She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 167: Make a bet (second update)

Chapter 167 Make a Bet (Second update)

But that’s not right. This is a small business. How could he possibly offend such a big shot?

The Internet cafe owner still has a good eye for judging people. This person's temperament is obviously not ordinary. How can he be in this Internet cafe?

 And you don’t look very good-looking. Is something going to happen?

The Internet cafe owner’s expression suddenly changed. It would be terrible if that were the case.

 What if something happens and someone blackmails him?

 “Sir, you...”

The Internet cafe owner stepped forward and wanted to ask Qi Jingci if he needed help.

The next second, Qi Jingci immediately took a step back, glanced at him coldly, and pinned him to the spot.

The Internet cafe owner’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

 That look in his eyes just now was so terrifying.

He swallowed, tried hard to stop his weak legs, and asked: "First, sir, do you need any help?"

Qi Jingci said indifferently: "No need."

 After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

 Internet cafe owner: “…”

“Tch! You’re crazy! Why don’t you just come to my Internet cafe and leave without doing anything?”

 He spat and returned to his seat.

After Qi Jingci came out, he couldn't help but take a deep breath of fresh air, like a fish that had been deprived of oxygen for a long time.

He took out his mobile phone and poked at the screen with his fingers.

"come out!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Jiu stood on the side of the road, holding on to the telephone pole, laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist.

“I asked you specifically if you wanted to come, but you came on your own. It’s not my fault! Hahaha!”

 She laughed to death!

I didn’t expect that Qi Jingci’s mysophobia was so serious that he couldn’t even step into an Internet cafe like this.

Qi Jingci’s face was gloomy, and the air pressure around his body had dropped to freezing point.

He looked at Li Jiu with cold eyes, "Are you done laughing?"

 “No.” Li Jiu wiped away the tears from laughter and said.

 “What are you doing in a place like this when you have nothing to do?”

Qi Jingci's tone was cold and his eyes were slightly angry, but in Li Jiu's eyes, they turned into anger from embarrassment.

Li Jiu spent a lot of effort to stop laughing. She straightened her waist and said with a smile in her eyes: "No, mysophobia is a disease and you need to cure it."

Qi Jingci’s face turned even more disgusting.

"Shut up!" Seeing that he was about to get angry, Li Jiu stopped. "Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore."

Qi Jingci snorted coldly and looked at the Internet cafe with even more disgust.

 “How do you find a place like this?”

He was stumbling around and almost got lost. How could she be so familiar with him?

 “Have you been here before?” he asked.

Li Jiu shook his head, "No."

But she can ask passers-by.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows. He didn’t want to stay here any longer, so he said, “Let’s go quickly.”


Qi Jingci looked at her expressionlessly.

Li Jiu shrugged, "I still have some things to check."

 “Go back and check.”

"don't want."


Qi Jingci’s face darkened again.

"Half of the investigation has been completed. It will be ready soon." Li Jiu was not affected by him at all and insisted.

Qi Jingci raised his wrist, looked at the time, and said, "I'll give you ten minutes."

Li Jiu responded immediately, "OK, no problem."

Just as she was about to turn around and go back, suddenly the evil look in her eyes flashed away, and she turned back: "How about... you come in too?"

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes, and the cold air around his body was gathering again.

 Apparently I disagree.

Li Jiu touched his chin and asked, "Why don't we make a bet?"

 “What bet?”

“How about a bet on whether you can stay in there for five minutes, and the loser prepares bath water for the other party?”

Li Jiu stretched out his finger and pointed at the Internet cafe.

 (End of this chapter)

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