She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 409: All made by myself

Chapter 409 is all made by myself

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu's breathing was a little messy, and the dryness in his body had nowhere to vent. He raised his hand to block his sight, and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

 Who the **** are you trying to offend?

  I was already so confused by him tonight, but now he is here to seduce me.

 If this continues, something will really happen.

She just wanted to calm down, but Qi Jingci came closer to her again, and the heat that had subsided suddenly spread to her neck and behind her ears.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 This is not over, is it?

Qi Jingci, I’m telling you, if there’s an accident between the two of us tonight, you must be the main culprit!

 Finally, just when Li Jiu couldn't help but want to push Qi Jingci down, he stopped.


Qi Jingci slowly pushed away from Li Jiu, keeping a little distance from her, closing his eyes, his expression seemed to be extremely forbearing, and the long eyelashes that hung down covered the **** in his eyes.

Li Jiu: "?"

 Making trouble? After getting angry, you want to run away?

 I’m afraid he’s not a scumbag.

Qi Jingci is of course not a scumbag, but he just thinks things are going a little too fast. After all, they have just established their relationship, so some things are better slowed down.

  So he stuttered and said good night to her and fled the scene in a hurry.

Go straight to the bathroom and take a cold shower.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Well done.

Qi Jingci, you are really good.

 After flirting with her, she ran away and occupied the bathroom.

 …She also needs a cold bath to calm down, okay?

 But no matter what the facts were, she could only give up.

Li Jiu put the quilt over her head and covered her whole body. In the claustrophobic and dark space, she could only hear her heart beating clearly.

Li Jiu closed her eyes and calmed down her rapid breathing.

 Damn it, I will never play like this again, it’s easy to get too big.

 If you get angry, you have to vent it yourself.

Thinking of this, Li Jiu's expression became even weirder.

 She remembered someone saying on the Internet that if she was so depressed after having a boyfriend, it was either because the two of them were not emotionally compatible, or because the man was not good enough.

 She and Qi Jingci had just confirmed their relationship, and their relationship was at its strongest.

 … Then there is only one possibility left.

 But the remaining possibility does not seem very credible.

 After all, Qi Jingci was almost zero distance from her just now, and she knew his reaction clearly, and it had nothing to do with the word "no".

 That means he doesn’t want to touch her.

Li Jiu was a little unhappy.

 Has she lost her charm?

Or maybe Qi Jingci didn’t want to take advantage of her being drunk.

But is he really that kind of a gentleman? He had taken advantage of her before!

Gradually, while thinking about these endless questions, she slowly fell into sleep.

The next day, the first ray of sunlight in the morning leaked into the house through the window, but most of the light was blocked by the dark curtains.

Li Jiu was still immersed in her dream, but her curled eyelashes trembled uneasily. Even in her sleep, her vigilance was frighteningly strong.

Even though Qi Jingci tried to walk as gently as possible, she still noticed it and woke up immediately.

He immediately relaxed after meeting Qi Jingci's eyes with his clear eyes. Li Jiu raised his hand to rub his still sore eyes, and said in a tired voice: "...are you trying to scare ghosts so early in the morning?"

Qi Jingci: "...I'm sorry, but I knocked twice and you didn't reply."

He thought she was still sleeping, so he wanted to come in and check if she showed any signs of discomfort. "Oh." Li Jiu spat out one syllable, expressionless.

  She had been thinking about those mysterious questions last night, lingering in her mind like poison, lingering for a long time.

She didn’t know when she fell asleep, but it must have been early in the morning.

Sleep time has been severely reduced, no wonder she feels that her body's alert response has been slowed down a lot - under normal circumstances, she would notice it immediately before Qi Jingci even stepped into the door.

Qi Jingci walked up to her and put his hand on her forehead. Her temperature was normal and there was no sign of fever.

 He nodded with satisfaction.

Li Jiu frowned slightly, brushed his hand away, and twitched the corners of her lips in displeasure. Why did she always suspect that she had a fever?

She was drunk last night, bah, she was pretending to be drunk, and she didn't take a cold shower. How could she possibly have a fever?

What Li Jiu didn't know was that a straight man like Qi Jingci, who had never taken care of others, didn't know any common sense at all. The antipyretic medicine he gave her last night was based on pictures he found online.

 In his eyes, being drunk is not good for your health. If Li Jiu's body temperature is normal, there may not necessarily be a problem, but if it is not normal, then there must be a problem.

 …The logic of straight men is that simple.

But Li Jiu obviously didn't know this. She pushed Qi Jingci out of the bedroom and closed the door hard in front of him, almost pinching the bridge of his nose.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Ten minutes later, when she finished washing and dressing up, Qi Jingci was already waiting for her at the dining table.

After the two had breakfast, Li Jiu wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully and asked casually: "Are you still going to the company today?"

 He shook his head: "I'm not going."


Qi Jingci looked at her and said, "Take a day off and take care of you at home."

Even though he is asking for leave, he is the president. If he doesn’t want to go, no one dares to say anything.

 So this sentence sounded a bit willful to Li Jiu.

Li Jiu was silent for a moment and said, "Actually, you don't have to."

“I think it’s necessary. You drank so much that you were unconscious last night. What if there are any side effects?”

 Li Jiu: “…”

To be honest, she thought she had done a good job pretending to be drunk last night, so why did she fall unconscious?

Also, after living for so many years, this was the first time she heard that drunkenness would have sequelae.

But these words, after Li Jiu saw the serious expression on Qi Jingci's face, he pondered on his lips for a while and finally swallowed them back in his stomach.

"Are you busy today?" Qi Jingci looked Li Jiu up and down and asked.

Although she didn't dress up deliberately today, she wasn't as casual as usual at home. It was more everyday. He guessed that she would go out later.

Qi Jingci guessed correctly. Li Jiu really has something to go out later.

“Well, I have to go out later.” She said.

"where to?"

Li Jiu picked up a bowl of sweet soup after dinner and blew on it, "Keep it secret."

 “Then I’m going too.”


Li Jiu put the soup down expressionlessly and looked at Qi Jingci with a dull face. His eyes seemed to say: Are you sick?

Qi Jingci, however, remained calm. He calmly picked up the napkin and wiped his fingers carefully. His movements were slow and methodical, and his attitude was confident, "This can avoid what happened yesterday."

For example, if he fails to pay attention for a moment, the person becomes drunk.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Suddenly speechless.

 But I made it all by myself, there is nothing to quibble about.

Looking at Qi Jingci's attitude, I'm afraid I want to tie her up with a chain now.

“…Okay, I’ll take you somewhere later.”

 (End of this chapter)

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