【True Ancestor of the Royal Clan. Child Replica】

【Simulation Evaluation:EX】

[It is not necessary to pursue perfection, look at the loved ones who are with you, cherish every day spent with them, and also complete the unfinished things that were not done in the last simulation]

【A little respite during the journey】

[You have no regrets in this simulation, and until the end you are surrounded by happiness and a warm daily life that makes people cry and laugh]

【Days like this must continue to last】

[Don't be alone to suffer too much pain, when appropriate, look back at the things you were originally attached to]

[Then, you may be able to achieve salvation]

[Due to the achievement of EX in this simulation evaluation, congratulations to the host for the increase in skill bar and preset column.] Now your skill slots are increased to five, and the preset slots are to four]

It was like a long, long dream.

Until the end, I was living a happy daily life with them.

Warm and unforgettable at the same time.

"Elquet, Ciyer, Elterluki, Noyer... We came to the end together..."

Moran said with deep feelings.

This simulation is different from other simulations of final grief.

Giving him more is a feeling of healing.

The soul full of sorrows is like soaking in a hot spring, and a warmth from the inside out fills the chest.

[Since the host has no further possible extension in the simulation, the simulation is suspended]

[However, if the host wants to review]

[You can continue to simulate at any time by inheriting the experience of the week]

"Finally some humanization....."

Moran shook his head with a smile.

It is not up to the simulator to actively decide the end of the simulation.

This time, it was Moran who made the decision.

In this sub-replica, his achievements and happiness reached the highest level of all simulations. 02

If you continue to simulate, you will only repeat the daily routine.

The emulator doesn't mind going that way.

However, Moran knows that he cannot blindly indulge in gentle township.

Although he has achieved a perfect evaluation in the sub-dungeon, there are other dungeons that he needs to fight.

Rest should not be used as an excuse to escape.

He will not allow himself to do this.

"When I'm tired..... Will they still be waiting for me there....."

Moran thought of the end of this simulation.

All four knew he was going through a simulation.

They have achieved a lot of happiness, and the last hope is that Moran can achieve his goal and redeem himself.

If you feel that you can no longer proceed.

They will wait here.

[This simulator is simulated in a world of Persona, and its time flow is different from reality]

[For you, it may be a long time away]

[But for them in the world of strangeness, your departure time is just the extent that you go out to buy something and don't come home for a night]

"It's so human, it makes me feel uncomfortable. However, it is best to be like this..."

Moran knew the simulator wouldn't respond.

It is just a system machine similar to the machine god.

However, I am still thankful.

If they were to endure the loneliness after they left, Moran could not have been cruel to this extent.

He has already tasted the pain of persevering for a thousand years.

There is no need to let others repeat the same mistakes.

"By the way, after I remember the EX price, I can make the simulation that achieves this evaluation cover reality..."

Moran suddenly remembered this.

The timeline of this sub-copy is in the twentieth century.

It's pretty close to the modern timeline I'm in.

[This subcopy cannot be overwritten]

[This simulator needs to ensure the uniqueness of the host on the timeline, which is much higher than the EX evaluation achieved by the simulation]

The simulator answers this question.

Simply put, the timeline is too close to the modern Moran.

If this anecdote were to be overwritten on the modern timeline, it would unsurprisingly lead to errors in the world and paradoxes in time.

It's also natural that emulators want to sidestep this.

[Although it is impossible to overwrite reality]

[However, the sense of déjà vu can be inherited by others, just like the person in the simulation who is close to your karma]

The simulator's answer made Moran feel a lot more relieved.

If you see Alquit and others on the modern side, they can't recognize themselves, that's the most embarrassing.

[Cannot be rewritten due to this simulation]

[Therefore, this emulator will also be rewarded, and the new copy will be unlocked when it is refreshed tomorrow]

[The copy is named ——]

【The Last Land of God's Dynasty, Great Britain】

The emulator is packed with a brand new copy.

For a while, this made Moran couldn't help but have a complicated expression.

While increasing the acquisition of the skill slots is a good thing, it means that he will be on to the next battlefield.

"Forget it, I'm also ready to enlighten. With these current skills, they do not have the conditions to fight against the machine god. If you want to defeat them, at least in terms of specifications, you must not lose to them. "

Moran has been precipitated for thousands of years.

He knows that he lacks what it takes to win.

Before this condition is met.

Presumably, even if you continue to simulate the Greek copy, the outcome will probably be the same as the previous times.

Before you are convinced that you are well prepared.

He will not act rashly.

[Skills learned in this simulation: the principle of freezing cold, the principle of the city is the kingdom, the principle of the sword, the star of Calvary, baptismal chanting, the principle of inheritance, the protection of believers, revelation, saints........]

Skill extraction after the simulation is not late.

Moran chose quickly this time.

There is no need to change the original skill, he only needs to select the skill to fill in the skill column and the preset column.

After thinking for a moment, he chose from the seven skills he had extracted.

The result is the following two skills.

[Unyielding Determination (A)] and [Combat Endurance (EX)]

He also has experience in conducting simulations.

It is difficult to predict what will happen in a week full of unknowns, and the priority must be to protect against the wind.

This is a new simulation for tomorrow.

After selecting a skill, the simulator enters the cooldown again.

All you have to do is wait for tomorrow.

Einz Belen has a lot of fame in the magic world.

Especially the Holy Grail War they constructed hundreds of years ago.

The sophistication of its technology is beyond doubt. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The other two families that are on a par with Einzbelen are the Maciri and Tosaka families, both known as the Gosan.

