She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 639: Second brother, come with me

Chapter 639 Second brother, come with me

Moze’s face was ugly, and he felt extremely guilty inside.

It's all his fault, he didn't pay careful attention and missed eleven.

He can only pray that Los is not injured, otherwise he will be uneasy for the rest of his life.

At this time, in the experimental tower, the system’s alarm sounded like it was going crazy.

“Didi dididi—alarm, alarm, self-destruction device has been activated, one minute countdown.”


 “Countdown to thirty seconds.”

 “Twenty seconds countdown.”

 “Countdown to ten seconds.”

 “Countdown to five seconds.”






 “Beep—The self-destruct program has been released.”

Loss played with the control tablet in his hand, with a careless smile on his lips.

 Blow up the experimental tower, it’s a shame they thought of it.

 A person behind him stepped forward and asked, "Young Master, do you need to catch them?"

 Loss threw away the things in his hands and said, "No, he will come back."

 “Are you so sure?”

The sound came from the big screen in front of everyone. Laurent looked at Los with a smile in his eyes.

 “I know him.”

The smile on Laurent's face deepened, "Okay, it's up to you, but Si'er, I remind you, if you don't catch him, then I can only handle it for you."

And once he takes action, there is only one fate for Moser.

 “I know, father.”


When Moser hurried back, he found Los standing alone in the hall of the experimental tower, motionless, with no expression on his face. When he saw him, he raised his eyes calmly, without any fear in his eyes.

 There was something obviously wrong with his indifference.

But Moze was more worried about him than suspicious, so he didn't think much about it. He stepped forward, took his hand, and left.

“Eleven, I’m sorry, I’m late, let’s go quickly!”

 If you don't leave, this tower will explode.

 However, Lose remained where he was, not moving at all.

Moze turned around in surprise and looked into his dark eyes, blocking his words for a moment.


Loss slightly let go of his hand, looked up at him, and said, "Second brother, come with me."


Moser didn't understand what he meant.

Loss said: "No matter who else, you come with me, just the two of us."

How could he agree to such a thing?

“Eleven, stop making trouble! Come with me quickly, this place is about to explode.”

Los turned a deaf ear and even threw away his outstretched hand, raising his voice and asking: "Why don't you want to leave with me?"

 “Don’t make trouble on Eleven—”


 Los roared, and Moze froze on the spot, his pupils shrinking slightly.

 He sensed that something was wrong with Los.

He now looks a little crazy and a little paranoid, and the emotions hidden deep in his eyes are so complicated that it makes people shudder.

 But how is this possible?

 He is just a boy of seven or eight years old!

"" Moze frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ah Jiu chased after her. She was running out of breath, "Second brother!"

As soon as Ross saw her, his eyes immediately darkened. He pointed at her and asked, "Is it because of them?"


“Is it because of them that you don’t want to leave with me?”

Moze didn't understand why he suddenly became excited, "No, Eleven, you..."

He wanted to ask Loss about his situation and why he was like this, but Ross did not give him this chance. “Well, in that case, you can stay together.

Loss raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The next moment, people who had been lurking in the dark rushed up.

 “Second brother, be careful!”

Ah Jiu exclaimed and immediately stood in front of Mo Ze. He stared at these people tensely, and the superpower in his hand was slowly accumulating power.

Moze was confused by this scene, and his expression went blank for a moment. He looked at Loss blankly, and said in a trembling voice: "Eleven, you..."

He couldn't imagine that Los would actually get involved with the people of the Shamen League.

His mind was in chaos, his thoughts were mixed, and he lost his ability to think.

Ah Jiu narrowed his eyes, and his childish voice was extremely cold: "Loss, are you colluding with the Shamen?"

Loss glanced at her and hummed: "I was originally a member of the Sha Alliance."

 Oh, it turned out to be an undercover agent.

 Moze's expression was dull.

He kept asking himself: How could things be like this?

 As a teenager, he did not notice that Los's identity was suspicious.

 Did he not discover it, or was he subconsciously unwilling to discover it?

  After all, no normal person would send a seven or eight-year-old child as an undercover agent.

He has always believed that children are innocent and kind. It is precisely because of this that he is willing to take care of them, be their parent, and want to protect them and grow up safely.

 Cholos turned out to be an enemy.

The child he had cared for for so long turned out to be his most hated enemy.

 Every person will find it disgusting.

But Ross was still breaking the illusion in his heart, "I have known about your plan a long time ago. Not only that, my father also knows that you have been completely exposed under his nose from the beginning."

“Otherwise, you think that just a few of you can operate peacefully under the supervision of the Cha League for so long?”


The little boy in front of him has a delicate and good-looking appearance. Although he is a little immature, he can still tell that he will have a good appearance in the future. However, the heavy and depressed look in his eyes that does not match his age destroys all this beauty.

He is obviously a child, but his words are more hurtful than a knife.

Moze's throat felt sore and his heart was clogged. He struggled to ask: "So, you have been lying to me all this time?"

 The answer is yes.

Anything about being withdrawn and shy, or not being good at socializing is all fake, and it is all a scam carefully planned by him in order to get closer to him.

 Because of his negligence, everyone was directly exposed to the enemy.

Realizing this, Moze's face turned pale. He raised his head suddenly and asked: "What did you do to them?"

Since the Chameng knew their plan, how could they let them escape successfully?

Los: "I told my father that I only want you, and he will only give you to me. I don't care about the rest. According to the rules of the Cha League, what will happen to the experimental subjects who escape without permission?"

Moze staggered for a moment, his eyesight turned black, and he suddenly felt like the world was spinning.

 So...So Laosi and the others, they...

He closed his eyes in pain. There is no greater sorrow than the death of his heart. His eyes were like a pool of stagnant water. "...Loss, I don't know what I have that deserves your trouble."

 “I think you are very interesting, and you are just right to be my toy.”

"that's all?"


Moze was silent for a moment, and then he spoke with difficulty: "...Okay, I'll be your toy, can you... let Ah Jiu go?"

The lives of the others were uncertain, and he had no choice...but Ah Jiu was still here, and he couldn't just watch something happen to her.

Ah Jiu suddenly dilated his pupils and said in disbelief: "Second brother?!"

Loss smiled and said, "You can think about this."

 “Second brother! No!”

Ah Jiu refused to agree, "I'm not afraid of death! At worst, we'll all die together. What's so scary! Second brother, you can't agree to him!"

Loss narrowed his eyes, "I don't know whether to live or die."

As he spoke, he raised his hand. The people behind him understood and shot Ah Jiu.


There was a gunshot, Ah Jiu closed his eyes, but he still felt no pain.

She opened her eyes in confusion, and the next moment, she saw the tall figure of Moze who had blocked her in front of her at some point.

Ah Jiu was stunned on the spot, "...Second brother?"

Loss was also confused, and his expression finally changed, "Second brother?"

 Why did he block the shot?

 He didn’t want to kill her! Just give me a lesson!

Even so, wouldn't he be willing to give up?

 (End of this chapter)

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