She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 608: Cooperate again

 Chapter 608 Cooperation again

There was no sound in the gloomy and damp basement. All the darkness and gloom slowly grew in the dark space. The surroundings seemed to be surging, but then fell silent in an instant.

Amidst the eerie silence, a dull low cough suddenly came out, as if all the strength had been exhausted, and the voice was stained with blood and weakness.

“Lao Li, are you okay?”

Mr. Qi's own condition is not very good, but he still cares about Mr. Li as soon as possible.


Mr. Li waved his hand. In the darkness, his face was so pale that there was no blood, but he was still holding on.

 Because they know that in this case, they must not show weakness first, otherwise they will give the other party more opportunities to take advantage of them.

 “Oh, I never imagined...that they have become so bold.”

Mr. Qi's tone was long, with deep helplessness and powerlessness. They were all old and could not change the mistakes they made when they were young. They could only watch it happen again.

"Humph, what can't people like them do?" Mr. Li's face darkened, and he looked calm and confident, "He is crazy, has no bottom line, and is shameless and obscene."

  …Okay, stop scolding and think of a solution.”

Mr. Qi was a little helpless that he still had a fiery temper that had not changed after all these years but had become even worse. In order to prevent him from cursing and getting emotional and causing blood to surge up and hurt his body, that would be really bad.

Mr. Li snorted coldly, "What can I do? We are tied like rice dumplings now, what can we do?"

“Hey, I don’t know how Ajin and Weiwei are doing.” Mr. Qi couldn’t help but worry.

That stinky girl and boy have always been trouble-free. It is easy to impulsively anger the people of Chameng, and He Yao girl. If he is injured, how can he explain to An Yan.

 “If you care, it will cause chaos.” Mr. Li said.

They were the ones the Chameng wanted to catch, and they brought Qi Sijin and others back just because they could be used to threaten them, so there was no need to worry too much about the safety of Qi Mowei and others for the time being.

Mr. Qi was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "That's right, it's better to worry about ourselves first."

He lowered his head and glanced at the strong ropes tied around him, and couldn't help but sneer: "They are really relieved, they tied us here with simple ropes."

"Otherwise? We are not superpowers. How much effort are two dying old men worth?"


Although the words are a bit ugly, they make sense.

 But that’s not what Mr. Qi noticed at this time. "Lao Li, why do I feel that you are much more relaxed than when you were in the Imperial Capital?" he asked in confusion.

Mr. Li was stunned for a moment, then raised his head. Even though his eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see anything, there was still a flash of relief in his eyes unconsciously.

“You may not think it, but these years, I have been living a very miserable life. This secret has been in my heart for more than 20 years, and I can hardly breathe.”

He paused and said with a smile: "Now that I am locked up here, my life and death are unknown, but I feel a sense of relief as if a big stone has fallen to the ground."

 It was as if he could finally come to terms with the past.

“That’s the case.” Mr. Qi sighed, “…the seed project is all a mistake we have made.”

“Although the ideal at the time was beautiful, after countless experiments, our purpose has long been lost in the increasingly crazy research. Modifying the human body is too crazy, and this kind of experiment really should not exist in the world.”

“Whether it exists or not cannot be decided by two people.”

Just as the two old men were sighing, the cell where they were imprisoned suddenly became as bright as day. The sudden bright light was so dazzling that they subconsciously squinted their eyes. After gradually adapting to the light, their vision refocused.

A slender figure stood not far away, pressing the switch on the wall with one hand, while looking at them with a slight smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes. His eyes were as old as ever, without sadness or joy, which made people feel a sense of Unspeakable palpitations.

The visitor twitched the corners of his lips, and the silver half-mask covered most of his expression, making it impossible to see what he was thinking. Only a glimpse of it could be seen in the ruthless eyes that were exposed.

He looked at the two old men and said in a gentle tone: "What do you think about it?"

“Would you like to cooperate again like we did more than 20 years ago and create a new future with me?”

He extended the invitation to the two of them politely and gracefully, with a gentle and harmless expression, as if he was really just discussing a simple cooperation with them.

 But there is no cooperation and it is based on violent coercion.

 “You’re dreaming!”

Mr. Li snorted coldly: "It makes me sick to cooperate with you."

The man seemed to have heard something funny and couldn't restrain his laughter: "Hahahaha—"

Suddenly, he stopped, his unruffled eyes finally changed, and his tone became gloomy: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid you have to cooperate with us even if you endure your nausea."

 It’s not up to them!

 (End of this chapter)

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