She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 630: Things are getting serious

Chapter 630 Things are getting serious

Fang Yang sighed, seemingly helpless, but did not waste time and continued: "The council smuggled out the strange stones and disguised them as auction items and flowed them into major auctions. The designated buyers will then take the pictures of these strange stones. , so that no one is aware of it. During the investigation, we found that these buyers are all related to the Shameng. "

Bai Muyou frowned and remembered something: "At that time, the boss also asked me to check on a man named Lin Yan. He was also from the Shameng?"

Speaking of Lin Yan, Bai Yuxiu also remembered something and glanced at her without trace.

He remembered that she had just returned from abroad, but suddenly she wanted to go to Lin City to film some movie. She also had an affair with Lin Yan. It turned out that it was for investigation.

Fang Yang took a deep breath: "That's right, and his position is not low."

Bai Muyou sneered.

  It’s really **** him. She has been lurking in the empire for such a long time, and her acting has deceived her into a major.

"Then what? Why does the Cha League need so many exotic stones? It doesn't take so many to cultivate superpowers, right?" Lu Qingran asked.

“They are not cultivating superpowers, but cultivating experimental subjects.”

Lu Qingran was stunned and pointed at the experimental subjects isolated outside the barrier, "Are they them?"


Lu Qingran raised his eyebrows, walked closer to observe these experimental subjects, and said in surprise: "But they... don't look very powerful?"

 “Because they are failures.”

Bai Muyou's pupils shrank suddenly, and she raised her eyes to look at him in disbelief.

Fang Yang nodded, "Yes, it's what you think."

Bai Yuxiu couldn't understand their confusion and asked, "What is a failure?"

 The air suddenly became quiet for a moment.

Bai Muyou's expression became ugly, and Shen Lue and Fang Yang also fell silent, which made them even more curious.

After a long time, Bai Muyou explained in a hoarse voice: "The failed products... will be made into human bombs." In this way, those smuggled exotic stones are most likely used to make human bombs. They put the exotic stones on All the energy is drawn out and introduced into the failed products, using them as containers to carry the overloaded mental power. Once triggered, they will explode immediately.


She raised her head, her eyes were scarlet, and her tone seemed to be frozen: "Once these suicide bombs explode, their power will not be inferior to that of an S-class superpower who explodes himself."

The expressions of Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran were blank for a moment.

They were frozen in place, their minds sluggish and unable to turn around, as if a string had been broken.

 You heard that right!

 An S-level superpower self-destructs and can reduce the entire Sha Alliance base camp to rubble in minutes!

And here, in just one experimental tower, there are hundreds of failed products according to visual inspection. If it explodes...

"Damn! The Chameng are crazy!" Lu Qingran couldn't help but cursed: "So many! Enough to destroy the earth! What on earth do they want to do!"

Bai Yuxiu pondered: "Can't we kill all these failures?"

Bai Muyou shook his head: "It's useless. As long as their corpses are still there, they can explode at any time. Unless they destroy the corpses... Destroying the corpses is also dangerous, and there are so many failed products. Even destroying the corpses will take a long time, which is enough for the alliance. Found and detonated them."


 The worst thing is not just this.

Fang Yang: "Not only that, there are also a large number of failed products imprisoned in other experimental towers, the number is only a lot more."

At this time, everyone lost their voice.


 Things are getting serious.

 (End of this chapter)

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