It's just a pity, at the end of the Third Holy Grail War.

As one of the participants, the Thousand Worlds Tree clan killed the actual controller of the Maciri family, Ma Tong Dirty Ink, so that the Maciri family, which was already in decline, was buried in history.

The Great Grail established in Fuyuki City.

Also taken away by the Thousand Trees family, aided by the Nazis, Einz Belen fell into a long period of weakness due to this battle.

Although, they subsequently tried to reclaim the Great Grail.

But it was basically fruitless.

The Tosaka family after the Third Holy Grail War.

It also became overwhelmed.

Through the intervention and interference of many forces in the outside world, the Great Holy Grail could not be recaptured if the three royal families wanted to.

Now, look away.

Come to this tribal land where Einz Belen is located.

"Who are you?"

Ahad leads a group of artificial humans armed with weapons.

Winter coldness pervades this chalk castle surrounded by woods, and the color of clean snow is the only color here.

It's like maintaining the same for thousands of years.

The artificial people unanimously pointed their swords at Moran, at the man who had broken into the clan land without warning.

"In order to reproduce the Third Law, they did their best to create a magic puppet named Yubusta Kuhayed. As artificial intelligence, it is okay, but it cannot replicate the third method.

Ahad, you are the eighth generation humanoid terminal of Eubusta Kuhayed. If the status quo continues, presumably Einzberen's long-cherished wish will come to an end. "

Moran is talking about Einz Belen's secret.

Not only does it get to the essence of how they work, but even Ahad's conclusions are true.

"Who are you?"

Ahad repeated again.

He is now an old man in his old age.

The attitude that was still ancient and unwavering, but there were obvious fluctuations because of Mo Lan's words.

"Eubusta Kukhaild. Feng. Einz Belen.

Are you so old that you can't even recognize the long-cherished wishes of a family? I don't need to answer this question. "

Moran smiled lightly and raised his hand.

The dazzling brilliance from the soul is released.

The artificial humans present were bathed in it.

Although the expressions on their faces were dazed, it was impossible for Ahad, as the leader of a clan, not to recognize them.

"Third magic. Materialization of the soul....."

Ahad couldn't stop shaking.

There has been no restless artificial intelligence for thousands of years, and now the frozen heart can't stop becoming hot.

That is the long-cherished wish of a family to pursue a thousand years.

Constantly running itself to this day, only to reproduce, following the instructions entered by the magician of the past workshop.

They've been executing day in and day out for hundreds of years.

The sacrificial treasure of the family, Stisa, builds the Great Grail and holds the Holy Grail War with the Maciri and Tosaka families.

However, it was taken away by outsiders in the Third Holy Grail War.

They have been walking this path for too long.

The further you go, the stronger the feeling of powerlessness becomes.

Like an abyss that cannot be seen.

Even Ahad came to the final conclusion.

The long-cherished wish of the Einz Belen family will never be realized.

A thousand years has been too long.

Even the Lane gold they had once obtained would be exhausted, and they would almost lose the qualification to pursue the Third Law.

Time does not allow, resources do not allow.

Even if Ahad wanted to pursue this long-cherished wish again, the Einz Belen family had no spare power.

Tired enough to give birth to remorse.

And this is the current situation of the Einz Belen family,

So, Einzberen drew conclusions. This fake Holy Grail War 253, you do not intend to go to the door to collect debts, but intend to carry it out. "

"As the Lord said, my people only want to see the reappearance of the third law, and whether the third law is reproduced through Einzbelen is no longer important to me and others. I waited for only the operation of this castle and workshop, as well as the reproduction of the third magic. Materialization of the soul. "

Ahad knelt down on one knee respectfully.

In the present when Moran shows the third magic.

Everything becomes no longer important.

Einz Belen has recorded information.

Although the records of thousands of years ago have become rather obscure due to time, there is still precise information that has been handed down.

The owner of the third law simply left the workshop.

He is still alive in this world.

When Ahad saw the third method displayed by Moran, the first thing he recognized as a master.

They had taught their Creator the Third Magic.

After that, choose to leave the magic messenger.

Third, the effect of magic is the materialization of the soul, and eternal life is only an incidental effect.

Ahad witnessed the moment of the Third Magic.

There is no longer any denial in the mind.

The pursuit of a thousand years is fulfilled in this moment, and it only longs for one thing as the terminal of artificial intelligence.

That is - to exercise the original duty.

"Lord, now my long-cherished wish has been fulfilled. The Holy Grail War is no longer Einz Belen's pursuit. All we have on our mind is just one thing, please come back to this workshop. "

Ahad said solemnly.

It is itself an artificial intelligence terminal that has been created.

The owner of the past order has long died, and he pursues his long-cherished wish in vain like a relic of the old times.

Even the owner who gave the order in the first place is gone.

No one expected anything from them.

And now that the master of the creator has returned to the workshop, they naturally have their own ideas as a tool.

They want to be used by their owners again.

If it were not for the imminent exhaustion of Einzbelen's resources, it would not have concluded that the workshop would have been closed.

Such dormancy is almost equal to death.

No intelligent creature would expect this.

"Holy Grail War. This is a ceremony that you have organized together with the Tosaka family and Maciri. Now, want to leave it behind like that? "

"Now that you are back, I have no reason to pursue this war. The Holy Grail War, this is just a clumsy performance by the Imperial Three Families in pursuit of the Third Law..."

Ahad also had his own feelings.

After experiencing the Third Law with this old and decaying body, he couldn't help but feel ridiculous about his long-cherished wishes.

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