She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 616: Fourth brother, long time no see

Chapter 616: Fourth brother, long time no see

Before she could figure it out, He Yao had almost recovered. She stood up and threw the used stones aside. The originally extremely hard stones turned into tiny pieces as soon as they touched the ground. Particles annihilate in the air.

 “Have you found everything?”

Qi Mowei suddenly came back to her senses, stood up with a guilty conscience and replied: "Looking, the search is over."

The moment she turned around, she saw that all the strange stones she had touched had turned into ashes like those in He Yao's hand.

However, she was too concerned about her own strangeness and did not notice it.

Li Muye and she handed all the weapons they found to He Yao. He Yao glanced at them and nodded with satisfaction. Although these quantities were far from enough, they should last until they escaped from the Cha League and contacted the association. enough.

She raised her hand and swept it away. The pile of weapons in front of her disappeared in the blink of an eye, and she received them into her bracelet.

Qi Mowei looked at He Yao carefully and saw that her complexion was obviously much better than before, so she asked: "A Yao, have you...recovered?"

Her eyes were full of disbelief.

A person who was weak and pale just now will immediately recover almost like a normal person. This is not in line with scientific common sense.

Li Muye was also very surprised, but said nothing. Along the way, he had witnessed too many things that subverted the three views. In comparison, this little thing was nothing.

He Yao arched her eyebrows and said, "Eighty to ninety percent recovery."

Seeing that Qi Mowei was still full of doubts, she explained kindly: "Well... how should I put it? The stones I found just now are called exotic stones. They contain very strong power and are equivalent to power banks for superpowers. They can be used To enhance power, it can also allow ordinary people to awaken and become superpowers.”

Li Muye’s eyes lit up: “Really? That’s not as good as…”

He Yao's face fell, and she rejected it before he could finish his words: "No!"

  It doesn’t take a guess to know that he wants to try to use the strange stone to awaken.


“Not to mention that the pain during awakening is very unbearable, but the risk of awakening is very high. If you are not careful, you will die of mental violence, and the current situation is not suitable for awakening powers.”

Li Muye had to give up his thoughts.

Qi Mowei had already stiffened.



Over there, Qi Sijin tried to take the two old men away as soon as possible.

While supporting the two of them, he looked around cautiously, constantly using his mental power to destroy and tamper with the monitoring along the way.

 “Grandpa, this way.”

Qi Sijin led the two old men around here and there, constantly reviewing the terrain here in his mind, and quickly calculating the safest and fastest shortcut to escape here.

Just now in the laboratory, he clearly read a message when the man spoke: Those people ran away, and Mr. Lin had not caught them yet.

It seems that He Yao and the others were discovered. Lin Yan alone was unable to catch them in such a large territory of the Cha League, so he came to Lose for help.

And Los also understood that they were the best bargaining chips against the two old men, and there must be no mistakes, so he transferred all his hands to capture them.

Qi Sijin raised the corners of his mouth without leaving any trace.

 This can be regarded as another sense in which the tiger leaves the mountain.

Just when he was praying that He Yao and the others could last a little longer, Mr. Qi suddenly stopped, panting heavily, wiping the sweat from his forehead and saying, "No, I can't run anymore."

Although he usually exercised a lot, his old arms and legs couldn't support such a running method, and he started to show signs of collapse after a while.

Qi Sijin helped him up, pondered for a moment, and squatted down in front of him, "Grandpa, let me carry you."

Mr. Qi waved his hand and refused, "No, Ajin, you can run alone."

"Impossible!" Qi Sijin frowned and immediately refused.

Mr. Li also said: "Si Jin, your grandpa is not joking. You may be able to escape alone, but we two old men will hold you back. If you take us with you, you are taking two oil bottles with you. "

 They still have this bit of self-awareness. In fact, from the moment they were brought to Chameng, they had already planned not to go back, which was okay. They had lived for decades and had lived well enough, and there was nothing they could not let go of.

 Perhaps the only thing I'm worried about is these children.

But now it seems that Qi Sijin is safe and sound, and the others should be out of danger for the time being. The most important thing at the moment is to let them escape successfully. In comparison, the two of them don't care.

Qi Sijin sternly said: "Impossible!"

“Grandpa, I came here specifically to save you, how could I leave you alone?”

Mr. Qi sighed, "Silly boy, how could you possibly lead us out on your own? Be good, be obedient, and leave quickly."

Qi Sijin: “Grandpa!”

Mr. Qi: "Ajin, grandpa can't run anymore. He wants to rest for a while. You should leave quickly."

Qi Sijin gritted his teeth, leaned over and put him on his shoulder. He held Mr. Li firmly with his other hand and said in a deep voice: "I promised Weiwei that I would take you out, and I will keep my word." arrive."

 “You child!”

 Why are you so stubborn!

 At this moment, something unexpected happened——

A leisurely and clear voice came from not far ahead: "Sorry, none of you can leave today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were chaotic footsteps all around, and in an instant, the three of them were surrounded by water.

Facing the dark gun muzzles all around, Qi Sijin looked coldly at the group of people who appeared out of nowhere and couldn't help but curse.

 Fell into a trap.

 It’s his fault, he shouldn’t be so impatient.

This haste revealed a flaw, giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Loss slowly crossed the crowd and came to them, with a slight smile on his face and a leisurely posture, without any surprise or surprise, as if he had expected all this to happen.

He also held a red rose in his hand, which was delicate and tender, with bright and slender fingers, which made people endlessly reverie. He lowered his head and sniffed it, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became even bigger.

Los raised his head and looked at Qi Sijin calmly, his eyes were happy and excited, with a hint of excitement, as if they were old friends he hadn't seen for many years. When he spoke, his tone was very familiar: "Fourth brother, long time no see."

Everyone was stunned, and the two old men froze at the same time.

 Do they know each other?

At this time, a crazy and absurd possibility appeared in my mind.

Mr. Qi’s eyes became extremely complicated and he did not dare to think further.

 How is this possible?

how can that be possible?


 He closed his eyes resignedly and forced himself to accept this guess.

Ajin was kidnapped when he was a child. If calculated carefully, it happened to be the date when those people conducted private experiments on living subjects, and more importantly, he knew Los.

If he was not an experimental subject, it would be absolutely impossible for him to know Lose.

Thinking of this, Mr. Qi’s eyes were extremely dark.

Qi Sijin stood there, narrowed his eyes deeply, and took off his disguise.

Long light blond hair was spread down, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the ends of his eyes were long and narrow, with an unreasonable coldness that shot towards Lose like a knife. His tone was almost hardened to ice, and he said every word: "Loss, Sis!"

  Loss: "I'm here, what do you want my fourth brother to do?"

 “Why don’t you die?”

 (End of this chapter)

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