She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 635: get along

Chapter 635 Getting along

  Everyone is still not used to the addition of new members.

  No small group can quickly accept new people, so Los was left out in the cold for a long time.

He had no reaction to this, and still looked cold, which made his thin body even more pitiful. Every time he was taken away for experiments, when he came back, he would huddle in a corner by himself, as if he was injured. The little beast was licking its wounds alone.

Moze can’t stand it anymore.

 In addition to taking care of Los at first, he also waited and watched the rest of the time to ensure that he was sent by the Cha League, so it was normal to be on guard. But these days, Los had no problem, and he felt that he could try to accept him.

 After all, everyone is in the same situation. If he ignores it, he will have trouble with his conscience.

 He wanted to help the young boy, but he didn't know where to start.

Loss always has a cold look and is not easy to get close to.

 Moze was worried and sighed all day long.

At this time, Mo Wei ran over with a rabbit stuffed doll in her arms, tugged on his sleeve and shook it: "Brother, play with me."

Mo Ze smiled helplessly: "Weiwei, don't make trouble, brother is thinking about something."

 “Then…can I help?”


Moze scratched his head in embarrassment. Although he was of the same age, Loss probably wouldn't pay attention to his sister's silly and sweet look.

Not even Weiwei, let alone anyone else.

Thinking of the appearance of those brats, Moze couldn't help but sigh.

He is the oldest among the three groups, so he naturally plays the role of the big brother and takes care of everyone, but...

The temperament of each of my sons is colder and more arrogant than the last. I really don’t know how he was raised.

Is it possible that the living environment affects a person's personality, so everyone looks crooked?

 Moser sighed heavily again.

Seeing her brother sighing one after another within a few minutes, Mo Wei frowned and felt that the matter was not simple, "Brother, are you worried about the new little brother?"

Moze was stunned and rubbed her head, "How do you know?"

 “guess, guess.”

Mo Wei puffed up her cheeks and turned her head to the side, feeling a little angry.

 Ever since Los arrived, her brother has been frowning. She is not a two or three-year-old child, so she can naturally feel the changes in his mood.

“Yeah, that little brother is a bit pitiful, I want to help him.”

“Yes, but the fourth brother said that his whereabouts are unknown, so be careful.”

Mo Ze was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said gently: "Weiwei, what your fourth brother said makes sense. It is necessary to be on guard against others. However, we cannot always get along with others with a defensive attitude. When you are in trouble, you can take the initiative to show kindness to others, and only then will you have friends.”

Mo Wei heard a lot of what he said, but still didn't understand it, so she could only nod her head in confusion and say "Oh."

“Well, how about Weiwei do something for her brother?”


When Ross was brought back by the experimenter, he was covered in blood, and the wounds on his body were hideous and horrific. The man threw down some inferior medicine and left without looking back. Ross calmly watched his leaving back, his eyes There is no ripple in it.

He forced himself to crawl back to bed. He had no energy left to apply the medicine, so he could only sleep one night and wait until tomorrow.


 In the darkness, a voice suddenly came out.

Loss was immediately alert, and his eyes showed a ruthlessness that did not belong to a young man, "Who?"

Mo Wei said weakly: "I, 01, you can call me Weiwei."

Loss narrowed his eyes: "What are you doing here?"

If he had read correctly just now, this man crawled out from under his own bed.

 What was she hiding under the bed?

The young boy's voice was very cold. Mo Wei couldn't help but panic, and even her words were confused, "Um...I, my brother asked me to come here. He said that you didn't eat in the morning or at noon, and he was worried that something would happen to you."

Loss snorted lightly: "I'm fine, go away."



Being scolded mercilessly, the six or seven-year-old girl couldn't stand it anymore and ran away crying.

Los thought it was just a small incident and didn't take it to heart. Unexpectedly, in the next few days, Mo Wei came to pester him almost every day, either to bring him food or to give him medicine, but she was not very attentive.

 A little girl cannot be so patient. At first glance, it seems that someone is instigating behind the scenes.

After the fifth day in a row, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and came to the door to ask: "Are you sick? Are you letting her pester me every day?"

Moze looked at him with a smile, "I'm not sick, but your injury is not fully healed. Do you need me to help you apply medicine?"

 “What on earth do you want to do?”

Mozer answered the question inappropriately: "Child, don't be so awkward all the time. Try to make more friends."

"I do not need."

“But we are a group. If you are left out and isolated, the situation will be very difficult.”

"None of your business."

Loss’s eyes darkened and he said coldly: “Don’t bother me.”

  After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving Moze there thoughtfully.

 Obviously, Los's warning had no effect, and Movi still found him the next day.

"I told you not to bother me!" Ross yelled unbearably.

Mo Wei was frightened and stammered: "No, it's not my brother who asked me to come. It's me who wants to make friends with you."

 “Get out of here!”

Los Leng had a stern face and had no patience to listen to her. He pushed her away and wanted to leave directly.

Unexpectedly, Mo Wei used too much force, staggered, fell to the ground, broke the skin on her wrist, and burst into tears on the spot.

The cry quickly attracted others. Shen Lue was the first to hear the sound and came over. When he saw Mo Wei crying and out of breath, his expression suddenly changed. He quickly stepped forward to help her up and coaxed softly: "Wei Wei, it's okay." Right? Don’t be afraid, Fifth Brother is here.”

 He protected Mo Wei behind him and looked at Lose angrily: "Why did you push her?"

Loss glanced at her and said in a mocking tone: "She is obviously too weak."

"What did you say?!"

"I am telling the truth."

Shen Lue was instantly irritated and rushed up to grab him by the collar, raising his fists to hit him.

 Loss was also ready to fight back.

 The result was interrupted.


 Others also rushed over.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Lue turned around and complained: "Ajiu, he bullied Weiwei!"

Ah Jiu came over with a serious face, separated the two of them without any explanation, and said, "Second brother said, no fighting is allowed."

 “But he...”

Before Shen Lue finished speaking, Mo Wei ran out from behind him, grabbed Ah Jiu's sleeve and sobbed: "Ah... Ah Jiu, don't let them fight... Los, Brother Los didn't mean it either."

Ah Jiu looked at Shen Lue coldly: "Did you hear that?"

 Shen Lue suddenly became quiet.

Ajiu turned to look at Lose again, with no emotion in her eyes, "When you come here, you are a family, and you must be tolerant to your family members. This is what the second brother said. You don't want to attract those experimenters because of the fight, right?"

 Los snorted lightly, said nothing, turned around and went back to his bed to sleep.

Everyone also dispersed, not taking this matter to heart.

Later, Moze heard about this farce from Qi Sijin and was a little surprised, because since then, Los's attitude had undergone an extremely subtle change.

 It seems that... I am not too reluctant to be with them.

Although I don’t know why, it can be considered a good phenomenon.

 Moze was immediately very pleased, feeling as if the child had finally become sensible.

The second brother said: Obviously I am only a teenager, why do I have to experience the sadness of being a parent so early? :)



 (End of this chapter)

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