She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 585: What a joke

Chapter 585 What a joke

“Lao San, look for any safe place nearby.” Qi Sijin said in a deep voice.

He Yao's eyes narrowed and she glanced out the window. They were on a mountain-ringing road. Looking around, they were covered in deep forests and could not see the bottom. There seemed to be a faint red light flickering in the forest, which was very similar to a monitor.

She narrowed her eyes, clicked her tongue twice, and replied: "As of now, no."

"Besides, we may have entered the other party's monitoring range." He Yao sighed and said with emotion: "It's not good."


Qi Sijin couldn't help but curse, but because Qi Mowei was present, he temporarily held back his anger.

He quietly glanced at her little face, which was bloodless and pale due to panic, and sighed in his heart: "Find a secluded place to park the car."

He Yao raised her eyebrows and glanced at him without knowing why, but she didn't say anything. She obeyed his words and followed his words. She stepped on the accelerator and the car suddenly accelerated, like a speeding meteor flying across the road, streaking across a silver streak. trace.

“Qi Sijin, what are you—”

Li Muye couldn't help but ask, looking at him with doubtful eyes. At the same time, he glanced at He Yao who was driving in front of him, feeling faintly shocked and confused in his heart.

 Strange, so strange.

When the same thing happened, Qi Sijin and He Yao's reactions were shockingly calm, and the names they called each other were also...

what on earth is it?

Qi Sijin raised his eyes and looked at him and said, "Don't ask, we'll talk about it after we escape."

His tone was solemn and solemn that he had never seen before, and his cold and indifferent expression was also particularly unfamiliar, giving people a sense of pressure for no reason.

Li Muye was stunned on the spot. For a moment, he seemed to see the gloomy look in Qi Sijin's eyes, and even he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.


Qi Mowei was also shocked by his cold and emotionless expression. She looked at him in disbelief, almost unable to believe that this was the Qi Sijin she knew.

Qi Sijin's expression moved slightly, and he tugged at the corner of his lips. A trace of warmth appeared on his face again. He raised his hand and put it on the top of her hair. His voice was reassuring: "Weiwei, I will explain these things to you later." ,Um?"


Qi Mowei nodded blankly, but lowered his eyes at a loss.

 For some reason, his words made her feel inexplicably flustered.

 She always felt that something was going to happen, and once it happened, some things would never go back to the way they were before.

The car continued to drive at high speed. In the middle of the journey, He Yao took advantage of the gap in driving to open the passenger door and kicked out the bodies of the people.


 She breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed: "It's finally spacious."

Each of these people was as heavy as a pig, and they were so crowded in front that she was almost suffocated.

Just when she wanted to move the window to take a breath, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a few black dots in the rearview mirror from the corner of her eye.

He Yao's eyes narrowed and she said in a deep voice: "Fourth brother, you have a tail."

Qi Sijin moved his eyes, "I saw it."

He Yao: “What should I do?”

Qi Sijin: “Get rid of it.”

He Yao's eyes became fierce, and she stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The car suddenly accelerated, the tires and the ground made a harsh friction sound, and everyone couldn't help but lean back.

However, the cars behind them were still chasing after them, and they changed from one car to a row, approaching them directly.

  It was clearly reflected in the rearview mirror that someone in the car behind slowly raised a gun and aimed at them.

Qi Sijin’s pupils shrank, and he reflexively held Qi Mowei in his arms, shouting: “Get down!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the dense bullets hit the car body and the glass like big raindrops, making a crackling sound. Beneath him, Qi Mowei was shaking violently, her eyes were red and filled with tears, but she bit her index finger and tried not to make a sound.

The pampered eldest lady has never seen such a battle before, and she has not cried until now. She is really strong enough.

 But she knew very well that her strength was entirely based on Qi Sijin being by her side. Without him, she might have collapsed long ago.

"Oh shit!"

Under the intensive attack, He Yao hammered the steering wheel angrily and shouted: "Fourth brother! Help me!"

Qi Sijin raised his head slightly and pressed down both Qi Mowei and Li Muye completely. He slightly arched his body and moved to the side of the car door. He took out a gun from his bracelet, stretched out the muzzle, aimed at the rear, and squinted his eyes. , pull the trigger.


The car behind it shook violently and exploded. The sky-high firelight filled half of the sky, like a gorgeous fireworks show, **** and magnificent.

Qi Sijin put back his gun expressionlessly, leaned against the car door, and said to He Yao in front of him: "Drive the car steadily."

He Yao gritted her teeth: "I'll try my best!"

Qi Sijin silently counted for a few seconds, then opened the car door suddenly, leaned out with his whole body, reached for the door frame, and let himself hang out of the car. He raised the gun with his other hand, and pointed the dark muzzle at the vehicle behind again. .

He narrowed his eyes and was about to take aim when the car suddenly staggered, leaving a crooked mark on the road, dodging the hail of bullets coming from behind.

Qi Sijin was almost thrown away, but managed to steady himself, turned around and shouted at He Yao: "Can you do it?"

"TMD, if you have the skills, come here! I don't have a driver's license, and I haven't learned to drive!" He Yao shouted with a broken expression.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 Qi Mowei: “…”

Li Muye: “…”

 Amid the chaos, the car was eerily quiet for a moment.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Muye suddenly said quietly: "How about... I'll drive it."

Although he was also frightened, it was better than letting a minor drive in this situation.

 After all, the lives of a whole car of people are at stake.

He Yao and Qi Sijin rejected it in unison: "No!"

Li Muye: "But she..."

Qi Sijin tried to aim again and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I'm used to it."

Li Muye: “…”

 Please, can you please stop saying such creepy things in such a calm tone!

 What does it mean to get used to it?

 Is this kind of speed of life and death something you can get used to? !

Li Muye was instantly frightened.

However, Qi Sijin ignored him and simply fired several shots at the vehicles behind him, blowing up their fuel tanks with great accuracy. Explosions immediately followed one after another, resounding throughout the mountain forest.

Qi Sijin took back his body and said, "Okay, it's all settled."

The two people who were lying on their backs straightened up carefully. Li Muye looked back. After seeing the tragic situation of the other party, he couldn't help but take a breath and glanced at Qi Sijin with a complicated expression.

His methods are straightforward and neat, without any sloppiness. He is as ruthless and decisive as his third uncle.

 In the past, I really underestimated him.

 No, not just him, everyone was deceived by him.

  The second young master of the Qi family is an ignorant and unskilled young man?

What a joke!

 (End of this chapter)

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