She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 587: Losing horses collectively (1)

Chapter 587 Losing Horses Collectively (1)

There were many times when he was slapped in the face, but none of them came faster than this time.

Zhong Qing looked at the several fighter planes circling in the sky. The red light was flashing, as bright as stars, and he suddenly felt half of his face burning with pain.

At this time, in the sky above the second team's base, majestic fighter planes were hovering in the sky. Looking down from above, you could only see the messy ruins after the bombing and the black smoke that had not yet dissipated.

Lu Qingran took a quick glance, put her hand on the joystick, turned her head and asked, "Third brother, do you want to continue?"

Qi Jingci squinted his eyes and stared at the situation below, and muttered: "Wait a minute."

They don't really want to fight the second team this time, it's just a demonstration, and the offensive doesn't need to be so urgent.

Lu Qingran hummed and pressed the communicator to notify the pilots of other fighter planes, "Everyone, stay where you are!"

In the base, Bai Muyou was tracking the location of Qi Sijin and the two of them, but was staggered by the sudden huge vibration and almost lost his balance. He reflexively held on to the nearest table corner to stabilize himself. body shape.

 Her face was suddenly full of questions: "What's going on?"

 Is there an earthquake?

 The next moment, someone shouted on the public channel of the communicator: "No! A team is invading! Everyone prepare to defend!"

Bai Muyou: "?"

Bai Muyou: "!"

 One, a team?

Before she could react, she heard Ning Feng replying in the channel: "Defense is nothing! If you hit me at the door, you will be a **** if you hold back. Everyone, please listen to me! Fight back immediately!"


Bai Muyou: "Wait!"

However, it was too late, Ning Feng turned off the communicator.


Bai Muyou cursed and rushed out immediately, for fear of making things worse.

When she arrived at the main entrance of the base, the open space and the gate in front of her had been razed to the ground, leaving only a deep pit with black smoke that had not yet dissipated lingering around the pit.

Bai Muyou was caught off guard and choked a few times due to the thick smoke. She covered her nose, grabbed the panicked team member who happened to be passing by her, and asked, "Where's Ah Feng?"

Faced with the sudden attack, the man panicked. He was stunned for two seconds and replied: "Team Leader Ning... flew a fighter plane to meet the enemy."

Bai Muyou twitched the corner of his mouth, immediately let go of his hand, and raised his eyes to the sky. At this time, the hovering fighter planes were clearly divided into two groups. Based on the markings on the fuselage, one could barely identify the enemy and the enemy.

Lu Qingran looked at the dozen or so Second Team fighters dispatched in front of him with contemptuous and sarcastic eyes. He pressed the loudspeaker and said unceremoniously: "Is your team going to start a war with us?"

Among the fighters on the opposite side, Ning Feng stared at them angrily, almost crushing the control stick with the strength of his hands, and cursed angrily: "Fuck you, labor and management! You ran wild on our territory, do you still have the nerve to start a war?" ? Do you need me to take a look in the mirror?"

Hearing these words, the faces of Lu Qingran and the other two people all darkened in unison. He looked back at Qi Jingci and replied coldly: "We just have something we want to talk to your team about."

Ning Feng: "What a nonsense! We bombed our base. Is this how you talk about things?!"

His eyes were cold, with uncontrollable anger gathering in his eyes, and he said to everyone: "Since the first team is provoking us, we don't have to endure it anymore, just do it for me!" Damn it, I really don't think I'll teach them a lesson. Is the second team easy to bully?

  Normally it would be frustrating to just maintain a face-saving relationship with them, but now they are attacking you right at your doorstep. If you don’t fight back, you are not a human being.

 “Yes!” everyone shouted in unison.

 “That’s a fart!”

Suddenly, Bai Muyou's furious voice sounded from the communication devices of each fighter plane at the same time: "Ning Feng! And you! Get down immediately, immediately! No one is allowed to take action without permission!"

 Bai Muyou stood on the ground, looking at the eye-catching logo on a group of fighter planes in the sky, feeling extremely **** up in his heart.

It was really a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple.

  What is all this!

Ning Feng said angrily: "No! The whole team has been provoked to this level, is it possible that they still endure it?"

If this spreads out from now on, where will the reputation of the two teams go?

"This is all a misunderstanding... Anyway, get down here first!" Bai Muyou pinched his brows with a headache, and advised earnestly: "Come down first, I promise, we won't swallow this bad breath in vain."

 Everyone looked at each other in shock.

 “Team Leader Ning, this…”

 What should they do?

Ning Feng looked angrily at the menacing fighters on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and said, "Get off first."

After a while, all the fighter planes that were clamoring for counterattack were evacuated. Lu Qingran was a little confused by this operation, "Third brother, what's going on?"

Qi Jingci squinted and looked down. The hot fire had been extinguished, and the thick smoke had lingered on the ruins for a long time, making it difficult to see the figures.

After a moment of silence, his deep magnetic voice sounded: "Land."

Lu Qingran received the order and immediately ordered other fighters to follow and land.

At the gate of the base, almost all the people from the second team gathered there aggressively. Just looking at the formation, they looked like they were about to start a fight.

Ning Feng stood in the first and most conspicuous position, staring at them slowly and slowly, his eyes were so fierce that he seemed to want to eat people.

 The other members of a team landed first. Faced with their murderous aura, they lined up to confront them **** for tat.

Members of the two teams stood on both sides of the razed ruins, their turbulent eyes meeting in mid-air, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Before Qi Jingci and others could push through the crowd and come to the front, Ning Feng couldn't help but say in a strange tone: "Are you guys from the first team just coming to our base and barking randomly when you are bored?"

Lu Qingran paused and looked strange for a moment.

Just now in the air, the two parties were talking through a loudspeaker. The sound quality was slightly changed, and the original sound could not be heard at all.

But now, why did he suddenly feel that the voice of the other party was very familiar?

Is it an illusion?

 (End of this chapter)

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