She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 604: He Yao called

Chapter 604 He Yao calls

 The bedroom door was opened. Ji Yunshu wiped the sweat from his forehead, made an OK gesture and said, "No problem."

Qi Jingci rushed in immediately and saw Li Jiu lying there and sleeping quietly, with a peaceful face.

Ji Yunshu: "She has been busy all day and night, let her have a good sleep."

Qi Jingci hummed, closed the door gently, and stepped out.

In the living room downstairs, Ning Feng and Lu Qingran had been sitting there for a long time, and they wisely did not go up to disturb them. Seeing them coming down, Ning Feng raised his eyebrows, put down the coffee in his hand, and asked: "How is it?"

 “It’s nothing serious, just take a rest for a while.”

Ning Feng showed an expected smile: "I knew that with Seventh Sister here, there would be no problem."

Ji Yunshu, who had just come down the stairs, happened to hear this and immediately rolled his eyes: "Stop flattering."

After a few people took their seats, the atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

 Everyone looked at each other in private, and finally all focused on Qi Jingci.

Li Jiu is fine. His expression is no longer as anxious as before, but he still has an indifferent look on his face, making it difficult to guess his emotions.

"If Mr. Qi wants to ask anything, just ask him." Ji Yunshu looked at his appearance and suddenly said.

 “I will choose what I can say.”

 If you can’t say it, you won’t say one more word.

Qi Jingci's eyes moved slightly, a dark color flashed across his eyes, and he asked in a deep voice: "What did you see in Mr. Yun's memory?"

Ji Yunshu narrowed his eyes and thought deeply for a moment, but did not hide anything from him: "I saw that the experiment back then was carried out by the five major families."

Ning Feng and Bai Muyou subconsciously sat upright.

"anything else?"

Ji Yunshu paused, "Yun Xingye is getting old, and some of his memories are blurred, and I can't see clearly. But what is certain is that the five major families seemed to have fallen out with the Cha League in the end, and revealed the seed plan, which caused the association to and other forces’ attention.”

Bai Yuxiu grasped the key point: "You mean, if it weren't for the internal strife between the five major families and the Cha League, the association would never have discovered their experiments?"

 How can anything be perfect in this world?

Ji Yunshu looked at him: "These memories are Yun Xingye's personal perspective. It is normal to have questions. After all, if you have not participated in the past, you will never be able to truly restore the truth."


Qi Jingci asked again: "Have you seen the memory of my old man or Mr. Li?"

Ji Yunshu frowned, thought about it carefully, and shook his head, "Yun Xingye's relationship with Mr. Qi and Mr. Li is average, and he doesn't usually interact with them much—"

She suddenly stopped, swallowed, and glanced at him subconsciously.

Wait a moment.

Since Qi Jingci is Zhong Qing’s junior brother, he joined the association earlier than all of them. However, judging from his reaction after hearing these things, he doesn’t look like someone who knows the inside story at all.

The vice president of Tangtang Association, a team of Q gods, would he not know anything about what his father has done?

 It is somewhat illogical.

If he really doesn’t know, it’s because someone deliberately hid it from him and didn’t want him to know.

 “Seventh sister?”

Seeing Ji Yunshu suddenly silent, Bai Muyou called her, "Why are you so stunned?"

Ji Yunshu suddenly came back to his senses: "It's nothing."

At this moment, Ning Feng suddenly shouted: "Lao San!"

Everyone was startled by him, especially Lu Qingran. He was sitting next to Ning Feng and bore the brunt of the shock. He couldn't help but cover his chest and said with lingering fear: "A Feng, what's wrong? You were so startled?"

Ning Feng ignored him, pulled off his supernatural bracelet and spread it out in front of everyone. He pointed at the flashing red light on it with a trembling voice and said: "...Old, old, third, old! It's the communication from her!"

Bai Muyou's pupils trembled, and he quickly connected the bracelet.

 “Lao San! Is that you?” No one answered there. First there was a faint sound of electricity and friction, mixed with the sound of wind and panicked footsteps.

 Appears to be running away.

 “...the third child?”

Bai Muyou frowned and his tone became uncertain.

After a while, it seemed that a safe place was found over there. The sound of wind and footsteps stopped. The bracelet was held in someone's hand. After two seconds of silence, a weak female voice came: "...Hello?"

It’s Qi Mowei!

Everyone was startled, Qi Jingci immediately said to Chen Sheng: "Weiwei."

Over there, Qi Mowei was hiding in a dark and damp tree hole, surrounded by strange rustling sounds. She gritted her teeth and huddled in place, trying not to make a sound of fear. Even so, she was still because She couldn't help but tremble with fear. When she heard Qi Jingci's voice, she almost collapsed on the spot.

 “Third brother…”

Qi Mowei’s eyes suddenly turned red, and tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked extremely pitiful and aggrieved, “...come and save me.”

Before Qi Jingci could answer her, Ji Yunshu immediately asked, "Where are you now? Why is the third child's bracelet with you?"

Hearing that it was a strange woman, Qi Mowei did not panic. She realized that Qi Jingci was not the only one there, but they should all be trustworthy.

She glanced next to her. Li Muye was in another part of the tree hole, squatting next to He Yao to bandage her wounds. He Yao's face was pale due to excessive blood loss, and there was a layer of sweat on her forehead. Her clothes were stained with blood and sweat. Soaked and embarrassed.

 “Just hold on, it’ll be fine soon!”

Li Muye gritted his teeth and tried to make his movements gentler.

Qi Mowei watched, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, regained her composure, and explained the current situation in detail: "Ayao was injured. We were chased by that group of people and hid in a big tree. In the cave...I don’t know where it is exactly.”

From being kidnapped to waking up and then being chased, her mind was very confused along the way and she couldn't figure out where she was.

At this moment, He Yao pursed her lips and struggled to sit up despite the severe pain. She said to her in a weak voice: "Sister Weiwei, let me do it."

Qi Mowei quickly handed over the bracelet.

He Yao coughed twice, and after a while she managed to speak: "Seventh sister."

 This is... He Yao?

 Lu Qingran and others present were immediately confused.

“Ah, Ah Feng, is this A Yao?” Lu Qingran looked at Ning Feng with her eyes widened, and asked in disbelief.

Ning Feng hummed in a neutral tone.

 “So she is…”

 “Our people.”


Even though it was unconscionable to say such things at this time, Lu Qingran couldn't help but complain in her heart: Your second team is really everywhere.

The complaint only lasted a moment, because after that, he immediately concentrated on listening to He Yao's words.

Ji Yunshu's face was particularly ugly. Just by hearing He Yao's voice, she knew that she was seriously injured, so she hurriedly asked: "How are you?"

 “It’s okay…cough, I can’t die.”

 On the other side, Qi Mowei could be heard sobbing faintly again.

 “Where is the fourth child?”

“Fourth brother went to lure the people from the Cha League. We have lost contact with him now.”

Hearing this, Ji Yunshu raised his head and looked at each other with the same solemn expressions.

“Don’t hang up, I’ll have someone locate you right away.”

 (End of this chapter)

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