She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 643: My guess is good

 Chapter 643: My guess is good

Li Jiu frowned, "So, this is your purpose?"

"Of course not." Lose's vicious and cold eyes swept over everyone present, "And none of you, don't even think about running away. I will pay back to you double what I endured back then!"


Shen slightly snorted in amusement, "I thought there was some shocking conspiracy waiting for us, but it's just for this?"

Loss laughed: "Yes, is it surprising?"

Looking at his lunatic state, Qi Sijin behind him looked disgusted, "Loss, you are really a lunatic."

 “Like that dad of yours, it’s disgusting.”

Laurent is a pervert, and Los is no less generous. I thought that he laid such a big plan and worked so hard to rebuild the alliance just to restart the seed plan. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be just to resolve their personal grudges.

Those two words seemed to poke at the ambiguity in Ross's heart. The atmosphere around him immediately became gloomy. He slowly turned his head and looked directly at him with gloomy eyes. He suddenly raised his lips and smiled ferociously, "Yeah, I'm disgusting, I'm crazy..."

He raised his feet and walked towards him, saying at the same time: "Then I will show you... something even crazier-"

Suddenly, he suddenly changed direction, and under everyone's astonished gaze, he attacked Qi Mowei, strangled her neck, and treated her as a hostage, blocking her in front of him.

"Weiwei!" Mr. Qi exclaimed. He was about to make a move, but was immediately restrained.

This move caught everyone off guard. Almost in an instant, Li Jiu and everyone in the second team raised their weapons at Loss at the same time. With his index finger lightly holding the trigger, he could blow his head off immediately with just one opportunity.

Li Jiu's whole aura changed completely. He was in danger, like an enraged ferocious beast. His eyes were scarlet, and the violent energy that had been suppressed poured out. The murderous intention was clear in his tone, and he said every word: "Let go." ,Open, her!”

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the second team immediately stepped forward in cooperation, ready to take action at any time.

Qi Sijin didn't expect that Los would suddenly attack Qi Mowei. He immediately went crazy and struggled to break away from the restraints behind him, trying to rush forward to save people. His eyes were red with anxiety, and he ignored his usual upbringing and yelled: "Fuck you!" Lose! You dare to touch her!"

Even though he was injected with medicine, his body seemed to be bursting with power at this moment, and the two superpowers behind him could hardly suppress him.

Before Qi Mowei could react to the situation, someone had already pinched her neck and made it difficult to breathe. Lose's force was so strong that he seemed to be able to crush her throat bone. Within a moment, the veins on her fair neck were exposed, her face turned purple, and she stretched out with all her strength. Mouth, but only a few broken syllables came out: "A...Ajiu..."

Her eyes were wide open, filled with moisture, and her hands desperately pulled Los's hand to restrain her, but the other hand did not move at all. Gradually, she felt a sense of despair.

"help me."

Listening to her out of tune words, Li Jiu's eyes were about to burst, and the spiritual energy in his body surged wildly. Everyone within three meters of his body, except Qi Jingci, felt as if there was a mountain-like pressure coming on top of his head, oppressing him. Out of breath.

Li Jiu didn't realize it at all, but the aura around him became even more compelling: "I say it one last time, let her go!" Some people couldn't bear it anymore.

"I go…"

  I don’t know who muttered.

“...What is the Nine Gods doing? The other party is fine, and one of us is about to be crushed to death by her!”

This man was in a team. He was so suppressed by Li Jiu's terrifying mental power that his legs almost gave out and he knelt on the ground. He asked for help from Ning Feng, who was closest to him, "Hey! Brother, help!"

 However, Ning Feng did not pay attention to him.

Not only Ning Feng, everyone in the first team discovered that the aura of everyone in the second team had become very dangerous, as if they were awakened beasts, waiting for the next second to mercilessly tear their prey into pieces.

 He swallowed, wondering what the situation was now.

 Didn’t you feel fine just now?

When everyone was surprised, everyone in the second team stared at Los. They didn't change their eyes for a moment. Everyone's expressions were tense and solemn, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Seeing their reaction, Lose looked around and couldn't help laughing up to the sky. He looked at Li Jiu with a ferocious and proud expression, "It seems that my guess was really good!"

Li Jiu’s hand holding the gun tightened.

 Behind her, Qi Jingci looked worried.

Lose relaxed her strength, allowing Qi Mowei to breathe and breathe fresh air. Before she could relax, the person behind her suddenly came closer, causing her to stiffen subconsciously, holding her breath, and not daring to move.

The distance between the two became closer and closer, until Qi Mowei was so nervous that she could hardly breathe. He finally stopped, chuckled, and said in her ear: "Long time no see, Mo Wei."

Qi Mowei's mind went blank and she couldn't think about the meaning of his words.

“Even though we haven’t seen each other for so many years, I don’t even remember him. I’m so sad.”

What is he saying?

“I didn’t expect that you are still alive?”

what does it mean?

Qi Mowei suddenly felt a chill in her body.

 (End of this chapter)

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