She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 648: You can't live a day without causing trouble

Chapter 648: You can’t live a day without causing trouble

Li Jiu reacted the fastest. He raised his hand and shot, hitting the center of his eyebrow. Loss reluctantly dilated his pupils, and then died.

Qi Mowei caught Qi Sijin's fallen body, her face was full of tears, her hands were trembling, "Ah...Ajin!"

The shot penetrated the lungs, Qi Sijin opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

 “Hold on!”

Qi Mowei was confused and confused while holding him, speaking incoherently and not knowing what to do.

Others were also in a panic. Lu Qingran was so anxious that he kept saying "f*ck", "Hold on! Don't die!"


Ning Feng looked at him speechlessly.

At this moment, Ji Yunshu walked over quickly, pushed aside someone who was blocking the way, and squatted down to heal his injuries.

Qi Mowei immediately seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, "How is Ajin?"

Ji Yunshu swept his mental power all over his body, then frowned, "No, my mental power is not enough, I must take him back to the association immediately."

 His condition was worse than she imagined. She had just used most of her mental energy to treat Ning Feng, and now she could no longer treat a seriously injured person.

Ji Yunshu raised his head, his eyes were heavy, and he shouted: "Boss."

He saw Li Jiu just humming, still standing there, slightly raising his head and looking at the sky not far away.

Everyone looked along her line of sight. Through the mental barrier, the sky was dark and dim, filled with dense clouds. A ray of light tore through the clouds. Several fighter planes with association logos flew towards their direction, their fuselages flashing. The scarlet light is extremely eye-catching.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and slowly raised his hand. A thunderbolt as thick as the mouth of a bowl struck down from directly above him, effortlessly splitting the mental barrier into powder.

She and Qi Jingci had just used their mental power to explode the resonance device. Likewise, this barrier was also affected, making it fragile and easily broken by a poke.

Without the cover of the mental barrier, the people from the association quickly discovered them. Everyone successfully boarded the fighter plane and quickly returned to the association.


After getting off the plane, Qi Sijin was immediately pushed into the operating room. Everyone was waiting outside. Qi Mowei's face was extremely pale, and her hands were touched by Qi Sijin's blood. She hung her head blankly, and then she let out a sob.

 All to save her!

"Blame me…"

 She sobbed quietly.

 “It’s all because of me...”

 Li Jiu was threatened because of her, and Qi Sijin was injured because of her. It's all her fault.

Li Jiu patted her shoulder and comforted her: "It doesn't matter what happened to you, don't blame yourself."

Qi Mowei couldn't hold back at all, turned her head and buried her head in Li Jiu's shoulder, crying bitterly.

Everyone watched this scene in silence. For a moment, the air was very quiet, and only Qi Mowei's sobs could be heard.

Li Jiu stroked her back gently, "Okay, stop crying."

Qi Mowei raised her head, wiped the corners of her eyes and sobbed: "Yes, but Ajin..."

“Don’t worry, the fourth guy has rough skin and thick flesh. He has been injured more seriously than this and has never died. He will definitely not die this time.” Shen Lue suddenly said something.

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes immediately focused on him.

Shen hesitated: "...Did I say something wrong?"


Fang Yang twitched the corner of his mouth, stepped on him hard, and crushed him a few times. Regardless of his screams of pain, he apologized to Qi Jingci and Mr. Qi and said with a smile: "He has a bad mind, don't mind."

Just kidding, Qi Sanye and Father Qi are here, saying that the fourth brother is thick and thick, do you find death?

Being stepped on, Shen Lue also realized that his words were out of proportion. He coughed twice and squatted in a corner to plant mushrooms.

Li Jiu pinched her eyebrows, and while comforting Qi Mowei, she said to Mr. Qi: "Grandpa Qi, old... cough, Si Jin is in there, it will take some time, why don't you and grandpa go for a check-up too."

Having been arrested by Los for so long, I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Mr. Qi shook his head and looked in the direction of the laboratory with heavy eyes, "No, I'll wait for Ajin to come out."

His grandson is currently undergoing surgery and his life or death is uncertain. How can he feel relieved?

He had said so, and Li Jiu couldn't force him, so everyone had to wait for Qi Sijin to come out.

At this moment, Zhong Qing and Mia hurried here. As soon as they arrived, they saw everyone sitting or leaning there with pale faces and exhausted expressions, silent and not talking.

He immediately lost his temper and scolded directly: "You can't live without causing trouble for me for a day, right?"

“Let’s see how capable you are! How dare you break into someone else’s base camp alone! Do you want to go to heaven? Ah?”

 (End of this chapter)

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