She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 494: Mia was furious

Chapter 494 Mia is furious

Li Muye curled his lips and kept silent in aggrieved manner.

 I'm sorry, brother-in-law, he tried his best.

Seeing that Mr. Li and Li Chen both had serious expressions on their faces, Li Jiu endured it, and finally couldn't help it. Po Gong laughed out loud: "Okay, I'll think about it."

Hearing this, Li Chen's eyes flashed with joy.

As long as she is willing to consider it, as for Qi Jingci, if Xiaojiu wants to move back, I'm afraid he won't have any objections.

Thinking about this, both of them felt a lot happier.

At this time, Li Jiu's cell phone suddenly vibrated twice. She glanced at the call, her eyes flashed slightly, and she said, "I'll go out and take a call first."

She left the ward and went to the corner at the end of the corridor. Seeing no one around, she answered the phone: "What's wrong?"

 Mia's voice was a little serious: "Something happened."

  She parked the car on the side of the road and put one hand on the steering wheel. Her expression lost its calmness and showed a trace of solemnity.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, "Huh?"

 Since the story was too complicated, Mia directly highlighted the key points.

“I just found an important witness, but he was too late and was silenced.”

Li Jiu frowned and said in a deep voice: "Did someone with superpowers do it?"

Mia hummed, "I arrived in the Imperial Capital yesterday. He was killed the night before. It was clear that he didn't want me to find out anything."

In the corridor, several nurses passed by Li Jiu while pushing medicines and talking and laughing. She turned around without leaving a trace, put her arms on the railing, and looked at the branches stretching out the window through the clear glass.

 Her tone became a bit cold, "Who do you suspect?"

  Even she didn’t know the specific time when Mia arrived in the Imperial Capital. It shouldn’t be difficult for anyone who could grasp her whereabouts to guess.

“Special Management Bureau, only the president of the association knows my itinerary, it can’t be him. The only omission can only be caused by the Special Management Bureau.”

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes and fell into deep thought, tapping her fingers on the railing subconsciously. Suddenly, she thought of something, paused, and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Mia curled her eyes, raised her lips and smiled, her tone relaxed a lot, "You guessed the purpose of my call to you so quickly, we really have a tacit understanding."

“Go away, you will only flatter me symbolically when you ask me for help.”

Li Jiu sneered twice and said, "I haven't settled the accounts with you yet. Who asked the president to investigate the Li family?"


Mia gave a covert dry cough and lowered her voice a little: "Can't you stop asking me so much?"

Several days have passed, does she still remember this?

Li Jiu: "Others may be possible, but this one is impossible."

Mia twitched the corner of her mouth and held her forehead helplessly: "Ancestor, please spare me. It's not like you don't know the rules."

Every time you accept a task, all information related to the task must be kept strictly confidential and no one can leak it. This is the first rule of the association.

"Don't pressure me with rules." Li Jiu's voice was slightly cold, "In my place, rules have to be avoided. Just say it."


Really unable to fool me, Mia simply broke the pot, held her neck, and threw the pot to Zhong Qing without hesitation, "Ask the president, he gave me the task, and he also ordered me not to let it go. You know."

Li Jiu remained silent for a while. Then she suddenly spoke in a deep voice: "Mia, since you are in the Imperial Capital now, you must have heard some of the rumors. You should understand why I insist on finding out about this matter, right?"

Of course she knows.

Mia rolled her eyes speechlessly. She was now the daughter of the Li family. She had finally found her relatives, so of course she had to protect them.


She paused and then said: "But the president doesn't want you to know, and there's nothing you can do about it, Xiaojiu. You know the president's temper. He doesn't want to say anything, and he won't even say a word if you beat him to death."

"Besides, you are his disciple. If anything happens, he will definitely protect you immediately and will not do anything harmful to you."

Mia sighed, a little helpless, "Maybe the president wants to investigate it himself? Now that you have become the daughter of the Li family, of course he has to figure out what happened back then."

Li Jiu pondered, this is indeed possible. Of course she would not doubt Zhong Qing.


Seeing that she finally gave up the idea of ​​asking, Mia's eyes flashed with joy, and she made a gesture in her mind.

 Finally, this little ancestor was stabilized.

 It’s really not easy.

“How can I help you with that matter you mentioned?”

  While Mia was still immersed in the excitement of successfully fooling her, Li Jiu suddenly asked, startling her.

“…Oh, I suspect there is a problem within the Special Administration Bureau, and I want you to intervene in this case.”

Li Jiu seemed to have heard some incredible joke, "Assistant Mia, are you sure you are not mistaken? When did our second team become a full-time investigator?"

Mia snorted, "You have investigated quite a few cases before."

“That is the case of investigating the traitors of the association and arresting the traitors. Those are the responsibilities of our inspection team.”

"Now is also the time for you to perform your duties. People with superpowers openly kill people in the Imperial Capital. This is a complete contempt for the association."


Li Jiu: “The most critical point is that none of our team members reported to the Special Administrative Bureau. They are illegally staying and are against the rules.”

Mia was immediately annoyed, "What a **** rule! Just now you said you had to give in to the rules, but now they've changed. Are you a liar?"

 I promised to help her, but now I’m going back on my word?

 Do you think it’s easy to board her pirate ship?

Li Jiu sighed. Seeing that he couldn't fool her, he wanted to be moved: "Mia, you can be regarded as watching our second team get to where we are today. The identities of those people in my team... are a bit special. They are acquaintances in the Imperial Capital. If you catch a lot of them, if your identity is exposed, it may cause a big mess. "

Mia was silent and asked: "...How special is it?"

Although she usually interacts frequently with the people in the second team and has good friendships, she doesn't know much about their ordinary identities.

 Generally speaking, people with superpowers will have ordinary identities to cover up in normal times. Unless necessary, they will not use superpowers at all. This is why they can live peacefully with ordinary people.

 People who are familiar with each other in the association may not recognize each other if they meet on the street in the future. This is also a kind of protection for people with special abilities.

 Therefore, when people meet in private, they usually act as people with super powers. They usually don’t tell others about their ordinary identities.

Even though Mia has lived with the people from Team 2 for more than ten years, she doesn’t know their true identities at all.

Li Jiu thought for a moment, "For example... a popular movie queen and a top idol?"


“Another example, the young masters and daughters of those families in the Imperial Capital?”


"Another example…"

 Before she finished, Mia couldn't help but explode.


She was grinding her back teeth, and her anger arose in her heart. She felt that she had so much to say now. In an extremely speechless state, she finally broke the elegance she had maintained.

 “Your uncle’s!”

 “Have you ever seen that person with superpowers use such an ostentatious way of hiding his identity? Huh?!”

“To return a star, to return a daughter and a son of a wealthy family, why don’t you just stand on the street and shout to people that I am not an ordinary person?”

Li Jiu touched his nose. This kind of thing is not something they can decide.

“You two teams are really the same! Why are you so uneasy?!”

Today is a long chapter



 (End of this chapter)

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