like a pest beast, there is no need to deal with it the same way as Kromkure]

[You also extended your hand]

[It's a roar of energy that is more ferocious than fire]

[The light swallowed up the streets and flames together, which is the breath of stars that distorts the rotation of the earth and releases it]


[Vampire lifts the animal skin cloak]

[Although the flames barely offset the breath of the stars, the overflowing energy still hit him]


[Vampire slowly spits out white mist]


[That's the sound of a sharp weapon colliding]

[After breathing like an exhaust, he took out an iron weapon from his cloak]

“.... This breath.... True ancestor? It is clear that the taste is a disgusting surrogate, but it exudes the breath of true ancestors..."

[Vampire undead eyes twinkle]

[Squeezed words out of his throat like a gasp, as if he almost forgot that he had lived as a creature so far]

[Pain in voice]

"The Death Seekers are nothing but food for the True Ancestors. And you, it seems, are a barbarian who can't even control himself. In this world where I do not exist, your twenty-seven ancestors are also living more and more back.

I am the king of the true ancestors - Moran. Brunsstadt. Barbarians, name me. "

[You no longer hide your identity]

[You exposed to the vampire in front of you the golden pupils that only belonged to the True Ancestor royal family. The powerful coercion tilted out, and the pain endured by the vampire seemed to be multiplying]

- Floford. Arhangal. "

[Floford announces his name to you]

[This name is still very unfamiliar]

[The other party must be the ancestor who was born after your death as a true ancestor, and it is natural that you have no impression]

[Although you know most of the plot of the Moon World]

[But not confident enough to say that I am fully proficient in everything]

"So, rude, are you trying to stand in my way? Even if you know my identity? Or are you the kind of guy who wants to gain fame by killing True Ancestors? "

[You don't want to waste too much time here]

[Instead of killing Zu to obtain the principle blood ring in his body, you want to meet Elquit and Elterluki soon]

[It's natural best if you can fight without fighting]

“...... Fame is nothing but something I bury in my heart. I'm just here to plunder .... Something I want... The town has been defiled by serpents, and it would be against my creed if it was not burned. "

[Floford is like talking to himself]

[His consciousness itself is in pain and madness, and it is really incredible to establish a dialogue like this]

"Hey, so the third-rate Death Breakers are trouble..."

[You can't help but sigh]

[It can be seen that Flover does not match the principle blood ring in his body, and he estimates that the principle blood ring was seized by murdering Zu]

[That is to say, he himself does not have the strength of the ancestor]

[Principle: The blood ring is equivalent to the ancestral crown]

[Not all dead disciples have the ability to wear a crown, and if you want to inherit the principle of the ancestor, the blood ring must have at least a thousand years of end]

[Otherwise, it will only be self-destruction in the end]

[This is the reason why Floford feels pain all the time, and while he receives the principle blood ring, he is also collapsing]

[Estimated to be decades away]

[He will usher in his own limit]

“...... I have the consciousness of being a boorish thing.

O True Ancestor - give me that heart of yours! "

[Floford's eyes widened]

[The river of flame around him is surging]

[Space is distorted by the overflow curse, this guy is more dangerous than Kromkure]

[You casually wave the fire to disperse]

[By the way, with the breath of the star that turned into a sharp blade, he tore through the atmosphere and cut towards Floford's attack]

[Flofo wields the murder weapon in his hand]

[He used this weapon to cut the woman in two]

[It looks like a long sword, but the blade is in the style of a wood knife]


【Positive impact by the breath of the stars】

[Even if you block part of the impact with a wood knife, you still can't avoid all the damage after all]

[Tick, tick.....]

[His arms reveal deep bone wounds]

[But it's just a moment]

[The arms that were torn apart by the breath of the stars were cured by the spilled blood in a blink of an eye]

[Vampires only need to have blood]

[Then, they are immortal bodies]

[The life reserves of the twenty-seven ancestors are even large, and if you want to kill them, you must be prepared for a long-term war]

[Of course, you're not worried at all]

[You have thousands of years of experience in hunting true ancestors, and you can be said to be comfortable with their twenty-seven ancestors]

[At the moment, you are a hunter]

[This crazy white wolf is prey four].

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