She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 614: Return to old place

Chapter 614 Returning to the old place

When He Yao regained consciousness again, she was on a cold experimental table. The surroundings were so quiet that she could only hear the sound of the instruments running. She blinked her confused eyes, and in front of her eyes was a group of people wearing masks and looking at her in white coats.

 “So small? Can you hold it?”

 She heard the group of people in white coats discussing.

“The above order may consider smaller instability factors to be smaller.”

Someone sneered and disagreed with the idea: "Fart! A bunch of idiots who can only talk the talk!"

 “Stop complaining and get started, I want to have lunch.”

Immediately afterwards, He Yao felt a pain in her arm, and a cold liquid was injected into her body. She quickly reacted, her mind was dizzy, and she felt like she was floating in the clouds. The next moment, severe pain swept through her whole body, causing her to feel pain. Exhale.

It hurts.

 It has never hurt so much.

 She wanted to find her mother and tell her that it hurts.

 But she has no mother.

While she was dazed, someone put his hand on her forehead and said, "No, the fever is severe."

At this time, she realized in a daze that she had been sent back without knowing when, and she also had a fever.

Another person walked up to her and stretched out his hand to check. His voice was very calm: "It's okay. It's a normal reaction after the experiment."

“Can you do it on the 7th? Such a young child can’t help but have such a fever.”

 “You can do it if you can, or shut up.”

The man shut up decisively.

I heard that No. 7 was a disciple of a miracle doctor before he was captured. She was the only one among them who knew medical skills. Every time they came back from the laboratory, they would rely on her to simply treat them, otherwise they might have died long ago.

He Yao pursed her lips and wanted to cry out in frustration, but she had just undergone the experiment and her vocal cords were damaged. When she opened her mouth, no sound came out, but big tears rolled down desperately.

No. 2 noticed that she was crying and quickly held her in his arms. He looked a little flustered and coaxed unskilledly: "Don't, don't cry. We are not bad people. Don't cry, baby..."

Ke He Yao couldn't understand what he was talking about. She was only three years old and couldn't speak fully. She cried out of a child's instinct because she felt this place was scary and she wanted to go home.

This idea is a bit naive. Which person who has been arrested doesn't want to go home?

 But now they can only stay in this small custodial room, wearing uniform lab coats, waiting for the fate of being slaughtered like lambs in a slaughterhouse.

 But they are already considered a lucky group.

The Cha League has a rule that in vivo experiments are conducted in secret, so the number of experimental subjects cannot be too many, less than a hundred. Each experimental subject has its own number, representing their identity and data.

Every time an experimental subject dies, they will catch another experimental subject to replace it, and the number will be the same as the previous experimental subject. In this way, it will not be discovered and the experiment can continue unimpeded.

He Yao's arrival was because the last Experimental Subject No. 3 had unfortunately died on the experimental platform.

Chameng divided these experimental subjects into groups, with twelve people in each group. They were seven groups. Fortunately, they had never been replaced, and He Yao was the first.

Possibly due to physical reasons or luck, they had indeed escaped from the hands of death countless times, so this time, No. 2, who had never believed in heaven, fate, or ghosts, prayed for the first time in his heart to keep the dying child in his arms alive.

 Fortunately, God heard his prayers and He Yao survived.


While He Yao was in coma, she began to babble unconsciously, her pronunciation was unclear. Qi Mowei was taking care of her and had to lower her head to carefully distinguish what she was saying.

 “Brother An Yan…”

This sound is very soft and thin, like a cat acting coquettishly, extremely seductive.

 This is the first time that He Yao showed the attitude of a minor girl after she regained consciousness.

Qi Mowei was stunned for a rare moment.

Li Muye, who was next to him, saw her stunned and asked, "What's wrong?" Qi Mowei shook her head, "It's nothing... Ayao wants to make peace with herself."

Li Muye was also stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"...That's right, I forgot about her and Mr. Qi...Oh, forget it, now is not the time to talk about this."

He Yao’s brows were furrowed, as if she was stuck in some bad memory, her lips were trembling, and sweat was forming on her forehead.

 “Fourth brother, be careful!”

 She opened her eyes suddenly, and there was only fear and panic in them.

He Yao gasped and her eyes slowly focused. After seeing the dilapidated and moss-covered ceiling above her head, she suddenly realized the situation she was in. She subconsciously wanted to jump up, but was supported by the person next to her.

 She tilted her head and met Qi Mowei's worried eyes.

“Ayao, are you okay?”

He Yao remained silent and did not respond. She struggled to sit up and looked around. They were no longer where they were. She asked in surprise: "Where is this?"

Li Muye, who was on sentry duty in front, turned back and replied: "The abandoned laboratory I found has no trace of anyone having been there for a long time, so it should be safe."

He Yao was stunned for a moment, and then looked around carefully. Suddenly, her eyes paused. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she actually saw some familiarity in this look.

By some strange combination of circumstances, perhaps due to the chaotic memories of the time when she was unconscious, she subconsciously blurted out a name that had been hidden in the back of her mind for many years: "Which district is this?"

 The base camp of the Chameng is divided into five districts.


Qi Mowei and Li Muye both looked at her blankly.

 “Which district?”

 They haven’t heard of it.

He Yao realized what she had said and immediately stopped talking and didn't mention it again. Instead, she stood up slowly and reluctantly walked a few steps, rubbing the surrounding walls that exuded a damp and musty smell.

 The other two were puzzled by her actions.

 Suddenly, He Yao's movements stopped, and her eyes suddenly lit up. Those beautiful almond eyes were filled with too many complicated expressions in an instant.

 There is emotion, longing, helplessness, and disgust.

All kinds of emotions are all-encompassing. Qi Mowei is the closest to her, but He Yao feels extremely far away at this time.

 “It turns out...this is here.”

He Yao stroked the traces on the wall that were almost invisible, her tone inexplicable.

The laboratory in District T1, I didn’t expect to come back to the old place after so many years.

 The laboratory where she was imprisoned for more than a year

What a bad fate.

However, this is also a good opportunity.

He Yao felt much better instantly.

At that time, the association invaded the Chameng. Although they destroyed the place when they fled, due to the rush, many things were not destroyed in time and were still hidden underground.

 For example, weapons.

 For example, strange stone.

She is very weak now. In addition to awakening supernatural powers, the alien stone also has another function, that is, it can improve people's mental power.

It’s over, it’s over, it seems to be collapsing, the timeline seems a bit confusing, I can’t figure it out (_)



 (End of this chapter)

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