She Is Not a Witch

Vol 2 Chapter 259: 4 people in the small courtyard

The three followed the little fat man thinking about walking to the beach. After turning around a few corners, they slowly walked into a low-rise building complex. The ground here is not as clean as before. It is a bit dirty and can smell. To a fishy smell.

Looking at the dried fish and nets around the house, it is not difficult to guess that this is the place where the fishermen live in the city, which is relatively poor.

"The people who live here are not very rich, so they don't care to make it very clean. Ladies and gentlemen, please don't follow it."

"It's really average, but it's still a lot better than the slums." Alina leaped gently and jumped over a small water beach, speaking her own opinion.

She is not like Letis, who is well-born and delicate, so she is quite used to this environment. Lily was a little unaccustomed to what she said, clutching her nose and looking around.

Lorrain Hill followed at the end, she tied a veil on her face, and then looked around.

Most of the houses built with mud-bricks only have one or two floors, and some of them have clothes hanging on them. Some women sit in front of the door, mending things, and occasionally look up at the pedestrians on the street.

Several people were walking along the road. A woman in a fuchsia skirt came over. She was wearing a pair of copper rings on her wrists, and she looked pretty good.

"Triton, what are you doing?"

She seemed to be familiar with this little fat man, and asked casually.

"Are these few?" She turned her gaze to the three young girls behind her.

"Wow, old sister, you can count as coming. I went out to work today and didn't do a good job. I was caught by a few elders. I had no choice but to come back and ask you for help." She asked this The woman winked her eyes.

"Uh..." The woman hesitated a little, then turned around and said to the three Alina.

"Sorry, my brother has just changed jobs recently and may not be doing very well. I hope you can forgive me."

Alina didn't answer, she turned around a little bit, looked at the woman, and said, "Do you know what your brother is doing?"

"It should be.... It's not something earth-shattering." As the girl looked at it, the woman's tone was also a little uncertain.

"Explain it yourself, or I will tell your sister." Alina looked at the little fat man.

The woman frowned slightly and looked at the little fat man, and asked seriously.

"Triton, did you do something bad."

"Where, I really don't, Sulis."

Is this woman called Sulis? Lorraine Hill looked at the scene before him, and then several people were taken to a small courtyard by the woman.

The yard is small, but relatively clean, with only a small amount of green moss on the corners.

"Come in for a while?" The woman opened the door, revealing the small table inside.

A few people walked in and looked at the room curiously.

Inside the house is an old wooden cabinet, with a table and two stools in the middle, and rows of wooden boards nailed to the wall with clay pots and cups on top.

"Now I can tell you what happened." The woman called Triton, who was the little fat man just now.

After some conversation and explanation, the woman knew what had happened, and then taught the little fat man a lesson.

"Actually, I am not his elder sister, but I am more familiar with each other." Then Su Lisi still talked about the origin of the two.

Triton used to be the doorman of a large hotel (upscale hotel) in Ubere. The owner of this hotel was also the city's large chamber of commerce, so he had a good life. He also grew white and fat, which is very popular.

But two years ago, there was a sudden change and civil turmoil in Ubere. Several large chambers of commerce were annexed and collapsed. As a result, the management of the hotel changed their blood. The new supervisor did not wait to see these "old people". Unemployed, now I can only do some chores to make money.

As for this woman, she is a third-rate actor herself, and sometimes assists in performing in the opera house in the city, earning a meager profit.

"In fact, Sister Su Lisi's acting skills are very good, but no one appreciates it and is not famous." The little fat man interrupted at this time.

"Then how did you meet?" Lorrain Hill was a little curious.

"Before I was a member of an opera company, and I often went to the hotel with my companions, so I knew him. But now I am no longer in the opera company, so life is not very good."

"Is it also because of the upheaval two years ago?"

"Forget it, the old businessman likes to watch interesting and beautiful performances, so the opera troupe has a good income, but after the group of masters came, they did not agree with this kind of performance, so the city slowly stopped performing any performances. The opera troupe continues to lay off staff, and life becomes difficult."

"That's because they haven't seen a real performance, but I've seen a performance by the Twilight Brigade." The little fat man said confidently. He once hosted this well-known opera group.

"Twilight Brigade." Alina raised her finger and thought for a while.

"It's really famous, I've heard my dad say it."

Lily also spoke at this time: "My mother has watched them perform. It's amazing. It is said that they are touring around the world and their whereabouts are uncertain."

Lorrain Hill recalled her experience in Hopland. At that time, many people compared her performance with the Twilight Brigade. This opera troupe was indeed very powerful.

"Okay, that's it, it's getting dark, we're leaving."

Several people looked at the sky outside the window, remembered the previous agreement, and stopped staying, and got up to say goodbye.

"Don't do this kind of thing again in the future, learn some skills and find a practical job." Lily returned the purse, Alina and Lorrain Hill added something to it, and then said admonishingly.

"Thank you ladies, but I don't want this one." Su Lisi pushed the purse back.

"Um... don't, Sister Sulis, there is still my original money in it." Terry Tong was a little reluctant.

"You called my sister, I must control you." Su Lisi glared at the little fat man and continued.

"Besides, did you say'I have an old sister who can't get married" before?"

"This..." The little fat man was speechless for a while, looking around.

"Chuck..." The few people laughed for a while, and then said goodbye again, leaving the small courtyard, heading to the seaside pier, and meeting with another group of companions.

Shortly after the few people left, an ordinary carriage drove into the small yard and stopped.

A teenager who was driving jumped out of the car, his white shirt was already soaked with sweat.

"I'm back, Alan." Sulis waved, then went back to the house and started cooking.

"Yeah." The young man drew a bucket of water from the well and drank a few swigs before slowly letting it go. Although he was dressed in ordinary clothes, he looked good and smelled of sunshine.

"Brother Allen." The door of another house in the small courtyard opened, and a little girl came out. She was wearing a blue and white skirt. She looked good, but the edges were washed white and a little shabby.

"Well, did Little Luna be obedient today?" He knelt down and stroked the little girl's head.

"Yes." The little girl nodded.

"Haha, that's good. It's a pity that you still can't let you walk around at will. After a few years, let's go out and find a good person." There was a bit of compassion in his voice.

"What a good person, I think it is better to make money by yourself, live your own life, and live more comfortably." The little fat man walked over a little cursingly.

"Luna is good~" He squatted down and was about to touch his head, but the little girl hid him.

"Hello, brother Luna poked her head out from behind Allen and looked at the little fat man.

"Luna didn't get close to me, obviously I rescued you from the fire at the time, ooh." Terry wiped his eyes and cried fakely.

A small hand was placed on Triton’s golden bird’s nest: “Brother Triton, don’t cry, Luna still has candy here.”

She stretched out her small hand, revealing the red round candy in it, and passed it over.

Terry Tong immediately turned crying into laughter, but Sulis walked out of the room when he heard it, grabbed the candy in Terry Tong's hand, and returned it to Luna.

"You still have to think about it, how can I explain it to everyone tonight? I almost attracted the big shots. If those masters in the city know Luna's whereabouts, they shouldn't want us."

This child, after all, is the only living heir to the Philura Chamber of Commerce.

Looking at this well-behaved girl, Su Lisi couldn't help but recall the changes and fire two years ago, the crowd running in panic, the waving of blood and swords, and the several large chambers of commerce that collapsed overnight.

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