She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 619: Fishing in troubled waters

Chapter 619 Fishing in troubled waters

 The night is low and the moon is shining over the treetops.

He Yao and the other three cautiously groped forward in the dark night, always paying attention to the constant movement coming from around them.

 The Chameng has intensified their search efforts, and more and more people are following them. Although they have solved many problems along the way, they still cannot take it lightly.

 Danger often occurs in the most inconspicuous places.

 This is her experience over the years.

Suddenly, there were bursts of rustling noises all around, which was particularly abrupt in the silent darkness. It seemed that there was a hidden danger quietly brewing.

He Yao stopped and gestured to the two people following her to stop. The three of them squatted together. She raised her wrist and swiped twice on the supernatural bracelet. The next moment, the virtual three-dimensional terrain map was Projecting it into the air, she pointed to a place and said, "This is our current location."

Then, he moved his finger lightly and drew a straight line on the map until he could barely stop at the edge of the map. "This is the easiest exit to break through."

“Based on the distance, it shouldn’t be far, but I don’t know how well the opponent’s personnel are guarding. If there are too many people, it will be difficult.” He Yao frowned.

It's certainly not a problem for her to get out alone, but it may be a bit tricky to ensure the safety of the remaining two people.

Li Muye thought for a moment and suggested: "Otherwise, let's get in touch with the outside world first and coordinate the inside and outside. Would it be easier to escape?"

Unexpectedly, He Yao objected, "No, I sensed a signal detector nearby. If we contact the outside world now, the signal will be captured and our location will be exposed."

Li Muye looked at her in surprise, not expecting that a person with superpowers could actually act as a detection radar.

Been taught a lesson.

However, if this method doesn't work, it will be really troublesome for them to escape.

After a moment of silence, He Yao suddenly said: "In this way, we pretended to be people from the Cha League and waited for the opportunity. Now they have sent a large number of people to catch us. The people are messy. It is a good time to fish in troubled waters."

Li Muye and Qi Mowei looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Following the route on the map and the vague memories in He Yao's mind, they soon arrived at the outskirts of the Cha League's base camp.

This is a ravine with unfathomable depth. A dense barbed wire fence has been erected along both sides of the bank. It is indestructible. High-voltage current is also passed through it, and it is connected to a mental resonance device to prevent ordinary people and people with supernatural powers from escaping.

These are actually not problems.

The problem is that because of Los's plan, the number of people defending here is at least three times greater than usual. Looking at it, it is full of people from the Cha League patrolling on the move, and there is no chance at all.

Qi Mowei lay in the grass, raised her head slightly, took a look, and said worriedly: "What should we do now?"

Li Muye was beside her, maintaining the same posture as her. Seeing this situation, he frowned and said, "It's not good."

He Yao didn't say anything. She just squinted her eyes and carefully observed the flow of patrol personnel. She secretly calculated in her heart. After confirming it three or four times, she finally said: "You guys wait here, I'll go."

As soon as she stood up, Qi Mowei grabbed her arm and asked worriedly: "Be careful."

He Yao hummed, stood up and left.

Soon, she came back, but she changed her appearance. She was dressed as a member of the Chameng. She almost scared the two of them to death, and she also carried back two Chameng members who were knocked unconscious.

He Yao: "Change it quickly, you will be noticed when it's over."

Qi Mowei immediately squatted down and started to change her clothes, leaving Li Muye standing there blankly, staring at the two people who had fainted on the ground, with deep eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

He Yao noticed something was wrong with him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Muye took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at her, his expression became extremely complicated, mixed with a hint of weirdness, "Are these... two men?"

 “That’s right, there are no women in Shameng.”

"No... I mean, you carried two men back at once?"

His tone was extremely incredible. As he spoke, he looked up and down her small body, with a puzzled look on his face.

He Yao's mouth twitched, and she stepped forward and patted his shoulder with a gentle tone: "Second Young Master Li, I can resist even three of you. Stop being curious and change quickly."

Li Muye's expression suddenly became more complicated: "I was just thinking..." He Yao: "Huh?"

Li Muye: "Qi Anyan will be blessed from now on."

 He Yao: “…”

Without waiting for her to make a lot, Li Muye immediately changed his clothes very wink.

He Yao snorted and did not argue with him. He led the two of them and cautiously approached the Cha League patrol team.

Before leaving, Qi Mowei whispered: "What should we do with these two people?"

He Yao glanced at the ground, waved her hand, and a cluster of blazing flames flew out from her fingertips and fell on the two people. It instantly became a prairie fire. In just a moment, the two of them were burned to ashes. Leave no trace.

Qi Mowei widened her eyes and covered her mouth, forcing herself not to scream.

This was the first time she had witnessed the destruction of corpses with her own eyes.

Li Muye's expression was quite calm, if the strangeness that flickered in his eyes was not ignored.

 “Okay, let’s go.”

Her power is fire, she can control flames, and she masters it very skillfully. Even if she destroys corpses, no one will notice the slightest trace.

At first glance, it seems that practice makes perfect, and I often do this kind of thing.

The leader of the patrol team was a middle-aged man with a rough voice. After the team marched for a while, he left the team and stood aside to carefully check the number of people in the team.

Suddenly, he was counting and felt that the number of people was wrong. He frowned and counted again, but it was still wrong.

This time his expression became solemn, and he immediately ordered: "Stop."

The team members stood still as if pressing the stop button. He called the last member of the team and asked in a deep voice: "Why are there a few people missing? Where are the people behind you?"

The man paused for a moment, "I don't know, I was obviously following you just now."

The captain's expression suddenly became even worse. Just when he was about to give the order to be alert, there was a sudden movement in the grass behind him.

 “Who is it? Come out!” He shouted sharply and raised his weapon.

 The people behind him also picked up their weapons and stared at the source of the sound with bated breath.

Just when the atmosphere gradually became stagnant, He Yao walked out first with her hands raised, begging for mercy: "No, no, no! Don't shoot, it's one of our own!"

 Behind her, Li Muye and Qi Mowei also appeared in everyone's sight.

 But the captain still did not relax his vigilance and asked coldly: "Where were you just now?"

He Yao chuckled, "Isn't this... I have three urgent needs, so I took my two brothers to relieve myself with me."

“Do you need someone to accompany you when you go to the toilet? Are you in kindergarten?”

He Yao laughed dryly: "I feel so scared when I **** in a place like this."

The captain squinted his eyes, observed for a while, and then asked: "What is the password?"

He Yao immediately replied: "The night is quiet and the spring mountains are empty."

 The captain finally dispelled his doubts.

 “Okay, let’s return to the team.”


 (End of this chapter)

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