She Is Not a Witch

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Opera troupe boarding

"Dawn Flower Opera Company? I haven't heard of it."

A middle-aged butler in a burgundy dress was sitting on the sofa in the mansion, looking at the master of Ubere in front of him.

"Yes, you are from Green, maybe you have never heard of an opera troupe, because it mainly operates here in Wilga and Crancia." A well-dressed mage explained casually, and he slowly put down the teacup in his hand. .

"Would you like to see it? I also heard that Earl Blue Bull values ​​this cruise very much, so I recommend it."

Although Green Cui is currently relatively nervous with Frost Rose, after all, there is no war, and there are also a small number of nobles who are close to Frost Rose. And Earl of Blue Bull is one of them.

His territory is right by the sea, and he had frequent trades with Rulna before, and he became wealthy and familiar with each other. The wizards of Ruerna asked him to talk to some senior leaders in Green to give up the idea of ​​using force against Ruerna.

In peacetime, the trade between the two parties brought a lot of tariffs to border provinces and territories, which is why some nobles did not want to go to war.

This time the ‘Great Eastern’ cruise to the Seven Seas was naturally the idea of ​​Count Blue Bull. His move was not only to win relations with other nobles, but also to expand his reputation and influence.

In the Verdant Empire, after the title reaches the earl, it is basically impossible to go up further. The four major dukes are all the great achievements made when the country was founded. Now it is impossible to shake their status. They can only step back and increase their reputation. And influence, reaching the status above the earl and below the duke.

Therefore, Earl of Blue Bull on this voyage also asked his butlers and other retainers to do their best to provide the most beautiful and novel experience to those nobles in the green.

"Since Master Lando recommends this, this opera troupe must be outstanding. You don't need to watch the complete performance. The cruise ship has a limited amount of time to berth. I'll just look at the members briefly.

Although I believe in the credibility of this mage, I still have to go through it myself to rest assured. The housekeeper stood up and walked outside.

A decently dressed young man is standing outside. He is wearing dark trousers, dark blue dress and a white shirt on the inside. The overall look is very neat, with a white flower badge on the corner of the collar. .


"Hello, I am the head of the Flower of Dawn, Triton." Triton took off his hat, pressed it to his chest, and nodded in salute.

"You are polite, let's sit here first." The butler was a little surprised at such a young group leader, but he was not too surprised. On the contrary, if it is an old man, he should consider the appreciation and aesthetics of the group. Not too outdated.

The goal of this parade is to try to show some new things that have not been available before, so as to leave a deep impact on people, so he also prefers some new and unique styles of opera troupes.

"In fact, our opera troupe originally originated from the Twilight Brigade. After a member retired, he created the predecessor of the team in his hometown. Later, it gradually developed and now has a bit of fame." Although we cannot call ourselves the Twilight Brigade, but Triton still tried every means to give himself gold, which would help spread and increase his reputation in the early stage.

In addition, he did have a full set of proofs of the Twilight Brigade in his hands, so he was not afraid of others asking to watch it, and he seemed very confident.

"What style is your team good at? Most of our guests come from Green, hoping to see something different." The butler hinted at his needs.

"It's a coincidence. Our group is good at a new genre, the dark fairy tale style." Terry Tong said the non-existent genre, his expression calm.

"This sounds quite new." Although the housekeeper didn't catch a cold about it, he still vaguely felt that it might please those noble ladies.

"Are there any other members? I want to see you."

"Yes, they are resting in another room, please come with me."

Terry got up and led the housekeeper to another room. This mansion belonged to Ubere's Wizards Association, and the interior space was very spacious.

Passing through the carpeted corridor, the two came to another room. It was very spacious. Several girls were sitting indoors. Some were reading, some were chatting, and some were having a nap. It was Lorrain Hill and his party. people.

As soon as the housekeeper came in and swept his gaze, he knew that the choice was right this time. Apart from anything else, the looks of these young girls could attract a large number of people.

This opera troupe is really amazing, how did they recruit so many beautiful girls.

Seemingly seeing the butler’s doubts, Triton explained: “Most of our members are in good conditions. They are also interested and hobbies in the opera troupe. Of course, their strength is also extremely strong, so don’t worry about this.”

This point was also used by Triton after pondering for a while. These eldest ladies are of extraordinary origin. If they are really underestimated by the housekeeper and have crooked minds, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not cause conflicts. It is better to mention them in advance and imply that they are. The members of the group are not low-born, and they also have their own personal freedom. Can they be treated lightly?

After that, the housekeeper did not despise as much as before. Instead, he felt that these members were noble ladies born in some big families, especially the three of them, that kind of temperament could not be cultivated by ordinary families. His eyes briefly swept across Letis, Lorrain Hill, and Vimiya.

After reaching this conclusion, his attitude was also respectful. Instead of exploring at will, he stepped out and continued to discuss with Terry Tong.

At this moment, he had already regarded Terry Tong as the kind of young housekeeper who would accompany the eldest lady out to relax and protect. In this way, everything made sense, no wonder he was so young.

Compared with those with unknown origins, the children of aristocrats with better backgrounds are more trustworthy At least they will be scrupulous about family honor, unlike the commoners, there is no lower limit. When thinking about it this way, the arrangement after the negotiation between the butler and Triton also went smoothly. As long as Triton’s request was not excessive, they basically agreed.

On the surface, Terry talked with each other, in fact, his back was very straight, and his brain was running at a high speed, constantly thinking about what was imperfect. He is like a real opera director. He requires ample cabin lounge, the location can not be too partial, but also safe, good environment and so on.

In addition, there are performances and sharing. The first performance does not charge tickets, and the additional income from guests’ gifts is divided into half. For the next two shows, the tickets are divided into half, and 70% of other income belongs to the opera troupe.

This agreement can be said to be quite rich. According to Terry Tong's understanding at the time, the Twilight Brigade generally only earns 40% of the income.

"So it's settled, I will write a certificate later, and I can board the ship within two days." The two stood up and shook hands.

When things came to an end, Lorrain Hill and several people got their wish to board the inter-epochal giant ship. As the propellers slowly turned, the sails opened, and the ship headed for the Southern Islands. It will carry nearly 4,000 people. , Went to the agreed island vacation and stayed there for half a month.

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